Caylee Anthony 2 years old #6

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I just read that the person who told them he had talked to Casey on the 24th was guess who???? Anthony!

I don't believe him. I don't know why he is telling this but I don't believe it.

Secondly I think that Cindy got caught in a major LIE. I don't see how she could confuse something as important as when she last saw her granddaughter. Especially since it was FATHERS DAY. That picture alone should have "jogged" her memory. The one of the grandfather with Caylee on his lap that we have been seeing on TV alot.

People only lie because they are guilty of something. I am sure that the GMA is in on this...even if it's just that Casey told her what happened and now she is covering Casey's butt.

Big mistake to let Casey out. But, hey, that's the legal system and legally the judge didn't have much choice.

The little girl is dead. I feel it in my heart after today. How long Casey and Cindy will play games with the cops remains to be seen.

No, it was Jesse Grund
Really please supply a link for that. Or was that said in court which kept freezing on me.:bang:
Yes, I read/heard that as well. She heard her that morning in her room...she couldn't actually see her 'cause she can't look through doors. Too much to go through to go backwards...can someone help?
Why would we believe her now? This is also after she was found to be lying about seeing Caylee for the last time on June 8th or 9th.

Exactly. That's what I'm stuck on - did anyone see Casey and Caylee together after June 16th? Could Casey have left Caylee at the grandparents?
But Cindy said Casey and Caylee left her house the morning of June 16th.

gma testified that she heard them in thier room. She never saw Caylee after she tucked her in bed the night before.
Let me be VERY specific here.

The grandmother, Cindy, gave her statement to LE that the last time she saw Caylee was on June 8, 2008.

The Detective testified today when she was confronted with further evidence LAST NIGHT, July 21, 2008 that Caylee was actually with her and videotaped (which has been seen all of the national media of her reading a book at a table) on June 15, 2008. She declined to give her Father's name so police could verify the records kept on visitor's sign in at the assisted living center stating she would "take care of it on her own" and threatened she would not cooperate with LE anymore if they involved her father.

This would be participating in Obstruction of Justice, imo. It proves she initially LIED to police about when she last saw Caylee. (There is a week's discrepancy in her story.) This is consistent with her knowing Casey's story was not true from the beginning.

Isn't this just the craziest thing you've ever heard of? What in the world was this woman thinking, and why is it so important that we believe that the child was missing for a week longer than she actually was?

No doubt Grandma was hot last night when confronted with this info in addition to the Subpoena I am quite sure she recieved to appear in court today. Too bad for her that she couldn't just trot about to all the news programs like she told Greta she was doing today.

Well this is case is shaping up to be one hot potato.

I am so distressed that this poor little girl is most likely dead, I really felt otherwise and was certainly praying for her, how sad. Poor little Caylee:cry:
Let me be VERY specific here.

The grandmother, Cindy, gave her statement to LE that the last time she saw Caylee was on June 8, 2008.

The Detective testified today when she was confronted with further evidence LAST NIGHT, July 21, 2008 that Caylee was actually with her and videotaped (which has been seen all of the national media of her reading a book at a table) on June 15, 2008. She declined to give her Father's name so police could verify the records kept on visitor's sign in at the assisted living center stating she would "take care of it on her own" and threatened she would not cooperate with LE anymore if they involved her father.

This would be participating in Obstruction of Justice, imo. It proves she initially LIED to police about when she last saw Caylee. (There is a week's discrepancy in her story.) This is consistent with her knowing Casey's story was not true from the beginning.

You are absolutely correct. That is what came out today and that is not 'gossip' or us slamming gma. That is the TRUTH!
Is GMA devious enough to have done this and now will blame her daughter? Could the kiss blowing in the courtroom and the tears all be part of a devious plan? I noticed that when GMA was on the stand Casey showed little emotion. When her dad came on the stand she really cried.
Jesse is the one that testified today that he heard Caylee on the phone on the 24th or 25th.
Hi everyone,

I signed off once the bond hearing was over.
I am just sick, maybe not cut out for all of this
excitement and gruesome details.
It looks like this forum has been very, very busy, hoping to catch up.

The question now seems to be who killed Caylee? It could have been any member of that family.........right?
I hope Greta devotes her entire show tonight to this awful turn of events.
I think i seen this posted earlier in the threads but cannot seem to find it now... does anyone know if the Grandparents divorce was finalized or was the case dropped? I found records going back from 2005 to 2007 but was unable to determine if if was followed through. Thanks!
i thought she already did, no?

LilJim, I believe they are saying they would like Nancy Grace to interview Casey. I do not believe anyone has interviewed Casey yet - other than LE (and we know where that got us).
i just want to add my input regarding the Jesse situation. The Grandma did not say that Jesse was the father, hands down, period. When questioned why Kaylee stopped going to one sitter (Lauren, I think), she said that Casey had become engaged to Jesse and Jesse watched her or Jesse's family watcher her. It almost seemed as a justification or an excuse for why Kaylee would suddenly be cared for by someone other than Lauren. She said that she HAD believed that Jesse was the father, not that Jesse actually was the father. I personally don't think that Jesse is the father. I don't think it is strange at all that he kept in contact with Casey to remain in Kaylee's life. There are some stand up guys out there who do choose to remain in the life of a child that is not theirs. My brother being one of these men.
they could probably get the 50K out of the equity in their house (if there is any equity in it). I don't think bail bondsman would put up this money, since Casey is such a flight risk.
May I ask a question?

The total bond is $500,000. If I understand how bail bondsmans work, they would pay 10% to the bondsman ($50,000). The bondsman assumes the risk of the entire $500,000. The bondsman keeps the entire $50,000 as his fee. He gets the $500,000 back if she appears as scheduled in court, but loses it if she flees.

Is that correct? Thanks to all here at Websleuths for the excellent coverage of this sad case.
Hi everyone,

I signed off once the bond hearing was over.
I am just sick, maybe not cut out for all of this
excitement and gruesome details.
It looks like this forum has been very, very busy, hoping to catch up.

The question now seems to be who killed Caylee? It could have been any member of that family.........right?
I hope Greta devotes her entire show tonight to this awful turn of events.
It's interesting to me that Jesse only came out with a change in the timeline today..the day AFTER the police confronted GMA about the dates. I keep thinking that something bad happened on father's day. I have a couple of theories and they both involve both GMA and Casey
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