Penn State athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case #2

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Mar 4, 2009
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That first thread was getting a bit full; please continue the discussion here on the Penn State / Sandusky / Second Mile case.

One slight change to the title made: it's a child rape, not a child sex, case.
And of course it's an example of an alleged cover-up and perhaps much more.

Thread #1 is here.

Also of interest: the case involving the disappearance
of former Centre County DA Ray Gricar is here:

PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #7
Thanks Wfgodot for new thread and thanks for keeping us informed with all the new stories,you have done a wonderful job!!!!
IMO if the shower boy told anyone about the shower incident, that would've been included in the indicment. He is still an unknown.

Sure, he's unknown to law enforcement and McCreary, still is.

My point was simply that when finally confronted by LE, he didn't know that. He had to decide to confess what he saw, or come up with some other story (about horsing around or whatever) when under oath before the grand jury. He didn't know who or what the GJ had.

To lie at that point, in spite of everything that had happened in the handling by the school over the years, would be to take a tremendous risk.

What if the victim had come forward? McQueary would be in quite a different position today if the victim was part of the case and identifying him as a witness. As it stands, the victim is unknown and he is the key witness.

Even though he's being (justifiably in my view) vilified for failing to intervene, and then go to LE immediately, my basic point is that I don't think he had any choice but to participate and testify as he did, versus the theory that he maybe came forward voluntarily, and triggered much of this.
I don't think this article's been linked yet; it's long and, depending on your way of reading it, maybe either an apology for Joe Paterno's actions or a fair look at a complex issue. It's by Joe Posnanski, who I read for years when he wrote for the Kansas City Star (he's currently a senior editor at Sports Illustrated). Posnanski took a year off and moved to State College to complete a book about Paterno - to be released next Father's Day, and Poz and his publishers no doubt hoped it would be a big-seller in the "What in the world can I buy for dad this year?" category and tap into that "Tuesdays with Morrie," feel-good, sports spirit.

The End of Paterno (Joe Posnanski, Sports Illustrated)

Posnanski, in terms of his access to Paterno and his actually being boots on the ground at Penn State when this affair began, has, in my estimation, failed spectacularly as a reporter. On Twitter, his middling tweets about the matter have been much reviled. (Including by his former colleague at the Star, Jason Whitlock, who writes now for FoxSports.) The general attitude among sports pundits seems to be "oh boo-hoo-hoo, real life inconvenienced your little puff-piece of a book" - a whole lotta schadenfreude goin' on: Jopo has become JoePa Jr., in the estimations of many. I'm curious to see what anyone else might think.

Here, also, is a much shorter piece he did for his personal blog: Curiously short posts
People asking to have their names taken off the honorary board at The Second Mile.

Ripken asked the Second Mile, a charity allegedly used by former Penn State football assistant Jerry Sandusky to meet and then molest young boys, to remove his name from its website and all other literature.

Former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz also had his name removed from the Second Mile's site, while legendary golfer Arnold Palmer, Philadelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid and actor Mark Wahlberg did not.

Former Penn State coach Joe Paterno, who was fired Wednesday night for not reporting what he knew about an incident involving Sandusky and a young boy to authorities, has also been removed from the list of honorary directors.
Sure, he's unknown to law enforcement and McCreary, still is.

My point was simply that when finally confronted by LE, he didn't know that. He had to decide to confess what he saw, or come up with some other story (about horsing around or whatever) when under oath before the grand jury. He didn't know who or what the GJ had.

To lie at that point, in spite of everything that had happened in the handling by the school over the years, would be to take a tremendous risk.

What if the victim had come forward? McQueary would be in quite a different position today if the victim was part of the case and identifying him as a witness. As it stands, the victim is unknown and he is the key witness.

Even though he's being (justifiably in my view) vilified for failing to intervene, and then go to LE immediately, my basic point is that I don't think he had any choice but to participate and testify as he did, versus the theory that he maybe came forward voluntarily, and triggered much of this.

Victim #2 in the presentment is the young boy McQueary saw being assaulted by Sandusky. He is unknown at the time the presentment was written (anybody know when exactly it was written? I don't see a date on that pdf file). If Victim #2 remains unknown, what are the chances Sandusky will be prosecuted for that specific incident? Is McQueary's eyewitness account enough to proceed with at a trial? I'm worried about that.

I'm also concerned about why Victim #2 is unknown. I understand fear and shame could play a part, but I hope and pray it is not because he is no longer alive to come forward.
David Lohr, the author of this Huffington Post Sports news article, will be discussing the
Ray Gricar case on "Justice with Judge Jeanine" on Fox News Saturday at 9 p.m. EST.

Ray Gricar, Missing Pennsylvania DA, Opted Not To Prosecute Jerry Sandusky.

In regard to why his uncle did not proceed with a case against the former Penn State coach,
Tony Gricar said there likely was not enough evidence.

"I have no idea other than he did not feel he had enough for a case," he said. "If he doesn't
have the evidence to do it then everybody loses and you bring in double jeopardy at that point."

Gricar added, "People around the situation in 1998 recognize it was a bad situation, but there is a
difference between recognizing it and being able to do anything about it."|htmlws-main-bb|dl7|sec1_lnk1|112080
Jay Paterno (joe's son) broke down crying while talking to a reporter post-game saying, "Dad I wish you were here."
Um, I think I missed something. According to the title of this thread " Penn State Athletic Director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case"

Did McQueary get charged? And, if so, when? This morning - late last night?

Anyone got a link. I went back through the last few pages of the first thread and didn't see anything.

So who was Jerry Sandusky's workout partner back in 2008?

MILL HALL - They meet up around 6:30 a.m. every morning.

The first person, considered the greatest mastermind of defensive football the college game has ever seen, hops on the exercise bike and begins to grind the pedals around in a circle.

The second person, who occupies a stair master next to the bike, is hoping that his defense carries that always-coveted national crown back to a valley that cries, dreams and bleeds the game.

That's when Jerry Sandusky and Tom Bradley begin to talk football.
the rest of the 2008 article here

Tom Bradley, current head football coach at Penn State University
Um, I think I missed something. According to the title of this thread " Penn State Athletic Director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case"

Did McQueary get charged? And, if so, when? This morning - late last night?

Anyone got a link. I went back through the last few pages of the first thread and didn't see anything.


Jerry Sandusky is the ex-Paterno assistant coach in question. McQueary hasn't been charged with anything (yet).
Thankx wfgodot. I just got up from a nap and had to clear the cobwebs. So the title is referring to Curley and Sandusky. Ok ok - I got it.

NEVERMIND!!!! :floorlaugh:
Thankx wfgodot. I just got up from a nap and had to clear the cobwebs. So the title is referring to Curley and Sandusky. Ok ok - I got it.

NEVERMIND!!!! :floorlaugh:
That's okay! I thought about re-writing the whole thread title but left it mostly as it was for continuity's sake.
Rodney Erickson is questioned about hiring a crisis intervention/pr firm...

They have been working with some individuals since the beginning of this week.
Rodney Erickson is questioned about hiring a crisis intervention/pr firm...

They have been working with some individuals since the beginning of this week.

Thanks for the information. I heard Erickson say they had contacted someone at the begnning of this week but I could not hear what the question was and did not know who he was talking about or referring to... I thought perhaps he was talking about attorneys...JMHO
I had a feeling some of the decisions being made were on the advice of someone outside of PSU.
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