Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

How long will the jury deliberate?

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Report: Civil Suit Against Jerry Sandusky’s Charity Alleges Abuse Began In The 1970s

This lawsuit, however, goes after neither Sandusky nor Penn State. It alleges that Sandusky's abuse began "as far back as the 1970s," in WJAC's words. Here's more:

Instead, the target is the organization founded by Sandusky, the Second Mile Foundation......

The suit is filed on behalf of Victims 3, 5, and 7 as identified in the Sandusky grand jury indictment.

Also included is another defendant listed as John Doe A, who claims Sandusky molested him well over a hundred times.


New lawsuit against Second Mile claims Sandusky abuse started in 1970s

Also included is another defendant listed as John Doe A, who claims Sandusky molested him well over a hundred times.

Last month, Penn State Trustees were briefed on another suit that person has filed against the university. In that suit, John Doe A. claims Sandusky had been molesting children for decades and that Penn State and the Second Mile knew its facilities were not safe.

I have always suspected that Sandusky has molested children before 1995. At least as early as 1977 and likely before.
I have always suspected that Sandusky has molested children before 1995. At least as early as 1977 and likely before.
I think we are getting ready to find out that Jerry was molesting young boys in places besides the football locker room and his home. What else did TSM offer years ago? Overnight sleepovers? Camping for boys in the forests? Parents' night out?

Before 1970, Jerry only had short-term positions in different cities which would have made it more difficult to establish trusting relationships with young boys he wanted to molest. He was the assistant basketball and track coach at Juniata College in 1967 and the offensive line coach at Boston University in 1968.

I like the way this guy thinks:

“I think it’d be outrageous if Sandusky was able to qualify for the state pension,” said Zack Stalberg of the Philadelphia government watchdog group Committee of Seventy. “Any of these kinds of personnel decisions, there’s room for interpretation, and I think it’s up to the state to try to interpret him out of his pension.”
He pointed out that some of Sandusky’s crimes occurred on Penn State property.
Report: Civil Suit Against Jerry Sandusky’s Charity Alleges Abuse Began In The 1970s

This lawsuit, however, goes after neither Sandusky nor Penn State. It alleges that Sandusky's abuse began "as far back as the 1970s," in WJAC's words. Here's more:

Instead, the target is the organization founded by Sandusky, the Second Mile Foundation......

The suit is filed on behalf of Victims 3, 5, and 7 as identified in the Sandusky grand jury indictment.

Also included is another defendant listed as John Doe A, who claims Sandusky molested him well over a hundred times.


New lawsuit against Second Mile claims Sandusky abuse started in 1970s

Also included is another defendant listed as John Doe A, who claims Sandusky molested him well over a hundred times.

Last month, Penn State Trustees were briefed on another suit that person has filed against the university. In that suit, John Doe A. claims Sandusky had been molesting children for decades and that Penn State and the Second Mile knew its facilities were not safe.

Oh no. It gets worse. TSM offered emergency shelter and residential facilities. TSM took in children who had been removed from their homes by CPS and were supposed to provide them with therapeutic counseling/treatment. They also offered residential treatment to disabled/ special needs children.

Raykovitz should be on trial next for allowing Jerry to have access to the residential facilities where children were placed to be more SAFE. Jerry had zero qualifications to work with children that required therapeutic treatment. Zero! He wasn't a guidance counselor, psychologist, nurse, therapist, social worker, or anything similar. It is sickening to think about Jerry having access to not only emotionally traumatized children removed from their homes/parents by CPS , but also DISABLED children trapped in TSM’s residential area where Jerry could prey upon them.
Local attorney took Sandusky case to clear Paterno's name

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It was clear from the Grand Jury presentment that defending Jerry Sandusky amounted to being an exercise in futility, his attorney Karl Rominger said.

In his first full-length print interview, the principal attorney at Rominger Law Firm in Carlisle, Rominger had a number of surprising and not-so-surprising things to say about his infamous client and the Sandusky family.

Prosecutors would have won a conviction “in just a few hours, not the 22 or 24 hours it ultimately took” if their prosecution mirrored the Grand Jury presentation, Rominger said.

It was a victory for defense lawyers that it took about 22 hours to convict his infamous client.

Rominger, a Penn State-Dickinson College graduate, said a chief reason he took the case was to try and clear Paterno’s name............

Ultimately, the jury found Sandusky not guilty in the two counts related to McQueary’s allegations.

“That, for me, vindicated Paterno,” Rominger said. “My position has always been that Paterno got the shaft.” The board of trustees’ hasty decision to fire the coach probably hastened Paterno’s demise, Rominger said.

“As a criminal defense lawyer, you don’t have the luxury of assuming your client is telling the truth,” Rominger said. “Even when a client tells you he is guilty, you have to be cautious that he isn’t throwing himself on his sword for someone else. I never ask about the guilt or innocence of my client.”

More at the link (defending JS and Dottie)
Local attorney took Sandusky case to clear Paterno's name

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It was clear from the Grand Jury presentment that defending Jerry Sandusky amounted to being an exercise in futility, his attorney Karl Rominger said.

In his first full-length print interview, the principal attorney at Rominger Law Firm in Carlisle, Rominger had a number of surprising and not-so-surprising things to say about his infamous client and the Sandusky family.

Prosecutors would have won a conviction “in just a few hours, not the 22 or 24 hours it ultimately took” if their prosecution mirrored the Grand Jury presentation, Rominger said.

It was a victory for defense lawyers that it took about 22 hours to convict his infamous client.

Rominger, a Penn State-Dickinson College graduate, said a chief reason he took the case was to try and clear Paterno’s name............

Ultimately, the jury found Sandusky not guilty in the two counts related to McQueary’s allegations.

“That, for me, vindicated Paterno,” Rominger said. “My position has always been that Paterno got the shaft.” The board of trustees’ hasty decision to fire the coach probably hastened Paterno’s demise, Rominger said.

“As a criminal defense lawyer, you don’t have the luxury of assuming your client is telling the truth,” Rominger said. “Even when a client tells you he is guilty, you have to be cautious that he isn’t throwing himself on his sword for someone else. I never ask about the guilt or innocence of my client.”

More at the link (defending JS and Dottie)

Really tasteless comments by Rominger. For the second time I've seen in print, he used a euphemism for sodomy to describe what happened to Paterno, while bragging that he got his client acquitted of that charge.

Paterno is the real victim to the die-hards. It's ALL about his legacy.
Local attorney took Sandusky case to clear Paterno's name

Read more:

It was clear from the Grand Jury presentment that defending Jerry Sandusky amounted to being an exercise in futility, his attorney Karl Rominger said.

In his first full-length print interview, the principal attorney at Rominger Law Firm in Carlisle, Rominger had a number of surprising and not-so-surprising things to say about his infamous client and the Sandusky family.

Prosecutors would have won a conviction “in just a few hours, not the 22 or 24 hours it ultimately took” if their prosecution mirrored the Grand Jury presentation, Rominger said.

It was a victory for defense lawyers that it took about 22 hours to convict his infamous client.

Rominger, a Penn State-Dickinson College graduate, said a chief reason he took the case was to try and clear Paterno’s name............

Ultimately, the jury found Sandusky not guilty in the two counts related to McQueary’s allegations.

“That, for me, vindicated Paterno,” Rominger said. “My position has always been that Paterno got the shaft.” The board of trustees’ hasty decision to fire the coach probably hastened Paterno’s demise, Rominger said.

“As a criminal defense lawyer, you don’t have the luxury of assuming your client is telling the truth,” Rominger said. “Even when a client tells you he is guilty, you have to be cautious that he isn’t throwing himself on his sword for someone else. I never ask about the guilt or innocence of my client.”

More at the link (defending JS and Dottie)

He's such a tool. I'm sorry but seriously? If it was all about protecting Paterno and getting him off, well, I don't think he did a very good job since the jury believed McQueary and Sandusky was convicted on 4 of 5 counts related to V2.

Also, not sure how he gets a victory out of it taking 20 hours instead of 4. He was convicted of 45 charges.

Seriously, no wonder he took this case on, he's as delusional as Sandusky is. He's just vile.
Really tasteless comments by Rominger. For the second time I've seen in print, he used a euphemism for sodomy to describe what happened to Paterno, while bragging that he got his client acquitted of that charge.

Paterno is the real victim to the die-hards. It's ALL about his legacy.
What an incredibly stupid, but revealing thing for Rominger to say! This is similar to "I only defended Joseph Stalin because I am a passive-aggressive creep who is angry at the PSU Board of Regents."

If Rominger is interested in helping Penn State, he should keep his evil mouth shut and ANONYMOUSLY give the victims the one hundred thousand dollars (or more) he charged Sandusky.
Report: Civil Suit Against Jerry Sandusky’s Charity Alleges Abuse Began In The 1970s

This lawsuit, however, goes after neither Sandusky nor Penn State. It alleges that Sandusky's abuse began "as far back as the 1970s," in WJAC's words. Here's more:

Instead, the target is the organization founded by Sandusky, the Second Mile Foundation......

The suit is filed on behalf of Victims 3, 5, and 7 as identified in the Sandusky grand jury indictment.

Also included is another defendant listed as John Doe A, who claims Sandusky molested him well over a hundred times.


New lawsuit against Second Mile claims Sandusky abuse started in 1970s

Also included is another defendant listed as John Doe A, who claims Sandusky molested him well over a hundred times.

Last month, Penn State Trustees were briefed on another suit that person has filed against the university. In that suit, John Doe A. claims Sandusky had been molesting children for decades and that Penn State and the Second Mile knew its facilities were not safe.


I gotta say, if Penn State 'never recovers', that would be the least awful thing that could happen.

From my perspective, I think it's very strange that enrollment is actually UP. I'm employed by Penn State and enrollment is up at some campuses, but I'm unaware of institution-wide numbers.

It's been obvious to me for a very long time that the cover up was an open secret among university personnel.

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

Everyone in the chain is as guilty as the next. EYE EM OHH.
According to that article, TSM’s assets are only $5 million? They had offices all over the state of PA (Blair County, Clinton County, Lancaster County, Lehigh Valley, and one in the Southeast Region (for Delaware, Montgomery, and Chester Counties). Their State College office is for sale for $750,000. Where did their money go? Someone should assess whether the outgoing executives (child psychologist Dr. Raykovitz and his school counselor wife) gave themselves a bonus in addition to their six figure salaries while not reporting Jerry's sicko activities for decades.

Was Sarge a corporate officer? There's been plenty of time to move assets around.

I'm not saying that's what happened, but I do agree with your assessment of TSM & its value.
Really tasteless comments by Rominger. For the second time I've seen in print, he used a euphemism for sodomy to describe what happened to Paterno, while bragging that he got his client acquitted of that charge.

Paterno is the real victim to the die-hards. It's ALL about his legacy.

It's impossible for me to agree more strongly.

Paterno was a football coach who died of lung cancer.

Truth be told, there have been statewide rumblings for at least five years about Paterno being too old to coach.

Anyone who suggests otherwise is being disingenuous.

...and I should probably stop talking about this.
Even if I commit cannibalism, so long as it's not my former clients from the welfare office, I can still collect my pension. ;)

Now, I will ask you Google the name Marie Noe, and consider this: I live within three miles of her.

Oh, good grief.

It's always been unbelievable to me that no one caught on, baby after baby,

And the father. Srsly. Whattheheck?
What an incredibly stupid, but revealing thing for Rominger to say! This is similar to "I only defended Joseph Stalin because I am a passive-aggressive creep who is angry at the PSU Board of Regents."

If Rominger is interested in helping Penn State, he should keep his evil mouth shut and ANONYMOUSLY give the victims the one hundred thousand dollars (or more) he charged Sandusky.

Can you believe he tweeted that he would be available to discuss the Supreme Court's decision on healthcare?

I guess he's trying to leverage his 15 minutes of fame into becoming the next Mark Geragos.
Can you believe he tweeted that he would be available to discuss the Supreme Court's decision on healthcare?

I guess he's trying to leverage his 15 minutes of fame into becoming the next Mark Geragos.

Seriously? What a tool. Like anyone would care what a child raping defense lawyer thinks about health care reform or anything else.
the NY Times interview.

I apologize if everyone has heard this, but if you havent, you need to. especially you must hear the two segments 1. his relationship with young people and, 2. the bob costas interview.

In the latter, in response to the question, is he attracted to young boys....he admits he is, but tries to obscure it by saying he is also attracted to young girls, and it is only when his lawyer says in the background,"BUT NOT SEXUALLY" that he tries to make that assertion by saying "right. Thats what i was trying to say." almost anybody not a defense lawyer would say, well why didnt you say it Jer? how hard is it to say, " I am not attracted to young boys"? apparently its something ole Jer just cannot say. But, he wants you to know, hes innocent.

and joe davola tries to say their whole case was built around ole Jer's testifying. what was he gonna say, "I did it" and then joe davola was gonna object. was that the strategy?
Can you believe he tweeted that he would be available to discuss the Supreme Court's decision on healthcare?

I guess he's trying to leverage his 15 minutes of fame into becoming the next Mark Geragos.

ROFL A narcissistic tool!
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