Caylee Marie Anthony - 2 - missing for a month before mother contacts authorities! #3

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Mommy locked her 21 year old daughter out of the shed (to include her grandbaby...which is noble..)...

but her 21 year old daughter? I know nothing much is, most likely, in the shed..........but to HIDE IT AND PREACH IT OVER AND OVER...... well, what the h#ll is in that freaking shed?

THIS WHOLE CASE JUST DOES NOT MAKE SENSE AT ALL! and that scares me for the little girl
That whole rant about the shed made me nuts!! So much effort...especially when EVERYONE should be talking about Caylee (which is exactly right...not the shed, the bamboo,etc.)!

What really ticks me off is that Casey seemed to be leading LE all over Orlando. You take them to Universal to show them your employee locker knowing darn well that you don't have one?!!! Don't you think they have more important things they could be looking for your missing daughter?!! This girl infuriates me!!
Probably used some of that 700 bucks for the tattoo
Probably right. I guess gas wasn't important enough.

OOPS...I just realized the car was towed BEFORE she stole the money.
Yes...........Casey picked up Amy at the airport on July 15th, and Amy had been out of town for a week. That means that Amy was gone from July 8th or 9th to the 15th.

The car was towed on June 30th. So, it would appear that Casey abandoned her parent's car at the check cashing store parking lot sometime prior to June 30th.

The car may have been abandoned for at least a few days before the store called an impound yard to have the car towed. From what I understand, it all depends on the owner of the store or mall where the store is located. Owners set their own policy on abandoned cars and how long they're allowed to sit before being towed. With some owners it might be 24 hours, and with others, 72 hours.

I think it's safe to say that the car was abandoned at least by June 28th or 29th, and maybe a few days sooner than that.

good observation, Leila....this makes sense to me too...
DUDE...LOL!!!! my husband's mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother, aunts, and a few female cousins tooo!

send in the clowns and I can get a full fledged circus set up and signed for with my inlaws....

sigh................ tff right now LOL

Thats funny!!!!
frankly, I do not want to even hear her story on the tat until she can produce her daughter..that she supposedly left with a sitter (yeah right)...

At this point I am SICK TO DEATH of her and her parents...SHAME ON THEM!

If this is about caylee then let's find her for the love of God! I cannot speak directly for my fellow wsers here...but I bet a dime to a dollar that we want the TRUTH and WE WANT CAYLEE HOME NOW!

what a feaking connundrum they have caused...
Probably right. I guess gas wasn't important enough.

OOPS...I just realized the car was towed BEFORE she stole the money.

This keeps pointing to Amy covering up and being involved in placing Caylee somewhere for Casey.

She stole money from Amy but Amy went on her little trip anyway and let this thief stay at her place, with her b/f ... and use her car?
I think they are out buying a new shovel for the wild Bamboo forests there..

alright, Im done, it's so ridiculous I could not help it, sorry..

I seen the pictures of the bamboo & thought it is the wild kind too.....LOL It grows everywhere!
frankly, I do not want to even hear her story on the tat until she can produce her daughter..that she supposedly left with a sitter (yeah right)...

At this point I am SICK TO DEATH of her and her parents...SHAME ON THEM!

If this is about caylee then let's find her for the love of God! I cannot speak directly for my fellow wsers here...but I bet a dime to a dollar that we want the TRUTH and WE WANT CAYLEE HOME NOW!

what a feaking connundrum they have caused...

I agree 100% with all of this except this one part. I bet we all agree there may be a better place for her than home. This whole family is whacked.
No new updates but it sure felt good to me to see someone asking and stating the obvious for this so-called attorney. He sure felt the need to keep blame shifting, didn't he? Throw the heat off himself when Dog asked about Caylee. He just HAD to say how Dog has recently needed a defense atty for himself. ! I didn't like him from the moment I first saw him, the same smirking arrogance that Casey has.
Yea that was uncalled for if they keep saying to focus on Caylee not Casey, why bring up Dog's past. That attorney is crazy. Glad Dog said what we all are here.
Two questions, if anyone can shed some light...

Who was the boyfriend that Casey was waiting to return from New York, and was that a recent myspace post or from years ago?

Where did Amy go for a week while Casey was borrowing her car?

OK, three questions.
Amy (I think it said) was returning from Puerto Rico.
Jesse's parents (judging from their MySpace accounts) have more of an interest in this little girl than that of "one of my son's ex-girlfriend's kid" - I have to go back and re-read the info on SNRT that I came across last night, before I start discussing it, but I DID get the feeling that they could very possibly be involved (and that Casey is also willingly involved)

I am looking forward to hearing your expert take on this! I am an open heart nurse...and I can talk guts and anatomy until the cows come home, but I am anxiously awaiting your piece on this.

bottom line tho.........this daughter SUCKS THE BIG ONE to not know where her child is! WHAT A COMPLETE LOSER! She went out every weekend to "fusian" and several of her friends DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE HAD A CHILD!

There are simply no words in my vocabulary to address this woman! If her daughter is dead and she had no physical part of it.....she is STILL RESPONSIBLE. I don't think she ever felt that burdon of being responsible in day~2~day life.. but too late now. She is fubar and THANK GOD!
Doesn't bamboo have very deep roots? Casey don't look to me like the sort of person who would dig up bamboo....who was she going to give it to? Wonder if they got the name of the person she got it for? Or was that a lie too? LE could check that out easy enough.
It's bamboo grass and Casey removes it because Caylee can trip over it-it tends to grow high. (OK...grass, high, Casey all in the same can't make this stuff up!)
This freaky myspace page is unreal. It looks satanic... cult-ish.
here you go...

Investigators did not release many new details about the case, Saturday, other than to say that weeks after Casey Anthony last saw her daughter, Casey got a tattoo that says "Bella Vida" in honor of her daughter.

Thank you - WOW - that, IMO, is a significant piece of info - I hate to say it, but..... "Beautiful Life" - it sounds like a life lost? :confused:
Which part of Casey was the last one with Caylee is lost on the family, the attorney etc? In every missing persons case that is where the investigation starts. The first questions asked are who did you see with Caylee in the day, weeks leading up to her disappearence. Where were you in the 24 hours that Caylee went missing. To start where this is 5 weeks later and only have a forward looking view is unrealistic and irresponsible.

Sorry it's late and I had to put this thought somewhere.
Is it me or does anyone else think ........ No way does Jesse's dad look like the type of person that would be "good" friends with Casey's family?
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