Scotland - Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
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I will admit...I'm a sucker. Can one of you find the video on this? I would love to see it.

EDINBURGH, Scotland (AP) -- Like tartan, bagpipes, and shortbread Scotland's Loch Ness Monster is as much an emblem as a tourist draw.
And now Nessie's back.
An amateur scientist has captured what Loch Ness Monster watchers say is among the finest footage ever taken of the elusive mythical creature reputed to swim beneath the waters of Scotland's most mysterious lake.
"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this jet black thing, about 45-feet (15 meters) long, moving fairly fast in the water," said Gordon Holmes, the 55-year-old a lab technician from Shipley, Yorkshire, who took the video this past Saturday.
I would love to see the video too. I have a fasination with cryptozoology.

I remember learning of this in 3rd grade and to this day I am a sucker too, lol....I love all this stuff. I love reading of the Bermuda Triangle, and Big Foot.
Didn't I read somewhere recently that the person who allegedly shot that famous pic of Nessie in the lake, admitted it was a forgery? I mean, did anyone else ever hear that? Or did that happen in my dreams? :crazy:
Didn't I read somewhere recently that the person who allegedly shot that famous pic of Nessie in the lake, admitted it was a forgery? I mean, did anyone else ever hear that? Or did that happen in my dreams? :crazy:

I thought I read that too! I also remember hearing about a man dying and his family confessed that he had dressed up as Bigfoot for that infamous picture.

My daughter took a picture of something in Lake Eire (ok, ERIE) and I laughed because it almost looked like the Loch Ness monster pics. She had no clue what I was referring to!

Here it is:
This is not the fake one--What happened was the most famous picture taken at the surface decades ago was admitted to be a fake--a toy--Bigfoot huge footprints were also an admitted fake--but this new Nessie story sounds very interesting!
I will admit...I'm a sucker. Can one of you find the video on this? I would love to see it.

EDINBURGH, Scotland (AP) -- Like tartan, bagpipes, and shortbread Scotland's Loch Ness Monster is as much an emblem as a tourist draw.
And now Nessie's back.
An amateur scientist has captured what Loch Ness Monster watchers say is among the finest footage ever taken of the elusive mythical creature reputed to swim beneath the waters of Scotland's most mysterious lake.
"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this jet black thing, about 45-feet (15 meters) long, moving fairly fast in the water," said Gordon Holmes, the 55-year-old a lab technician from Shipley, Yorkshire, who took the video this past Saturday.

there is a link to click on, right in the ccn article that shows his footage-

maybe try this link if it comes up right-
This is not the fake one--What happened was the most famous picture taken at the surface decades ago was admitted to be a fake--a toy--Bigfoot huge footprints were also an admitted fake--but this new Nessie story sounds very interesting!

Sorry OT of Nessie.
:waitasec: Patterson footage has not been ruled out as a fake check out this site:

and this:

I have always believed in Nessie. :blushing: The new footage is very interesting.
i too have always believed there was a loch ness "monster" b/c i have seen interviews of people living in the area who have seen it and they seemed plausible to me. i think this new video which i have viewed is authentic. i have watched several TV specials on the search for the nessie and loch ness is very dark and deep. easy for a creature of this type of lurk. horray that there is finally something showing us what this creature appears to be.
I went swimming in Loch Ness when I was 18. I jumped off a pier and just kept going down, down, down. The water was ICE cold and all I could think of was Nessie! I almost drowned trying to get back to the top. Scariest experience of my life!
I went swimming in Loch Ness when I was 18. I jumped off a pier and just kept going down, down, down. The water was ICE cold and all I could think of was Nessie! I almost drowned trying to get back to the top. Scariest experience of my life!

Omg Jilly- I would never swim in there LOL, how scary!
Pfff! Scots are such braggarts. We have a monster in lake Champlain that is ten times the size of Nessie! :eek: He eats wales whole! :eek: When he burps it causes local earthquakes! :eek: In winter his sneezes trigger blizzards! :eek: When he coughs volcanoes erupt! :eek: And when he far... well, if you ever wondered what causes global warming... :D
Pfff! Scots are such braggarts. We have a monster in lake Champlain that is ten times the size of Nessie! :eek: He eats wales whole! :eek: When he burps it causes local earthquakes! :eek: In winter his sneezes trigger blizzards! :eek: When he coughs volcanoes erupt! :eek: And when he far... well, if you ever wondered what causes global warming... :D

Spoken like a true American!- LOL- you guys got it bigger and better huh :p

I'm stirrin' ya Karl- nice to meet you don't believe we've met though you have more than likely seen me around- mouthy Aussie can't miss me :crazy:
Omg Jilly- I would never swim in there LOL, how scary!

The 'olden' days Narla....picnic with a few friends, a couple of drinks and next thing you know I'm jumping in the lake with a monster :eek: Never did that again, lol.
Spoken like a true American!

An American of Scottish descent btw :D

I'm stirrin' ya Karl- nice to meet you don't believe we've met though you have more than likely seen me around- mouthy Aussie can't miss me :crazy:
Likewise, Aussies rock! :)

PS I meant whales not Wales. "Champ" is big but there are still limits to what he can swallow in one sitting.
The 'olden' days Narla....picnic with a few friends, a couple of drinks and next thing you know I'm jumping in the lake with a monster :eek: Never did that again, lol.

Sounds like my mate who went to England Jilly , first day there- went to pub- jumped in river Thames- breaks leg- LOL- spent the next 6 weeks backpacking through Europe in a wheelchair :p hehe silly girl
Sounds like my mate who went to England Jilly , first day there- went to pub- jumped in river Thames- breaks leg- LOL- spent the next 6 weeks backpacking through Europe in a wheelchair :p hehe silly girl

OMG!! LOL. Lucky she didn't drown! I think I would have gone home! lol
An American of Scottish descent btw :D

Likewise, Aussies rock! :)

It's all good- I'm probably Irish descent lol (that or German)

You guys do too- as much as I bag you guys- everyone I have met on here has been awesome (look I even talk like you!) (lol)

Edit to add: words in brackets because I could be that too- I'm just hoping I'm Irish lol

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