2008.01.08 Court Hearings Discussion

Besides watching Casey, you also might find that watching JB closely could help later in the trial.

Trials are very formalized in language and very emotionless. And an experienced trial attorney like a poker player trys to hide his thoughts about some things that are happening in the trial. Things like objections, motions, allowed evidence, rulings and such and how they affect his case. But just like a poker player they sometimes have 'tells'.

JB hasn't had the experience yet to develop his poker face and besides I do think that he is somewhat emotionally invested in this case. He was a little more passionate in the hearing than most trial attorneys when the ruling came down to bring KC into court. By trial he may have been coached. So learn his 'tells' now. Tone and level of voice, facial and hand motions, both when he got something he wanted and when he lost something he wanted.

Knowing his tells will help during trial, because we won't necessarily know what his strategy is or what is important to his case. But his tells might give it away when a ruling is made on something he really wants.
I'm posting these screencaps to show the exchange between KC and JB at the end of the hearing...(not to poke fun- cause i had plenty of those ones to post and I didnt....Ahhh, but I wanted to.lol).


ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!:mad: The nerve of that girl!!! She and JB are just so damn cocky, it infuriates me.
I cannot believe that Jose suggested that the prosecution pay for his experts to fly in to see the photos. WTH?
And now i understand why he put in the motion to get the unedited version of the MR's calls. He must be cheering that they have someone else to pin it on now. But heres a heads up for JB- it wont fly, mate....not in a million years.
ETA: Whats up with the prosecution saying that they still dont have the final report on the car analysis? I'm not buying it.
She said that its becuase there are several people involved in writing the report, and they had other cases they were working on, but c'mon.....we all know that this case is being given priority over others. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out why theyre holding it back. What 'suprises' are in there?
Did you hear on the news and on JVM that Casey is now blaming Baez for lack of her getting to Court the other day until the judge demanded she be at the hearing!
I thought it was her decision not to go to court!
Did you hear on the news and on JVM that Casey is now blaming Baez for lack of her getting to Court the other day until the judge demanded she be at the hearing!
I thought it was her decision not to go to court!

No, please tell more. :) Do you have a link or remember what news station?
yes, I heard that but nothing more on it. I would be interested in hearing that statement. Now the judge should make her come to every one of her hearings. Even if they last only five minutes. This is what the court should be preventing, her claiming it was someone elses fault she was not/has not been in the court. Reason for an appeal down the line. Even though she will go for an appeal any way regardless of why.
It's a good thing the judge has it on record now that she didn't want to be there. That was VERY smart to actually have her present and making that statement in court rather than just making the statement in writing.
Did you hear on the news and on JVM that Casey is now blaming Baez for lack of her getting to Court the other day until the judge demanded she be at the hearing!
I thought it was her decision not to go to court!

How is she talking? A reporter? TV station? Smoke Signals(wouldn't doubt it)

Wasn't aware she was having any outside contact.
This is the beginning of the A's mentality and the steam roller getting ready to start a whole new chapter. Baez will most likely be gone soon, watch !!
If not this is the start of an idea for appeals later.
Help an A and get bitten forever. :eek:
How is she talking? A reporter? TV station? Smoke Signals(wouldn't doubt it)

Wasn't aware she was having any outside contact.

Snail mail would provide her the opportunity if this is true.
Did you hear on the news and on JVM that Casey is now blaming Baez for lack of her getting to Court the other day until the judge demanded she be at the hearing!
I thought it was her decision not to go to court!
Yes I heard that also.
Very telling, huh? Throwing Jose under the bus now!???
It's always someone's fault, but never Casey's!
This is the beginning of the A's mentality and the steam roller getting ready to start a whole new chapter. Baez will most likely be gone soon, watch !!
If not this is the start of an idea for appeals later.
Help an A and get bitten forever. :eek:
(Bolded by me, above!)

So true, DesSands! Just ask the Meter Reader guy! Just ask Leonard Padilla, Tim Miller, or Marc Nejames, to quickly name a few here!

I know if I were contemplating the idea of assisting the Anthonys in any form or fashion, I would think really long on it first, and then approach with caution!:snake:
KC would be correct in blaming Baez for having her dragged into court. The situation was revealed in the exchange between the Judge and KC in the first few moments after she was sworn in.

KC had actually waived her right to be at that hearing. Apparently, Baez did not submit this waiver in a timely fashion (I think it's supposed to be no less than 24 hours before the time of the hearing). KC had no clue that Baez had screwed up until they grabbed her from jail. I would imagine that Baez explained the situation and possibly apologized in those few minutes he spoke with her outside the courtroom before the proceedings began.

I could be wrong about this, but a review of the hearing video or transcript should help in understanding.
Well, Casey is on record in that hearing raising her hand swearing to tell the truth. Then Judge Strickland asked her if she had made the decision not to be in court (or something to that effect). She said yes. So, did she committ perjury because she is now blaming Baez for the 'blunder'? Or, is she lying now? Or is it simply that she is blaming Baez for having to appear in court and had not had a chance to primp before going on national TV?

I thought that Baez had not filed the proper paperwork in time for her to have missed that particular hearing. Who knows with Casey! :confused:
I THINK I heard that on NG last night, but the show was so abbreviated because of the plane crash coverage. Should be plenty tonight....it did not even seem last night that they had more than the first five minutes or so of the new tape racked up.
But who could she possibly have said this to. Do we have a link?

The psychic of course ...... who sent messages to DC, who contacted whoever would believe him.

If this is true, I bet JB is biting bullets trying to contain himself not to run down to the jail to give a tongue lashing to his client.
But who could she possibly have said this to. Do we have a link?

I don't have a link, I just suspect that she said this to the guards that came to fetch her for court. At first she refused to go and later when they made it clear to her that the judge is ordering her to attend, she may have realized that Baez may have blundered with the waiver of her court appearance.

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