Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #5

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Let's take a step back for a moment.

In the beginning, the first day after the shooting, local LE indicated they had a suspect.

Then, the state LE stepped in and stated, no, we really don't have a suspect.

We later learn that several people passed lie detector tests.

They sound like suspects to me, at least until their story was verified.

Then, we hear there is a POI and a separate witness who saw the girls only moments before they were shot.

They state that the POI is just that, nothing more, but we suspect this person is a suspect.

They have played with what they have released to the public from the beginning. Why?

I think they did have a suspect, but that suspect was able to pass the lie detector test, but they still don't believe it. They think it was two shooters, and other items in the news indicate that LE may believe that a group of people, may have even been party of the "shooting" party, but they didn't actually do the shooting.

That's why I think LE hasn't released the 911 tapes. They want to verify something with the POI, a time, a something.

I think they have about 95% proof of a suspect, but that 5% missing (an ID, a car description, a something) is a vital 5% missing that turns a circumstantial case into a beyond reasonable doubt case.

or suspect(s).................
I turn into a complete idiot when faced with an emergency situation regarding a loved one of mine. Don't get me wrong - I am great if it is someone elses loved one in an emergency situation. This is really embarrassing, but here goes: When my son was about 16, he was snow boarding out back of our house. His friend came running into the house yelling that Nik had broken his collarbone and had to go to the hospital. I immediately (in my jammies!) ran outside, and seeing my son white as a sheet, I asked him if I could take a shower first - before taking him to the hospital! PULEEZE! Certainly, in my right mind, I know time is of the essence and we must get to the hospital right away, but my first instinct was to jump into the shower! Another time, my husband had overdosed on vicodan in an attempt to kill himself. When I tried to wake him, I realized what he had done. I shook him like there is no tomorrow, and I slapped him across the face. I just could not face the reality that he may actually die - I bet I tried to 'wake him up' for a good 5 minutes (shaking him, yelling, screaming, threatening, slapping, etc.) before I actually called 911. Then, while waiting for the paramedics to arrive, I quickly ran upstairs to change (yes - I was in my jammies again!), then I proceeded to straighten up the house before the paramedics arrived! Luckily, my husband survived and is doing well, BUT - he was very close to death he was comatose for three days), and I had to change out of my jammies and clean the house! PULEEZE!! I know better, but my brain turns to mush when a loved one of mine is in danger...what I am trying to say, is I can picture PP trying to revive the girls, then maybe yelling for someone to come help, then maybe start running back to his house, then maybe remembering that Taylor has a cell phone and looking for the phone, and THEN, maybe thinking clearly enough to call 911...I'm just saying . . .

Bless your heart, that post brought tears to my eyes, in between laughing a little.
A scenario we haven't thought enough of.

We've blamed drug runners, running meth labs, a crazy duo of tight buddies, the POI, the bandidos hit squad, the father-son hunting accident, etc.

Let's look at the ATV guys again, or rather, what they represent:
a potential difference of class.

We've stated that whoever killed the girls had to have killed before because of the execution-like result.

There have to be a small portion of the population around there with money, who live well above the $30,000 annual average income in the area. Sometimes, these people want what's best for their kids and in their minds, what's best is a million miles away from where they live currently, even if the parents are doing well as lawyers, doctors, etc. Their son could be on the path to a college scholarship or going off to med school, etc.

These people KNOW they are better than 90 percent of their neighbors.
And they wouldn't let a couple of small poor girls get in their way.

The thrill kill scenario or accidental shooting scenario seems to be what LE is really focusing on with the local angle, the two shooter angle, the group angle, the playing with release of information, the confidence in Rosser's voice that they will get them as soon as all the pieces of the puzzle come in, the good citizen plea to the POI. This type of person or persons, raised to believe the world was their oyster, could kill two girls in cold blood like this if those girls got in their way to the brilliant future they've been groomed to have.

I truly thin POI isn't considered a suspect and I really think LE is focusing on an ATVer/pickup truck of good ole boys type of shooting
I thought they had kids and some had the last name of Paschal and
some had the last name Placker?
Does Taylor have step brothers & sisters?
And if so is it possible that a step sister named Paschal and a
step brother named Placker had her?
Or am I way off?

Since Vickie's maiden name is Paschal, I would assume that two of the children were born prior to Vickie marrying Peter Placker. If she didn't marry the biological father of those children, they would likely have their mother's maiden name.

It's possible that Taylor's name was originally Taylor Paschal, and when Peter and Vickie Placker became her guardians, the Placker was added, making it Paschal-Placker.
My guess is the time between Peter finding the girls and calling 911 isn't as long as we think it is. But if it is more than 5 minutes I would be asking questions.

This doesn't mean I suspect anything. I would just want to know what was going on.

Regarding the walking, if Skyla's mother was coming from the north why did he even need to go look for the girls? She would be driving right by them and could have picked them up if they weren't back by then. If he went to look for the girls because he was worried, the girls could have been in trouble over 1/2 mile away. You walk to find out?
With most of the family's history, does anyone else think that they (the family) or at least some of them know or at least have an idea who is responsible and are just planning on taking matters into their own hands? It's been mentioned before that they aren't really the type to sit down with the police and chit chat about who they've worked with and who they've crossed or angered along the way. Seems like they'd most likely do their own investigating and prosecuting.
Peter Placker is not a suspect at all.

But, with the timeline; the walking; the unusual long wait for 911; there will be questions.

It is time enough for anyone to hide evidence, delay evidence and change the story.
People who live "in the country" do not get in their cars to go down the road "a piece", as they say. Even before gas was $4 a gallon. I don't get in my car to go down the street - walking is faster (driving means: find keys, get wallet/purse, get in car, open garage door, put on seat belt, maneuver car out of garage) I can walk down the street and be back faster than I can even get TO the car. When I see things happen out my window (like a dog has gotten loose etc) I just go, on foot. I don't even THINK about driving.

It makes absolute sense to me that GPa walked down the road to get the girls - he probably walked to the road, looked, didn't see them, hollered, got no response and then headed down the road toward the bridge...probably thinking they had gone to rescue a turtle or something. Exactly what I would have done in his place...walk down the road. I don't think he was worried or concerned and he probably wasn't even walking fast - he was just gonna go hurry the girls along. He didn't even take his cell phone with him - he certainly wasn't expecting what he found.

When he did find them he was probably paralyzed for a minute or two. Once he found Taylor's (or Skyla's) phone he probably called ASAP - BUT by the time the 911 operator dispatched the call to the Sheriff's Dept a full 10 minutes MIGHT have passed between the time he found the girls and the time when the Sheriff's Office logged the dispatch in. 911 Operators have to go thru a series of questions and make sure they have a correct dispatch address since the call came from a cell phone - and GPa may have been so distraught he was hard to understand and so much in shock he wasn't giving clear information to the 911 operator. Skyla's GMa might have been incorrect in her reporting of the time of the call she got - or her clock was off a little.

I think the times and time frame will show to be essentially as expected and that everything happened in a timley manner. The small discrepancies can be as simple as the fact that not all clocks/watches are accurate and they certainly are not synchronized - a difference of 5 minutes between 2 clocks/watches is not unusual.

If GPa had been worried I don't think he would have left the house without at LEAST a cell phone and maybe even a baseball bat or a shotgun. GPa would have gone prepared if he had even an inkling of what he would encounter.

My Opinion
I truly thin POI isn't considered a suspect and I really think LE is focusing on an ATVer/pickup truck of good ole boys type of shooting

I understand what you are saying, however.

What are the odds some guy is going to be stopped on that road, he is outside his vehicle, his vehicle is parked in an unusual way, his manner scares the people that see him and he is in the vicinity of where the girls are killed.

Those are some long odds.
Hi all- I just joined, having been a "lurker" for 5 yrs. or so now. This case hits close to home as I used to be a small-town okie girl who took long walks down country roads with her best friend.
I'm familiar with Okfuskee county because I've done fieldwork in the area for several years, so maybe I can help if anyone has questions about the lay of the land.

I thought I'd give y'all a break from thinking about the family tree (it makes my head spin - I personally think Taylor looks like Linda, though) and list some info. about the area that may be relevant:

-there is a 24-hr. casino called the Golden Pony at the Thlopthlocco tribal town (not really a town as we think of it, just an admin. building, the casino, a crafts business, and a parking lot which I believe has surveillence cameras) at the Clearview Rd. exit off I-40 (one of 2 exits which people take to Weleetka). This is no more than 5 miles from where the girls were killed.
-there is a men's prison, the J.H. Lilley, outside of Boley, which is about 20-30 mins. away.
-there's a rodeo outside of Clearview each August, which is generally nice but has been known to bring in a bad element from time to time. This takes place in a field just a few miles from where the girls were killed. This is predominantly an Af.-Am. rodeo, however, so the gangs are mostly crips/bloods and not Hell's Angels/bandidos.
-the County Line Rd. is a country road, but it wouldn't be too hard for someone to find it. It's not completely remote, so I don't necessarily think the POI had to know beforehand that he was going there.
-Okfuskee county is mostly Creek. If the POI is someone who was familiar with the area and who has NA heritage, then I would assume that he is Creek or partly so.
-I don't think anyone would be killed over a roll # or head rights. Most people I know have some roll # somewhere in their family, and many try to get benefits. The tribes are very used to that. It's good to think creatively about these things, though.
-Rural Oklahoma has really changed in the past 10-15 yrs. Meth. has become such a problem and the recent growth of casino culture has created its own issues.

Welcome Dalaipardon!

Thanks for the profile of the area! :)
I understand what you are saying, however.

What are the odds some guy is going to be stopped on that road, he is outside his vehicle, his vehicle is parked in an unusual way, his manner scares the people that see him and he is in the vicinity of where the girls are killed.

Those are some long odds.

What if POI was the "original" finder of these angels bodies? What if POI was driving, saw "something" on the side of the road, hence the angle of the pick up? What if he was afraid, when other witnesses drove by, *he* would be accused of the crime?

That is a possibility as well. IMO
I'm trying to keep up with ya'll as best I can while I'm at work (it aint easy!)

I have a quick question:

Is LE certain that the shooter(s) were not on foot? It seems plausible to me that whoever did this could have been on foot, shot the girls, and disappeared into the woods. By the time the grandfather found the bodies, called 911, etc. the shooter(s) could have been long gone into the woods.......

I find all the theories interesting - my gut feeling remains that this was a "thrill kill" by 2 or more people, probably boys in their late teens/early 20s.
A scenario we haven't thought enough of.

We've blamed drug runners, running meth labs, a crazy duo of tight buddies, the POI, the bandidos hit squad, the father-son hunting accident, etc.

Let's look at the ATV guys again, or rather, what they represent:
a potential difference of class.

We've stated that whoever killed the girls had to have killed before because of the execution-like result.

There have to be a small portion of the population around there with money, who live well above the $30,000 annual average income in the area. Sometimes, these people want what's best for their kids and in their minds, what's best is a million miles away from where they live currently, even if the parents are doing well as lawyers, doctors, etc. Their son could be on the path to a college scholarship or going off to med school, etc.

These people KNOW they are better than 90 percent of their neighbors.
And they wouldn't let a couple of small poor girls get in their way.

The thrill kill scenario or accidental shooting scenario seems to be what LE is really focusing on with the local angle, the two shooter angle, the group angle, the playing with release of information, the confidence in Rosser's voice that they will get them as soon as all the pieces of the puzzle come in, the good citizen plea to the POI. This type of person or persons, raised to believe the world was their oyster, could kill two girls in cold blood like this if those girls got in their way to the brilliant future they've been groomed to have.

I truly thin POI isn't considered a suspect and I really think LE is focusing on an ATVer/pickup truck of good ole boys type of shooting

I have also been thinking along these same lines.
Peter Placker is not a suspect at all.

But, with the timeline; the walking; the unusual long wait for 911; there will be questions.

It is time enough for anyone to hide evidence, delay evidence and change the story.

Why makes you sure he is not a suspect?

My grandmother was stabbed to death out front of her house and every family that lived there was a suspect.
What are the odds some guy is going to be stopped on that road, he is outside his vehicle, his vehicle is parked in an unusual way, his manner scares the people that see him and he is in the vicinity of where the girls are killed.

Those are some long odds.

Granted, but look at what they are telling someone, sometimes the POI specifically, through the news media.

Do your duty as a reponsible citizen.

[paraphrase]Someone in this group of people who wasn't the shooter knows something.
Let me make it clear, I am not trying to suggest there is a coverup or they had anything to do with this tragedy. I am just wondering if the times are off and it gives a bigger window of time when this crime was committed. If he could not reach them at 5:08 chances are the crime had already been committed and if they were found a little later than the original time frame, then the chances of them passing a witness or seeng someone leave the scene changes? I know what I am trying to say but I am not sure I am doing a good job of explaining it.

I think it's likely the Plackers know the sequence of events, but their estimates of the time - when the girls left on their walk, when Skyla's mother called, when grandfather found the girls, etc, and of the time that elapsed between events that day are not accurate. That's fully understandable considering what had just happened.

LE will be able to re-construct the timing of events that day through the phone records.

Thanks for accepting apology.

Other than Chris (if I am not mistaken who was arrested), does anyone know if there are any other family members who are no longer in the vincity since the girls were murdered? I'm just wondering if the police, FBI, etc. might have moved them to a safer place? Other than SS who lives I believe approx. 70 miles away, do we have any other local posters that live in the area?

Hi All, I live about the same distance away, I'm 44 from Henryetta. I have been following this and may have local info in a few days. I've had a death in the family and a funeral today, but I will pass on anything I can when things settle
Hi All, I live about the same distance away, I'm 44 from Henryetta. I have been following this and may have local info in a few days. I've had a death in the family and a funeral today, but I will pass on anything I can when things settle
Hello Sooner Fan, Just wnat to give my condolences regardsing the death in your family. I am sorry.
And I will await the info you have from locals. That I am sure will be enlightening.
What if POI was the "original" finder of these angels bodies? What if POI was driving, saw "something" on the side of the road, hence the angle of the pick up? What if he was afraid, when other witnesses drove by, *he* would be accused of the crime?

That is a possibility as well. IMO
It is, in fact ANYONE driving by with eyes would have seen Taylor, she was lying practically ON the road - less than 2 feet off the road surface. She was in a slight "depression" (ditch) but she would have been clearly visible from the road - especially from the higher vantage point of a PU truck seat. It certainly would have been enough to stop someone in their tracks - OR make them back up, or turn around in the road to verify what they saw in passing.

Was there an attempted (or completed) 911 call BEFORE GPa's we haven't heard about because LE is going to use it to ID the POI if he is located? Was there a call AFTER GPa's call, from say a pay phone?

Perhaps LE KNOWS the POI called in what he saw - but does NOT want to ID himself (out of fear)? Perhaps they think the POI was there because the real killer(s) called him and he went to SEE if the story was true? Perhaps LE knows that the body shots (with the low caliber weapon) were done 10 or 15 minutes BEFORE the high caliber (presumably to the head) shots were made and that the POI was there "cleaning up" after the original shooter?

The theory that a teenager (or teenagers) did this is much more logical if the body shots were done with the small gun and well before the head shots. That means an "ADULT" was called and HE did the head shots after he got to the scene (to make sure there was no-one alive to ID the 1st shooter?).

What if the POI was a parent and wanted to verify what his child told him "someone" did, say if the boys in the truck target shooting drove by the girls bodies and one of them told a parent or other adult and THAT person is the POI (who went to check on what his son told him). There can be a number of reason (other than guilt) a person would have been stopped where the bodies were found.

My Opinion
I have just learned that there is such a thing as a roadside meth lab. The cookers drive to a remote location, sometimes a riverbed, and cook meth for a few hours then leave.

"Meth can be manufactured from the trunks of cars or from fully operational labs built in homes.

Rural areas are ideal for meth manufacturing because there is a lot of space and privacy to work in.

“People are finding wooded areas in the country to cook,” Dobratz said. Drug dealers can set up a lab in local riverbeds, and concealed by the woods, can cook up an ounce of meth in six to eight hours. "
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