CA-Sandra Cantu Missing 3/28/2009 from Tracy,#4

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I really thought she might be found alive. I still think someone had her in the trailer park. :(
Do you have a link to what you read about two arrests? TIA!
It's from another drime blog. Apparently there is more information out of state than locally because my daughter called me from out of state and her husband heard it frcom a player in an online game. I will try to find a source for the arrests.
Gee. I'm at a real loss for words, which is why, above, I earlier quoted 'Hamlet' and Auden. But it really has helped to hear this tragic news with good people like you all. My puppy (that's Bobbles, pictured) licked my tears away, so thanks to him too. This is so sad.
Yes I am having trouble with that too. We were enlarging photos of it and stuff. I am sick..

Don't be too hard on yourself. You were doing it for her.

You had no way of knowing.

We all know this.

We all feel the same way too... About the video and the bag. It's painful to remember them.
To take it further...who cares if people get mad if they are micro chipped? I certainly wouldn't care and I would WELCOME any LE who would want to microchip my family. Matter of fact...I would welcome it.

If they can do it for a dog why can't they do it for humans? It"s obviously becoming necessary. All the sickos out there...we need to protect ourselves.
This case is hitting me harder than many for some reason. Perhaps selfishly it is because little Sandra reminds me of myself when I was her age: Similar look and same carefree attitude, running around the neighborhood by myself a lot playing. It was the 70's. We didn't know as much about the dangers there are at that time. Anyhow, I identify with little Sandra. Poor kid.
I feel very anxious and sick about this.
What is it? Why does this happen? Who thinks, "Gee, I'd like to snatch that little vision of innocence and kill it."? lt makes no sense. I know, I know, they are evil or mad or whatever so of course it doesn't make sense. Guess I have to go by my theory that ever sicko who likes to fantasize about molesting kids is a half step away from murder. These people are dangerous and should NEVER be released from prison if they are caught molesting a kid. NEVER! I'm just sick about this and sick of this crap happening.

This one has hit me hard too. My grandparents owned a trailer park when I was younger. I grew up there and knew everyone in it. I would go all over the place alone. It is so sad that 20 years later a child cannot walk the streets of her own neighborhood safely. We live in a rural area and my kids are not aloud to walk outside of our fence.
Im just so sick from the out come of this case. As I stated in the last thread. We as a nation need to stand up and protect our children and demand fair justice in cases invovling children. what is it going to take to keep these creeps off our streets.
My heart is truly hurting for this family.:curses:
Thank you! I just don't want us to think it's true if it is just a rumor. (I learned the hard way the other day with the rumor about Sandra being found.) Others are reporting LE went into the MHP and haven't left, so maybe it's just not announced yet but has happened. Thank you so much, and believe me, I am HOPING and PRAYING this is true!!! :blowkiss:

It's from another drime blog. Apparently there is more information out of state than locally because my daughter called me from out of state and her husband heard it frcom a player in an online game. I will try to find a source for the arrests.
I just knew that it was probably going to be her body in that bag. If there was nothing in it the person who found it would have been able to tell without even having to opening it. :(
They just said on KRON that she was found wearing the same clothes she went missing in.
Posted: 8:16 pm PDT April 6, 2009Updated: 9:32 pm PDT April 6, 2009
TRACY, Calif. -- Tracy police Monday night confirmed that the body of a child believed to be 8-year-old Sandra Cantu was recovered from a container found in a San Joaquin County roadside irrigation ditch earlier in the day. more at link:
hopefully the water helped preserve evidence. uh, I'm just so sick over this one.
I am just heartsick. God bless Sandra, her family and friends.

To take it further...who cares if people get mad if they are micro chipped? I certainly wouldn't care and I would WELCOME any LE who would want to microchip my family. Matter of fact...I would welcome it.

If they can do it for a dog why can't they do it for humans? It"s obviously becoming necessary. All the sickos out there...we need to protect ourselves.

I was just thinking the same thing, what about microchips for kids. (I haven't been able to keep up with this thread so don't know what was discussed.) Yes, it violates "rights", but just think how many kids would NOT be missing. At a certain age you would have to remove it or choose to keep it. Oh well, veering off topic, but I was thinking kids need to be tracked too.
You guys was this same pond that someone gave tip about seeing a girl who looked like Sandra that was in a boat and the guy she was wtih looked/acted suspicious?
I just had a bad feeling about this one from the beginning. :( So sad for Sandra and her family. That video, it's horrible seeing her so happy...and then this.

I'm guessing the perp(s) had no idea the area would be drained. Hopefully they know who it is and are waiting for the right moment, or have a good idea who to look at.

That may be what's really killing me about this case. I usually can follow these cases very clinically and dispassionately. I'm a family law lawyer and many of my family are social workers so I'm exposed to tons of horrible stories. But, I saw the video of the last sighting of sweet Sandra and she was so happy, so cute, without a care in the world just swinging those little arms. That's what hurts a lot - seeing that innocence and knowing what happened next. I'm going to try not to get a time out here but: BASTARDS! BASTARDS!
It is not a confirmed FACT, but I have little doubt that LE is on top of this. None of the local stations are saying that, but I did not make it up. I have to add this to people who claim police aren't following tips. They do follow them, but they do not report it back to the person who made the tip. I lived through the Laci Peterson case on a daily basis and one thing was definite. Police did not inform relatives of what they found on tips. LE has to keep tight-lipped so as not to tip off the person who did this. I am sure people in Tracy are ready to lynch someone. I know I am.
You guys was this same pond that someone gave tip about seeing a girl who looked like Sandra that was in a boat and the guy she was wtih looked/acted suspicious?
that tipster was from Oakland (not to be confused with Oakdale)
I live in the Central Valley and bodies are usually found in ponds, canals and orchards. This is not an uncommon type of dumping ground for a body. It's a local, for sure. I heard two arrests were made.

Where'd you hear that, no one else has heard of any arrests .. :confused:
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