Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion # 18

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If you follow the pics before and after the of behind shot, you will see that she was taking a pee not mooning anyone. I do not think she had any clue someone was taking that picture, also not sure if she is the one that put it on the web or if one of her friends did.

I f your talking Casey? The pic before her girlfriend had a hold of her bottom? Location did not change. Photos on grnd by car are different than the other two. Might be same night but not her peeing by the car shot, they do not appear to be one and the same.???????
Its still circumstantial, what type of other evidence and fibers did they pick up at the scene's? How can they prove Casey was responsible unless she owns up? If I recall right dad, was last one known to drive the car. If the odor was in fact in that car (which it was) when he picked it up, why didn't he call LE immediately? A crime had been committed. This is serious evidence, he knows this. Also how did he get the gas for the car to get it running, it was suppose to be dry? :waitasec:

I've also wondered about the dry car.
Dad might of thought the car had a awful stench in it & not known what it was. Cindy on the other hand is a nurse correct? She'd know what the stench was right away & told LE when she called them.

I have no faith in any of them...they're all hiding something & I hope the lid blows off this thing real fast.
Yes, WHY did they not give her Tony's phone number?

According to one news article, they did give her Tony's phone number. Whether she ever got through to him - we don't know. If she did talk to him - it would have been recorded and could end up on the Internet at some point.
When I did a map search on the address for Casey's parents it appears there was ( because sometimes these maps are old) A RETAINING AREA OR QUARRY behind their house, as well as woods. That caught my attention.
Even if they never find Caylees body, she could still be convicted in a trial, that is about the only good thing. It just takes all the right evidence and presenting it at trial the right way.

they could still try her for murder and she could still be convicted. it would just be much harder for the prosecution to prove. the prosecution has the burden of proving each element of the crime. without the body, you have to draw more inferences to find guilt. here, where the legal standard is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, it becomes extremely difficult to get a unanimous jury that concludes caylee could not have died, under any other circumstances whatsoever, except from intentional murder at the hands of her mother, casey. right now they can only base their case on circumstantial evidence, third party witness testimony, public records, etc. i doubt strongly, based on how the case is going today, that casey will take the stand (and in all honesty, she would be stupid to; her character is already impeached from all the false statements she has made on the record. all they would have to do is call out one inconsistency which would then open the door for a myriad of other inquiries and subsequent lies).

LE will be able to tell if caylee was deceased simply by the forensics from her hair in the trunk (forensics are so cool); having the body is key to figuring out how caylee died. and from that, who caused her death. thus, the body would make it a slam-dunk case because you could easily tell if she died from negligence or malice. you could also determine when she died and who she was with that day.

that being said, there is damning circumstantial evidence here. i won't go through it all again, i detailed it earlier, but you can present quite a substantial case against casey. and while the defense is under no obligation to make her testify, thereby putting whatever credibility she has left at risk, there is little doubt that the jury would infer guilt from it. the jury will even be specifically instructed that they cannot hold it against her or factor it into their deliberations. but human nature often leads the jury to believe that a defendant who doesn't testify has something to hide. clearly, casey does.

this article explains the difficulty of murder without a body pretty well:

i know of a recent case where the jury convicted the defendant of murder without the production of a body. and interestingly, it occurred in florida (this is really good because a court applies judicial precedent from its own circuit. the defense would have to acknowledge this case):

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Murder without a body

From the Palm Beach Post-

WEST PALM BEACH — It was a first-degree murder case, but with no dead body.

Indeed, no one really knows where Rae Meichelle Tener is.

But jurors convicted Mark Barrow Friday of first-degree murder in her death.

Barrow, 46, had no apparent reaction as the verdict was read. Nor when he was then sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Assistant State Attorney Aleathea McRoberts said the 12 men and women have sent a clear message:

"Jurors don't have to have a body. They can follow a trail of violence and come to a logical conclusion, the only reasonable conclusion," she said.

At trial this week, McRoberts speculated that Tener ended up in a bag at the bottom of a canal after being bludgeoned by Barrow nearly three years ago.

Susaneck speculated Tener had moved away or disappeared, leaving behind a son, as she had done before. Not just for few days this time, but for good.

Jurors heard testimony from a key witness, Peggy Lasalle, a former girlfriend of Barrow's who said he gave a tearful confession to her one night when he was drunk. Jurors heard about drops of Tener's blood found under the seat of Barrow's work van. They heard accounts of people present the night Tener was last seen, accounts that prove Barrow lied to police about his actions, the prosecutor argued.

"How do you know Rae Meichelle Tener is dead?" McRoberts told jurors. "Because the defendant said he killed her and her blood is in his van. It doesn't get much more simple than that."

Barrow's motive? He despised Tener because she got Lasalle mixed up in drugs and he would get stuck with Lasalle's kids in the end, McRoberts argued. The three were neighbors at a Drexel Road trailer park in suburban West Palm Beach.

and i just found this one too:\op-82349_rtf&invol=1

and here is a chart of all the convictions issued without the production of the body:

sorry this post was so long. it actually put things in perspective for me, as well. i think they have a good shot at a conviction, but the body would just make it that much easier.
I've also wondered about the dry car.
Dad might of thought the car had a awful stench in it & not known what it was. Cindy on the other hand is a nurse correct? She'd know what the stench was right away & told LE when she called them.

I have no faith in any of them...they're all hiding something & I hope the lid blows off this thing real fast.

Casey's father George was in law enforcement so he would know about the smell in the car.

Was it ever mentioned who actually went to pick up the car from the towing company?
Are you sure you're looking at the right Mike? There seem to be two floating around here. Mike16acres and King Merk. IMO King Merk is the correct one because he's friends with Casey on myspace, he also is friends with Patrick who visited Casey in jail. His name is Mike Walker also. Mike16acres.....I couldn't find him on Casey's friend list, nor did I see any friends that he and Casey have in common. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want....but I just wanted to point out again that if you're looking at Mike16acres you *may* be looking at the wrong Mike Walker. Has anyone found any other evidence that suggests Mike16acres is *the* Mike Walker mentioned in the jailhouse visitor video?? Just sayin! :)

There is a definite tie between Jose (possibly Caylee's father) and Mike16acres ..... they're photographed together.
So according to Orlando Salinas on FOX neighbors said the family was/is fine,but Casey is all over the place? I have know idea what that's suppose to mean.
When I did a map search on the address for Casey's parents it appears there was ( because sometimes these maps are old) A RETAINING AREA OR QUARRY behind their house, as well as woods. That caught my attention.

The police for sure need to check that area around the Anthony household, ESPECIALLY after a mother and father who went missing in Florida were found in the septic tank in their own backyard.
Has anyone considered the remote possibility that perhaps there is a death involved in this, but it isn't Caylee?

Maybe Casey fell into something awful that went down between her club friends, that involved the death of a clubgoer. Someone demands Casey and her boyfriend dump the body and they take Caylee as insurance, saying they won't release her until the body is dumped? Maybe that is why Casey is seeking immunity?

I know this is far-fetched, just throwing it out there.

Olive - I don't think this is that far fetched. I think it would be more of a possibility if LE releases a sketch of the woman in the Orlando Airport sighting. LE said they would release the sketch if they thought the lead was "creditable." So far, no release..........

Bluedevil21 I very much appreciate your post. Good job.
Boy have you made alot of good points. Why isn't LE or anyone for that matter calling her parents on this and Casey for that matter. Just proves everything she has said has been a lie and there is no Zanny. At least not in Casey's life. Caseys parents need to come to grip that there is no nanny with their grand daughter.

I see the idea thrown around that maybe Zenaida F-G was in the country illegally, or had stolen someone's identity, and I thought about that, too- but then I keep going back to this...

even if that were the case, in the affidavit Casey said she worked with ZFG, had known her for four years. Let's say that she DID get that job illegally, with a fake id, and fake personal info- Universal Studios still would have had a record of the fake ZFG. They had no record whatsoever of that employee. That says to me that Casey made her up.

Also, the fact that Casey claimed that John Hopkins and Juliette Lewis (?) would be able to confirm the story of ZFG taking Casey. Not so.

Also, she claimed ZFG frequented those clubs Casey was at, and Casey claimed that is the reason she was there...looking for ZFG and her daughter. Well, wouldn't her circle of friends know this ZFG, if she also frequented those clubs?

Another thing is, I feel certain that LE has contacted Universal Studios to get a list of other co-workers who worked in the same department at the same time as Casey, and the supposed ZFG.

I think the ZFG thing is a total lie, and that Casey is just a habitual liar.
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