OR OR - David 'Dave' Lewis, 46, Ashland, 4 September 2008

David Edwin Lewis (12/23/61-9/4/08 MHRIP) has been gone more than 14 years now. No resolve to his case. Does anyone have the police report from 9/4/08, a coroner's report or the dna report from TX? I'm a local, and I'm going to be going back over some things, including possible routes to and from the scenes (including Troy Carney's campsite)
Dave's grave and his sister Page E. Lewis, have a marker at the end of NORMAL STREET cemetery. Across from the game fields and at the bike path. Perfect location.
Per a Jackson County Sheriff detective, this case is still an open investigation, so no reports are available to the public at this time.
15 years later and it is still open-unsolved. Remember the Jacob Wetterling case? A 1940's style sheriff said the case was open. That was until a writer/investigator figured it out. Not the detectives. 27 years to no justice. The case is shivering cold.
MOO-- IF David's case and Troy's case are related, and the gun is a common factor... could the killer have been camping or staying in a vehicle near the Pilot Truck Stop in Central Point, where Troy would have been a witness to them being in the area?

MOO-- Could the person have killed Troy on 9/3/08 after he fell asleep and then drove a back way to confront David at either Hyatt Lake bar or at his cabin, killing him, setting his cabin on fire, then on their way back to the backroad, stopping to set the vacant cabin on fire?

Earlier reports said although the second location-the vacation cabin was the first of the two fires reported, it was actually the second fire set that night, approximately 5 miles from David's cabin and plainly visible to passersby.

MOO-- Possible route that night- Pilot Truck Stop-Central Point Oregon >> Hwy 62- Crater Lake Hwy >> Hwy 140 >> Big Elk Road >> Dead Indian Memorial

9/14/08 AM-- Troy's campsite and scene of his murder was set ablaze
9/14/08 NOON-- David's memorial was held at the site of his burned out cabin and the meadow below
There are roads that can be traversed by motorcycle, motorbike, hiking & camping, jeeps, etc. Right spot-on the facts.
Just after the cattle-guard on the left hand side, CONDE CREEK "road," yellow tape marked it their sickophant cowardly day.
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Dave's grave and his sister Page E. Lewis, have a marker at the end of NORMAL STREET cemetery. Across from the game fields and at the bike path. Perfect location.

15 years later and it is still open-unsolved. Remember the Jacob Wetterling case? A 1940's style sheriff said the case was open. That was until a writer/investigator figured it out. Not the detectives. 27 years to no justice. The case is shivering cold.
I didn't know Paige had passed. Unusual that she's buried In Oregon. My condolences to David's family.
There are roads that can be traversed by motorcycle, motorbike, hiking & camping, jeeps, etc. Right spot-on the facts.
Just after the cattle-guard on the left hand side, CONDE CREEK "road," yellow tape marked it their sickophant cowardly day.
Interesting that Yellow tape may have marked Conde Creek Road on the day/night of the murder. Is that the same side of D.I.M. as David Lewis's driveway? I haven't seen that in any mainstream media coverage over the years. What's the source on that statement?
Wrong coast. He's definitely a scary looking individual.
Oh yeah, I know - definitely not him. It just made me think that there's someone else out there with a similar penchant for creeping on people out in nature when you described how the two murders were similar.
Oh yeah, I know - definitely not him. It just made me think that there's someone else out there with a similar penchant for creeping on people out in nature when you described how the two murders were similar.
David lived in his mountaintop cabin for 23 years and was well known on the mountain. He lived up a fairly long, steep and deeply rutted driveway at the summit of Dead Indian Memorial Road; known locally as "The Indian" and frequently helped neighbors with plowing or other tasks. So he wasn't out camping. He frequented the Hyattt Lake Resort nearby which had a little restaurant and bar. Town was 13 miles away, so that was his hangout up there. You would never know his tiny cabin, a 100 year old historic fire lookout, was at the top of that driveway unless you knew the area well.
Amidst holiday ads, on page 51 of the December 2019 Ashland edition of the “Sneak Preview” is a notice titled “Who killed Dave Lewis?” This ad has been published before over the years and still offers a $20,000 reward leading to an arrest and a $5000 reward for any pertinent information. It also names local people associated with Dave. The website listed in the ad (and that has been posted here previously) is no longer active.

Below is a working link, thanks to The Wayback Machine, to the website for Dave Lewis that was made inactive years ago. :)

Unsolved So. Oregon: From the Ashes - KOBI-TV NBC5 / KOTI-TV NBC2

A story by local TV station KOBI sort of tries to link the murders Of Dave Lewis and Troy Carney, but also sort of not. Confusing story, but at least they’re not forgotten. Video is worth watching. I’m intrigued by the first words of the story...

“In this case we have some strong persons of interest. But we just don’t have enough to make a strong criminal case,” said Cpt. Tim Snaith, Jackson Co. Sheriff’s Office.

The story also says...

Did the same person start a fire at Lewis’s home and the cabin down the road? Did that person also kill Lewis and Carney using a fire to cover up evidence?

“Only the suspect or eyewitness will have those pieces of information,” said Moran.

Trying to connect the dots today, Moran says, is a fruitless effort. But they’ll never give up hope that one day, someone will come forward.

We won’t give up hope or forget your brother, Linda.

The story also says...

" Did the same person start a fire at Lewis’s home and the cabin down the road? Did that person also kill Lewis and Carney using a fire to cover up evidence?

“Only the suspect or eyewitness will have those pieces of information,” said Moran."

Trying to connect the dots today, Moran says, is a fruitless effort. But they’ll never give up hope that one day, someone will come forward."

Not to dog on the detectives, because they will put handcuffs on the killer; but Deputy Moran does not have the right attitude for solving this case. " Fruitless effort," is awful.

All the cowards are shut-up tight. They are fearful of their own sad shadows. Dave was a very smart guy (educated in Delaware) and," said it the way it was and it was the way he said."

Prosecutors need to have more bravery. Hand the case to cold-case specialists in Roseburg, otherwise. They have enough evidence and facts. Way past time for those shiny bracelets. Thank you so much.
Well, that was "interesting"
I did glean a few factual tidbits and was reminded of a few things, but overall, sheesh Drama, innuendo, conspiracy, slander, defamation. Feels like someone trying to throw the dog off their scent by tossing out some red meat. Probably a good thing that piece of work got shut down. <modsnip> I'm going to keep digging. Thanks for posting the link. So many links, videos, photos are gone now after so long.

Below is a working link, thanks to The Wayback Machine, to the website for Dave Lewis that was made inactive years ago. :)

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David Edwin Lewis (12/23/61-9/4/08 MHRIP) has been gone more than 14 years now. No resolve to his case. Does anyone have the police report from 9/4/08, a coroner's report or the dna report from TX? I'm a local, and I'm going to be going back over some things, including possible routes to and from the scenes (including Troy Carney's campsite)
Well please let us know why you think a gun was involved? Dave supposedly died in the fire, his healthy body, down to 40 pounds. His lungs had smoke in them. <modsnip>
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I didn't know Paige had passed. Unusual that she's buried In Oregon. My condolences to David's family.

Interesting that Yellow tape may have marked Conde Creek Road on the day/night of the murder. Is that the same side of D.I.M. as David Lewis's driveway? I haven't seen that in any mainstream media coverage over the years. What's the source on that statement?
<modsnip: sleuthing family>
MOO-- I worked out a couple more possible alternate routes between Pilot Truck Stop in Central Point Oregon and D.I.M. using CONDE CREEK ROAD as a possible entrance and/or exit point from DEAD INDIAN MEMORIAL (D.I.M.)

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Well please let us know why you think a gun was involved? Dave supposedly died in the fire, his healthy body, down to 40 pounds. His lungs had smoke in them. <modsnip>

From the KOBI website, article dated 8/26/2020 (link above)

"The second fire, however, had a more sinister motive.

“The actual cause of death was not fire, but a bullet wound,” he said.

Two men found on the same day both shot to death.

As far as police could determine, Carney and Lewis didn’t know each other.

Just over a week later, a third and final fire sparked in the vicinity where Carney was murdered."
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From the KOBI website, article dated 8/26/2020 (link above)

"The second fire, however, had a more sinister motive.

“The actual cause of death was not fire, but a bullet wound,” he said.

Two men found on the same day both shot to death.

As far as police could determine, Carney and Lewis didn’t know each other.

Just over a week later, a third and final fire sparked in the vicinity where Carney was murdered."
<modsnip: Quoted/referenced post was modsnipped>

I'm doing some research to help the case along, if that's still possible more than 14 years later. There's a new show out called "Web of Death" on Hulu and it reminded me that David's case is still unsolved so I signed up for a websleuths account.I have a background in research methods. I can see that there's only been a few folks on this thread that "Dreamweaver" started in 2008. Hopefully my research will spark more interest in his case so there can be some resolution for his family. Peace ✌️
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From the KOBI website, article dated 8/26/2020 (link above)

"The second fire, however, had a more sinister motive.

“The actual cause of death was not fire, but a bullet wound,” he said.

Two men found on the same day both shot to death.

As far as police could determine, Carney and Lewis didn’t know each other.

Just over a week later, a third and final fire sparked in the vicinity where Carney was murdered."
Also-- smoke in the lungs doesn't preclude gunshot as cause of death, it more likely indicates that David was still alive and breathing after being shot and the smoke from the fire that was set was inhaled. I've never seen anything about David's weight after death except for here on websleuths in your statements. What is your source for that very specific information? I would think that information is only available in official police, coroner or dna reports which are still not public information at this time.
Well please let us know why you think a gun was involved? Dave supposedly died in the fire, his healthy body, down to 40 pounds. His lungs had smoke in them. <modsnip>

I’ve always thought he was shot first, then burned in the fire.

ETA: I see @Red Clover posted the link that reports that.
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Well please let us know why you think a gun was involved? Dave supposedly died in the fire, his healthy body, down to 40 pounds. His lungs had smoke in them. <modsnip>
I think we all need more information about what led to the death of David Edwin Lewis on Labor Day weekend 2008. Do you have additional details, specific information or any insights besides what is on this thread?
Always happy to throw new information into the hopper. ✌️
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<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

It's hard to tell what is going on here, I know BB is mentioned and pictured in the now defunct website (linked above)
<modsnip> one of David's siblings and was at the memorial on 9/14/2008 and has been keenly interested in seeking justice for her brother. I am curious if she obtained guardianship of their oldest sibling, Page (Paige?) and moved her to Oregon from the east coast. That has been the most surprising tidbit I've learned since joining websleuths recently.
A good time to talk about motivating factors in David's murder. (I am NOT a professional)
WHO) David Edwin Lewis
WHAT) Murder/Arson
WHEN) 9/3-9/4/2008
WHERE) 12801 Dead Indian Memorial Rd, Ashland OR 97520
WHY) ??!!
HOW) Died by gunshot, body and evidence destroyed by arson

ANIMUS) possible
RANDOM) unlikely
THEFT) possible
GRUDGE) possible
RAGE) likely
A good time to talk about motivating factors in David's murder. (I am NOT a professional)
WHO) David Edwin Lewis
WHAT) Murder/Arson
WHEN) 9/3-9/4/2008
WHERE) 12801 Dead Indian Memorial Rd, Ashland OR 97520
WHY) ??!!
HOW) Died by gunshot, body and evidence destroyed by arson

ANIMUS) possible
RANDOM) unlikely
THEFT) possible
GRUDGE) possible
RAGE) likely
Why Labor Day weekend?
Why September 3rd pm September 4th early am?
What contact did David have with his killer in weeks or months leading up to his murder?
Who was David afraid of?
Who had been on the land in the months before the murder?
Who needed something David had?
Who needed money?
Who had a (THE) gun?
Who had the means to commit a murder & two arsons and disappear into the night?
Who had David pissed off enough for murder?
Was Conde Creek Rd flagged with yellow tape that night?
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We are not aware of and have never seen approval for using the website TheMurderofDaveLewis as a source. As it has been linked and discussed for many years, we can't stuff all that toothpaste back into the tube. The archived version will still be allowed for discussion with the following limitations that are in accordance with Websleuths TOS:

If specific individuals (i.e. BB, etc) are discussed at the above website, if they have not been officially named in MSM or by LE to be POIs or suspects, members may not make insinuations, direct or indirect accusations, or cast aspersions against them, and they are not open to public sleuthing at Websleuths.

Family members of the deceased are victims and sleuthing them is not allowed. This includes any civil actions not directly related to the death of Dave Lewis.

Members are always free to sleuth behind the scenes and discuss the case in private messaging with other members. Up to 20 members can be added to a private group that is not accessible to WS staff unless a PM is reported for harassment or any type of abuse (in which case we can then see the reported content). Whatever is discussed in PMs is not to be brought to the public thread.

The thread will reopen later today after members have had a chance to read the above post and "like" it to acknowledge that they understand it.

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