WM3 are guilty- Evidence.

For years after their conviction it seems like the prosecutors/the state constantly alluded to some evidence that confirmed the guilt of the 3, yet it wasn't presented in trial. And I have never understood what that is - a statement from Miskelly? More "fiber evidence"? I am always open minded and have differing opinions from what "the majority" thinks on many cases. But I have never seen or read anything that made me think those 3 were guilty. A DNA match on a hair in a binding? While that's certainly not 100% indicative of guilt...it's better evidence, IMO, than any other evidence in this case.

And honestly...why are we even talking about Byers being a suspect? He was cleared quite definitively years ago. He's a character, sure, but there's absolutely nothing factual that pointed to him - I feel awful for the guy honestly, his son was brutally murdered for seemingly no reason and he's had to fight off unfounded suspicion since the beginning.

For what it's worth - and idk if I am allowed to say this (I'm new) and if I'm not, please let me know! - I unknowingly was with Damien maybe 6-7 years ago in a workshop in New York. I did not realize/recognize who he was until someone told me after the fact. He was extremely gentle and kind, was very much "into" positive energy and instilling it, the opposite of worshiping evil, Satan, etc. - and reading the whole Satan panic thing almost makes me laugh now, but then I think how it possibly led to three teens being possibly wrongfully convicted/lives completely ruined and three little boys dead possibly not having proper justice, and then any hint laughter goes away quickly.
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For years after their conviction it seems like the prosecutors/the state constantly alluded to some evidence that confirmed the guilt of the 3, yet it wasn't presented in trial. And I have never understood what that is - a statement from Miskelly? More "fiber evidence"? I am always open minded and have differing opinions from what "the majority" thinks on many cases. But I have never seen or read anything that made me think those 3 were guilty. A DNA match on a hair in a binding? While that's certainly not 100% indicative of guilt...it's better evidence, IMO, than any other evidence in this case.

And honestly...why are we even talking about Byers being a suspect? He was cleared quite definitively years ago. He's a character, sure, but there's absolutely nothing factual that pointed to him - I feel awful for the guy honestly, his son was brutally murdered for seemingly no reason and he's had to fight off unfounded suspicion since the beginning.

For what it's worth - and idk if I am allowed to say this (I'm new) and if I'm not, please let me know! - I unknowingly was with Damien maybe 6-7 years ago in a workshop in New York. I did not realize/recognize who he was until someone told me after the fact. He was extremely gentle and kind, was very much "into" positive energy and instilling it, the opposite of worshiping evil, Satan, etc. - and reading the whole Satan panic thing almost makes me laugh now, but then I think how it possibly led to three teens being possibly wrongfully convicted/lives completely ruined and three little boys dead possibly not having proper justice, and then any hint laughter goes away quickly.
i agree with your point about how byers shouldn't be considered a suspect. there are some holes in his alibi and people he claims to have talked to who say otherwise, but i don't see how there's any way he could've done it unless MB and RC were in on it as well

people were suspicious of him right away for good reason though. he was a parent of one of the victims first of all and aside from that, he brought tons of attention onto himself with his loud and outspoken personality, so i wouldn't feel bad for him. plus, the guy was a wife beater and a child abuser. just an overall bad person
I still find this whole case troubling. I don’t believe the three boys did it, and it pains me that there is no investigation into who did. I feel for the young boys families, never knowing must be awful.
Hear the point but the families at this point have long made up their minds about who did it. As far as the investigation, the State of Arkansas believes that it has convicted the right three guys. Doesn't unfortunately matter what we believe, what if the State thinks they have the right guys convicted, in their eyes there is no need to do further investigations into it. To them, it's case closed. Right guys were convicted and served time.
The State thinks nothing of the sort. No way they just free three child murderers if they had the goods on them and honestly believed they were guilty. Especially in a place like Arkansas.
I believe the evidence against the West Memphis 3 was circumstantial at best. I read an article / theory about the case. I'm having a problem posting the link. But the name of the article is : THE PUZZEL of the WEST MEMPHIS MURDERS.
I do not think the person(s) was a local. This killer was thinking fast and on his feet. Was organized. And the victims had marks that looked like similar marks found on prolific murders. Its picquerism like. Also, I think they had an ability to do this and leave the area. This event took place at a truck stop. And we know that many murderers that have had multiple victims have transient type work.
Does anyone know if there was any similar killings before or since, especially near truck stops or hotels? IE hogties, tick marks with knives? This maybe something work looking into.
I still find this whole case troubling. I don’t believe the three boys did it, and it pains me that there is no investigation into who did. I feel for the young boys families, never knowing must be awful.
I agree. It shows how voiceless people who struggle with poverty can be. They were just needed for media coverage for political gains. Clearly, they just want this case to go away. I think that it is funny, how they too, like are now being caught due to modern science and technology. Although, I mean just those at the time of the case. I do believe a lot of men and women in law enforcement still do not even get half the credit for what they do for us every day.
I do not think the person(s) was a local. This killer was thinking fast and on his feet. Was organized. And the victims had marks that looked like similar marks found on prolific murders. Its picquerism like. Also, I think they had an ability to do this and leave the area. This event took place at a truck stop. And we know that many murderers that have had multiple victims have transient type work.
not sure i agree with you about the killer(s) being organized, but i've always believed that if hobbs wasn't involved then it was definitely a random trucker

i disagree about the organized part because of how the bodies/bikes/clothes were disposed of. if it was a trucker, it seems like they committed the crime and then panicked, looking to erase any trace of evidence that they or the boys were ever in the woods and as fast as possible. hence the bikes being tossed into the water and the clothes pinned down by sticks in the river. i've always found it interesting that the killer(s) disposed of the bodies right there in the woods so near where people lived instead of dumping them into the nearby mississippi river
not sure i agree with you about the killer(s) being organized, but i've always believed that if hobbs wasn't involved then it was definitely a random trucker

i disagree about the organized part because of how the bodies/bikes/clothes were disposed of. if it was a trucker, it seems like they committed the crime and then panicked, looking to erase any trace of evidence that they or the boys were ever in the woods and as fast as possible. hence the bikes being tossed into the water and the clothes pinned down by sticks in the river. i've always found it interesting that the killer(s) disposed of the bodies right there in the woods so near where people lived instead of dumping them into the nearby mississippi river
I see what you mean. Thing were I am at is that truckers are able to travel througout the states and when they go to pit stops some make it a point to go off to be with someone do some drugs or whatever else they don't want seen. I think it was done quick laying them down tying them picking at them with the knife. He had seen this before or done this before. I think maybe even drugs or being in an altered state by a mental disorder might had been at play. But either way. It just seems that this is someone who is more prolific than your average offender. Of course I just wished they found out who did this. I can't believe the family still has no answers.
A trucker or a stranger seems like a real long shot to me. All the evidence, profiles, timelines and the location point to someone who knew the victims and lived in the area. Pedophiles and the like are opportunists. I think that a stranger, during daylight(ish) hours, close to a residential neighborhood during or around rush hour would think twice about trying to corral THREE kids. Too much risk IMO.
Well, of course no one will ever now. But it has the markings of a serial perpetrator and I happened to think this because serial offenders are high risk takers. Personally, I believe, if this was not their first time, I mean think about serial perpetrators who are transients. Also researching picquerism it fits the classic cases. I wonder too if it was the the criminal saavy in the killer, knew this neighborhood was poor, unwatched kids ect...it helped them. Now, trust me I do not know but that's my opinion. I wonder if this was a more affluent neighborhood if this would have been answered by now.
The Bible confession pretty much nailed it for me. I think they got drunk and killed the boys.
three drunk teens killed three young boys and left behind a spotless crime scene

that just doesn't sit right with me. not to mention how JM's "confessions" were all over the place from one to the next
three drunk teens killed three young boys and left behind a spotless crime scene
that just doesn't sit right with me. not to mention how JM's "confessions" were all over the place from one to the next

I was younger when this happened and grew up
assuming they were innocent. I was shocked at the amount of evidence against them I recently found researching after a friend told me DE had a YT Channel/following. JM confessed multiple times, giving very specific details of the crimes that matched the autopsy photos. There is documentation of DE’s obsession with drinking blood bc he thinks it gives him power, demonology, admiration of serial killers, pathological narcissism, failure of a polygraph test, etc. I know polygraphs aren’t admissible in court, but his additional commentary is also interesting. I don’t want to break the rules on my very first post, but I can provide further documentation if needed. Using my best judgement, I feel the autopsy photos are probably too graphic to initially post but they can be provided for evidence. The autopsy photos+JM’s confession of what he did to CM and what DE did to SB convinced me they are 100% guilty. This case is beyond disturbing and it is even more sickening these atrocious child killers were ever released from prison in the first place. JM confessed at least 4 times, provided in the links below, describing in detail what they did to the boys. JM’s mother documented his night terrors after the incident linked in the YT video. There is also a deleted clip from Paradise Lost where lawyers are talking about the blood in DE’s necklace, part of which is allegedly a mixture with SB’s blood. According to JM’s confessions, he beat CM to death, consistent with autopsy photos. He also stated DE stabbed SB in the left cheek, then stuck his finger in the wound in the left side of SB’s cheek, licking his finger afterwards; this wound is also consistent with autopsy photos. There are reports of violent attacks prior to the triple homicide, including 3rd degree battery charge against JM and an account of all 3 + another individual beating an another teenager before the murders too.

I was attempting to label these as I upload but I’ll try numbering instead. Suggestions much appreciated for the future :)
(1-4) Documentation of DE’s blood drinking, admiration of serial killers, demonologic delusions, etc
(5) Account of beating of one teenager by 4, 3 are the WM3
(6) JM 3rd Deg assault of teenage female
(7) DE polygraph failure + additional commentary
(8-9) Newspaper article by victim’s father about why they are still guilty

WM3 Case document archive


WM3 Trial transcripts

WM3 Case - Trial Transcripts
JM confession #1, 3 mo after arrest:
Jessie Misskelley - August 19, 1993: Interview with Stidham

JM confession #2, in car otw to prison after conviction:
Jessie Misskelley's February 4, 1994, patrol car statement

JM private confession #3 to lawyer 4 days after car ride:
Jessie Misskelley Statement - February 8, 1994

JM confession #4 a couple of weeks later in front of prosecutors and his lawyer:

Jessie Misskelley's February 17, 1994 Statement

Audio of confessions
Truth & Justice with Bob Ruff / 523: The Jesse Misskelley Confession

Report of JM’s crying fits in the middle of the night per his mother

Deleted scene from Paradise Lost re: DE’s

Blood necklace/lawyers discussing omitting evidence to get trial over with (from my understanding)



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I was younger when this happened and grew up
assuming they were innocent. I was shocked at the amount of evidence against them I recently found researching after a friend told me DE had a YT Channel/following. JM confessed multiple times, giving very specific details of the crimes that matched the autopsy photos. There is documentation of DE’s obsession with drinking blood bc he thinks it gives him power, demonology, admiration of serial killers, pathological narcissism, failure of a polygraph test, etc. I know polygraphs aren’t admissible in court, but his additional commentary is also interesting. I don’t want to break the rules on my very first post, but I can provide further documentation if needed. Using my best judgement, I feel the autopsy photos are probably too graphic to initially post but they can be provided for evidence. The autopsy photos+JM’s confession of what he did to CM and what DE did to SB convinced me they are 100% guilty. This case is beyond disturbing and it is even more sickening these atrocious child killers were ever released from prison in the first place. JM confessed at least 4 times, provided in the links below, describing in detail what they did to the boys. JM’s mother documented his night terrors after the incident linked in the YT video. There is also a deleted clip from Paradise Lost where lawyers are talking about the blood in DE’s necklace, part of which is allegedly a mixture with SB’s blood. According to JM’s confessions, he beat CM to death, consistent with autopsy photos. He also stated DE stabbed SB in the left cheek, then stuck his finger in the wound in the left side of SB’s cheek, licking his finger afterwards; this wound is also consistent with autopsy photos. There are reports of violent attacks prior to the triple homicide, including 3rd degree battery charge against JM and an account of all 3 + another individual beating an another teenager before the murders too.

I was attempting to label these as I upload but I’ll try numbering instead. Suggestions much appreciated for the future :)
(1-4) Documentation of DE’s blood drinking, admiration of serial killers, demonologic delusions, etc
(5) Account of beating of one teenager by 4, 3 are the WM3
(6) JM 3rd Deg assault of teenage female
(7) DE polygraph failure + additional commentary
(8-9) Newspaper article by victim’s father about why they are still guilty

WM3 Case document archive


WM3 Trial transcripts

WM3 Case - Trial Transcripts
JM confession #1, 3 mo after arrest:
Jessie Misskelley - August 19, 1993: Interview with Stidham

JM confession #2, in car otw to prison after conviction:
Jessie Misskelley's February 4, 1994, patrol car statement

JM private confession #3 to lawyer 4 days after car ride:
Jessie Misskelley Statement - February 8, 1994

JM confession #4 a couple of weeks later in front of prosecutors and his lawyer:

Jessie Misskelley's February 17, 1994 Statement

Audio of confessions
Truth & Justice with Bob Ruff / 523: The Jesse Misskelley Confession

Report of JM’s crying fits in the middle of the night per his mother

Deleted scene from Paradise Lost re: DE’s

Blood necklace/lawyers discussing omitting evidence to get trial over with (from my understanding)

JM got some things right in his confessions (suspiciously more as the trial went on and more information came out) but he also got a whole lot wrong and in his last couple, is all over the place in regards to certain events. for example, his account of how he came into possession of the evan williams bottle varies quite a bit in his last two "confessions." a broken clock is still right twice a day

the blood on DE's necklace was not SB's blood. it was only ever tested for blood type. if i remember correctly, JB and SB shared the same blood type and JB used to wear that necklace often
This is what I lean towards too.
I mean I that would take some seriousness on their side. Like I feel like they thought on their feet. Either way false confessions from a mentally handicapped boy is not a confession. Honestly this police department is a *advertiser censored* show.

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