Penn State athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case #2

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He was in his late forties from what I read.

Probably mid-30's. He is 63 now; they were married in the mid-90's, but they had the child first.

The guy I'm looking looking was 59 and had a 40 year old girlfriend, who worked for him. I guess it's just a matter of personal tastes as to the ick-factor, but it isn't illegal.

I wouldn't call it unethical if he didn't represent her after the emancipation. You can date someone after she's been a client.
(Updates with U.S. Attorney's comment in third paragraph.)

Nov. 15 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. prosecutors joined an investigation tied to allegations that former Pennsylvania State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky molested eight boys over a 15-year period.

Federal authorities contacted state Attorney General Linda Kelly and agreed to provide any assistance on the investigation and prosecution that may be needed, U.S. Attorney Peter J. Smith in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, said today in a statement.

"Our general policy and practice are not to comment on the existence or non-existence of a federal investigation," Smith said in the statement. "At the same time we recognize that the public disclosures concerning the state Attorney General's investigation and the recent grand jury report are extremely disturbing because they involve the safety of children.".................................

Smith's office is also assisting the U.S. Department of Education in its investigation into whether Penn State breached the Clery Act by failing to disclose incidents involving Sandusky. The law requires colleges and universities to report suspected criminal activity to campus police or local law enforcement.

Smith declined to comment in the statement on specific areas of federal inquiry.

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Statement by United States Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Peter J. Smith in regards to the Sandusky charges
November 14, 2011

During the past week, this office has been asked questions concerning the federal response in the Middle District of Pennsylvania in regard to the Sandusky case. Our general policy and practice are to not comment on the existence or non-existence of a federal investigation. At the same time we recognize that the public disclosures concerning the State Attorney General’s investigation and the recent grand jury report are extremely disturbing because they involve the safety of children and, therefore, mandate thorough review of the facts and appropriate action by law enforcement at all levels, including federal agencies. Therefore, we can state the following:

We will support and assist the U.S. Department of Education which has announced that it is conducting an investigation of possible violations of the Cleary Act, the federal law that requires institutions of higher learning to report annually campus-related crimes. I can’t comment about other specific areas of federal inquiry.

We are in contact with the State Attorney General’s office. We have agreed to provide any assistance to that office in connection with its investigation and prosecution that may be needed and we will coordinate the work of both offices in this important matter as much as possible.
My apologies if this has already been posted. I just found it (dated November 9, 2011).

Jones: Well, obviously sickening. Those poor, poor victims I’ve not been able to get out of my head since I read the grand jury report which I knew had to read, I’m sorry I read it in some respects. I’ve been on the phone since I knew I was coming here, until literally just now when I walked in the building with some people who are more connected with state colleges. The fact that these victims had to somehow go on with their lives with no one caring--and these were the most vulnerable of children. Jerry didn’t pal-around with kids who looked like they were on junior high school football teams. Jerry palled around with kids who looked vulnerable, and that was true even back then, you noticed. Jerry wasn’t picking on football players.

Wow. I haven't even finished reading the entire interview yet - but wow.

Jones: …Believed to be about 10 years old, and that was in 2002. Since then, in state college there has been rumor and innuendo that Mike McQueary witnessed something. What you’ve seen, these are subtle things as we connect dots here. The Second Mile golf tournament used to be one of the biggest summer events, I’ve covered many of them, players from the 80s who were legends came back and played. That’s when players started not going to that tournament. I’ve heard now that the golf tournament is a shell of what it was. People started to distance themselves from Jerry Sandusky.

That just says it all. Everybody knew.
Documents filed in Centre County, Pa., show that on July 21, Paterno’s house near campus was turned over to “Suzanne P. Paterno, trustee” for a dollar plus “love and affection.”

Wick Sollers, a lawyer for Paterno, said in an e-mail that the Paternos had been engaged in a “multiyear estate planning program,” and the transfer “was simply one element of that plan.” He said it had nothing to do with the scandal.

Yeah right it had nothing to do with a pending scandal breaking... GMAB!

Smart move, I guess - albeit rather Madoff-ly*.


*Or maybe the Madoffs were turning stuff over to neighbors/friends - my memory's kind of fuzzy on that particular scandal.
Hey the Feds are coming and they do not horse around! :woohoo:

Doc Fessel after we heard that word horsing around from that creep can we use another phrase?;)

How can we ever hear horsing around or horse play again and not think of this creeper?
"Horsing Around" is one of the most juvenile excuses for bullying. :maddening: And in this case it's really gross and insulting. He still wants us to think he is some kind of camp director whom everyone loves - ugh.

On Dr. Drew tonight they pointed out that Sandusky admitted to Bob Costas that he showered with the boys, and yet didn't seem to realize that lurking around a locker room shower with children is a serious enough offense.

The psychiatrist on the show said she believed Sandusky was enough of a narcissist that he believes he can control the message, when really he is giving out too much information.
Documents filed in Centre County, Pa., show that on July 21, Paterno’s house near campus was turned over to “Suzanne P. Paterno, trustee” for a dollar plus “love and affection.”

Wick Sollers, a lawyer for Paterno, said in an e-mail that the Paternos had been engaged in a “multiyear estate planning program,” and the transfer “was simply one element of that plan.” He said it had nothing to do with the scandal.

Yeah right it had nothing to do with a pending scandal breaking... GMAB!

He was called before the grand jury by that point and it had been in the paper on March 31. Unless he's completely senile, he knew.
He was called before the grand jury by that point and it had been in the paper on March 31. Unless he's completely senile, he knew.

I think there are laws that will void any transactions he has made to avoid losing assets in a suspected lawsuit.
I think there are laws that will void any transactions he has made to avoid losing assets in a suspected lawsuit.

It would be difficult at best, but yes, he obviously knew there was an investigation.
If you read the article, you will note there were 3 men involved.

These people have their shared interests.

Wherever they travel, they also have those who will share their predilections.

I just searched the name Carl Goeke, which led to Karl Goeke, which led to this:


November 9, 2011 -

Karl Goeke, the PBIS coach (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) for Cedar Ridge Elementary School, said there has been a tremendous drop in referrals to the office in recent months at the school. This fall the number fell from 33 in August to 22 in September and 10 in October, he said.

The school, which opened in 2010, has 500 students, 78 percent of whom are from low-income families. Under the PBIS approach, more teacher training, demonstration of expected behavior to students, rewards for good behavior and pop-in classroom visits from the principal have made the difference, he said.

Read more:
And all that, in turn, led to this:

AMW Capture #883
Mar 23, 2006
Goeke's Funnyman Days Are Over

When Karl Goeke's profile aired on AMW on February 25, 2006, police were hoping someone in the public would recognize the accused serial child molester and call the program with information. The very next day, police got what they wanted -- credible information on Goeke's whereabouts. Now, cops say those tips received by AMW helped put an end to Goeke's days as a funnyman.
Pretty slick move for someone whose brain's not clicking on all cylinders. :rocker:

Nah. Elderly people who have assets from which they want to protect their children from paying the severe death tax, have their financial planner establish all these sales and trusts years before they get into their 80s. My parents have very little, but despise the thought of their kids paying the huge death tax. They established trusts funds in their 50s just in case they passed away early.
And all that, in turn, led to this:

AMW Capture #883
Mar 23, 2006
Goeke's Funnyman Days Are Over

When Karl Goeke's profile aired on AMW on February 25, 2006, police were hoping someone in the public would recognize the accused serial child molester and call the program with information. The very next day, police got what they wanted -- credible information on Goeke's whereabouts. Now, cops say those tips received by AMW helped put an end to Goeke's days as a funnyman.
He went to trial and didn't pay out $$$$$ to the accuser like the other wealthy researcher who is a somewhat famous author now. He was found not guilty.
I just searched the name Carl Goeke, which led to Karl Goeke, which led to this:


November 9, 2011 -

Karl Goeke, the PBIS coach (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) for Cedar Ridge Elementary School, said there has been a tremendous drop in referrals to the office in recent months at the school. This fall the number fell from 33 in August to 22 in September and 10 in October, he said.

The school, which opened in 2010, has 500 students, 78 percent of whom are from low-income families. Under the PBIS approach, more teacher training, demonstration of expected behavior to students, rewards for good behavior and pop-in classroom visits from the principal have made the difference, he said.

Read more:

That school is in Normal Illinois, close to me. I have a brother inlaw that teaches over there. I will find out what he knows.
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