Cadaver Dogs in search?


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Aug 12, 2008
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I am wondering if cadaver dogs have been brought in the MHPark to see if Sandra died in the area?
The waste pond was just filled last week according to an article in news section WS.
So was Sandra hidden alive or dead til the waste retention filled up??
anyone know about dogs?
I haven't seen anything about it.......
I am wondering if cadaver dogs have been brought in the MHPark to see if Sandra died in the area?
The waste pond was just filled last week according to an article in news section WS.
So was Sandra hidden alive or dead til the waste retention filled up??
anyone know about dogs?
I haven't seen anything about it.......

Good question passionflower! I remember hearing about tracking dogs, but not cadaver..wonder if they did and we just didn't hear about it...also wondering, can they still use cadaver dogs at this time to go back if needed?
Well in death the smell is the I would think it would be wise to bring the dogs into the park and the church area.

I did see on another thread with pix that dogs were in pix but not clear what kind of dog or what search or what day.............
Mar 30, 2009

Police say search dogs picked up a scent near a river and divers went in, but found nothing.

April 2, 2009

a helicopter and search dogs were called in on the day she was reported missing.

April 05,2009

As of this morning, Cal EMA's Law Enforcement Branch has coordinated the deployment of more than 300 search personnel, 30 search dogs and 15 horses through the state's Law Enforcement Mutual Aid system.

April 8, 2009

Their search has scoured from sky to river bottom: Investigators have used helicopters, cadaver dogs, divers, boats and bulldozers.
I wonder why the church and its grounds were not searched more thoroughly, in the first part of the investigation--with search dogs and cadaver dogs. Or maybe it was, and the body was kept elsewhere at that time. (Or, of course, maybe everything we suspect is wrong.)
I would hope they used 'cadaver dogs,' but I have a feeling they most likely didn't. After all, they did say for days they didn't think Sandra had been abducted. I guess they never read anything like this or saw reports of the statistics. :(


The worse fear of any parent is for their child to be snatched up by a stranger never to
be seen again. When we hear about such stories on the news they do not usually have
happy endings. In fact, statistics indicate that 74% of those children taken are killed
within three hours of abduction, and most stranger abductions usually take place less than
100 yards from the home.

Police officers are taught that there are two primary reasons why strangers abduct
children. The first is for sexual gratification. The second reason is for murder, also known
in this business as “lust killing.” No matter what self-defense measures are taught they
offer little if any resistance to the abductor. The most common method used to commit
the homicide is strangulation. Weapons are found in only 17% of the cases.
That would fit this case...

I believe by the time they realized that Sandra was missing, she was most likely already dead and YES, within the mobile home park, for sure!

I'd like to know WHO???? told LE that Sandra had talked about 'running away' from home. Were they trying to mislead LE? or delay them????

WHO said Sandra talked about 'RUNNING AWAY?'

I believe by the time they realized that Sandra was missing, she was most likely already dead and YES, within the mobile home park, for sure!

I'd like to know WHO???? told LE that Sandra had talked about 'running away' from home. Were they trying to mislead LE? or delay them????

WHO said Sandra talked about 'RUNNING AWAY?'

My money's on Melissa, think I even saw that buried in an article this evening...

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