GUILTY UK - Brianna Ghey, 16, murdered in Culcheth Linear Park, Feb 2023 *2 teenagers charged*

We could have told them that months ago.
Yep, I had a discussion with another member, can't recall if it was here or in a private discussion, but I pretty much said, low empathy, shallow emotions, pathological fantasising, sensory seeking in the form of cruelty, that's ASPD, not autism/ADHD, they're just used to diagnosing kids with learning or developmental disabilities, not sociopaths. Obviously the intervening time, the psychiatrist has got a clearer picture and reassessed his position. Good on him.


Reference to 'another kill list'​

Ms Heer says that 'another kill list' has since been found in the secure unit where Jenkinson is being held which referred to 'a number of people who were caring for her'

What must her parents think
I wonder if she deliberately left the note expecting it to be found.
She says that a psychiatrist assessing Jenkinson previously said she had traits of ADHD or autism.

"He now considers that this is unlikely," Ms Heer says.

He said there is no evidence that she has post traumatic stress disorder.

Ms Heer said the psychiatrist found that she had a 'form of anti-social personality disorder, rather than a mental illness'.

The psychiatrist said Jenkinson has 'conduct dissocial disorder', with 'limited pro-social emotions'.

Jenkinson knew what she was doing was not just wrong but 'very wrong', Ms Heer says.

Ms Heer says it is accepted that Ratcliffe has autistic spectrum disorder but at the 'mild' end.

He has also been diagnosed with selective mutism due to anxiety. But she says that the psychiatrist found his conditions would not have affected his understanding of the messages.

The prosecution submissions have now concluded and the court is taking a short break before defence submissions.

Now there's a surprise ( not )
Richard Pratt KC, for Jenkinson, is now addressing the court.

He says it is 'unusual' for him to be addressing the court after a trial where a defendant now accepts her guilt.

He says that he asked Jenkinson about her accounts to the psychiatrists.

Mr Pratt says that Jenkinson has now told her that Ratcliffe was responsible for all the stabbing.

The judge says there is 'so much evidence of untruth' in her case. She says: "Quite frankly it's impossible to believe anything she says."

The judge says her impression is that since her conviction Jenkinson has sought to 'paint herself in as bad a light as possible'.

"It would seem completely extraordinary, but for the evidence of her interests and her admiration for notorious killers," Mr Pratt says.

Exactly what a few of us said earlier
'Fully accepts responsibility in the murder'.

I would argue that there's a fundamental difference in bragging smugly about doing it and accepting responsibility. I suppose it's accepting responsibility much in the way a terrorist does for an attack, not accepting responsibility as in taking on board the weight of the killing of another human being and realising the depth of the impact of that crime on the individual, their loved ones, and society. I don't think she's capable of the latter.

Richard Pratt KC, for Jenkinson, is now addressing the court.

He says it is 'unusual' for him to be addressing the court after a trial where a defendant now accepts her guilt.

He says that he asked Jenkinson about her accounts to the psychiatrists.

Mr Pratt says that Jenkinson has now told her that Ratcliffe was responsible for all the stabbing.

The judge says there is 'so much evidence of untruth' in her case. She says: "Quite frankly it's impossible to believe anything she says."

The judge says her impression is that since her conviction Jenkinson has sought to 'paint herself in as bad a light as possible'.

"It would seem completely extraordinary, but for the evidence of her interests and her admiration for notorious killers," Mr Pratt says.

Exactly what a few of us said earlier
I thought for a moment she might have been admitting this to try and cover for Eddie so he would receive a lighter sentence,but I do not think she is capable of such thoughts. She probably enjoyed playing games with her psychiatrists.
The judge says that the sentence in Jenkinson's case would 'look very, very different' if she were an adult.

She says that she is not sure that Jenkinson was motivated by transphobia in the killing.

The judge says she considers that the defendants may have had 'different motives'.

The judge says that the sentence in Jenkinson's case would 'look very, very different' if she were an adult.

She says that she is not sure that Jenkinson was motivated by transphobia in the killing.

The judge says she considers that the defendants may have had 'different motives'.

Shame. She deserves an 'adult' sentence. Can you imagine her being free? I'm sure she'd do the same again.

Jenkinson "fully accepts her responsibility in the murder"​

The court resumes, and Mr Pratt will speak on behalf of Jenkinson now.

But he says that his client no longer admits that she did in fact stab Brianna.

RP: “Our instructions are now as they were at trial, that Eddie is responsible.

Of her account to Dr Church, Mr Pratt says; “She said it was because she was responsible and she wanted herself to do the stabbing.

“She continues to accept, horrifying and gruesome as they are, some of the other features of the case as to what she intended to do but for the intervention of the dog walkers.”

Justice Yip: “There is so much evidence of untruths in the case of Scarlett, it is not possible to believe anything she says.”

The judge says that, in the pre sentence reports, she “wanted to paint herself in as bad a light as possible” and adds: “It would seem completely extraordinary but for her interests and admiration of notorious killers.

“In any event, all of these accounts are untested unlikely the evidence at trial.

“For the record, her account now is that Eddie did the majority of the stabbing but she enjoyed it.”

Slightly more detail here.

Almost childlike mistakes made by this would-be serial killer'​

Mr Pratt concedes that Jenkinson told a psychiatrist that she 'enjoyed' her part in the murder, but questions whether the case can be considered as sadistic under the law.

He says he acknowledges the 'ferocity' of the attack and the 'substantial element of premeditation'.

But he says there were 'extraordinary, and almost childlike mistakes made by this would-be serial killer'.

He said he acknowledges the murder was committed in a public area populated by dog walkers.

Mr Pratt says the 999 call made by a dog walker which was played at the trial will 'linger, I'm sure', in the memories of many'

I know they have to use whatever they can - but really - childlike mistakes - that's mitigation ?
Not sure of Pratt's rationale here? How do 'childlike mistakes' minimise sadism? Surely sadism, first and foremost, is taking pleasure in inflicting pain, which SJ freely admits to. That's literally what sadism is in the dictionary.


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