Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

<respectfully snipped>

This is NOT at all to defend Nadya (God forbid) but the news reports were that the house she was living in was her mother's 2nd house, which she didn't pay rent on, which caused her mother to be foreclosed on, on that house. My understanding from that was her mother has a house of her own separate from that home we all saw. Could be wrong.

I'm not positive, but at one time it seems Angela was paying on 2 houses, walked from the 1st one to live in the 2nd one and Nadya and family moved in with her (I am not sure when Nadya moved in, but judging by the appearance of the house it looked like Nadya may have moved in shortly before giving birth?) Anyway, I think that house may now be in foreclosure as Angela said she was staying with a friend (in an earlier interview) OR now that Nadya is in her own place, maybe Angela saved that house from foreclosure? We know George has a big house somewhere and somehow managed to sign for Nadya's new house, maybe he helped Angela keep her home too? (There was information on a bankruptcy on the other thread and I thought someone found that Angela didn't complete the bankruptcy but it showed 2 houses- I could be wrong.)

There is just no way I would allow my children's decisions in life create a situation to where we'd lose our home. I know it's easy for me to say now, but barring the purchase of a new liver or kidney for one of them, I don't think I could enable them to the point we've "witnessed" in this story.
Today is my day off, so far I have given both our cats a bath and now finished up giving our dog a bath, have laundry going with all the towels I used and have the dogs blankets in the dryer. I look a wreck, still in my nightgown and my hair just piled on top of my head. I have the sink to scrub and the tub to scrub, then sweep and mop floors, then work on fixing dinner. Sometime after doing the scrubbing I promise I'll work on getting myself cleaned up... oh and now 1 cat just spit up hairballs.

I'm betting NS has had a much more leisurly day than me, and I don't have any kids!!!


Kids or no kids, your post just highlights the fact that (imo) many responsible, caring, mature, sensible and loving people place a high priority on caring for those who need their help (such as babies, children and our "furbabies"). It warms my heart to think of you taking such good care of your furbabies on your day off. :blowkiss:
Oh I think her atty is an a$$ and will be there for the long run. He is just another money grabbing piece of s$$t that has a money maker by the tail and is going to ride it until the end. He has no principles or morals. He out for himself. He and Nadya make a good team.

What I saw these last 2 days on Dr Phil, he's starting to sweat.
I give him maybe 2 more weeks and he's going to throw her under the bus.
He'll have made enough money off of her by then if she even pays him.

The nurses from AIW also said that Nadya came home at midnight carrying GAP bags. WHAt? No diapers or baby items? Give me a break. This woman knew early on at least by her 3 month that she was having at LEAST 6 babies. SO why had she not gotten cribs for them, loads of diapers, baby wipes etc? She KNEW she had a money maker on her hands and she was going to take full advantage of the situation. She just got more than she bargained for when she had 8.

She didn't buy cribs because she knew some sucker was going to donate and if they didn't she
1) either had to buy 2/3 cribs
2) Use the 2 cribs she already had from the twins and find a place for the twins to sleep.

She knew going on Dr Phil would be worthwhile even though she didn't get paid. She knew that someone would donate stuff and they did. That poor lady that did the rooms; the look on her face during the show; I felt so bad for her but, she's gotten publicity from it.

She is bilking the state of CA and other taxpayes and the public for all she can get. She makes me sick. I cannot understand WHY she is not being made to pay for the hospital bills of all those children, as well as the money she has been bilking from the gov for food stamps and also being investigated and prosecuted for the FALSE disability claim she filed and was awarded money for. This woman is only out for herslef and WHAT she can get. They sais last night on JVM that Nadya will make over 1 million by the end of the year by JUSt by the things she has going on right now. SHe is a con artist, and a thief. Those poor babies are caught in this mess and something should be done about it.

Don't get me started on her medical "condition".
I actually have a bad back, haven't worked in years; there is no way could even consider having another child. I could not carry a child for 9 months then have to care for it. If she really had back problems there is no way she could have carried any of those children.. then there is carrying the kids, she walks fast from the house to the car carrying the twins. I'm lucky to carry grocery bags from my car to the house about 20 feet, no way I could carry a kid.

Her "disability" should be canceled as well as her getting SSI for at least 2 of the 3 kids that get it. I do not consider ADHD to be a type of disability that the state should "fund". Also the child with speech delays; are they delayed due to a medical reason or because the child didn't need to talk?

She also should not qualify for food stamps now that she has money coming in.

FWIW, she was planning to use the college daycare. I don't know if it is state funded.

A million isn't going to last her long the way she's spending it.

I always had that trail of baby spit-up going down both shoulders, breastfeeding "boob stains" lol, and I was not about to put on makeup or style my hair when my primary concern was bonding with and caring for my precious miracle girl!! I wore my old soft cottony clothes so that both myself and my baby were cozy, as we spent most of our days together in the family room attached like velcro. :)

The breast feeding comment is one I wonder about. How come she isn't breast feeding? There were milk donations for the babies while they were in the hospital. Where were her *advertiser censored* at this time?

Some posts are so good on here, I'd like to press Thank you about 20 times.

These are REAL humans who have not bonded at all with their mother. These REAL little people cannot get any help it sounds like UNTIL something happens and that breaks my heart in a million pieces.

I cannot feel sorry for the Gma if she's back in that house. But then, her own daughter made her homeless so where can she go? What a horrible mess and 14 kids have to suffer and suffer they will. It's just not right.

You would get at least 10 from me with this post.

This situation is one of those things, in order to help the kids you have to go through the mother and after the pictures from the 1st days after she made some money, I would never send her anything, no cash and no stuff. At another place I go to I said that she reminds me of someone that would sell whatever was donated then replace it with cheaper versions. If people bought and donated Carters or Osh Kosh, she'd sell it on ebay and replace it with something from a thrift store.

Then the comment about the grandma.. what really pisses me off so bad is that she has this money, buys a $500k house and lets her mothers house go into foreclosure when what $20k was owed? WTF I ask???? You live in your mothers house all these years and just leave it?

Who gives a crap if it ruins her mothers credit.
The 3 nannies are non-AIW... I think they are from Kaiser, but reports say that they were brought in by Nadya... AIW was just trying to train them when it was found out they tested positive for TB.

I think Nadya willingly letting the TB positive nannies stay to take care of the babies (as long as they are wearing masks), and their lack of understanding the training because their english is limited, is what prompted one of the reports to child services.

The point is- no one knows if these 3 women each have TB, if 1 does, if none do. A TB skin test isn't a reliable indicator in a health care worker or an immigrant from a country with more lax health regulations.

Besides, I find it strange that it is being said that they were tested for TB at this point in time. Where does all of this info come from? Why weren't they tested by whatever agency employed them as child care workers before they were put in the house? I don't understand this at all.

The new "nannies" are being trained by K.P. but are not employed by K.P., K.P. is saying the training is part of the program they have for all families in similar situations. Whether that means all families with preemies/fragile new born or all families with high end multiples they didn't explain. I can't imagine they will be faced with a Nadya situation again in this lifetime, at least I hope and pray.

I know this is old news but I'm really upset about the whole TB Tine-test incident.

The new nannies walking around with fresh TB tests tells us they are new employees. When they were picked up by Merry Poppins they would have needed TB tests prior to being placed in the home, if they had had prior positive tine test they would have known not to have the skin test again but gone straight for the chest X-Ray. To the best of my memory once you get a positive tine they will always be positive. It doesn't always mean someone has TB, it can also mean prior exposure or prior active case now contained. People who were inoculated against TB using live bacteria can also have a positive tine, without any other exposure or infection.

California is having a hard time with TB and has been for years. If that were my house no way in he!! would I have let 3 people into it with fresh, positive tine until they were cleared by chest X-Ray. Nadya isn't stupid, just incompetent.

Contact: Andy Weisser, 818.703.6444, aweisser@alac.org
Local American Lung Association Offices: 1.800.LUNG.USA (1.800.586.4872)



American Lung Association of California Urges Investment in Prevention Efforts on World TB Day, March 24 2008

(Oakland, CA, March 13, 2008) While tuberculosis (TB) cases dropped 1.9 percent in California (2007 compared to 2006), increases were experienced in 22 of California’s 61 local health jurisdictions. In recognition of World TB Day on March 24, the American Lung Association of California is urging the state of California to avert a resurgence of TB by increasing funding for prevention and control efforts.

“TB is a worldwide public health epidemic that knows no borders,” said Barbara Cole, RN, MSN, PHN, a volunteer board member with the American Lung Association of California and chair of its Tuberculosis Technical Advisory Group. “Although TB is almost completely curable, it kills 250 Californians every year and infects thousands more.”

There were 2,726 cases of TB reported in California in 2007 compared to 2,779 cases in 2006. California continues to report the highest number of TB cases in the United States. The TB case rate in California is 60 percent higher than the rest of the country.

In 2007, TB case increases were seen in *Alameda, Berkeley, Calaveras, Contra Costa, Glenn, **Kern, Kings, Marin, Placer, *Riverside, Sacramento, *San Bernardino, **San Luis Obispo, San Francisco, San Mateo, **Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Tehama, Tulare, Ventura and Yolo

Bold: My home for the last 40 years prior to moving to the desert a couple years ago. No of LA, So of Santa Barbara.

**Central CA

*Nadya's "general" neck of the woods-Greater Southern CA Basin, the rest are mostly Northern CA with a heavy incidence near the state capitol, then again near the CA/OR, CA/NV boarder.

As you can see it is everywhere. Health care providers are particularly sensitive to avoiding contamination at all cost, in addition to being saddled with a very unpleasant disease it can put them out of work for 3 to 6 mos for treatment.

That Nadya would subject volunteers in her home, not to mention her family to a possibly TB positive person shows her complete lack of understanding of the situation and sensitivity to others around her.

Multi-Drug Resistant TB Raises the Stakes

Inappropriate or incomplete therapy can lead to TB patients developing and spreading strains of multi-drug resistant TB. Recently, extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) has emerged worldwide; which are strains that are virtually untreatable due to their resistance to a multitude of drugs. Nineteen cases of XDR-TB have been detected in California since 1993.

This is how serious it can be:

Tuberculosis Patient Locked Up to Protect the Public



County health authorities obtained a court order to confine Daniels last summer because he failed to take the necessary precautions to avoid infecting other people with the deadly strain of TB he carries. Physicians had warned him to wear a mask in public but he didn’t, so the county locked him up for being a danger to the public.

Daniels has lived in Russia for 15 years, but last year when he was diagnosed with TB he returned to the United States because he thought he would have access to better medical treatment here. He worked in the office of a chemical company in Arizona briefly, but he lost 50 pounds and was constantly coughing. When authorities discovered that he had walked into a convenience store coughing, without wearing a mask, they asked for permission to lock him up.*

Dr. Ross Upshur, director of the Joint Centre for Bioethics at the University of Toronto, said that authorities have no choice but to detain people with drug-resistant TB if they are uncooperative in protecting the public on their own. "We're on the verge of taking what was a curable disease, one of the best known diseases in human endeavors, and making it incurable," Upshur said. There were 13,767 reported cases of tuberculosis in the United States last year.
published 4/2007

*this was not a 1 time event and prior to being locked up he was not consistent in taking his medication. He had come back to the US knowing there would be more medical help available to him here. But ended up in Solitary Confinement for 9 mos, with no phone, TV, computer or access to the outside world. After he repeatedly appeared in public with no face mask due to being embarrassed by strangers when he did where one.

He eventually had surgery to remove the infected part of his lung. He was considered "cured" but was still under observation from Co Health when he fled back to Russia. His case sparked a huge out cry from the public questioning the treatment he received while under lock and key.
Regarding the positive TB tests in the 3 Hispanic AIW workers- TB tests are usually required for health care workers.. Usually nasal swabs for staph and strep are also done for those caring for preemies. If the swabs are positive for non-skin types of staph or any strep, the person can't work with babies.

TB skin tests can be positive for 3 dfferent reasons- active disease, successfully treated disease no longer present, or positive antibodies in the blood from repeated exposure to TB without the person developing the disease.
I don't understand if the media implication is that they had been exposed to TB in the past or if the implication is that the 3 women were breathing on preemies while infected with TB.
There's a huge difference in past exposure vs. active infection vs. old treated infection. A person who has had chronic exposure to TB, even as a child, such as those living in a culture with less access to regular TB testing and high levels of TB disease, may have a positive TB skin test even if they never had TB, because they would have an antigen-antibody reaction indicative of antibodies. Older health care workers, especially in the past, often had positive TB tests but no TB disease infection in their bodies. This was due to the years they were in close contact with clients who did have TB.

Also, there is the state of health where a person has contracted TB, and completed successful treatment for the disease. This will also give a false positive skin test with some types of skin testing. In that case, either deep sputum cultures for TB would be needed. If the TB had progressed from pulmonary status to another organ system as sometimes happens with long term disease, making it very hard to dagnose and to treat, then sentive immunoassay testing and an infectious disease specialist referral are necessary to confirm or rule out the presence of TB in the person's body. Appropriate treatment of infection to follow, regardless of any work status, of course.
Okay, I was a healthcare worker in close contact with patients when I was exposed, I think there were only one or two incidences when I had my +PPD, and I was in my early 30's. I was put on INH for a year, and can only get chest x-rays from now on.
I wonder about autism- is there any chance that the IVF procedure could "harm" the embryo's resulting in autism? (Dr. K. stitches the embryo onto the uterine lining). Since I don't exactly understand autism, this could be a far fetched question... sorry.

Also, the theory on the kids not receiving adequate stimulation, is very interesting. ITA with your opinion of Nadya's time spent mothering. She certainly has lived a busy life with school, etc... during the early years of the lives of the "original 6".

For 3 of 6 children to be "disabled", that's a hard row to hoe, but if it's speculated that 2 more could be autistic, plus the octuplets, I don't know any mother who could take it. God bless these children....
IVF does not result in autism. There are other causes. Some people believe it's from the mercury preservative Thimoserol used in infant vaccines, like the MMR shot.
Today is my day off, so far I have given both our cats a bath and now finished up giving our dog a bath, have laundry going with all the towels I used and have the dogs blankets in the dryer. I look a wreck, still in my nightgown and my hair just piled on top of my head. I have the sink to scrub and the tub to scrub, then sweep and mop floors, then work on fixing dinner. Sometime after doing the scrubbing I promise I'll work on getting myself cleaned up... oh and now 1 cat just spit up hairballs.

I'm betting NS has had a much more leisurly day than me, and I don't have any kids!!!


Vegas, sounds like you need a Calgone Moment gal. You may not have children, but you have put yourself in a maternal gear to care for your animals. So, you know what a job it is to care for another being. You may not think you look very attractive at the moment. But I'll bet your heart and soul is just bursting with beauty because you have given yourself above all else to care for another living thing.
I can recall when my kids were infants, I had a black raincoat that had a permanent white spitup mark on the left front shoulder. I could not afford a new coat or constant dry cleaning bills. So, I put a little blue bow there to make it look like a carnation flower corsage. That's a mother's love, for sure.
Vegas, sounds like you need a Calgone Moment gal. You may not have children, but you have put yourself in a maternal gear to care for your animals. So, you know what a job it is to care for another being. You may not think you look very attractive at the moment. But I'll bet your heart and soul is just bursting with beauty because you have given yourself above all else to care for another living thing.
I can recall when my kids were infants, I had a black raincoat that had a permanent white spitup mark on the left front shoulder. I could not afford a new coat or constant dry cleaning bills. So, I put a little blue bow there to make it look like a carnation flower corsage. That's a mother's love, for sure.

Thank you for your kind words azwriter :)
I did have a calgon moment and feel much better now, I do love a hot bubble bath! The animals are doing pretty good also, done with the humiliation of the dreaded bath, all so silky shiney and taking an afternoon nap.
I wish we could get a real idea of just what NS does for her children, all 14 of them, just with the basics they all are in need of so much, I'd love to hear they do have some real moments with her with no camera rolling and just a tender caring touch. If they don't get it from her, then I'm glad if her mother has returned, the first 6 are bonded with her imo and her being there would make a difference for them.

The jacuzzi looked fine in the pics where the house was up for sale...sounds like the attorney is lying about that.
I get radar, I'm just trying not to watch. Sad huh? (Kind of a half a$$ed boycott, isn't it?)

I guess Nadya snappin on gum is better than watching her chew her lips...

I really hoped that Angela had gotten some much needed rest.

Sorry to bug you for details! :blushing:

I am boycotting it, too.

The thing is, the way she is raising her kids is very much like many celebrities, rock stars, super models, whatever. I think Madonna has 2 nannies per child and Angelina has a bunch, Britney/Kevin have several. So while I would not raise my kids that way, if I had been blessed with children, there are many who do and they turn out reasonably ok. They have little good feelings about their parents but they aren't too messed up. And with some parents, being away from the children is better all around.

My major concerns are for safety, as the kids do not seem to be monitored well and attended to. They need structure. The special needs ones need extra tutoring and help. Are they getting that? And to let anyone near your children, especially preemies, who has a positive TB test is absolutely insane. I would not waste time considering "well maybe this nanny just has a false positive, I guess she can take care of my baby for now" oh God no. I worked at a shelter for 12 years and I know too well that TB is contagious as he!! and it has now morphed into a strain that resists treatment. If she is blase' about that, what else will she blow off as not a big deal?

I am going back to just reading now because this topic is making me act ugly, and I don't like being that way.
I've been asking another poster for radar updates- I'm not a good boycotter. I'm sorry you had a mental breakdown- it's good though that we have the insight to know when we've "lost it"?

I think the novelty will wear off and I pray that Nadya is prepared for the day when "nobody cares". (I don't mean that literally, I mean more when the "ratings" drop.) We do have Dr. K's other patient to read about in the future, the lady who is expecting quads and only wanted 1 child? God knows who else is in the Dr. K waiting room?

Well... it wasn't a true mental breakdown... but I'd certainly had enough of Dr. Phil, Jeff the obnoxious attorney, and Gloria Allread for at least a few weeks! My late husband, a Native American Traditional Healer, used to say that we don't have the power to change others, but we do have the power to change ourselves and how we react to others. So I decided that I would change my reaction to Nadya by not getting so frustrated and angry at what she is doing because I am powerless to get her to change the way she is acting! I think Kaiser is doing the best they can under the circumstances and unfortunately, Nadya will be allowed to continue caring (or not caring) for her children until one of them gets sick, injured or worse.
Good day, sleuthers! I am doing my own little boycott of Radaronline and Nadya's antics at this moment but could not help check here for the latest news. I experienced a slight mental breakdown after watching Dr. Phil's show yesterday, along with a spike in my blood pressure. My new attitude is to let Octomom be in control with her expert staff of Nannies (they can't be that expert if Merry Poppins only bills $10 to $15 an hour for them of which the company probably pockets one-third of that amount). We'll see what happens in the days and weeks ahead as the novelty of this situation wears off and Octomom is replaced in the news by the antics of some other wacked-out person (hopefully not another mega-multiple birth.)

Oh, Penelope, I am sorry you had a breakdown Did you look like this? :sick: and this? :crazy: and :mad: It does that to me, too. That and the sticky keys on my laptop and my dog leaving tootsie rolls on the floor to clean up and having to use a stupid tv converter box.

I am trying to let go and let it run its course as there is nothing I can do about it. I hope the children, all of them, will be ok.
Today is my day off, so far I have given both our cats a bath and now finished up giving our dog a bath, have laundry going with all the towels I used and have the dogs blankets in the dryer. I look a wreck, still in my nightgown and my hair just piled on top of my head. I have the sink to scrub and the tub to scrub, then sweep and mop floors, then work on fixing dinner. Sometime after doing the scrubbing I promise I'll work on getting myself cleaned up... oh and now 1 cat just spit up hairballs.

I'm betting NS has had a much more leisurly day than me, and I don't have any kids!!!


What time should I expect you to be by to give my Boston Terrier her bath and manicure? :snooty:

Sometimes I do fantasize, not just about Mel Gibson, but about having a cook, housekeepers, chauffer, accountant, personal assistant, secretary, private doctor who comes to the house, pet care person, gardeners, and dresser. And a big swimming pool. Can you imagine what it must be like to live that way? The Royal family does. I would get bored and depressed very soon actually. I guess I am just a working slob at heart.
I've been a good girl today too as I pressed the IGNORE button on any news.

I'm going to try to keep it up - no promises though.
<respectfully snipped>

This is NOT at all to defend Nadya (God forbid) but the news reports were that the house she was living in was her mother's 2nd house, which she didn't pay rent on, which caused her mother to be foreclosed on, on that house. My understanding from that was her mother has a house of her own separate from that home we all saw. Could be wrong.
I'm not positive, but at one time it seems Angela was paying on 2 houses, walked from the 1st one to live in the 2nd one and Nadya and family moved in with her (I am not sure when Nadya moved in, but judging by the appearance of the house it looked like Nadya may have moved in shortly before giving birth?) Anyway, I think that house may now be in foreclosure as Angela said she was staying with a friend (in an earlier interview) OR now that Nadya is in her own place, maybe Angela saved that house from foreclosure? We know George has a big house somewhere and somehow managed to sign for Nadya's new house, maybe he helped Angela keep her home too? (There was information on a bankruptcy on the other thread and I thought someone found that Angela didn't complete the bankruptcy but it showed 2 houses- I could be wrong.)

There is just no way I would allow my children's decisions in life create a situation to where we'd lose our home. I know it's easy for me to say now, but barring the purchase of a new liver or kidney for one of them, I don't think I could enable them to the point we've "witnessed" in this story.

Thanks for that information Boyz_Mum! If Octomom did not rescue her mother's house from foreclosure, it is completely and totally unforgivable. I suspect that she didn't, but I hope she did.

Meanwhile, can this possibly be true? What a very bad idea.


Angelina Jolie has a soft spot for those in need, including Nadya Suleman and her 14 children!

Star has learned the actress is seriously considering donating thousands of dollars to the overwhelmed 33-year-old single mom, whose brood includes 2-month-old octuplets.

"Angelina is worried about the best interests of the kids," explains a source. "As a mom of six, she knows how chaotic and costly raising a big family can be."

(click link for remainder of article)
The jacuzzi looked fine in the pics where the house was up for sale...sounds like the attorney is lying about that.

From what I saw on Dr Phil, they showed the tub & it did look fine, they then showed the shower & a few other things that showed water damage. This was all coming from the attorney, so who knows? I don't think we'll know until someone rats her out.

The current nannies signed a non disclosure, Nadya wanted AIW to sign one too, they wouldn't.

My late husband, a Native American Traditional Healer, used to say that we don't have the power to change others, but we do have the power to change ourselves and how we react to others.

Off topic.. I knew someone that went to another forum I went to, passed about 2 years ago from his heart; lived in Canada. Pretty sure his daughter is Penny.. What you wrote is what he used to say. He used to carve.
What time should I expect you to be by to give my Boston Terrier her bath and manicure? :snooty:

Sometimes I do fantasize, not just about Mel Gibson, but about having a cook, housekeepers, chauffer, accountant, personal assistant, secretary, private doctor who comes to the house, pet care person, gardeners, and dresser. And a big swimming pool. Can you imagine what it must be like to live that way? The Royal family does. I would get bored and depressed very soon actually. I guess I am just a working slob at heart.

Please let me have Vegas Bride first, my lab needs a bubble bath! :D

I fantasize about being wealthy sometimes- I can't imagine having all the "servants" and services that the wealthy can afford. That would be hard to get used to! A chauffer might be nice, but I think that's the only luxury that would be comfortable. Oh well, for now it looks like my only chauffer is going to be my husband. He's cheap and he cooks dinner once in a while. What more could a girl ask for? :rolleyes:
Penelope, your late husband was a very wise man. We don't have the power to change others and sometimes, the best reaction is NO reaction. I think Nadya needs a little less reaction from everyone- she definately feeds on it (even the negative)... IMO.

O/T, I'm going to have to look for information on Native American Traditional Healer. That sounds rather fascinating. Thank you for sharing that here. :blowkiss:
Thanks for that information Boyz_Mum! If Octomom did not rescue her mother's house from foreclosure, it is completely and totally unforgivable. I suspect that she didn't, but I hope she did.

Meanwhile, can this possibly be true? What a very bad idea.


Angelina Jolie has a soft spot for those in need, including Nadya Suleman and her 14 children!

Star has learned the actress is seriously considering donating thousands of dollars to the overwhelmed 33-year-old single mom, whose brood includes 2-month-old octuplets.

"Angelina is worried about the best interests of the kids," explains a source. "As a mom of six, she knows how chaotic and costly raising a big family can be."

(click link for remainder of article)

Even if this isn't for real, Nadya is going to revel in the sunlight from this article- imagine, "Angelina Jolie paying attention to little ole me!" OMG...
What time should I expect you to be by to give my Boston Terrier her bath and manicure? :snooty:

Sometimes I do fantasize, not just about Mel Gibson, but about having a cook, housekeepers, chauffer, accountant, personal assistant, secretary, private doctor who comes to the house, pet care person, gardeners, and dresser. And a big swimming pool. Can you imagine what it must be like to live that way? The Royal family does. I would get bored and depressed very soon actually. I guess I am just a working slob at heart.

lol send me the plane ticket... first class of course!! and I'll be happy to be your personal doggie groomer!

Yeah sometimes it's a nice thought to have people do everything for you, but deep down I'm happier doing something for myself if it's soomething I can handle. Now I would love to have a hair stylist help me out :)


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