Autopsy Report - 13 Fatal wounds ***DISCUSSION***

You and me both, houndacres... I wonder as well about the abrasions, but part of me is curious as to whether or not there would have been time for a struggle?
I would think something like this would have happened very quickly, just do it and get the heck out of dodge.
Plus, if there were a struggle, there would probably be shoe impressions (maybe there was, I'd have to go back and check).
But, I don't know how these people think (or IF they think, for that matter)... I, like you, just want justice for these girls. Thanks for your continued insight. :)


Keyboard, What IF the struggle/abuse/ falling off something,/ being knocked down, had occurred earlier that day with someone, somewhere in the neighborhood, leading up to the murders?..:raincloud:
The trauma to the brain and meninges appears to be caused from more than a gun shot,my opinion only,of course.Sounds like an impact injury as well.
Maybe I missed something???Can you direct me to the page where the ME documented all of this head trauma as a result of a gun shot wound?

Hi k4kathy~
Below is the page of the autposy that led me to my conclusions.

X. Localized subarachnoid hemorrhages of left temporal lobe (6 x 4 cm), likely due to gunshot wound#8

I wasn't sure of the exact definition of sub. hem. I looked it up and posted what I found. hemorrhages &l=dir&qsrc=167&o=10616

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is bleeding in the area between the brain and the thin tissues that cover the brain.

I also did not see reference to the skull being fractured. If there had been an impact injury wouldn't you expect to see the skull w/ fractures? Again, I have very limited knowledge of these types of things. I appreciate any help you can offer.

I look forward to hearing what you think.
There is something about the place of the crime and the wounds as they have been discussed that strikes me. I can't quite put my finger on it but it is like working a cryptoquip puzzle in a newspaper where the pattern of the groups of letters works together to help you solve the puzzle.
Okay not sure if I am doing this right, but the abrasions on Skyla's foot could be from her running from her killer.
To me, it makes sense that if she turned to run and was shot from behind she would fall and trip over something possibly causing the abrasion on her foot....

If Skyla was shot while starting to run, in her side and her back, I do not understand HOW she could have fallen and found facing-up?
It seems she would have been face down, back or side toward the shooter...:doh:
Okay not sure if I am doing this right, but the abrasions on Skyla's foot could be from her running from her killer. To me, it makes sense that if she turned to run and was shot from behind she would fall and trip over something possibly causing the abrasion on her foot.
Sure could be.To get an idea of how one could get abrasions on top the foot,take off your shoes and socks and see how awkward it is to make the top of your foot come into contact with anything while you are in an upright position.Now lay down on your belly and try.
Could it be someone was trying to force her into a vehicle or something and she was resisting/struggling to break free and they resorted to dragging her?
Or did someone drag her out of the back of a pickup bed or ??
Hi k4kathy~
Below is the page of the autposy that led me to my conclusions.

X. Localized subarachnoid hemorrhages of left temporal lobe (6 x 4 cm), likely due to gunshot wound#8

I wasn't sure of the exact definition of sub. hem. I looked it up and posted what I found. hemorrhages &l=dir&qsrc=167&o=10616

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is bleeding in the area between the brain and the thin tissues that cover the brain.

I also did not see reference to the skull being fractured. If there had been an impact injury wouldn't you expect to see the skull w/ fractures? Again, I have very limited knowledge of these types of things. I appreciate any help you can offer.

I look forward to hearing what you think.
The skull itself doesn't have to fracture/break/crack for a brain injury to exist.Think of shaken baby syndrome AKA shaken impact syndrome.The brain can hit the skull so forcefully,causing tears to brain tissue,vessels,etc.,which causes the brain to bleed and swell.
By the way,do you recall reading anything in the autopsy report about the spinal fluid?
The skull itself doesn't have to fracture/break/crack for a brain injury to exist.Think of shaken baby syndrome AKA shaken impact syndrome.The brain can hit the skull so forcefully,causing tears to brain tissue,vessels,etc.,which causes the brain to bleed and swell.
By the way,do you recall reading anything in the autopsy report about the spinal fluid?

I do not remember anything about SPF in the autopsy report. I will review it again and see if I find anything. That is a great point about shaken baby syndrome. What I can see in regards to the brain is that there was generalized edema. Is that what you are referring to as an indicator of head trauma other than from the gun shot wounds?
I re-read the autopsy report. I did not see anything that mentioned SPF. Did I miss it?

I also did some quick internet reading about damage a 22 cal. bullet could do to the brain. Basically, the articles stated that generally, a 22 cal. bullet would enter the brain, "bounce" around and cause excessive damage. The 22 cal. bullets would not usually exit the skull. Which in Skyla's case, was what happened. The 22 cal., damaged, copper, jacketed bullet, was recovered w/ in the skull. I will read more on this subject and if I find anything interesting, I will post it.
ArozonaGiGi at one time pointed out in the autopsies Taylor had a 30 day hold status and Skyla had a 5 yr hold status.
The Board of Medicolegal Investigations pg..hold status looks to be about specimen storage and a fee for extending the hold status... It appears Skyla may have had some future evidence ( hope DNA )
Taylor's abrasion/contusion over the right upper cheek looks like an indentation of a ring (maybe a senior ring the oval stone ?) with knuckle marks right above it.
JMO.... heck thought I'd throw that at U'all
Taylor's abrasion/contusion over the right upper cheek looks like an indentation of a ring (maybe a senior ring the oval stone ?) with knuckle marks right above it.
JMO.... heck thought I'd throw that at U'all

Sheza, A very interesting clue.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn there was a confrontation with the girls sometime before they were shot..
Are there any pictures of this indentation mark on her cheek?? It certainly sounds like a high school/college/military ring mark..
The trauma to the brain and meninges appears to be caused from more than a gun shot,my opinion only,of course.Sounds like an impact injury as well.
Maybe I missed something???Can you direct me to the page where the ME documented all of this head trauma as a result of a gun shot wound?

External Examination Skyla # 8 gunshot wound "region hemorrhages"
Taylor's abrasion/contusion over the right upper cheek looks like an indentation of a ring (maybe a senior ring the oval stone ?) with knuckle marks right above it.
JMO.... heck thought I'd throw that at U'all

hey Sheza,
What page of the autopsy was the drawing on? I looked and could not find it.
I will check again but, thought you might be able to help me out...........:doh:

Skyla's # 6 "ATYPICAL EXIT" gunshot wound could be a very important clue to this crime.
If you google atypical exit wound or shored gunshot wound it's very interesting.
RuFlossn I don't have a pg # it's the Head - surface and skeletal lateral view..
MysteryLover I'll try and get ya a page blown-up for ya...
I do not remember anything about SPF in the autopsy report. I will review it again and see if I find anything. That is a great point about shaken baby syndrome. What I can see in regards to the brain is that there was generalized edema. Is that what you are referring to as an indicator of head trauma other than from the gun shot wounds?
I just really feel like this is a strong possiblilty.My own opinion of course.
I didn't catch any mention of spinal fluid either.Odd.
Sheza, A very interesting clue.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn there was a confrontation with the girls sometime before they were shot..
Are there any pictures of this indentation mark on her cheek?? It certainly sounds like a high school/college/military ring mark..
Execellent observation,Sheza!
I've always wondered if the girls were terrorized by teen males before their death.....perhaps some that they ran into at the bridge who were target shooting and followed them and taunted them until it escalated into murder. I've never been convinced that the truck was in any way connected to the murder. If it was teens out target shooting who lived somewhere in the vicinity, they could have killed the girls and immediately headed for home either on foot or on four wheelers to establish an alibi.
As I understand, OSBI took DNA from 100 people before the autopsies were completed.
Once the test was completed I have not heard of any DNA taken.
Makes me wonder if the DNA taken was just-n-case there was some left at the scene.
Or there was DNA but no matches yet. But why stop taking DNA samples.
I know they can't take 1000 DNA's.
This is a small county... talk gets around if someone was asked to give DNA.
It's went as far as locals talking about one member of every family offering a DNA sample! This is how bad we want this killer/killers found.
Pardon me if this has been said before, as I suspect it has, more than once, but overkill like this almost always involves a personal angle, and that angle is multiplied if there is also a sexual component, at least from what I've read. As for DNA, I don't think the authorities have any from the scene---just a gut feeling that they were trying to force the perpetrator or perpetrators's hand by adding that component to the pressure LE was applying. Nothing about this case strikes me that it happened at random, though, true, with the effect of drink and drugs on an individual or individuals prone to being unbalanced, it certainly could have been.

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