FLDS - The Children

So, how many of you read through that schedule with total disbelief? Just who do they think they're hood-winking with that load of blarney?? How many times did they think they needed to repeat the word "sweet"? :banghead::banghead::banghead:
The "Children's Daily Schedule" is a work of fiction - the smiling happy, joy filled children sound like a book from the 50's. The kids get up at 5AM and the food is described in detail. And in THIS fairy tale the mothers and "caretakers (sister wives?) are always smiling and gentle and sweet. Older children drive (without a license?) and have "computer time" (where are these computers?) and the boys and girls have similar activities - I betcha the BOYS never do housework or prepare dinner...
Oh, and they FAIL TO SAY that the kids stop school at 8th grade - the "High School" part is a BIG LIE we know girls are married at 14-15-16 and the boys are working (or GONE).

Some Excerpts
General Guidelines for FLDS Children Ages 0-2 Years
-We strive tobe ahead of the children’s needs so they do not have to cry before they get their food, or before their diaper is changed. Our lives are centered around our children and our joy is to take care of them.
-Suggested Activities: Children who are just learning to walk love to help wash doorknobs,benches, cupboards, etc. Blocks, (too big to swallow), puzzles that have true pictures, alphabet magnets, etc., are used in the child’s development. Digging in the dirt with a small shovel, jumping on a re-bounder, pushing a wagon, planting seeds, folding washcloths, etc., are things the children can do to grow up healthy and strong.
-Prayer Times and Religious Training: Children of this age are gently encouraged to kneel up for prayer, fold their arms, close their eyes, etc.

A General Daily Schedule for FLDS Children Ages 2-6 Years
-6:00 am Family Prayer Time: Children are gathered together, sing and pray, then read a sermon of Leroy S. Johnson, (usually 20 to 30 minutes.
-7:30 am 10:00 am: General Activities: Children who do not go to school have a variety of jobs they do throughout the morning hours. They may do household chores, such as: clean bathrooms, dust furniture, sweep floors, wash and fold laundry, wash doorknobs and straighten bookshelves, etc., or they may do outside activities, such as: weeding flower gardens, watering gardens, sweeping sidewalks, building stools, picking up trash, etc. A mother is always nearby.The mothers are very patient and understanding, giving the children room to learn and grow. Mothers strive to explain each situation as clearly as possible to the children, and the children feeling the love in the mothers tone of voice, her actions, and smiles love to respond. Young children do not have a long attention span so mothers gently guide them from job to job, activity to activity, so that the children do not grow bored but are sweet and happy
-1:00 -- 3:00 pm General Activities: Consistent, sweet mothers will be thinking ahead.Children will have certain activities assigned to them to do each day, such as: practice the piano or violin, sewing, knitting, wood working, building skills, etc.
-3:00 -- 4:00 pm Preschool: It is very important to FLDS parents that their children be well educated in the necessary skills needed to make a living and become a useful people.
-Mothers do not just dump out toys and leave the children to play. The children are taught activities that enlarge their horizons. Children become very selfish, self-centered and irritable when they play with toys all day.

-Our motives are to raise our children to be honest, true, chaste and benevolent, God-fearing, American citizens.
-5:00 pm Dinner Time: Busy, healthy children are very hungry, come dinner time. Mashed potatoes with butter, salt, and sour cream; tender turkey cooked just right; and flaky rolls with jam; topped off with delicious pumpkin pie brings smiles from hungry children! Yet, its not just the food that brings smiles, it is the kind hands and friendly smiles of mothers and caretakers that make the children feel comfortable and happy.
-5:30 pm Clean Up: Because mothers and caretakers are sweet and gentle, the children are happy to help with the meal clean up, and nightly straightening of their homes.

A General Daily Schedule for FLDS Children 1st - 3rd Grades
-Because our children have been protected from the great evils of the world and are taught to be busy and industrious, they act mature for their age. School age children are capable of taking on more responsibilities, and as children are, they are anxious to grow up and be like the “big guys”.-5:00 am Early Morning Duties: Children arise early, say private prayers, dress, comb hair, make beds, etc. Sisters give sisters hugs, brothers give brothers a handshake, and all say “Good Morning”.
-6:00 am Family Prayer Time: Mothers, caretakers, and children gather to sing, pray, and read a sermon of President Leroy S. Johnson. Older children are encouraged to sit properly and quietly, and to be good examples to younger children. The class lasts 15-30 minutes.
-7:30 am Morning Class: Children who are in 1st through 3rd grades usually sit in their classrooms and listen to the Morning Class, which is a religious training. The training begins with song and prayer, then the principal of the school speaks, or calls on others to bear testimony.
-11:45 am Lunch Time / Family Time: School children are let out of school at 11:45 in the morning so that they can make it to their homes for lunch prayer. It is very important that the families have their family times together. Preschoolers wait by the windows to watch older brothers
and sister come skipping home for lunch. “What did you do in school this morning?” younger brothers and sisters ask. School children rattle off the exciting things their class has been doing, while they quickly gobble down their lunch. Mothers stand by and smile, happy that their children
enjoy life and pray to be good mothers to them always.

-12:45 – 2:45 pm Back to School: “Mother, please walk with me to school before I’m late. I want to go early before my teacher gets there so I can surprise her.” This is commonly heard in the homes of the FLDS. It is true, FLDS children are not perfect, yet they are teachable, and mothers delight in the privilege to raise up their children in light and truth.
-Students in 1 st through 3rd grades are given recess times and often extra outside time, because they are full of energy. Instead of just playing with toys, or spending time on the streets, the children are
taught to use their time wisely. Weeding the garden, cracking nuts, reading true stories, feeding the chickens, visiting the grandmothers, helping with community projects, etc., are some of the things the children do during their recess times.
-Mothers chat with their children about the daily happenings, and children confide in their mothers the successes and challenges they have. Mothers listen with understanding hearts,and turn the children to prayer and obedience to the laws of God.
-4:00 – 5:00 pm Something to Bless Others: Depending on the age group and the homework load, the children are encouraged to help out with the housework and family duties.
-6:00 pm Stories and Family Training: Our children are not told fables, fairy tales,or other untrue stories. Mothers read the Bible and Book of Mormon stories, then simplify it so the children can understand.
School age children are also given more detailed training on our religious beliefs. They are taught scripture memorizations and read Church literature.
- 7:00 pm Family Prayer Time: Children gather with the family to join in song and prayer before retiring. Saying “good- night” to grandmothers, mothers, brothers and sisters is a delightful time for the children. They seldom have bad or frightful dreams, just sweet dreams of a happy family living together.

A General Daily Schedule for FLDS Children 4th grade – Highschool
- 7:30 am Morning Class: Breathless, smiling children file into the schoolhouse about ten minutes before starting time. They are anxious to learn, and greet their teachers and friends with cheerful a “hello”. Morning Class is a 45 minute to one hour long religious class. After a song and prayer, the school principal takes charge and calls on teachers, guests, or children to stand up and bear testimony of what they believe. Freedom of speech is honored in our society.
-School children from 4th to 12th grades are separated into boys classes and girls classes.
-7th to 12th grade students are often used to help with the younger grades. Every day is filled with exciting, new, character-building experiences.
-4:00 – 5:00 pm Family Duties/Personal Projects: Children have ideas and dreams as well as adults. There is time in the bustle of the day for the children to work on their personal projects such as sewing, painting, journal writing, trying out new cooking recipes, visiting, computer work, building projects, etc. Boys and girls of age like to drive
-5:00 pm Dinner Time: Many of the older children help with the cooking in the home, and often decide the menu, etc. The children are taught to live by the Word of Wisdom as revealed by the Prophet Joseph Smith.

I read through the children's schedules and they're far too regimented! Those children have absolutely no childhood of toys, games, imagination, and playing that's important for healthy development.
So, how many of you read through that schedule with total disbelief? Just who do they think they're hood-winking with that load of blarney?? How many times did they think they needed to repeat the word "sweet"? :banghead::banghead::banghead:
It's a piece of propaganda that is meant to entice the sympathy of other fundamentalists.

It sounds so idyllic doesn't it? No bad dreams, children quiet and obedient, all of them happily studying and working and contributing, the children excited to go to school, helping each other, eating all of that wholesome food and their mothers and "caretakers" so sweet and loving. And all that "free speech" and 4 year olds being busy and industrious and the teens having computers and driving. Of course they fail to mention that some of those sweet Mothers are teens themselves - 15 and 16 years old...

And no FATHERS are ever mentioned...it's like the MEN don't exist!

And yes, every waking moment is regimented and controlled. The children are obviously expected to work and act like adults even if they are barely walking. It seems no child is too young to work and have religious training. Not to mention the children must be obedient , sweet and docile - not making noise, (no laughing out loud) and always smiling. These kids (even the infants) get up at 5 AM, have religious training, eat breakfast and either do chores and have religious training at home - or if they are old enough, go to school, a "school" that sounds to ME like it's 3 or 4 hours of religious training, lunch, 1 hour of reading and basic arithmetic followed by recess - which seems to be 2 or 3 hours of CHORES, followed by MORE CHORES at home, dinner and more religious brainwashing - er um, training before bed.

No wonder the kids are bored in the shelter environment - they are used to physically WORKING much of the day, every day and having constant "training". These kids don't do much PLAYING (if any) - and every waking minute is filled with something.

It's amazing how short the school day can be once the children have mastered reading, writing and math. No need to do any history (outside the Bible and Book of Mormon), geography, science, art etc. More time for those important lessons in religion, cooking, cleaning, building and agriculture..

My Opinion
I read through the children's schedules and they're far too regimented! Those children have absolutely no childhood of toys, games, imagination, and playing that's important for healthy development.

Is there anything in there about Reading, Writing, Math, Geography, Foreign Language? It's all religious education. What about Science?
Even the public schools have very deficient science education, in my opinion. And what in heaven's name would be sinful about teaching physics and chemistry? Aargh, don't get me started.
On kids 4th thru high school, at 11:45 am.

This is a rather weird statement. It means something, though I am not sure what

"One detail we would like to mention: there is always bread on the
table at every meal in addition to the other foods served."

Also they make a point of the kids eating a small portion of a food and if they don't like it, then they get something else.

Did CPS possibly ask the kids about the different food groups, is there an issue about grains? Or is this just the FLDS interpatation of what CPS was looking at in their questioning?

What struck me the most is no room for individuality. All older kids do this at this time. Very regimented, very structured and no room for individual preferences. Oh, and they have an hour and a half of religous study before they are given breakfast!

Very much a PR essay. The use of smiling, wonderful, peaceful, and bright sounds good on paper. But what does it have to do with grooming children and pedophilia?

Infants, did you notice that there is no mention of the almond/honey concoction?
I've spent some time reading blogs and other websites and one thing I've noticed. Although we may have sympathy for many of the flds women, there are some for whom that sympathy may be misplaced. Some of the women reportedly went behind their husbands backs to WJ to complain or "tattle", knowing they'd be reassigned and their families ripped apart, their children left bereft of a parent. In fact, some may have done so in order to be reassigned.

Some of the men who left did so without their families. In some cases the women they were married to refused to stay behind and left with them. In some cases one wife left and the others were reassigned.
I've spent some time reading blogs and other websites and one thing I've noticed. Although we may have sympathy for many of the flds women, there are some for whom that sympathy may be misplaced. Some of the women reportedly went behind their husbands backs to WJ to complain or "tattle", knowing they'd be reassigned and their families ripped apart, their children left bereft of a parent. In fact, some may have done so in order to be reassigned.

Some of the men who left did so without their families. In some cases the women they were married to refused to stay behind and left with them. In some cases one wife left and the others were reassigned.
True true true.

Also has anyone noticed when interviewed and there seems to be alot of that lately. (and on tv that is strictly prohibited) that the women and men's voices all sound the same?? High pitched, whiny, same inflections for the same words. Almost robotic. It makes me crazy to listen to them.:mad: JMHO
I've spent some time reading blogs and other websites and one thing I've noticed. Although we may have sympathy for many of the flds women, there are some for whom that sympathy may be misplaced. Some of the women reportedly went behind their husbands backs to WJ to complain or "tattle", knowing they'd be reassigned and their families ripped apart, their children left bereft of a parent. In fact, some may have done so in order to be reassigned.

Some of the men who left did so without their families. In some cases the women they were married to refused to stay behind and left with them. In some cases one wife left and the others were reassigned.

I don't have a ounce of sympathy for the FLDS women! I am reading the book 'Silent Innocence' by Elissa Wall & she said her Mom tattled by talking to her daughter who was married to Rulon Jeffs & they reassigned there family. The father was allowed to stay with 2 wifes but her Mom & siblings were moved then went back to the Dad again. Only got that far.
True true true.

Also has anyone noticed when interviewed and there seems to be alot of that lately. (and on tv that is strictly prohibited) that the women and men's voices all sound the same?? High pitched, whiny, same inflections for the same words. Almost robotic. It makes me crazy to listen to them.:mad: JMHO
I believe it was Carolyn Jessop, but I'm not sure, but I heard the person say that they try to imitate Warren Jeffs voice, that's how he talks.

It's probably also because they're taught not to show emotions, and that includes in their voices, but listening to some of the women lately... whooee. Now, if they'd do that all the time and not aim it all at us but at those doing the abuse within their community I'd quit thinking they were all kowtowing to WJ.
I don't have a ounce of sympathy for the FLDS women! I am reading the book 'Silent Innocence' by Elissa Wall & she said her Mom tattled by talking to her daughter who was married to Rulon Jeffs & they reassigned there family. The father was allowed to stay with 2 wifes but her Mom & siblings were moved then went back to the Dad again. Only got that far.
After reading some posts, I have "some" sympathy, and its not for those at the YFZ ranch, (since those are the most loyal and obedient to Jeffs,) but to those in CC an Hildale who have realized what Jeffs and his minions have done to their religion and to their lives. Those that know this but are afraid of losing their husbands and children and homes by force. My sympathy lies with those women and men and young people who have made the very hard decision to leave but are concerned about those they left behind.

There was a poster who was castigating Flora, Carolyn and others who've written about the abuse or have been on tv. Another poster, who claims to still be "in" pointed out that although the abuse hadn't happened to her or to the other poster, it was no less real to those it happened to. She also said that many "inside" don't realize the level of abuse that is going on and once they do know, haven't done anything to stop it, whether out of fear or the fact that when it has been brought to the notice of Rulon Jeffs or Warren Jeffs or their minions, they are a)made to marry the abuser b)told to mind their own business.

Even though the FLDS speaking out on tv and in news articles state that if those things were going on the abusers would be thrown out, that's not the case since their community's tenets are that a man cannot interfere in another man's family. Also because some of those doing the abuse are some of the women.

My sympathy most of all lies with the children.
The judge said that Dan Jessop’s restraining order against CPS is invalid, and because of this, they could take his wife, Louisa Jessop, and three-day-old son to San Antonio.
Dan Jessop’s request for a restraining order was granted Tuesday, one day after his son, Richard Daniel Jessop, was born in an Austin hospital.

The judge said while she was sympathetic to Jessop's case, the case was out of Travis County's jurisdiction, so no injuctions could be issued. The Jessops would have to get one in San Antonio.
Texas, calling a polygamist sect an abusive environment, is poised to tell its mothers they will lose their children unless they distance themselves from portions of their religion. Some lawyers believe this could mean women would never be able to return to the Yearning for Zion ranch in Eldorado, and would have to choose between some of their beliefs and their children.
As marathon court battles continued in Texas today over the future of 464 FLDS children, two Utahns who were kicked out of the group several years ago went to court to testify; and, surprisingly considering their history, they spoke up in defense of the FLDS.

The story of Frank Johnson and Art Barlow provides a revealing insight into the FLDS group. It shows the powerful hold Warren Jeffs had over his followers, and that he may still have, even over some former members of the group.
The two men have seen their kids for the first time in several years. They did speak out in defense of the FLDS.

More about Barlow and Johnson:
Child Protective Services spokesman Patrick Crimmins said the agency has asked FLDS parents to name relatives who could take the children, but all will have to be vetted before they could get custody.

FLDS spokesman Rod Parker said the 168 mothers in the case want their children but would consider relatives to be acceptable alternative guardians.

"Anything is more acceptable than foster care or non-relative adoption," he said.


Barlow appears to be in a plural marriage, Johnson they aren't saying. They also aren't saying whether or not they have ever married a child under the age of consent.
CNN was just reporting that CPS had gone back to the compound after getting a tip there are more children being kept there. They did not have a warrant and were not allowed in.
I have no doubt there are many hiding placing at that compound!

CNN was just reporting that CPS had gone back to the compound after getting a tip there are more children being kept there. They did not have a warrant and were not allowed in.
I have no doubt there are many hiding placing at that compound!

Was there mention of obtaining another warrant?
The two men have seen their kids for the first time in several years. They did speak out in defense of the FLDS.

More about Barlow and Johnson:

Barlow appears to be in a plural marriage, Johnson they aren't saying. They also aren't saying whether or not they have ever married a child under the age of consent.
I read that. Barlow has a legal wife and quiet a few children and I believe the children he's wanting custody of are form a "spiritual" wife. He's still in favor of the flds and their practices and that to me is a red flag. What's to stop him from getting custody and simply turning them back over to the "wife"?

The men who have more than one wife, especially more than two or three, are those who have given the most money to Jeffs or previous leaders and were at one time, or are, those who had or have the most position within the sect. Those who have one wife are on the low end of things.

So anyone who comes forward with other wives and umpteen children needs to be assessed very carefully imo.

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