Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

There would be something wrong with us if we didn't feel concern and worry about the 8 tiny babies born to a person who says she needs children to feel whole.. but who ( argueably, I know) cannot adequately care for the 6 children she gave birth to previously and has a documented history with which is not exactly happy or usual.

This is how I see it, and it became more clear in this particular media-fueled human disaster in the making after reading Penelope's quote and realizing that the media and the people who read about the situation are probably using these babies as escapism from things like economic worries for our country and the world, the N. Korean missle launch, the instability of our currency in the world markets, all of it.
Penelope said, in paraphrasing a bit that we can't change anything about another person but we can each change how we react to a situation.
Following the day to day crises and antics of Nayda and her manipulation of her babies, her mother, the press, all of it is non-productive for the babies. And in my opinion, they are the only people in this who matter.
The babies have no choice, and they have no voice. They are being used as property, not individual human beings with promise, strengths to be nurtured, and natural skills to be encouraged.
I am not going to look for any future info on this woman or the children because IMO, it will NOT be positive news. It will be SSDD with Nayda.

I remember reading about the Dionne quints in Canada. It has been argued by many behavioral psychologists that they were exploited from the moment they arrived because they were " different". If some of you don't know how they were exhibited publicly, it is a fascinating yet disturbing story.Look them up on Wikipedia.
It is my belief that unless people ( including me) stop paying attention to this woman and her 8 babies simply because they are octuplets in a very precarious environment, then we are intruding into the lives of these children, just like what happened with the Dionne quints. I don't see that this can be a good thing because we cannot change what goes on with the babies or her other children. Not in one single way.

I will pray for God to protect the babies, now and in the future, but unless they are placed in different environments with consistent, loving, mature parents, I don't see that this is a hopeful or positive situation.

Therefore, I am choosing to change the way I react by not having any more " Nayda-ness " in my life, for the sake of the eight tiny individuls without protection, without an advocate present for them, without voices, without choices. This attention all needs to STOP. Then Nadya will have to cope alone or place the babies in more stable environments for their sakes.

So, Angelina Jolie is considering donating money to Nadya! Next thing we'll hear is that Nadya is dating a Brad Pitt look alike.
Even if this isn't for real, Nadya is going to revel in the sunlight from this article- imagine, "Angelina Jolie paying attention to little ole me!" OMG...

Sarcasm alert...we all know Nadya doesn't watch/read any of that carp. She's much too busy caring for her kiddies! (cough, cough)

I seldom watch the nanny shows but tonight I've been watching Super Nanny, with Nanny Jo. This gal doesn't take any carp from failing parents (wish she was around when my kids were small). She's fair but not mean and very into self responsibility if tonight's show was any indicator. She calls 'em like she see's 'em.

I know Nadya doesn't need any more camera's in her life but I wonder if woman to woman she could sit Nadya down and beat some sense into her head about her lack of responsibility for her first 6 by having the 8. But now that they're all here make her step up to the plate and start acting like a mom.

*Get a schedule implemented.
*Regular meal times. Regular bedtimes.
*Physically care for the kids, past patting them on their heads.
*Make the kids do homework & have someone available to help them.
*Get the kids the help they need for whatever their individual issues are,
follow through with them.
*Give Nadya some direction for disciplining her children.
*Get some rules of behavior in the house, follow through.
*Teach Nadya about actions and consequences so she can teach her kids.
*Give the 3 older kids a few responsibilities, like making their beds, setting out dishes, picking up their dirty clothes. To give them a feeling of accomplishment and working together, but no childcare responsibilities.

I really get the feeling Nadya has no idea what her kids need to make it in the world, no idea how to discipline because she wants to be the biggest kid there. All the kids need structure and they all need a mom and gmom who act like parents. Cos they surely have enough playmates. My gut feeling is Nadya doesn't know where to begin if we use her relationship with her mom as an indicator and her prior record speaks for itself when it comes to decision making and acts and consequences.

I am appalled by the chaos in that house, kids playing outside at 1:30 AM, little kids with no bedtimes, regular mealtimes, no time set aside for homework.

I hope in addition to child care Nadya has hired house keepers, that last little house was pretty gross. With all the bodies in and out of this new bigger house, this one will be trashed in short order without someone to keep it clean cos we all know Nadya won't break a nail cleaning those toilets and keeping the floors clean. She needs a short order cook in that kitchen too to keep up with everyone.

I can't fathom the amount of dirty laundry that will accumulate over just a day or two if someone isn't on top of it. I hope she has several ex-large capacity machines, one of each will never keep up with all those kids!!

Maybe mama Michelle Duggar and a couple of her daughters will help Nadya set up a schedule. Kate from Jon and Kate is way too OCD, she'd be having panic attacks all over the place!
While I know that positive tb skin tests do not always mean TB, please know that in America we are having outbreaks of small pox, polio, whooping cough and other child hood diseases that we had all but erradicated. WHy? Illegal aliens and immigrants are NOT vaccinated for these diseases so they sneak over and then expose our children with these diseases again. Just another reason we need stiffer border patrol. These nannies are all from spanish speaking countries and I would be willing to bet probably illegal. That being said I would also bet that Merry Poppins hires them (obviously) and does NOT have them tested. I would like to know what kind of a screening and background check Merry Poppins actually does? I know I would NOT let them watch my children.

:clap: Exactly! Just because there are false positives commonly or other reasons for a positive ppd test, that means we should not be alarmed? WE should just ASSUME they are fine to be there? Please. YOu can't work in a hospital until the matter is fully cleared up! The same so go for a nursery full of preemies (or any kids for that matter).
There would be something wrong with us if we didn't feel concern and worry about the 8 tiny babies born to a person who says she needs children to feel whole.. but who ( argueably, I know) cannot adequately care for the 6 children she gave birth to previously and has a documented history with which is not exactly happy or usual.....

....Therefore, I am choosing to change the way I react by not having any more " Nayda-ness " in my life, for the sake of the eight tiny individuls without protection, without an advocate present for them, without voices, without choices. This attention all needs to STOP. Then Nadya will have to cope alone or place the babies in more stable environments for their sakes.


[Please excuse my editing]

Thank you, Seeking Jana, for understanding what I meant and explaining it in a way that I couldn't.

My mother was an only child who told my father when they married that she wanted 8 children -- and that what she had. We did have regular mealtimes and bedtimes, and she did get us to do our homework. But as an adult, I could see how she was emotionally distant and was overwhelmed with caring for all of us. But she did the best that she could, and sacrificed a lot for us. But we also had a father who worked three jobs to support us, and was well-known and well-respected in the town I grew up in.

There was a lot of chaos in the house as I was growing up -- we were all vying for the attention of my parents. My older sister was very jealous of the younger kids (nowadays, she would have been diagnosed ADHD) and she was angry and out of control much of the time. Looking back, I can see the affect this kind of childhood had on my siblings and on myself. Out of a family of 8 children, only one has children of her own-- the rest of us have none. I remember as a teenager telling myself that when I got married, I did not want to have children because I did not want to share my husband with anyone!!

My parents did instill in all of us a desire to get an education and a good job and we are all college graduates. But the social and emotional damage from our childhood has had an enormous impact on the course of our lives.

I guess this situation with Nadya pushes a lot of buttons with me. I feel for those kids because I know what it is like to have a mother who desired to have a lot of kids to fill a hole in her own psyche. And I know that Nadya's 6 older kids are going to grow up resenting the younger 8 -- because that also happened in my family. The four oldest were treated very differently than the four youngest -- and that caused a lot of fights, friction and hurt feelings.

So I agree with you, Seeking Jana, and join you in your prayers for all 14 of these children that they are able to survive and thrive in the years to come.
There would be something wrong with us if we didn't feel concern and worry about the 8 tiny babies born to a person who says she needs children to feel whole.. but who ( argueably, I know) cannot adequately care for the 6 children she gave birth to previously and has a documented history with which is not exactly happy or usual.

This is how I see it, and it became more clear in this particular media-fueled human disaster in the making after reading Penelope's quote and realizing that the media and the people who read about the situation are probably using these babies as escapism from things like economic worries for our country and the world, the N. Korean missle launch, the instability of our currency in the world markets, all of it.
Penelope said, in paraphrasing a bit that we can't change anything about another person but we can each change how we react to a situation.
Following the day to day crises and antics of Nayda and her manipulation of her babies, her mother, the press, all of it is non-productive for the babies. And in my opinion, they are the only people in this who matter.
The babies have no choice, and they have no voice. They are being used as property, not individual human beings with promise, strengths to be nurtured, and natural skills to be encouraged.
I am not going to look for any future info on this woman or the children because IMO, it will NOT be positive news. It will be SSDD with Nayda.

I remember reading about the Dionne quints in Canada. It has been argued by many behavioral psychologists that they were exploited from the moment they arrived because they were " different". If some of you don't know how they were exhibited publicly, it is a fascinating yet disturbing story.Look them up on Wikipedia.
It is my belief that unless people ( including me) stop paying attention to this woman and her 8 babies simply because they are octuplets in a very precarious environment, then we are intruding into the lives of these children, just like what happened with the Dionne quints. I don't see that this can be a good thing because we cannot change what goes on with the babies or her other children. Not in one single way.

I will pray for God to protect the babies, now and in the future, but unless they are placed in different environments with consistent, loving, mature parents, I don't see that this is a hopeful or positive situation.

Therefore, I am choosing to change the way I react by not having any more " Nayda-ness " in my life, for the sake of the eight tiny individuls without protection, without an advocate present for them, without voices, without choices. This attention all needs to STOP. Then Nadya will have to cope alone or place the babies in more stable environments for their sakes.


Really excellent post and I agree with you to a point.

I think (and realized even as a child reading what was available) what happened to the Dionne Quints was an appalling and tragic situation made by the government and not likely to be repeated today, unless it is set into motion by the mother of the babies (as it appears) and will likely result in our government via CPS stepping in sooner rather than later to protect the babies from being exploited.

To me, the difference in posting here on a forum, discussing with like minded people and those who are sneaking into the yard hoping to get a glimpse or better yet a few pictures to sell to a tabloid is night and day. To follow in the news not through a website that can track hits and pay the octo-nut accordingly also makes a difference to me. I do not want to support anything/one who is supporting Nadya financially.

I am so over the miracle of the octo birth. My interest lies completely in the mess a mother is making in the lives of 14 innocent babies. If by following the story something is revealed that will help all these kids I'm all for it. The enormity of a single mom raising 14 kids takes my breathe away, the fact that it doesn't do the same for Nadya sure shows a lack of reasoning and higher thinking on her part. At this point in time the only thing keeping camera's in that home is peoples interest in the story. Without the cameras, these kids are alone with a woman who doesn't have a clue. I say keep the camera's rolling.

Honestly, I don't care what Nadya is spending her money on as long as there is food, diapers, formula and a roof over the heads of those kids. The state is going to be all over her regarding her income and she will ultimately be held responsible for reporting it. As long as these gianormous paychecks keep coming in Nadya will not be eligible to collect money from the state and with 14 hungry mouths that could be a considerable savings to the taxpayers just in food stamps alone.

I want for those kids to be healthy, loved and wanted as the little individuals they are. I don't see how that can happen in the home they were born into. I'm hoping Nadya's desire to be on every TV, everyday will give the state of California all the evidence they need to do what is best for all 14 kids. In the mean time I continue to pray for all of them.
Keep in mind a non disclosure just means you can't sell your story to the media etc. You are however still a mandated reporter & can & MUST report any issues to CPS.

I think the non-disclosure was perfectly appropriate, I would expect those working for me to sign one as well if I were in the media & I found it interesting that was the first thing Allred brought up as having issue with. Being allowed to sell a story to the tabloids is not the equivalent of transparency.

BTW just so everyone knows - I think this woman (the "octo-mom) is 6 different types of crazy. However, one's financial status, choosing to do TV interviews, choosing to leave your children with nannies or retaining hospital trained staff, not hiring security guards & not having a bedtime for your kids or a homework schedule is not even close to enough to have a kid removed by CPS. It would be a pretty scary country if those were considered appropriate measures for removing someone's children. And given that she has a special needs child (her son with autism) she already has a state social worker & is on CPS' radar before she had these kids & will continue to be monitored by them.

Gloria Allred sitting in her house is just not necessary and me, as a sane person, would have had her removed as well. It is a shame because I used to admire Gloria Allred - she is obviously just a fame *advertiser censored* now who will do anything to insert herself into a situation for media $$.

I can't imagine how many abused children are not being appropriately monitered by the OC CPS because they have to keep dealing with Dr. Phil & Gloria Allred & AIW who just seem eager to get their piece of the $ pie here.

And I too see alot of similarities to the Dionne quints case who were predominately removed because the family was deemed unable to financially provide for them. In reality the person who retained custody just whored them out to the public for their own profit. It seems to me that there are alot of people right now on TV who would like nothing more than to do the same here.
I respectfully disagree with your comments about Gloria Allred. Her intent was not to "sit in the house indefinitely" as your post seems to imply (correct me if I am wrong). What AIW has described in a credible manner are the things that are possibly - possibly - an endangement to the children and babies. Gloria Allred is AIW's attorney of record and it was appropriate that she be present to verify the goings-on in that house on the night in question (chaos night).
I'll keep praying for the children~ God Bless all 14 of them.

(Please someone tell me that Nadya didn't profit from any of my posts here... at the rate of a "penny for your thoughts", I think I've posted a million pennies here???:blushing:)
No it was not appropriate for her to sit there especially after the police showed up regardless of who admitted to the call (it is obvious she wasn't wanted there), nor is it appropriate for her to be screaming bullets on talk show b/c her clients (who she never represented until after they were already discussing working for Nadya Suleman & then she got in the middle of the conversation & wouldn't let them speak directly) might have to sign a non disclosure agreement, which is perfectly standard in a situation like this. She was angry b/c she wants the most opportunity to bank on this situation.

If Allred truly cared she would 1) Admit that a non-disclosure agreement has nothing to do with ensuring the children's welfare (because it doesn't). 2) admit that the children are already on CPS' radar and have been for years due to the special needs of one of the other children 3) not sidestep the fact that the hospital released a statement indicating that any conditions which were problematic were rectified satisfactorily 4) admit that as long the children are cared for by qualified caretakers (which the hospital, an unbiased entity, & CPS feels that they are) it is innapropriate to remove them from the home 5) would not advocate that these children be put in foster care when there are so many children who are really being abused and neglected with NOONE caring for them, not a nanny or anything, who are getting zero attention from CPS.

Advocating the removal of these children is reprehensible. Like I said this Nadya character is 6 different kinds of crazy, HOWEVER the items that Allred listed are in no way shape or form EVER a reason to remove children from a custodial parent's home. Allred wanted in on the cash cow & she was kicked out. So now? She is going to go around trashing them for $ & advocate even more potentially harmful consequences for the children, that being their removal from their home (and I wouldn't be surprised probably placement with people who will let her in to be their "lawyer").

Also keep in mind at the end of the day there are plenty of people who have more children then I would deem they can afford, relegate child care duties to their nannies with minimal involvement themselves, are space cadets mentally & who don't have the same views on scheduling a child that I or others might have BUT BUT BUT none of those things are grounds for loss of custody. If they were - there would be millions more kids in the custody of the state.

In this situation, qualified caregivers as determined by unbiased medical experts are in the home & CPS has already been involved for years. Allred, if she REALLY cared would admit those things instead of running around acting like she is their only hope & advocating the removal of custody. Again, individuals who are far more qualified than she, who are also unbiased & stand to make no $ disagree and yet she without conscious keeps beating this drum. If her agenda isn't money than she is even more mentally disturbed than Suleman.

I respectfully disagree with your comments about Gloria Allred. Her intent was not to "sit in the house indefinitely" as your post seems to imply (correct me if I am wrong). What AIW has described in a credible manner are the things that are possibly - possibly - an endangement to the children and babies. Gloria Allred is AIW's attorney of record and it was appropriate that she be present to verify the goings-on in that house on the night in question (chaos night).
No it was not appropriate for her to sit there especially after the police showed up regardless of who admitted to the call (it is obvious she wasn't wanted there), nor is it appropriate for her to be screaming bullets on talk show b/c her clients (who she never represented until after they were already discussing working for Nadya Suleman & then she got in the middle of the conversation & wouldn't let them speak directly) might have to sign a non disclosure agreement, which is perfectly standard in a situation like this. She was angry b/c she wants the most opportunity to bank on this situation.

If Allred truly cared she would 1) Admit that a non-disclosure agreement has nothing to do with ensuring the children's welfare (because it doesn't). 2) admit that the children are already on CPS' radar and have been for years due to the special needs of one of the other children 3) not sidestep the fact that the hospital released a statement indicating that any conditions which were problematic were rectified satisfactorily 4) admit that as long the children are cared for by qualified caretakers (which the hospital, an unbiased entity, & CPS feels that they are) it is innapropriate to remove them from the home 5) would not advocate that these children be put in foster care when there are so many children who are really being abused and neglected with NOONE caring for them, not a nanny or anything, who are getting zero attention from CPS.

Advocating the removal of these children is reprehensible. Like I said this Nadya character is 6 different kinds of crazy, HOWEVER the items that Allred listed are in no way shape or form EVER a reason to remove children from a custodial parent's home. Allred wanted in on the cash cow & she was kicked out. So now? She is going to go around trashing them for $ & advocate even more potentially harmful consequences for the children, that being their removal from their home (and I wouldn't be surprised probably placement with people who will let her in to be their "lawyer").

Also keep in mind at the end of the day there are plenty of people who have more children then I would deem they can afford, relegate child care duties to their nannies with minimal involvement themselves, are space cadets mentally & who don't have the same views on scheduling a child that I or others might have BUT BUT BUT none of those things are grounds for loss of custody. If they were - there would be millions more kids in the custody of the state.

In this situation, qualified caregivers as determined by unbiased medical experts are in the home & CPS has already been involved for years. Allred, if she REALLY cared would admit those things instead of running around acting like she is their only hope & advocating the removal of custody. Again, individuals who are far more qualified than she, who are also unbiased & stand to make no $ disagree and yet she without conscious keeps beating this drum. If her agenda isn't money than she is even more mentally disturbed than Suleman.

This is a classic case of different people perceiving different things from the same situation. I didn't see where Gloria Allred did not let the caregivers (AIW) speak on Dr. Phil. Just didn't see it. Didn't happen. She is a vociferous person, but Linda West-Conforti got a lot of comments in, and the other woman spoke as well (far less, but did speak).

I also have not seen where Gloria Allred advocates REMOVAL of the octuplets. Gloria Allred advocates TRANSPARENCY , based upon her analysis of the situation. Two very different things.
Doesn't that paint a frightening picture of these children's futures?

I don't see a nurturing bone in Nadya's whole being- am I missing it?

As a teacher and a mother of 2, am am always saddened when I see precious, innocent but ready to learn and love children who are not given what God intended them to have.

Parents ought to have to take infant and child development courses! It's such a tough job, if you take it seriously.

I know teachers who work individually with just ONE child (fetal-alcohol syndrome) just to help him make it through the day without having outbursts or hurting someone. He will never read. It's a good start if you just protect your pregnancy.

Does anyone know if Nadya drank or did drugs during pregnancy? I would think not; but still normal children need normal child care and parenting, preferably by 2 parents. My husband keeps saying that the doctors should be sued and made to help with the babies. It's just unethical what they did IMO.

I'm not watching Radar or other sites, and I haven't followed this story carefully, but I just check in to see what's going on. I am VERY worrried about the situation, and hope it will be monitored.

Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath:


("I shall not play at GOD"; I shall remember I am part of a society, and have a duty to that society....") among other things

OCTOMOM PRIOR TO plastic surgery. I don't think Angelina has any worries.
(YES I used a real picture of Nadya pre-plastic surgery) if you don't like the results, complain to her. ;)
If all of the cameras and, all the money and attention were to go away for NS today, I would be more worried about the children. Imo she would then do something very dramatic to bring the attention back. Another 911 call perhaps only this time make sure it was needed.
There are no perfect solutions here and no turning back the clock. I will not donate anything for her and I will not tune in if there is a reality show or watch the video's on radar, but I will discuss things here because I honestly am worried about the children. I would like nothing better than to come here one day and read about how she has gotten her act together and doing things for the benefit of her children.
These children have only 1 parent, no father, 1 set of grandparents, no uncles or aunts or cousins. One day when they are older I hope they can do some research and know some people did care enough about them to want whats best and not interested in using them for their own agenda.

I know that Allred says she is advocating for TRANSPARENCY but that is just code for her & the AIW saying they want to be able to sell stories to the media. A non disclosure agreement does not preclude the nannies from reporting any issues to CPS (in fact they are still required to do so regardless). It just means they can't sell their story and an NDA is the first thing anyone who is in the media has someone who is working in their home, sign, usually before they are allowed to step foot in their home (not the case here). But ironically that was the first thing Allred brought up, claiming it interfered with transparency. Signing an agreement that you won't sell your story to the media has nothing to do with transparency. So her transparency argument is nonexistent.

I have actually seen Gloria Allred on television stating quite equivocally that she wants the children removed by CPS and put into foster care now that her clients aren't there anymore, which is why I find bias to be quite transparent. There are so many children out there who need foster homes (many of which also leave a lot to be desired) who are being abused & neglected with no care from a nanny or anyone - which is not the case here There can only be 1 reason that this case has Allred's attention, especially when CPS has already been in tune with the situation for years AND they have a whole hospital of medical experts who are active in the babies' care - the $ from media deals. It was very telling that the first thing she started yelling about was the non-disclosure agreement on the Dr. Phil show (which as a lawyer she should have expected & negotiated with the other lawyer on). To NOT have a non-disclosure agreement set in place for those who are working at the home would have been bad lawyering on the part of Suleman's lawyer. I'm surprised they were even allowed in the home without signing an NDA but that could've been due to the fact that Suleman wanted her children home and she couldn't pay for her own nannies yet so financially she didn't have the same ability to insulate herself legally that a rich celebrity would have.

And no, a nursing agency's attorney (Allred) has no business going into the home that one of the staff member's of said agency is working at. It is completely inappropriate. The nanny was at work at the home of the company's client (Suleman). It is beyond unorthodox for an agency's lawyer to come into the agency client's private home & then question people to find out who called the police on her after the cops came to escort her out. That is simply someone looking to insert themselves into a situation which they were not invited into. The AIW don't need their agency's lawyer there to call CPS or evaluate the care of children.

Now once again please understand I don't think Suleman is some doe-eyed innocent or that she is even someone I would give the time of day. I'm just saying that so far there are no grounds to remove the children based upon what has been reported & there are plenty of concerned, unbiased, educated parties closely involved in the situation who have the expertise needed to determine if the situation is appropriate. Allred's clients, however, are no longer involved in the situation and given that if her motives were really purely concern for the kids she would move on now that it has been called to her attention that all appropriate authorities and experts are very closely involved in the situation and have been for quite some time. All she is doing now is creating a lynch mob mentality by whipping up a frenzy and calling for the children to be removed from the home, for reasons that would never merit removal in a private situation. If she really cares about children there are alot of abused & neglected kids with no advocates who could use her help, but she won't make any $ off of them so...

This is a classic case of different people perceiving different things from the same situation. I didn't see where Gloria Allred did not let the caregivers (AIW) speak on Dr. Phil. Just didn't see it. Didn't happen. She is a vociferous person, but Linda West-Conforti got a lot of comments in, and the other woman spoke as well (far less, but did speak).

I also have not seen where Gloria Allred advocates REMOVAL of the octuplets. Gloria Allred advocates TRANSPARENCY , based upon her analysis of the situation. Two very different things.
But remember CPS will always be involved b/c of her older disabled child. So even without the cameras etc. her family will always be on the radar of the authorities who make such determinations, which is more than can be said for alot of households. I do understand what you are saying, but there are more safety nets from a child protective perspective here then most people have in place.

Again - I don't like this woman - I think she is a nut. But the reasons outlined to remove her children are really not up to par unless we were going to remove millions of other children from their homes, due to financial hardship, spacey nutty parent(s), disorganized scheduling or primary use of a non-parent for parenting duties.

If all of the cameras and, all the money and attention were to go away for NS today, I would be more worried about the children. Imo she would then do something very dramatic to bring the attention back. Another 911 call perhaps only this time make sure it was needed.
There are no perfect solutions here and no turning back the clock. I will not donate anything for her and I will not tune in if there is a reality show or watch the video's on radar, but I will discuss things here because I honestly am worried about the children. I would like nothing better than to come here one day and read about how she has gotten her act together and doing things for the benefit of her children.
These children have only 1 parent, no father, 1 set of grandparents, no uncles or aunts or cousins. One day when they are older I hope they can do some research and know some people did care enough about them to want whats best and not interested in using them for their own agenda.

mb123, I have in no way implied Nadya's poor parenting skills are grounds for removing her kids. What I have said is by inviting the world in to her home she has opened herself up to whatever comments and/or criticism the viewers wish to hurl at her. My comments are that she needs to get a reality check. She needs some serious work in the mothering department. She needs help.

Her house is in chaos, her children have a lot of serious issues that need to be addressed. As their only parent, that falls on her. Getting some structure into their lives would be a good thing and again it is her responsibility to implement.

I believe a single mom with 6 kids who isn't caring for them, supporting them or taking full responsibility for their needs, who goes to a doctor and asks to be implanted with more kids shows a severe lack of judgment. This makes me question what other poor decisions is she making where her kids are concerned.

Knowing what I know about TB, I believe Nadya again showed poor judgment. Not only for her kids but for the other health care givers in her home. She admitted 3 new nannies who not only hadn't yet been cleared for work but who are walking around with very positive TB Tine tests. Yes, I know all 3 might be healthy, just as I know all 3 might be a walking, talking, coughing TB epidemic in her home. Why would anyone take that chance with their children?

Take any of the obstacles the new babies have already faced just to be alive today, low birth weight, severe prematurity, high end multiple birth; any of these by themselves gives these babies a high risk status. Makes them what doctors call "medically fragile". Yet in defending herself for firing AiW, Nadya claims her babies are not high risk, they are normal, healthy newborns. Well Nadya is either doing an awesome job of denying the needs of her babies or wasn't listening to the doctors when she started bringing them home.

When was the last time you heard of a hospital sending case workers into someones home before discharging their babies to them? Those are her babies
and yet the hospital is being allowed to call the shots. Even threatening not to discharge her babies to her if she didn't start paying attention. This alone gets my meter running in high gear. Last time I checked the hospitals responsibility stopped at making sure baby had an approved carseat, properly installed.

Then low and behold, she gets her new babies home and doesn't have any blankets for them? This is not a first time mom, she's been down this road 6 times already. What was she planning on covering these babies with? Her love alone wouldn't keep these little guys warm, especially with as little time she has spent in the nursery.

If AiW came into that home with the sole purpose of intimidating her, writing reports on her and outing her as a bad mother, then shame on them. They were in a position to give guidance, to help educate and to insure the health and well being of those babies. If Nadya only accepted their help so the hospital would start releasing her babies, had no plans on working with them and allowing them to help get her kids the care they need, then shame on her. To be honest I don't know who was more at fault in the fiasco. I just know the babies and kids are the ones who lost the most when the grown ups couldn't figure out a way play nice with each other.
I wonder about autism- is there any chance that the IVF procedure could "harm" the embryo's resulting in autism? (Dr. K. stitches the embryo onto the uterine lining). Since I don't exactly understand autism, this could be a far fetched question... sorry.

Also, the theory on the kids not receiving adequate stimulation, is very interesting. ITA with your opinion of Nadya's time spent mothering. She certainly has lived a busy life with school, etc... during the early years of the lives of the "original 6".

For 3 of 6 children to be "disabled", that's a hard row to hoe, but if it's speculated that 2 more could be autistic, plus the octuplets, I don't know any mother who could take it. God bless these children....

They're not sure what causes autism.
From what I recently saw on TV, they think there are a few different types; or this is what I think I heard. I don't remember what I was watching the other night, they mentioned how the number of people diagnosed has gone up.

I know a few kids that were fine as babies until about age 2 or 3. These children went from normal toddlers that ran & jumped & played and ate everything to children that were not, did not eat anything except maybe a handful or 2 foods, would sit in a room by themselves and not socialize.

I was discussing this with my neighbor a few months ago. They've had hard times and no insurance, their kids did not get vaccines according to what doctors want, and the kids are fine. She knows other people that did have insurance and did vaccinate according to the doctors, the children changed, just like what I witnessed 13 or so years ago. I'm trying to think back what vaccines I did and when and if I had my child at the doctor when they were supposed to and I don't think I did. I don't think my children were vaccinated like my friends children were.

I know I did not allow my daughter to have the chicken pox vaccine, I was strongly against that for some reason. My children also have never had a flu vaccine.

Now, having said that, I do feel that there may be a difference in genetics with some of these kids. It's like the gene is dormant until the right combination of drugs is administered, then it pops it's head.

I think the reason they might find various types of autism is because of the genetics and how it's brought on. I do feel that some are born with it, they might be the child that walks/talks later but I also feel some of it is vaccine related.

I spoke to one of my friends. No one asked her about her child and how she feels he started showing symptoms at a certain age. I want to know why not? I question why the parents of children currently diagnosed are not being brought into the equation..

To all the parents of small children - think about this. You are trying to introduce new foods from formula to see if your child is allergic to something. They want you to do it slowly. It seems that introducing new foods takes forever (or it did back then). Why may I ask are they injection my child with things they have no clue if my child is allergic to?

I understand vaccinations and why we do it but I think it's getting out of control.

FWIW, and I'll probably start a new thread on this.. the gardasil vaccine is one I fear they will mandate.

4) admit that as long the children are cared for by qualified caretakers (which the hospital, an unbiased entity, & CPS feels that they are) it is innapropriate to remove them from the home 5) would not advocate that these children be put in foster care when there are so many children who are really being abused and neglected with NOONE caring for them, not a nanny or anything, who are getting zero attention from CPS.

Advocating the removal of these children is reprehensible.

Did something happen in the last day?
I've never read or seen Gloria say these kids need to be removed from the home and from what I've seen, she's always said the kids are better with their mother not in foster care.

IMO, I think Gloria has been trying tough love on Nadya, trying to scare some sense into her but it's backfiring.

If all of the cameras and, all the money and attention were to go away for NS today, I would be more worried about the children. Imo she would then do something very dramatic to bring the attention back. Another 911 call perhaps only this time make sure it was needed.

I do not like Nadya.. but I heard the 911 calls.
The one was when her nanny took the kids to the playground and didn't tell her that they were taking the one she was looking for. She was pretty pregnant at that point, hormones are horrible.. she's thinking her child is gone. Things were probably magnified due to hormones as well as lack of sleep.

Even though Nadya is supposedly going to school to be a therapist, she obviously can't control situations that happen in her own house. Having said that, I know nurses that are fine with other people but when their own kid/family is involved they lose it.
<snipped and bolded by me>

The breast feeding comment is one I wonder about. How come she isn't breast feeding? There were milk donations for the babies while they were in the hospital. Where were her *advertiser censored* at this time?
I was drinking tea when I read that and it is now up my nose!

I think that with the disability claims for herself and her 3 children, food stamps and student loans, she is experienced with applying for and receiving money without having to work for it. She seems to have a welfare mentality, although she says that she does not.

I wondered why she would allow Radaronline to have access and publish photos of her previous home in the horrendous state that it was in - wasn't she embarassed for herself and her children living in that pigsty? But now I think it was done so that the poverty conditions that the house reflected could drum up donations.

She knew that people would come to her rescue, and she was right. My guess is that interest will fade, and the money will disappear and in about 5 year's time we will see her on a tabloid news show. They'll ask: do you remember the Octomom? She is now facing foreclosure and bankruptcy and is hoping to make a reality blog come-back...

She already blew $165, 000 very quickly, so I think the million (s) will be blown in a similar fashion.
If all of the cameras and, all the money and attention were to go away for NS today, I would be more worried about the children. Imo she would then do something very dramatic to bring the attention back. Another 911 call perhaps only this time make sure it was needed.
There are no perfect solutions here and no turning back the clock. I will not donate anything for her and I will not tune in if there is a reality show or watch the video's on radar, but I will discuss things here because I honestly am worried about the children. I would like nothing better than to come here one day and read about how she has gotten her act together and doing things for the benefit of her children.
These children have only 1 parent, no father, 1 set of grandparents, no uncles or aunts or cousins. One day when they are older I hope they can do some research and know some people did care enough about them to want whats best and not interested in using them for their own agenda.


I agree with you in regards to Nadya's need for attention. I do wonder though, if "we" don't reward her chaotic behavior with attention, would the histrionics (I think that's a suitable word?) continue or is it possible that she could calm down and raise her kids? We have to remember, even without "pimping the kids" in the media, she could get several different forms of public assistance and provide for her family. (Yes, the taxpayers will still be angry, but it's an alternative to the very public insanity she's raining on her neighborhood?)

I still believe she suffers from something deeper than PPD, but that's JMO.

(I use the term "we" loosely~ as far as I know, by chatting here, we are not profiting Nadya?)

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