MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024 #2

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Despite living in a country that produces the prime material which is then processed into cocaine mainly for sale in US and European markets, apart from the frequent smell of marijuana (posesión legal) on the streets I had never seen any drug use in people's homes.

Until a few months ago, at a big party, over 100 people, my youngest said "come and look in this tent and see whats going on"....

Since then, and with a sharper radar !, I have observed that sometimes a room is set aside, people disappear and reappear, nobody realises, maybe went for a loo break or to smoke. But have not witnessed anyone totally out of their tree. And it only works when there are a lot of people present.

Users, profesionales aged between 35 and 60, good jobs. Looked like cocaine, maybe other things do as well?

Since then, a nephew has been in rehab.

Not that any of what I said helps, unless others, like me, were oblivious to the drug taking by their family members.

Just wondering, what does it cost? To do a big hit? Would cocaine be the most expensive? Fentanyl the cheaper?
A few years ago a friend called the police to do a welfare check on me when my phone and internet weren't working and she couldn't reach me. The police came in through a window, and broke the locking mechanism when they did. I sleep in the daytime with earplugs and white noise, so I hadn't heard them pounding on my door. It's quite startling to be woken by a strange man's voice calling your name from inside your house.

Several years ago I couldn't get in touch with my dad. I called and called and never got through. We talked every day, even when I was on vacation, regardless of where I was. I lived about 140 km away. Because he was very elderly and had mobility issues I thought the worst. I called the police in the town he lived in and told them I was on my way but wouldn't get there for at least an hour and a half. I hadn't been in touch with him for over a day. When I got to his house, the cops had already arrived.
They'd smashed the glass screen door which he always locked and entered the home. He had fallen and couldn't get up (just like the commercial says). He was joking with the cops and one of them had made him a cup of tea. He actually had one of those life alert thingie's that you have around your neck but I knew he was very reluctant to push the alarm because he was afraid it would mean he'd lose his independence. He was right. Because it was about the third time the same thing happened (minus the broken door) but it was evident he wasn't capable of helping himself out of a jam.
Been following here since the story broke. So sad, and confusing. RIP to the deceased.
I must admit, that the toxicology report will give the most answers, and that I am heavily leaning towards additional chemical components. Fentanyl OD is strongly on my suspicious list.
Another very strong possibility IMO, is the more recent street drug problem, "tranq". Or, xylazine. This drug can produce
"zombie" like effects. Videos can be seen all over about the drug and it's effects in Philadelphia, of people slumped over and unable to stand upright or ambulate.

From Google search:

Since 2021, Kensington, a low-income neighborhood in North Philadelphia, has been ground zero for a new and dangerous sedative called “tranq”. Also known as “xylazine”, a side-effect of this drug can be struggling to stand upright, which is why users are commonly described in the media as “zombies”.Dec 18, 2023 "

"What is xylazine used for?

It is used on many different animal species such as cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, cats, deer, rats, and elk to calm and facilitate handling, perform diagnostic and surgical procedures, relieve pain, or act as a local anesthetic. "
‘Tranq tourism’: alarm in Philadelphia as TikTokers travel to film drug users

What if?? These guys partook in taking 'tranq' ( ingested, inhaled or smoked ), hoping for the sedative effect, and instead were overcome with the paralyzing effects? They might have gone outside to get some fresh air and wake their bodies up? Instead, they were all 3 rendered slumped over, unable to stand or walk, and succumbed to hypothermia.
JW ?? Said no, I will just stay slumped over here on my couch...and passed out.

Or GHB. It's popular at raves. It can make people feel euphoric but it can also cause drowsiness and lower your heart rate. I know since JW is a scientist there will be some people immediately suspicious of him mixing up a batch in his basement but there would be evidence of it in his home. Where would he dispose of this stuff? He'd have to have beakers and bunsen burners and all sorts of chemicals that leave residue, etc. Plus he really seems to love his dogs and that more than anything makes me think he'd never endanger their lives for something like that.
I'm guessing they went outside to smoke. They were poisoned by something they all had inside the house just before the smoke, or what they were smoking was laced with poison. They lost consciousness (possibly died) quickly, or froze (hypothermia) while unconscious. This is very sad.
Despite living in a country that produces the prime material which is then processed into cocaine mainly for sale in US and European markets, apart from the frequent smell of marijuana (posesión legal) on the streets I had never seen any drug use in people's homes.

Until a few months ago, at a big party, over 100 people, my youngest said "come and look in this tent and see whats going on"....

Since then, and with a sharper radar !, I have observed that sometimes a room is set aside, people disappear and reappear, nobody realises, maybe went for a loo break or to smoke. But have not witnessed anyone totally out of their tree. And it only works when there are a lot of people present.

Users, profesionales aged between 35 and 60, good jobs. Looked like cocaine, maybe other things do as well?

Since then, a nephew has been in rehab.

Not that any of what I said helps, unless others, like me, were oblivious to the drug taking by their family members.

Just wondering, what does it cost? To do a big hit? Would cocaine be the most expensive? Fentanyl the cheaper?
When the weather is cold outside, I've never heard of party guests stepping outside to snort cocaine or take pills. It's more comfortable and convenient to step into the bathroom. Groups that step outside of someone's home are going to smoke something and share the experience. People will go outside to smoke for a few minutes in very cold weather if the home-owner doesn't allow smoking inside the house.
I still don't understand. So, JW missed two days of work? A lot of employers would have sounded the alarm part way through the second day by contacting an emergency contact. MOO
I don't think JW worked traditional hours. He worked from home which means he could organize his day based on things that have no correlation to people who work traditional jobs.
I find it very peculiar that after 20 years of being friends with at least two of the guys from HS that nobody in the guys' families had JW's number or was close to him? They had to track him down on FB. Twenty years is a long time. And it seemed these guys got together regularly. So he was never invited over for dinner to the families' homes or anything like that? No interactions with anybody else in their families over the course of 20 years? Doesn't that seem odd?
Some people compartmentalize their friendships. I have some friends that I doubt would actually get along with each other which has more to do with personality type than anything else.
When the weather is cold outside, I've never heard of party guests stepping outside to snort cocaine or take pills. It's more comfortable and convenient to step into the bathroom. Groups that step outside of someone's home are going to smoke something and share the experience. People will go outside to smoke for a few minutes in very cold weather if the home-owner doesn't allow smoking inside the house.
Never taken it, but I can't imagine stepping outside in winter to take cocaine. Three reasons.

One - any stiff breeze would blow away your product.

Two - I don't know about anyone else, but I go from a hot house to freezing cold outdoors, and half the time, my nose starts running like a tap. Who wants all their coke to end up in their handkerchief?

Three - Where are you going to cut and sniff it from? The doorstep?

Tl;dr, there's reasons people take coke from countertops and glass tables INDOORS.

Nothing is going to convince me, that the home owner slept for two solid days on the couch with headphones and a loud fan on (who turns on a fan on a snowy day?). And he did not realize that he reportedly had multiple texts and messages. and that he did not hear multiple people banging down his door to get in. MOO

renter, not owner
he was asleep in his room, not the couch
as has been stated repeatedly by different members, some of us sleep with a fan on, regardless of weather
I still don't understand. So, JW missed two days of work? A lot of employers would have sounded the alarm part way through the second day by contacting an emergency contact. MOO

It was reported that he worked remotely and he wasn't likely an hourly employee, so his employer wouldn't necessarily know if he was working or not over a two-day period. Unless, of course, he had missed a zoom meeting or other scheduled conference call or similar. Or if a colleague tried to reach him over the course of the two-day period and found it unusual not to hear back from him. Or if he missed a project or work deadline, that kind of thing.
I don’t find the fan on in the winter unusual. I often have my ceiling fans on in the dead of winter.

Weird I know, but I do. However, the fan running would not affect my ability to hear someone knocking on my door.

The sleeping for 2 days straight is a whole other matter that I have a hard time understanding.


I understood it to be a regular fan, not a ceiling fan - floor or desk fans are much noisier than ceiling fans IMO, especially older ones
sleeping or working for two days with intermittent trips to the fridge or the bathroom is not unusual and many others have said the same in this thread
I still don't understand. So, JW missed two days of work? A lot of employers would have sounded the alarm part way through the second day by contacting an emergency contact. MOO

where does it say he missed two days of work? if he did, he could very easily have contacted his employer in advance or he could've been working from home
I think lots of people use fans or white noise machines or earbuds to sleep.

Even in winter. The fan isn't because he wants moving air, it's for the noise. So it wouldn't be a silent fan, on purpose.

However, I'd expect JW's white noise setup to be in his bedroom, not at his sofa, unless he slept on the sofa often. Which is possible, given the range of work-at-home intense concentration options folks on this thread have shared.

I think the lawyer's statements that JW "slept for two days" is a bit hyperbolic, not literally suggesting that he didn't eat, use the bathroom, or do a little work, but if he was recovering from the partying, he could easily have spent the bulk of those days snoozing and it's entirely possible he never looked around the backyard, noticed a left-behind jacket, etc. IMO.

Also, I'm newish to facebook and it took me months to notice a message that wasn't from one of my Friends. I don't use fb on the app, just the webpage, so it might look different to others, but when I look at my messages, the one from someone I wasn't friends with was tucked away, very easy to overlook. MOO

yes and the lawyer said he came and went from the bedroom
I find it very peculiar that after 20 years of being friends with at least two of the guys from HS that nobody in the guys' families had JW's number or was close to him? They had to track him down on FB. Twenty years is a long time. And it seemed these guys got together regularly. So he was never invited over for dinner to the families' homes or anything like that? No interactions with anybody else in their families over the course of 20 years? Doesn't that seem odd?

It was reported that he had moved away and recently moved back to Kansas City and reconnected with his former friends.
ever taken it, but I can't imagine stepping outside in winter to take cocaine. Three reason

One - any stiff breeze would blow away your product.

Two - I don't know about anyone else, but I go from a hot house to freezing cold outdoors, and half the time, my nose starts running like a tap. Who wants all their coke to end up in their handkerchief?

Three - Where are you going to cut and sniff it from? The doorstep?

Tl;dr, there's reasons people take coke from countertops and glass tables INDOORS.


it could already be in tiny metal snuff 'bullets' that you snort directly from

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