Tammi Smith - the Sentencing Phase

Wow!! I think that you are spot on!
I hope that Logan will get his wish and Tammi will not be able to follow all of the rules of her probation and end up back in Jail!
You would think she would have at least take down her Stones of Grace website
who in the world would want to donate money to her?

It is interesting that the SOG Website is still up. Common sense would inform the minds of most people that keeping on with this kind of activity goes against the spirit of the conviction and purpose of incarceration and probation. This seems to show that TS will just try to find ways to get around the rules and the impositions placed on her because she is still married to her mission. Simply stated, jail/isolation didn't teach her anything that the judge intended?

So it does seem that she will have a hard time making herself follow the rules of her probation, but whether or not she would end up back in jail would depend on if she is being monitored properly. I noticed in the article about her release she was called a "model" prisoner. Personally I think she's going to have a hard time keeping quiet and there is still the EJ trial coming up. So we will have to wait and see.
Are the conditions of Tammi Smith's probation public?
Are the conditions of Tammi Smith's probation public?

I seem to recall seeing them in a judge's order posted here on WS a while back....I remember being disappointed that there were no decisions made about whether she could or could not benefit by book deals, etc..? Maybe somebody like Saba or Artsy can remember where we can see them again...
It is interesting that the SOG Website is still up. Common sense would inform the minds of most people that keeping on with this kind of activity goes against the spirit of the conviction and purpose of incarceration and probation. This seems to show that TS will just try to find ways to get around the rules and the impositions placed on her because she is still married to her mission. Simply stated, jail/isolation didn't teach her anything that the judge intended?

So it does seem that she will have a hard time making herself follow the rules of her probation, but whether or not she would end up back in jail would depend on if she is being monitored properly. I noticed in the article about her release she was called a "model" prisoner. Personally I think she's going to have a hard time keeping quiet and there is still the EJ trial coming up. So we will have to wait and see.

you hit the nail in the head - the trial will be key. I see one of two things happening:

1. She goes kookoo on EJ, and then there goes her forgiving Christian persona.

2. She decides to show up and be all forgiving towards EJ (again, poor Jesus gets dragged in the middle of this) and wants to testify in her defense or some weird azz thing like that...
Just thought I'd throw this out here. I've been re-reading the old NG transcripts from when TPS was on, and discovered something interesting that NG herself said on the January 13, 2010 show.


And now we learn Mommy tries her best to rewrite history to suggest 25-year-old Logan McQueary not the bio dad. We confirm he is.

So, for almost 3 years, Tammi & her minions have been claiming that Logan wasn't the biological father of Gabriel, yet NG herself confirmed it in January 2010! For someone who loved being on her show, it seems Tammi never actually listened to NG!
Just thought I'd throw this out here. I've been re-reading the old NG transcripts from when TPS was on, and discovered something interesting that NG herself said on the January 13, 2010 show.


And now we learn Mommy tries her best to rewrite history to suggest 25-year-old Logan McQueary not the bio dad. We confirm he is.

So, for almost 3 years, Tammi & her minions have been claiming that Logan wasn't the biological father of Gabriel, yet NG herself confirmed it in January 2010! For someone who loved being on her show, it seems Tammi never actually listened to NG!

hmm... I think she listened. I think she has known for a long time that there is no paternity issue. I think she decided she was better served by shrill attacks on Logan via her sheeple.

hmm... I think she listened. I think she has known for a long time that there is no paternity issue. I think she decided she was better served by shrill attacks on Logan via her sheeple.


I think she hears what she wants to hear.

From what I've heard, even from early on, one of her loudest (former) supporters convinced Tammi's followers that Logan wasn't the father, and even allegedly circulated some guy's photo that they were claiming was Gabriel's "true" biological father. Even as recently as sentencing, I understand her supporters were STILL claiming that someone else was Gabriel's father - just because Logan wouldn't publicly make a fuss that he really was. Just because you shout something the loudest, doesn't make it the truth!

Of course, IMHO, that also shows that Logan McQueary has much more class than any of them.
Wow!! I think that you are spot on!
I hope that Logan will get his wish and Tammi will not be able to follow all of the rules of her probation and end up back in Jail!
You would think she would have at least take down her Stones of Grace website
who in the world would want to donate money to her?

Possibly "gospel music" folks who have something to hide, of which Jack has knowledge or shared experience?
It is interesting that the SOG Website is still up. Common sense would inform the minds of most people that keeping on with this kind of activity goes against the spirit of the conviction and purpose of incarceration and probation. This seems to show that TS will just try to find ways to get around the rules and the impositions placed on her because she is still married to her mission. Simply stated, jail/isolation didn't teach her anything that the judge intended?

So it does seem that she will have a hard time making herself follow the rules of her probation, but whether or not she would end up back in jail would depend on if she is being monitored properly. I noticed in the article about her release she was called a "model" prisoner. Personally I think she's going to have a hard time keeping quiet and there is still the EJ trial coming up. So we will have to wait and see.

A wee bit oppositionally defiant, ya think? Would certainly fit the long term past history. IMO
http://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CriminalCourtCases/caseSearch.asp (CR2010-101760)

8/7/2012 Notice Of Appeal - Party (002)

NOTE: Notice of Cross-Appeal

I'm thinking this is on the issue of whether or not the two felonies are separate crimes. If Tammi loses her appeal and the prosecutors prevail on their cross-appeal, Tammi will go back to jail. :jail:

I hope this is true! She will put herself back in jail for trying to be right!
She will not stop. She cannot help herself. almost like she wants to punnish herself, nevermind that this is Tammi we are talking about!
http://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/docket/CriminalCourtCases/caseSearch.asp (CR2010-101760)

8/7/2012 Notice Of Appeal - Party (002)

NOTE: Notice of Cross-Appeal

I'm thinking this is on the issue of whether or not the two felonies are separate crimes. If Tammi loses her appeal and the prosecutors prevail on their cross-appeal, Tammi will go back to jail. :jail:

If I understand it correctly, the judge on the 703 Hearing ruled that these were not two separate acts (crimes) but "one long conspiracy" as he put it. Once that ruling was made, I find it puzzling that she could be sentenced with punishments that legally fit the norm for the two criminal acts. I mean, make up your minds. If sentenced based on the 703, it should have been based on merging the two and coming up with an appropriate punishment that addressed restitution to the victims. As we've seen, she herself has not viewed her sentence as a punishment at all...

Again the hypocrisy. If she is such a staunch and faithful Christian who considers it an honor to follow in the footsteps of the crucified Christ, why would she appeal her sentence? She should feel honored to obtain the maximum. Legally and theoretically none of it makes sense to ME. :confused::confused:
Oh my gosh...I just don't think I can stomach watching this lady go on and on... I have better things to do, like clip my toenails.

Does she say anything of worth?

I hear about 20 seconds of it until she says "I'll be judged by God... God knows the truth" kthxbai lady.
I hear about 20 seconds of it until she says "I'll be judged by God... God knows the truth" kthxbai lady.

Right, I heard the first part, she said: "you know" and thousand times.
Drives me crazy.
That was enough for me.
And all the excusses she makes.
She does not see herself as a criminal.
Okay Tammi, whatever.

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