Deceased/Not Found VA - Melissa Brannen, 5, Lorton, 3 Dec 1989 *C. Hughes guilty*

Though the Virginia parole board rejected Hughes for parole in 2017 and 2018, he is being granted a mandatory release on Aug. 2 after receiving more than two decades worth of “good conduct allowances.” He will have served more than 29 years of a total 54-year sentence.

This is precisely why Hughes has never revealed where Melissa's body is. He was convicted only of "kidnapping with intent to defile"- not her murder. With a body, murder could be proven and he could have been duly charged, convicted, and executed.
He played the legal game and has won. He will soon be free to return to his old ways.
I hope they keep a very close eye one him. He's young enough to still be a serious threat to the community. We've seen much older perps that CH re-offend time and again after being released from prison.
In prison its hard to do wrong when there’s no temptation. I hope her family is safe. I wonder if he will stalk them or seek revenge. I wonder if they’ve asked LE for increased patrols in their area.
“The Fairfax police never cease to amaze me with their dedication to this case,” said Tammy Brannen, Melissa’s mother, “what they’re doing and what they’ve done all along. They’ve never stopped.” Brannen’s pain remains constant. “It becomes part of the fabric of your life. I miss my daughter every day. It’s been 30 years, but that doesn’t stop me from missing her.”

This case over the years,” said homicide Detective Connie Bates, “has always been on every cold case detective’s one has been held accountable for a murder.” She said new technology could provide fresh leads in the case, and she has been consulting with both the FBI and the Virginia state crime lab about evidence testing which might not have existed in the early 1990s.
The article brings back so many memories from the days following her disappearance. I remember them draining the pond across from the apartments and the searches in the area. I live less than a mile from Woodside Apartments and drive by there many time per week, always thinking of Melissa. A lot of building has occurred since 1989, but Woodside has remained a constant, as have the apartments and pond across the road. I always wonder if they’ll ever find her.
Last month, December 2019 marked the 30 year anniversary of Melissa Brannen's abduction and murder by Caleb Hughes. He has never revealed where he hid her body.

Hughes is now free to walk amongst us.

Caleb Daniel Hughes




  • Violent : Yes

  • Age : 53
  • Sex : Male
  • Height : 5.10"
  • Weight : 186
  • Race : White
  • Hair Color : Gray Or Partially Gray
  • Eye Color : Blue

  • Date of Conviction : May 07, 1991
  • State Convicted : VA
  • Code Section : 18.2-48(ii)
  • Victim Age : Minor
  • Sentencing Court : FAIRFAX CIRCUIT



Caleb Daniel Hughes, a registered Sex Offender in LYNCHBURG, VA 24504 at Offender Radar
I can not believe a convicted murdered is not in jail for the remainder of his life. What a f'd system we have.
There are quite a few murderers who have been released, unfortunately. In the case of Hughes, he was convicted of abduction, not murder. In Virginia, in 1989, murder charges couldn't be brought if the victim's body hadn't been found. I don't know whether that's changed.
Murder CAN be charged in certain cases where there is no body, and Virginia is one state where that has been done.

However, the evidence has to be rather compelling to do that. Examples would be that testimony of witnesses to the actual murder is available, confession of the killer, or the location of an amount of blood which would indicate the victim could not have survived, etc.

In the case of Hughes, he was convicted of "abduction with intent to defile", and given the maximum penalty for that crime. Everyone knows that he murdered Melissa, but the evidence needed to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law was not available at the time.

He should certainly be watched very carefully now that he is loose.

Caleb Daniel Hughes - Convicted abductor of Melissa Brannen

  • Violent : Yes

  • Age : 54
  • Sex : Male
  • Height : 5.10"
  • Weight : 186
  • Race : White
  • Hair Color : Gray Or Partially Gray
  • Eye Color : Blue

  • Date of Conviction : May 07, 1991
  • State Convicted : VA
  • Code Section : 18.2-48(ii)
  • Victim Age : Minor
  • Sentencing Court : FAIRFAX CIRCUIT


Due to covid-19,voluntary unemployment and a 100 metric tons of youtube videos,Melissa's case really stood out to me after watching a documentary.I began immersing myself in her case.I found myself pot of coffee after pot of coffee reading reading reading about the abduction of Melissa Brannen from the great state of Illinoisia.During my reading I did get different numbers/stories so the questions and theories I have gathered are based on the jist of it all.I found a lot of things interesting,to me at least and those interesting things may or may not be completely shot down by people who were actually there and that's okay,I'm not always right but I do try my damndest.Here it goes!I found it interesting that Caleb was a murder suspect before Melissa,supposedly Caleb's family suspected him in the death of his brother and wife.His own family suspected him and the police polygraphed him but he passed that one,which made me wonder if he had volunteered to do a polygraph after Melissa disappeared thinking he would beat that one too.He obviously didn't pass that and became agitated and left.An article from a washington post archive said he worked for a landscaping company in Mclean.It is my belief that Melissa wasn't his only victim,based on Melissa's appearance I looked at the Fairfax county cold case site and there were two that stood out to me and they were Rhiannon Gordon and Amy E.Baker.What do these three girls have in common?They're young,dark/brown hair at shoulder length,and it's plausible that Caleb was in the area.The age of the victims go down in order Amy 18 in march,Rhiannon 10 in July,and Melissa age 5 in December.The article lists Calebs tenure at the landscaping company from March to June,odd.I theorize that Caleb is an opportunistic serial killer.I don't think his intentions were sexual at all with Melissa,he just saw an oppurtunity to kill.Another thing I found odd,the assistant manager the one who invited Caleb to the party was also the first to try to phone Caleb at 10:30.Around 10:00 is when Tammy told Melissa it was time to go.Tammy and guests look for Melissa till they find the open window,call the police,wait for police,police conduct their own search,police interviews guests and all under 30 minutes?I find it very odd this person called Calebs house twice before the police did and once again after police make their own call to Calebs residence.It really makes me wonder who got Caleb the job at Woodside,did he just apply or did someone like this assistant manager vouch for him and I'm not talking about the property manager or resident manager but this assistant manager's actions really set off some red flags for me.Again from what I read assistant manager calls 1030,1100,1230...police called at 12 and then showed up at 1:00 at Caleb's residence.Another thing I question is that extra 50 miles.The police said Caleb's wife was eager to help but I wonder if she was eager to deceive.The washer and dryer,what model/manufacturer were they,magic chef?How long to wash how long to dry and how dry were his clothes?That helps build a time frame.When I read that his washing machine and dryer were in a basement,well I instantly thought of whitey bulger,another serial killer that hid his victims in a basement,and no I'm not comapring Caleb to Whitey Bulger who was easily a top 10 American criminal in the 20th century,Calebs ranking as a criminal is probably in the 100,000th's due to his pettiness.I saw the youtube videos of the search which included helicopters,the military,and a significant amount of volunteers.Which is why I question the 50 miles,was the 50 miles intentionally thrown out to dilute the search,to have police search as far away from ground zero as possible?How hard did the police search that basement?Another odd action was by Hilton Cobb but who knows,a friend of a lawyer is a lawyer and maybe he was trying to sabotage the case,again,odd.In retrospect during my reading,I read that Greenspun(calebs lawyer) said Caleb was thrilled when a portion of his conviction was over turned and he thought he was getting out,I looked at the date of the article and laughed....he ended up doing another 24 years.The prison system is not kind to people like Caleb and looking at his picture that someone posted here,he looks broken.In a weird way,it's like Melissa Brannen killed him too.
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I am glad that LE are still pursuing the forensics of this case. I'm hoping they will eventually have enough evidence to finally nail Hughes, once and for all.

An excerpt from a 1989 article:
Forensics identify a child abductor—by his clothes
"Two of the fibers found in the passenger seat of Hughes’ car matched the rabbit-fur coat that Brannen’s mother had been wearing at the party. Since it was possible that the two fibers had innocently landed there, though, police needed additional evidence. Although Brannen had been wearing a blue sweater when she disappeared and police located more than 50 blue fibers in the car, direct forensic comparisons were impossible to make, since the young girl and her clothing were still missing. However, investigators learned that Melissa’s sweater was part of a Sesame Street outfit made only by JC Penney, and they were able to obtain an identical sample outfit from the manufacturer. A detailed examination proved that the blue fibers in Hughes’ car matched those from the Sesame Street outfit."
I am glad that LE are still pursuing the forensics of this case. I'm hoping they will eventually have enough evidence to finally nail Hughes, once and for all.

An excerpt from a 1989 article:... Although Brannen had been wearing a blue sweater when she disappeared and police located more than 50 blue fibers in the car, direct forensic comparisons were impossible to make, since the young girl and her clothing were still missing..."

And this is precisely why Hughes has always refused to admit to Melissa's murder and has refused to show where he disposed of her body.

While all the circumstantial evidence points to his having murdered the little girl and having hidden her body, it is not enough to prove in a court of law that he did so. And thus the lesser charges of "abduction with intent to defile" - a crime which got him a long jail sentence, the term of which has passed. He is out free to work at a fast food place and to continue with his crimes when and if he chooses.

If Melissa's body were to be found, he could be tried for the capital crime of murder and be subject to the death penalty. It is doubtful that Hughes will trade his new freedom for that anytime soon.

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