Classmates, Friends and Neighbors

Interesting article from The Orange County Register

Before moving to Tracy, Huckaby rented a room for a few months in a four-bedroom house in La Palma in 2007.
"She was very nice ... very cordial," said Evelyn Lloyd, her housemate who lived at the house for about 12 years. "Every girl who ended up in (that) house had a story. She (Huckaby) really didn't have a story. She was very secretive."
At first, Lloyd said she "never detected any depression or craziness or any violent behavior."
But then, in 2007, two fires were set at the house just eight days apart. Lloyd was arrested in the first fire on July 20, but the case against her was dismissed. Lloyd said Huckaby might have set her up.
Huckaby and her daughter were at the house when the second fire broke out, on July 28, said La Palma Police Chief Edward Ethell. Everyone who lived at the house, including Huckaby, was questioned about the fire.
Huckaby was considered a "person of interest," but she was not arrested, Ethell said. La Palma police officers are sharing information about the fire case with the Tracy Police Department and the investigation is ongoing, Ethell said.

The more I read about this woman the more the hair stands up on the back of my neck.

At least the La Palma police officers are sharing information with the Tracy PD.

No telling what else will be uncovered.

As a youth, she was boy-crazy then troubled, had suicidal fantasies, depression, etc. How old was Melissa when her parents adopted the baby? I think this has occurred to others too, so I am asking.... Is it possible the little girl was Melissa's natural child?
Interesting article from The Orange County Register

Before moving to Tracy, Huckaby rented a room for a few months in a four-bedroom house in La Palma in 2007.
"She was very nice ... very cordial," said Evelyn Lloyd, her housemate who lived at the house for about 12 years. "Every girl who ended up in (that) house had a story. She (Huckaby) really didn't have a story. She was very secretive."
At first, Lloyd said she "never detected any depression or craziness or any violent behavior."
But then, in 2007, two fires were set at the house just eight days apart. Lloyd was arrested in the first fire on July 20, but the case against her was dismissed. Lloyd said Huckaby might have set her up.
Huckaby and her daughter were at the house when the second fire broke out, on July 28, said La Palma Police Chief Edward Ethell. Everyone who lived at the house, including Huckaby, was questioned about the fire.
Huckaby was considered a "person of interest," but she was not arrested, Ethell said. La Palma police officers are sharing information about the fire case with the Tracy Police Department and the investigation is ongoing, Ethell said.

Wow, what an article. I'm beginning to feel like this woman is a combination of every forensic files that I've ever watched. Now we learn that Loyd believes M. set her up for the two fires at their home all the while acting nice and cordial. Melissa was nice and cordial at school, but another warning sign was that she didn't like cheerleaders except the one who was nice to her. Jealousy. I find it disturbing and offensive that teachers will report to media that they wouldn't have been shocked at all about the kids who act up doing like this. They are the ones screaming for help and probably would never kill a child.
Wow, what an article. I'm beginning to feel like this woman is a combination of every forensic files that I've ever watched. Now we learn that Loyd believes M. set her up for the two fires at their home all the while acting nice and cordial. Melissa was nice and cordial at school, but another warning sign was that she didn't like cheerleaders except the one who was nice to her. Jealousy. I find it disturbing and offensive that teachers will report to media that they wouldn't have been shocked at all about the kids who act up doing like this. They are the ones screaming for help and probably would never kill a child.

My gbabies are little older but 3 years ago a sub teacher was saying many many red flag things to my gd and other kids in the class. From come ons to physical theats. I talked to the secretary on a Friday after school about it and asked her to have the Principal to call me back in regard to the things this sub did and not a call. The Principal said she didn't recieve the message.

My gd was very scared about it and I was ready to find out who it was. The super couldn't tell me anything about the incident due to employee privacy. They did tell me he wouldn't teach again & 4 other parents brought this forward to this teachers actions the same afternoon. 3 years later, my gs had this creep as a sub a few months ago, and came home scared not knowing about his sisters claim. My daughter filed a report with the school board and it's still pending.

Fact is, we had a new principal since my gd went to middle school, plus a new school super voted in so now the cycle goes on again in reporting this over again...and again..I just keep at it.
Oh, and this sub would not let any of the kids go to the bathroom or nurses office either. We taught ours to run if they ever have this teacher again. The secretary did ask why didn't one of the kids claim sick or run to the office etc...geez, the sub had total control of the kids that they feared he would hurt them if they left the classroom...
My gbabies are little older but 3 years ago a sub teacher was saying many many red flag things to my gd and other kids in the class. From come ons to physical theats. I talked to the secretary on a Friday after school about it and asked her to have the Principal to call me back in regard to the things this sub did and not a call. The Principal said she didn't recieve the message.

My gd was very scared about it and I was ready to find out who it was. The super couldn't tell me anything about the incident due to employee privacy. They did tell me he wouldn't teach again & 4 other parents brought this forward to this teachers actions the same afternoon. 3 years later, my gs had this creep as a sub a few months ago, and came home scared not knowing about his sisters claim. My daughter filed a report with the school board and it's still pending.

Fact is, we had a new principal since my gd went to middle school, plus a new school super voted in so now the cycle goes on again in reporting this over again...and again..I just keep at it.

That is so sick. School systems will throw little kids into handcuffs but let a peson with pedophile behavior continue to substitute teach.
That is so sick. School systems will throw little kids into handcuffs but let a peson with pedophile behavior continue to substitute teach.

Oh, I could go on and on but won't about this...Thanks.
Oh, and this sub would not let any of the kids go to the bathroom or nurses office either. We taught ours to run if they ever have this teacher again. The secretary did ask why didn't one of the kids claim sick or run to the office etc...geez, the sub had total control of the kids that they feared he would hurt them if they left the classroom...

I must say that the secretary, the principal probally were not aware of this subs past. Also, the secretary had no idea that a sub would hold the class basically hostage to not tell on him. Sicko.
I must say that the secretary, the principal probally were not aware of this subs past. Also, the secretary had no idea that a sub would hold the class basically hostage to not tell on him. Sicko.

Is it an older man or a retired teacher doing this? I hope it's not one that's in school training to actually become a teacher. He could move on to another state. When my daughter was in high school a substitute openly flirted with her in the secluded part of the school, during shop class. He physically tried to detain her after class. She fought him and ran off ending up with red marks down her neck and arm. I was too afraid that he'd easily find out where we lived to really pursue it, but we never got any calls to tell police what happened or anything either. The school probably did nothing. My daughter was so terrified she was in trouble because she had punched him in the nose and kneed him when he had hold of her, but she ran and told anyway.
Is it an older man or a retired teacher doing this? I hope it's not one that's in school training to actually become a teacher. He could move on to another state. When my daughter was in high school a substitute openly flirted with her in the secluded part of the school, during shop class. He physically tried to detain her after class. She fought him and ran off ending up with red marks down her neck and arm. I was too afraid that he'd easily find out where we lived to really pursue it, but we never got any calls to tell police what happened or anything either. The school probably did nothing. My daughter was so terrified she was in trouble because she had punched him in the nose and kneed him when he had hold of her, but she ran and told anyway.

This is in AZ. There's another school in our town that has exposed a teacher that has many bad bad signs to even teach but no information about it anywhere. I can't even get that out of my local town of almost a million...His name has only been told to me and talked about as Mr. G. My gs said he is a short guy, shaved his hair from what he saw the two days he indured this guy before telling me, and hispanic. Mr. G...I want a subs name! No one tells you that info in our school district, problally for a good reason. But I would like to get him out of our school system for good.

Oh he's about 30 to 40 by what my gkids said. Darker skin and darker hair usually look younger from my perception. Not always, but it's a common sense thing. I asked them about grey hair etc...

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