GUILTY NY - DM, 6, & FM, 12, Huevelton, 13 August 2014 - #2

With you, do think feel it's kindof a thing like "I'm so sick of making all the decisions in every other part of my life, I just want to just have the decisions made for me for once?"

Yes, there are those who prefer others making the decisions for them.

As Sin mentioned, many leaders, professionals, etc... who make decisions all day, would prefer to let down and let go, once they leave their workplace, and just simply submit.

It actually can add balance to your life, if done properly.
There are actually some powerful people within powerful companies that enjoy it (though I think that's just on a sexual level) for that reason I think. For me personally no not really. The best way I can describe it is that being in that role is just what feels natural and right to me.

ETA: I'm going to answer that one in private to give a little better perspective and because I think most people here are over talking about it.

If you're referring to me, I'm actually trying to make things clearer to those who have inquired about this lifestyle.

I've also alerted Mods to one of my posts, so they can let me know if they feel I'm going overboard.

Nice to meet you by the way. :)
It'll be interesting to see if BOTH are charged with the other victims' crimes or merely the male. Then I guess it'll be a little more clear what her role was / is . But for the moment, I gotta tell you , it's not looking good that she was not a willing participant. And I don't care what kind of lifestyle they were in. Lots of people do lots of different lifestyle choices that do not involve stealing and abusing babies. Heck, it sounds like if they had any brains at all, they could have easily found a consenting adult on one of the sites to be their ' slave' willingly. But someone didn't want a consenting adult. That's where the line got crossed and your 'alternative ' mindset turned into sick *advertiser censored**! Sorry, can't muster too much sympathy for her at this time.

BBM: YES!! THIS!! Totally THIS!!!
Oh, I am CERTAIN she was a willing participant. Based on what little bit of her confession has been shared, she says "they went shopping for the girls" "They came up with the plan", she's not saying "He did, I was forced at gunpoint to do these things, there's video to prove it".. I am sure once the FBI goes through ALL of the evidence, they will understand she willingly agreed to this as she willingly agreed to the relationship.

That's precisely what I just put on my own blog.. "I wonder if they realize now that they could have had consensual relationships in the lifestyle that may have brought them the same sick twisted releases they wanted... but maybe role-play would have been a better option."

This certainly didn't have to go to this level.

Absolutely agree!
More of the same type of thing , sorry if already posted..

"BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - A popular former Alabama high school band teacher suspected of forcing at least eight underage female students into bondage-style sex over a three-year period was arrested in Georgia, authorities said Thursday.

Jeffery Lance Gainous, 32, is suspected of gagging and tying up several of his then-students and using other bondage devices on them both in the band room at T. R. Miller High School in Brewton, Alabama, and at his home, police said."
If you're referring to me, I'm actually trying to make things clearer to those who have inquired about this lifestyle.

I've also alerted Mods to one of my posts, so they can let me know if they feel I'm going overboard.

Nice to meet you by the way. :)

Oh no! I wasn't referring to you, and as I said I appreciate what you're doing here immensely. You're explaining things very well.

I don't think anything you've said has gone overboard, especially since most of it was in direct response. Though I'm being careful to make sure I dont say anything too bad as well.

And nice to meet you as well.
More of the same type of thing , sorry if already posted..

"BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - A popular former Alabama high school band teacher suspected of forcing at least eight underage female students into bondage-style sex over a three-year period was arrested in Georgia, authorities said Thursday.

Jeffery Lance Gainous, 32, is suspected of gagging and tying up several of his then-students and using other bondage devices on them both in the band room at T. R. Miller High School in Brewton, Alabama, and at his home, police said."

Sadly if you look through news stories you'll find a lot of stories like that. There are people of every kind of lifestyle that do these awful things. Because of the way this particular lifestyle looks from the outside looking in that's how it's written about. That's also why people like N try to use it as an excuse.
That's actually not true at all, since SH has a very close friend via his FB that actually lives in that area. I don't think it was random at all.

ETA: Just wanted to clarify that I don't think it was random at all. *Because* SH has a close friend in the exact same area I suspect it was one of the first places he thought of, to release the girls, that wasn't too far away.

When I read the writings on his Fetlife account, he was planning on attending a local groups get together, he mentioned he would be bringing "his own table" of people, including his friends and his "brother who is also kink friendly" . On NV's page, she also mentioned she was planning on attending the same group meeting. Perhaps there was more to the location where the friend lives??
Okay guys - let's drop the lifestyle discussion now. I think everybody reading the thread has a general understanding of what is/was happening, so we can move on. We don't need to go into details or get explicit.


IHAVENOCLUE... I'll be needing one of your funny posts soon. Too many times I've had to clean my keyboard, and screen because of you. But I need it!! Go ahead, post one soon before I go bonkers on these perps!!!

:gasp: Now I have test anxiety... Pressure to perform... and all that...:gasp:

But here... I will sing, dance and play the guitar to soothe your weary minds and hearts...

:guitar: :drumroll: :violin: :Banane57:

:Banane23: :Banane13: :Banane21:

and this little buddy of mine will help you clean your 'puter screen... If you so desire...:sweep:

I thought I read one of the girls recognized the car on the side of the road when they drove past. Is there a link anywhere that says they drove right past SH's home?

ETA just answering my own question and asking a few more. A google search reveals all the articles to say the girls ducked down in the back seat after they noticed the red car parked on the side of the road, just after the Stinsons were driving them home.

So, this brings up more questions for me:

Can the girls or the Stinsons remember exactly where that car was parked?
Near a driveway?
Why that area? Why were they dropped off THERE?
Does SH and/or NV know that area?
Do they have friends in that area?
Did any friends see them that night or at any time during the time they had the girls?

I suspect the answer to some of these questions may have something to do with the "more charges expected". All just speculation, guessing & MOO, of course.

The red car sighting is very intriguing to me, too..

why was NV or SH (if it was their car) parked at that location?

and the decision as to where to drop the girls off has piqued my interest, too...

why there? Especially since this was a planned kidnapping... I would think there was a plan in place as to the location for the drop off....

However... Even if there was no plan in place for after the abduction and "activities"... Why was this specific location chosen?

BBM, But how could she? Why would he allow her out of the house to go down and ' rat them out' ? Is she under his control or not? He wasn't much of a master and she 's not much of a slave if she left him on her own to go to the PD . She's not very afraid of him either if she did that. Hmmm

I know... Huh... :no:
Also I notice in her statement to LE , there is a glaring GAP . They tied them up and next thing she says they got scared and let them go. So nothing happened at the house to further victimize the kids? Or is that where she's a little light on the details because she was doing and / or witnessing things she cannot really explain away? Basically to hear her tell it , it sounds like they were almost immediately released after being restrained and yet we know that many , many hours went by.

I agree... There is quite a gap in the timing of those hours the girls were "missing"...

I wonder if NV actually did relate more information to LE... But LE is keeping it confidential due to the ongoing investigation... And out of consideration for these girls...

and... I wonder IF NV did share more details with LE... If the details all made SH sound the tyrant master... And she was "under his power"...

Or... I wonder if she really has shared with LE any more details of those many hours...

I think it may be one and two of the above three...

all... JMO...
I wondered too (I know NV was driving ahead in her car to spot any roadblocks), but if the plan was to use 2 vehicles so as to confuse the victims and further distort facts. I can't get past how you decide you're going to kidnap 2 children. I think it wasn't the plan to release them alive. Thank God that did not happen! And yes I do believe there was some type of divine intervention in this case. These 2 goat gonads were just extremely, extremely stupid. Wonder how long it took them to realize they were FUBAR with the BOLO of their vehicle blasting the airwaves?
Especially since this was a planned kidnapping... I would think there was a plan in place as to the location for the drop off....

If the statements I've read in the msm are to be believed, it would appear the kidnapping was planned but the release was NOT. Numerous articles are saying they had the intention of turning the girls into slaves. So, I think the release was something that was last minute and they intentionally chose a place that was familiar to them, for whatever reason.
If the statements I've read in the msm are to be believed, it would appear the kidnapping was planned but the release was NOT. Numerous articles are saying they had the intention of turning the girls into slaves. So, I think the release was something that was last minute and they intentionally chose a place that was familiar to them, for whatever reason.

Total brainstorm here....perhaps the familiar someone was supposed to then take custody of the girls, but the plan didn't work?? JMO, just pondering aloud.
I agree... There is quite a gap in the timing of those hours the girls were "missing"...

I wonder if NV actually did relate more information to LE... But LE is keeping it confidential due to the ongoing investigation... And out of consideration for these girls...

and... I wonder IF NV did share more details with LE... If the details all made SH sound the tyrant master... And she was "under his power"...

Or... I wonder if she really has shared with LE any more details of those many hours...

I think it may be one and two of the above three...

all... JMO...

There is a gap, and I'm guessing the computer and recording equipment LE took will fill in the gaps. I'm wondering if live-streams were shared with their online community. I REALLY HOPE NOT, but that's been what I've assumed they wanted to do from the start. JMO.
Total brainstorm here....perhaps the familiar someone was supposed to then take custody of the girls, but the plan didn't work?? JMO, just pondering aloud.

Could be, how else would they explain to SH's kids why there were 2 unknown girls in his house?

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