FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #17

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The extremely short period of time that elapsed between the time Misty indicated she discovered Haleigh missing and the time Ronald pulled in really, really, really bothers me.

BJB, me too.

I'm also bothered by the alleged peed blanket (or bedsheets). I'm not sure of the GF's story about the peed blanket but so many hurt and murdered children (by family members) started off with a bedwetting incident (just saying). It may have NOTHING to do with this case but she seemed to stumble over mentioning the wet blanket and I wonder what it has (if anything) to do with what went on.

Why does one prop open a back screen door? Unless one is hauling something in and out...a wet mattress...a child's body?
I just can’t imagine a criminal turning on lights.
Only someone that feels comfortable in a home turns on lights.
That just isn't true tho. The case of the Anchorwoman in Arkansas recently is one example: He turned on the lights.

I just posted another case where the perp turned on the lights. I can probably come up with several more to show how brazen they are about what they do when in a home.

If they have seen Misty before...they know they would have no problem overtaking her if they are seen and they also would know that Ronnie wasn't home.
You can get married with parental consent at the age of 16 in FL. Absent parental consent, you have to be 18 to marry. Marriage law and statutory rape law are in conflict in some states, including FL-- so if you're 16 and you get married with parental consent, you can bypass the statutory rape restrictions because sex with one's legal spouse is generally considered lawful.
If the minor is legally emancipated (which I don't think Misty is) s/he is still a minor for the purposes of some laws-- including statutory rape. Legal emancipation removes the age disability in some cases, but not all (i.e., you can't vote even if you're legally emancipated, etc.)

There really aren't any exceptions that would fit Misty and Ron's situation-- their sexual relationship (if it indeed exists) is unlawful.

eeps I hope I quoted the posts right-- it's hard when a new thread starts! :crazy:

Virginia has a queer "marry her if she's pregnant" clause
I'm still working my way through the taped videos and IMO she is not telling the truth. She likes to close her eyes when she talks for one thing, as if she is reciting a story. Her demeanor does not match her words. I worked for too many years in the court system and I saw a lot of fake tears and a lot of genuine ones. There is something off about her. Doesn't mean she is guilty of something, just that she is not being truthful with her story. And she will break, soon enough unlike another FL lady we know.

Totally my opinion and I could be waaaaaaaaaay wrong.

I got the same impression when I watched the NG rerun tonight. I worry about her closing her eyes. Maybe she has heard that people shift their eyes when they lie and she is trying to get around that.
I also wonder if she is as much of a "little girl" as she portrays. She seems to say everything in the same tone that sounds as if she is pleading with the world to just go away.
Maybe a mod needs to give a ten minute warning when a thread will get locked, I made a long post with my theory and new fence sitting position and lost it. Ugh!

I am now on the fence. I think the crime scene is staged.


1. The light being turned on, what perp wants to draw attention to themself during and after a crime? Extra risk involved

2. The cinder block being braced, to ensure everyone will believe someone gained entry into and out of the home leaving no question someone entered the home other than the ones living there

3. Never one during the entire two 911 calls does Misty or Ron go outside and look for Haleigh call or yell for her. This isn't natural or for real in the least. Doesn't fit a normal reaction. The first thing a parent would do is clear the home, then begin working outwards to the yard looking for their child. First thing first. Look to see why child has wandered outside in the dark alone without permission or being heard and seen. Get her back inside, call and yell for her over and over.

Never done. Even after they knew LE was on the way to assist them, freeing them up to begin looking outside, plus they were on a cell, giving them mobility to search outside. Not on any reports has this been mentioned or said they searched themselves for her outside. They had time and should have been doing so when LE pulled up.

4. The timing of her being discovered as missing. Right as Ron is on the way home, due to arrive. I don't want to believe they did this, but it's awfully coincidental on several accounts so far which makes it not look good for them. Any parent would run outside looking for their missing child, cinder block or not, they didn't know the child didn't do it, though it's a stretch, still you would want to make certain by checking outside.
Misty never said if the TV was on or off, that I know of, only that Haleigh was sleeping by it.
She did say she took a blanket from the window, so maybe someone standing on a cinder block could see in. Moonlight/nightlight?
Pretty big coincidence that the only time the backdoor was left unlocked, in pops a SO.

I am biting my tongue trying NOT to criticize LE for not giving up some information. :banghead:
Whew! FINALLY caught up and now ready to go to bed! OK, some comments and questions:

6. Iam very interested in the KJ guy - he is the missing SO correct? Anyone know how long he has been MIA? What direction he may have gone? Has LE searched HIS house?

Thanks for bearing with the long post - appreciate any info anyone can give or any theories/input...I woulda ranted but no rant thread :crazy:

KJ is NOT missing. Presumably, he has already been interviewed. The fugitive RSO is Chad Reynolds from Marion county to the south.
even with two kids, it's highly likely that a 17yr old would stay up past 10:30...i have one child and i'm in my 30's and even when my son went to bed at 8:30 i would stay up until at least midnight so that i could enjoy some time by myself..watching tv, computer time, etc.
i just find it odd that she would go to bed so early, but i'm a night owl so maybe my view is skewed a bit? dunno.
i still say she looks suspicious with her every changing stories.
She does look extremely suspicious because of the changing stories. Your stories don't change if your telling the truth.
The extremely short period of time that elapsed between the time Misty indicated she discovered Haleigh missing and the time Ronald pulled in really, really, really bothers me.

Been one of my problems with this also. Her changing stories too.

I just have to wonder if she was at home and just arrived before he got there.
someone else mentioned this and it does make some sense. The fact that she may have discovered Haleigh missing earlier but didn't want to call LE on her own because of the age thing thinking it would cause problems with the ongoing custody battles so she waited for RC to come home. Of course that dosen't make sense since she could have called him at work and he could have made the call himself and then left work to head home.

I keep coming back to the kitchen light.

Ok, if the perp turned the light on then if he was not afriad if he was seen becasue he was known and not worried if someone saw him there. What I'm saying is if Misty got up and found this person there she would not be alarmed nor would Haleigh.

Whew! FINALLY caught up and now ready to go to bed!
...(snipped for specificity :))
7. Whether it was 5 minutes or hours, I would like to know what Misty did immediately after noticing Haleigh missing? Run through the house? Look in closets? Notice open door so goes out and calls name and frantically looks for her? Carrying cell phone with her? Calling daddy at work or on his way home? WHAT WAS SHE DOING? I noticed she repeats several times in the background of the 911 call "I just woke up"...like she wanted to be SURE Ronald heard her (excuse?) :waitasec:

I think this is really important. As I remember, Misty said she noticed Haleigh was missing at 3:00 am?? So there was a 27 minute gap between the discovery and the 911 call--
-was she stoned/sedated and just too out of it to react appropriately?
-was she not really sleeping and actually doing something outside of the home/away from the sleeping kids?
-was she really fearful of invoking any authority until she talked to Ronald, for whatever reason??

27 minutes is a long time to do nothing--
I saw something written elsewhere on the internet to the effect of
if you wait 27 minutes to call LE, you're either:
cleaning up, covering up, or making up(lies)

I'd add that perhaps Misty was/is somehow impaired by drugs, fear or cognitive issues. But the 27 minutes is really important, IMO.
If Misty was away from the home, as many of us suspect, and the perp seized the opportunity, there wouldn't be much reason to turn the light OFF. Quick in and quick out.
Someone checked where Ronnie was working and the distance/time from there to his house was 26 minutes, IIRC. He left the job at 3:00 am and the call was made at 3:27 am to LE.

Work place of Father is at 211 Comfort Rd Palatka, FL 32177
According to google maps this is a 26-minuet drive 16 miles

Rt 17 late at night no traffic could cut it down to 20 minuets
Think the perp was someone visiting that day after the Dad went to work, unlocked the door planning to return that night.

The 911 call from the Dad just broke my heart.

The Dad's previous arrest records have no bearing on his love for his daughter.

Allthough the girlfriend is young, there are many much younger than her with children of there own across the US. My hubby is 17 years older than me, been married 29 years.

And not unheard of for a 17 year old to go to sleep at 10am, depends on what time they get up in the morning, especially caring for two young children. I really don't think the girlfriend had anything to do with this (well I pray she didn't) just think she is very scared and also seems maybe somewhat emotionally delayed.

I hope and pray Haleigh is found safe and unharmed.
I'm thinking that really is when she discovered Haleigh missing, but I don't buy the got up to pee/get a drink story. I think she knows what time RC comes home, went to her brother's to hang out and maybe get high, and came home right before RC.

I think this is what happened as well. With her brother being that close by if she woke up just before three (insert reason she was up from the multiple choices given by her) and realizes H is gone where is the description of the frantic search? Why is dad and the police not called for 30 minutes? During that 30 minutes she doesn't get her brother over to help her look? The neighbors don't hear her calling for H?

I don't know what her involvement is, but something is way off. I am torn between she is not smart enough to be covering a murder, to have hid the body. But if she is a normal rational relatively sweet innocent kid/teenager why is she lying about a time period that is so critical? She doesn't have the panic and raw emotion of someone that doesn't know where a loved one is or what they are going through.

Anyone who did have those concerns would have to come clean with what they were doing. I mean wouldn't she confide in the detectives in hopes of getting H back alive? Even George Anthony broke down and confided in the detectives about what his fears about Caylee were. Someone who continues to lie is doing so for their own benefit. It makes me think she knows she is dead. I really hope I am wrong.
That just isn't true tho. The case of the Anchorwoman in Arkansas recently is one example: He turned on the lights.

I just posted another case where the perp turned on the lights. I can probably come up with several more to show how brazen they are about what they do when in a home.

If they have seen Misty before...they know they would have no problem overtaking her if they are seen and they also would know that Ronnie wasn't home.

Good points SS ... and if the tv WAS on with sound ... sound would override noise intruder made, and light on in kitchen could have been either Misty forgot or intruder put on, to mimic Ron?
I'm thinking that really is when she discovered Haleigh missing, but I don't buy the got up to pee/get a drink story. I think she knows what time RC comes home, went to her brother's to hang out and maybe get high, and came home right before RC.

It could be anything, couldn't it? The pee/get a drink story isn't passing the smell test with me either.

Inadvertently I have heard about "pee" mentioned twice now. The first is when either GF or Haleigh getting up to pee, and another in mentioning the wet blanket from peeing. I just can't shake the feeling that some bedwetting incident may have been involved here....

Maybe she was awoken when the child accidentally started wetting the bed? It would explain the blanket being aired out and the cinderblock propping open the back door (perhaps to take the mattress outside too). Who knows...
Respectfully snipped: " They are NOT brother and sister. Kyle is NOT Virgil's son."

obguthr - where do you get this information from?? Post #347 in thread #16...How do you know?
Maybe a mod needs to give a ten minute warning when a thread will get locked, I made a long post with my theory and new fence sitting position and lost it. Ugh!

I am now on the fence. I think the crime scene is staged.


1. The light being turned on, what perp wants to draw attention to themself during and after a crime? Extra risk involved

2. The cinder block being braced, to ensure everyone will believe someone gained entry into and out of the home leaving no question someone entered the home other than the ones living there

3. Never one during the entire two 911 calls does Misty or Ron go outside and look for Haleigh call or yell for her. This isn't natural or for real in the least. Doesn't fit a normal reaction. The first thing a parent would do is clear the home, then begin working outwards to the yard looking for their child. First thing first. Look to see why child has wandered outside in the dark alone without permission or being heard and seen. Get her back inside, call and yell for her over and over.

Never done. Even after they knew LE was on the way to assist them, freeing them up to begin looking outside, plus they were on a cell, giving them mobility to search outside. Not on any reports has this been mentioned or said they searched themselves for her outside. They had time and should have been doing so when LE pulled up.

4. The timing of her being discovered as missing. Right as Ron is on the way home, due to arrive. I don't want to believe they did this, but it's awfully coincidental on several accounts so far which makes it not look good for them. Any parent would run outside looking for their missing child, cinder block or not, they didn't know the child didn't do it, though it's a stretch, still you would want to make certain by checking outside.

very interesting indeed.
Old man's theory; please be gentle, he doesn't do this much.
AC guy props open door. Random perosn strolls or drives by later that night, it's 10:30 pm, the lights are all off, there is no vehicle outside and the exterior door is propped open. If the person were on drugs, they might have thought that someone was moving in or out, even with the TV light visible. Lots of burglars know that people leave their TV's or radios on to give the "lived in" impression. So he assumes the house is wmpty of people, but obviously not of stuff, so he walks on in. Turns on the lights, because he assumes there are no people there. Haleigh hears footsteps, thinks Daddy's home and goes running out to greet him, perp freaks, grabs her and runs or perp makes it back bedroom and hits the pedophile jackpot, grabs her and runs.

As I said, be gentle.
If Misty was away from the home, as many of us suspect, and the perp seized the opportunity, there wouldn't be much reason to turn the light OFF. Quick in and quick out.

Or in the scenario that H woke up alone and wander out into harms way, H may have turned on the kitchen light.
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