Missing 8 mo Pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #12

It's sickening what this animal did.Reading the autopsy report made my stomach turn.Please let him be caught in the US so he can get the death penalty.
Oh my God something just popped in my head after looking at the autopsy report. It said on top of her body was found a plastic bag with a piece of newborn size clothing inside of it. I BET Laurean coaxed her over there under the false assumption that he was buying things to help her out with the baby and wanted to give the things to her. I never thought of that before when I sat here for DAYS trying to figure out how in the world she got over to his house and why did she go there!!
Do any autopsy experts see anything in the report that is unusual? I'm not raising any issues. I really don't know. I have not read any before. Other than the fact that it is obvouisly extremely discusting. Littledeer, you were wondering why it was taking so long to release. Is it what you expected? Others, is it what it should be?

My question is why doesn't it definately say her death was a result of the blow to the head? Should it?

Who has the evidence taken from the house? Is that list of evidence available? What I am looking for is the rest of her clothing she was wareing and the items they say she took with her from her home. Does anyone know if those were ever recovered?
Oh my God something just popped in my head after looking at the autopsy report. It said on top of her body was found a plastic bag with a piece of newborn size clothing inside of it. I BET Laurean coaxed her over there under the false assumption that he was buying things to help her out with the baby and wanted to give the things to her. I never thought of that before when I sat here for DAYS trying to figure out how in the world she got over to his house and why did she go there!!

Disturbing, isn't it? If there is a tag, they could go to the security films to see who made that purchase. Even if they know the manufacturer, they can probably figure out where that was purchased and go to the security films and see if she purchased it or if he did or his wife did, I am guessing. Interesting that he buried that and not her ID, purse or other personal things IMO.
I'm thinking he didn't bury the ID card and other personsonal affects because that would make identification of the body extremely easy.But,then again,how many people accused of a rape resulting in a pregancy,just happen to have a female and an unborn fetus burried in thier yard.

You could also assume that since it was said Christina and Maria looked alot alike that they kept the ID card for Christina to use to buy the bus ticket.
Oops, I mistakenly posted this in the media thread (sorry mods), but I was wondering as I was watching AMW last nite, have the DNA results been released? Is the baby Cesar's baby? I haven't been following this lately as there has been no new nes but I don't recall seeing anything about DNA results.
I think I read awhile back that the dna results were in but they were not going to release them. Something to do with the investigation still being on-going.

Oops, I mistakenly posted this in the media thread (sorry mods), but I was wondering as I was watching AMW last nite, have the DNA results been released? Is the baby Cesar's baby? I haven't been following this lately as there has been no new nes but I don't recall seeing anything about DNA results.
Yes I am on Tricare Prime. We have to pay a fee every month for dental and a BIG fee every time we go to the dentist lol.. My hubby is 100% free though & he has to go to the military dentist. We are not allowed. We have to use civilian dentists.

You must not be on Tricare Prime, if you have to pay a fee. :) There is a smallish fee for family dental, but the service member gets dental free. Military dentists :eek:! (Actually, for all I know, military dentists are the finest in the world, but the words sound painful anyway.)
Oops, I mistakenly posted this in the media thread (sorry mods), but I was wondering as I was watching AMW last nite, have the DNA results been released? Is the baby Cesar's baby? I haven't been following this lately as there has been no new nes but I don't recall seeing anything about DNA results.
Nothing has been released. :(
I'm not sure if this is just an old article that was recently updated, but here it is anyway:
Mother of slain Marine: 'I want women to be better protected'
Mary Lauterbach has sent a list of more than 30 questions to the commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, Gen. James Conway, through her congressman.
She says she's unconvinced her daughter's rape allegation against Laurean was treated seriously. (more at link)

Good for her. I'm not sure how far she'll get with all them in CYA mode, but I hope something good comes out of this.

Bumping this thread!

Attention to Pacific & Central time zone folks!


Denise Lee - 1st hour

Maria Lauterbach - 2nd hour

Worth watching!

Rum Tum
Bumping this thread!

Attention to Pacific & Central time zone folks!


Denise Lee - 1st hour

Maria Lauterbach - 2nd hour

Worth watching!

Rum Tum

I have it on right now. Found it by chance.
Can you guys update this thread about what they say? I can't get it over here where I live..I heard they finally showed the picture of elwifey!?
Her photo is now posted on the Photo thread, Mygirlsadie! It doesn't change my opinion of her unless it verifies my thoughts on her being jealous. I think Maria was much prettier. She appears to be rather immature looking, too (imo).
Ok i'm shocked at Christine's picture. I figured she would at least be ''cute''..but wow not even kinda cute. Sorry but yeah she was obviously extremely jealous of Maria. Maria was adorable!
Can you guys update this thread about what they say? I can't get it over here where I live..I heard they finally showed the picture of elwifey!?

Mygirl, if you go to www.dateline.com you can read the transcripts of the show . Unfortunately there are only two videos, not the whole program.
But it is something at least.
I watched it. pretty interesting but not alot new. I thought the pic that they showed of CL was Maria?! I was confused. Sorry, but I thought she was cute. I have to mention something though, mods delete if this is in violation, but..... about Maria's mom. I'm sorry but after working for a couple of decades with a neurologist/psychiatrist I have gotten pretty good at judging certain people. Maria's mom, IMHO appears to have some sort of mental illness to me. I realize she is grieving, stressed, upset, etc, but there are certain mannerisms and facial expressions that she makes as well as the way that she talks that leads me to believe this. I think this would explain some of her derogatory comments about her daughter at the beginning. If she were a patient of ours, I could imagine my dr making what we call a "psych symbol" on her chart. Don't hate me, but I really thought it was weird. Anyway, it was a really good show, particularly for those who haven't followed this case like WS has. I sure was hoping that they would tell us something new though about what they thought went on in the house, or why Maria went there or why she was going to El Paso. They said was walking toward the internet cafe though when captured, I thought he was walking toward a phone booth?
Her mom seems different to me too, almost cold. I have been thinking it's due to her military service though. I think those women are different, and have felt that for years. I couldn't help but wonder how that affected Maria while she was growing up.

Anyway, I'm into bashing Cesar.

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