Steven Avery Jury Trial Day 1 - 02.12.2007

For anyone interested, i have begun to work my way through the transcripts and am taking notes/summarizing the testimony from each witness, and would be happy to post the summaries on here as I go thru. No promises on how quickly these come up since I'm back at school and am taking a full course load, and my school unfortunately gives no credit for reading through 27 days of Avery trial transcripts lol. Good luck with your reading everyone :)

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WOW. I had a busy day and came home to an message telling me the transcripts were up , so of course I come here and see the Mod's here have been very busy on this forum! Thanks mods! I am really amazed by the set up!
From Kratz's opening statement:

"The next day, three critical pieces of evidence are found on Tuesday, the 8th. Now, we talked about these more detailed searches. On
one of these more detailed searches
in Mr. Avery's trailer.
You are going to hear evidence that this was pulled out, was jostled about. You
are going to hear evidence about this particular binder having been pulled out of the bookcase. And after the officers looked through it, how it was slammed back in as the book case was actually pulled out from the wall.
And after jostling and after searching it, after slamming things around and after putting the bookcase back in its location, you are going to hear this is what the officers saw. They saw a Toyota vehicle key in the bedroom of Mr. Avery. You are going to hear evidence that it had obvious evidentiary value, that the officers at that time stopped what they were doing and Investigator Dan Kucharski of the Calumet County Sheriff's Department seized or took control of that key during that more detailed search."
(snip) More from his opening statement:

"But make no mistake, that on the first night, they are looking for Teresa and they are hoping to find Teresa alive.
When that was unsuccessful, the next morning, on the 6th, Mr. Fassbender, Mr. Wiegert, were able to secure some help. They needed bodies. They needed some cops. They needed some volunteers. And so they got volunteer firefighters from all over the Manitowoc and Calumet County areas."

Seriously, "They needed bodies."
"You will hear on the 10th, on Thursday, the burn area is further excavated by arson investigators and other Crime Lab and other types of officials but, interestingly, the defendant's DNA is now found on the key."

Interestingly is a good word for it
"And, finally, on Friday, the 11th, the female blood that was found, the great pool, if you will, of female blood, in the cargo area, is now matched. "

Now it is a GREAT POOL?
"The science, the blood part of the science, the DNA analysis and explanation of this case is going to come from this gentleman right
here, Norm Gahn. Mr. Gahn, you will learn by his examination, is quite knowledgable in DNA and DNA from a prosecution standpoint. And in all honesty and in all candor, that's why he was added to the prosecution team, because this is such an important part of the case. The science becomes very, very important."

from a prosecution standpoint and in all honesty and candor, YEAH RIGHT
"You are going to hear about a DNA analyst from the Wisconsin Crime Lab named Sherry Culhane. Again, Ms Culhane, almost unbelievably, is the very analyst that exonerates Mr. Steven Avery several years earlier. She's the same analyst that does the detailed DNA work on
Mr. Avery's work with the Innocence Project and frees Mr. Avery from his incarceration."

Unbelievably is a good way to describe it
"Well, that same woman, Sherry Culhane, processes this vehicle. Because she's the unit head, because this is such an important case, she does the work herself. She does all of the analysis of all of the blood that's found in these cases."
"Ms Culhane was able to establish all of the places in that SUV that had Teresa Halbach's DNA. You are going to learn that they found a large quantity of the blood and DNA in the cargo floor and the side panel. The back cargo door, you are going to hear that there were splatters, spatters of Teresa's blood in the back cargo door."
"You are going to hear that on the rear tailgate there were droplets of Teresa's blood; her DNA is found on the door handle"
"I told you about male blood that was in the SUV. On Wednesday, the 9th of November, Steven Avery subjected to a very thorough medical examination, again, as result of a warrant, as a result of a judicial authorization to do that particular kind of examination. And what they found was a very, very deep cut to Mr. Avery's right middle finger but, importantly, on the outside of his right middle finger. And that's where the cut was."

So this cut was at least 10 days old??
"This cut was actively bleeding on the 31st of October. And I guess, thankfully, for the State."

how do they know that??And thankfully, for the State. REALLY?
"You heard a suggestion already there will be evidence in this case that the battery was disconnected on Ms Halbach's vehicle. We'll tell you, or at least we'll argue as to why that happened. But importantly, in reaching up underneath the hood, to open up Teresa Halbach's vehicle, Mr. Avery was kind enough to leave his DNA on the hood latch. Okay. That will come from Sherry Culhane as well."

Kind enough and Sherry again...
"by the way, we may not be including a charge against Mr. Avery for mutilation of a corpse. But mutilation of this little girl -- excuse me -- not this little girl, but this young woman, absolutely occurred. Because this is what's left, small tiny pieces of bone fragment."

"By the way, just so there isn't any question why I'm showing you this exhibit, one of the bullets, number 9, which was found in the crack of a -- the cement, that was not cleaned up in this case. And tent number 23A, underneath what was a air compressor, the evidence is going to show, is the bullet that Teresa left her DNA for you. Underneath that air compressor is where they recovered that second bullet."

So I am wondering if this means they will say the floor was not cleaned up, or just that this section was not??
"You will hear from various kinds of citizens like Bobby Dassey, who is one of the sons of Barb Janda, who you will hear testimony about, that at about 2:45 on the 31st of October, Bobby saw a young girl drive up to the Avery property."

Young girl...again
Now into the Defense opening statement:

"Lenk goes to Steven Avery's home and Steven cooperates with him. Tells him essentially what I have told you about Teresa Halbach coming to take the picture of Barb Janda's van. Doesn't clam up, doesn't seem nervous, isn't uncooperative; that very night, November 3, around 7:00, when Sergeant Colborn knocks on his door.
Out of the blue, the same night, Lieutenant James Lenk, now the head of the Detective Unit in Manitowoc County Sheriff's Department, calls Calumet about this missing person report. Now, at this time, on Thursday night, November 3, this is -- let's be clear, this is just a missing person report, a young woman who hasn't been seen for three days.
It's in another county. It's not even Manitowoc County at all. And nobody has called for Lieutenant Lenk. And nobody's called looking for him. But the chief detective of Manitowoc County takes it upon himself, that night, to call Calumet and offer to get involved in the missing person investigation where one of the appointments that was to be kept was Steven."
I am just curious as to why the defense could not point the finger at anyone other than Brendan Dassey or the Manitowoc Sheriffs department, because of some third person liability that has to do with some Denny's case. But then it was ok to take Brendan Dasseys name from the opening charges the Judge read of to the jury to just ANOTHER. If the state then changed its own theory of Brendan Dassey being the party to the crime to just any other, Then how come Defense could not introduce any OTHER possible suspect?

I find it unfair that state is not under the same standard as the defense.

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