GUILTY NH - Harmony Montgomery, 7, Manchester, missing after placed in Father's Custody in 2019, reported 2021, *1 Guilty perjury, 1 guilty weapons* #3

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May 2022: A MULTI-SYSTEM INVESTIGATION REGARDING HARMONY MONTGOMERY by Office of the Child Advocate (OAC) pages 1-101

Many of the answers to the questions on how Harmony was given to Adam are answered in the report linked above-- including the role of Ms. Sorey and Mr. Montgomery's substance use disorder (see page 9).
Correct me if I'm wrong: Blair and Jonathan are the foster parents of Harmony's biological brothers?
The Miller's adopted Harmony's brother, J. They have three adopted sons but J is the only one related to Harmony.


May 2022: A MULTI-SYSTEM INVESTIGATION REGARDING HARMONY MONTGOMERY by Office of the Child Advocate (OAC) pages 1-101

Many of the answers to the questions on how Harmony was given to Adam are answered in the report linked above-- including the role of Ms. Sorey and Mr. Montgomery's substance use disorder (see page 9).
I admit I skimmed through that. In my opinion only, the buck absolutely stopped with the judge. It was interesting; (and infuriating) that because Adam hardly participated in the action plan, the DFC Department of Children and Family Services had a weak case when they opposed giving custody of Harmony to Adam.....Whhhat
I admit I skimmed through that. In my opinion only, the buck absolutely stopped with the judge. It was interesting; (and infuriating) that because Adam hardly participated in the action plan, the DFC Department of Children and Family Services had a weak case when they opposed giving custody of Harmony to Adam.....Whhhat

Massachusetts judge should have said, minimum, imho "Come back when you have the Interstate Compact report."

Minimum, jmho.

jmho ymmv lrr
I have an unfortunate inkling that they will never find Harmony Renee. Adam had quite the head start and it appears like slowly disposed of "parts" in several different locations. And he will never tell - it's the last bit of power this narc has.

Sending many clovers, horseshoes, and rabbit's feet the searchers' way.
The Miller's adopted Harmony's brother, J. They have three adopted sons but J is the only one related to Harmony.

So sad that a competent, loving family with Harmony's little brother already there, has such a hard time getting these poor children out of the living nightmare created by their own flesh and blood and usually some just as vicious bf or gf in the picture as well.

I'm sorry but being reunited with flesh and blood is not always the answer in these cases, look what this bio skin suit of a loser father did to this precious baby girl! After he so cold and viciously beat her to death, he continued to carry her poor broken body around like garbage. :mad:

Maybe this case and others like it will help fix the system. Goodness knows, something needs to change the laws to protect these little ones.

God bless all these helpless angels with no voices and no one to keep them safe. It really rips my heart out.:(

I have an unfortunate inkling that they will never find Harmony Renee. Adam had quite the head start and it appears like slowly disposed of "parts" in several different locations. And he will never tell - it's the last bit of power this narc has.

Sending many clovers, horseshoes, and rabbit's feet the searchers' way.
I agree unfortunately, This murderer is an uncaring animal IMO.
So sad that a competent, loving family with Harmony's little brother already there, has such a hard time getting these poor children out of the living nightmare created by their own flesh and blood and usually some just as vicious bf or gf in the picture as well.

I'm sorry but being reunited with flesh and blood is not always the answer in these cases, look what this bio skin suit of a loser father did to this precious baby girl! After he so cold and viciously beat her to death, he continued to carry her poor broken body around like garbage. :mad:

Maybe this case and others like it will help fix the system. Goodness knows, something needs to change the laws to protect these little ones.

God bless all these helpless angels with no voices and no one to keep them safe. It really rips my heart out.:(


There really is a huge problem. And it goes to lack of oversight. Children in a new placement should have mandatory school attendance as a requirement for placement.

That would at least provide oversight and much needed support for the children and family. Plus, parental involvement in school activities and counseling. I would see a model that involved a "school within a school" placement program, staffed with counselors, paras, to support the children in classes. Easy for CPS workers to monitor kids and families without having to visit 50 different places.
FEB 28, 2024

Police said they're not allowed to ask Adam Montgomery about Harmony's remains as he's still represented by counsel.


Aldenberg said he's also on another mission, to increase focus on the Division for Children, Youth and Families. He said his actions have ruffled feathers and prompted upset calls.

"I'm looking for some type of recognition that says, 'We missed the opportunity. We missed it, and had our employee or employees acted differently on that fateful day went they went over to do the check on that day, maybe the course of history on Harmony Montgomery would have changed,'" Aldenberg said.

Aldenberg said there is a long-standing good working relationship with his department and DCYF. He said he doesn't want to compromise that, but he said positive change can't happen without transparent accountability.
FEB 28, 2024

Police said they're not allowed to ask Adam Montgomery about Harmony's remains as he's still represented by counsel.


Aldenberg said he's also on another mission, to increase focus on the Division for Children, Youth and Families. He said his actions have ruffled feathers and prompted upset calls.

"I'm looking for some type of recognition that says, 'We missed the opportunity. We missed it, and had our employee or employees acted differently on that fateful day went they went over to do the check on that day, maybe the course of history on Harmony Montgomery would have changed,'" Aldenberg said.

Aldenberg said there is a long-standing good working relationship with his department and DCYF. He said he doesn't want to compromise that, but he said positive change can't happen without transparent accountability.

Any government agency that doesn't want absolute transparency is the problem.
I had to take a break from this thread for a while after reading the PCA. I just caught up and read through all of the trial posts. I am so completely heartbroken for Harmony, what a horrific tragic little life. Reading about Adam thawing her out in the bathtub was my breaking point. How could he? I hope he has nightmares about what he did. It's hard to believe humans can be so horrible. I can't believe I'm the same species as someone who could do that.
I had to take a break from this thread for a while after reading the PCA. I just caught up and read through all of the trial posts. I am so completely heartbroken for Harmony, what a horrific tragic little life. Reading about Adam thawing her out in the bathtub was my breaking point. How could he? I hope he has nightmares about what he did. It's hard to believe humans can be so horrible. I can't believe I'm the same species as someone who could do that.

What upsets me, is that the same thing happens over and over again. Children get placed in homes with adults who can't manage their own lives, let alone the lives of children.

This is not an isolated event. It keeps happening.
I had to take a break from this thread for a while after reading the PCA. I just caught up and read through all of the trial posts. I am so completely heartbroken for Harmony, what a horrific tragic little life. Reading about Adam thawing her out in the bathtub was my breaking point. How could he? I hope he has nightmares about what he did. It's hard to believe humans can be so horrible. I can't believe I'm the same species as someone who could do that.
I couldn't bring myself to read the PCA, just followed along here occasionally during the trial to make sure little Harmony got justice. :(

A is an animal, and I hope he spends the foreseeable future locked up like one. Child cases really get to me, I just don't know how it's possible to hurt the most innocent and vulnerable in our society. Monsters, they are plain evil, and I doubt he'll spend one minute being truly remorseful for what he did to Harmony. Only feeling sorry for himself that he got caught and sent to prison. :mad:

Last year I purchased a pair of pink-framed blue light eyeglasses in memory of dearest Harmony. If only for a few minutes, I've proudly put them on everyday since the monster was convicted-- because Harmony can't.

Two words: evil coward.
MAR 1, 2024
The woman who confessed to witnessing Harmony Montgomery’s murder and hiding the child’s body for months may soon walk out of prison a free woman.


The plea agreement, obtained by Court TV, was filed on Nov. 16, 2022, and states that Kayla would receive a sentence of 3 1/2 – 7 years on each of the two charges. However, the agreement said that prosecutors would recommend that 18 months of the minimum term be suspended on one charge, and the entire sentence of the second charge be suspended.

That means Kayla gets her first chance at freedom this month. On March 7, Kayla is scheduled to appear before the New Hampshire Adult Parole Board, which will determine whether she can be released.

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