Whereabouts of MH's daughter

It is unbelievably creepy she would even ask!

Maybe she was planning on being gone longer than an hour. Longer than what would be considerate if she left the child w/ Connie. No 4 hour trips to the park on grandma's watch. Probably best to find a sitter-

but Sandra's sister?! That is just sick!!!
hi joga,
I wasn't sure, but from your post it sounded like you thought that it has been proven that MH's little girl was abused. I just wanted to chime in that I haven't seen anything that verifies that, I'm really, really hoping that we find out that she was not. :praying:

no, no...i meant i didn't realize that it was for sure that Sandra's sister babysat MH's daughter. it seems as if it's still a question though. i really hope that she wasn't there watching her daughter while MH was out murdering her sister!! grrr!

my heart hopes she hadn't abused her daughter, my head tells me otherwise. of course, i don't know the answer....i just wish that poor baby the best...
Someone will have to add a link for me. (computer problems- long story) Just saw this posted elsewhere, but apparently the minor child is in Oregon in the midst of a bitter custody battle between her bio dad and maternal grandmother, suspects mom.


Custody battle over daughter of suspect in the kidnap and killing of Sandra Cantu

By Mike Martinez
San Joaquin Herald
Posted: 05/20/2009 06:46:24 PM PDT
Updated: 05/20/2009 06:46:24 PM PDT

STOCKTON — A bitter battle is being played out for custody of the 5-year-old daughter of the woman accused of kidnapping and killing Sandra Cantu of Tracy.
Melissa Huckaby, 28, has been in jail since her April 11 arrest for the death of 8-year-old Sandra. Meanwhile, her ex-husband, Johnny Huckaby, and her mother, Judy Lawless, argue in court over who should have protective custody of the Huckabys' daughter.
Melissa Huckaby was granted custody of their child, with Johnny Huckaby authorized supervised visitation rights, following divorce proceedings in 2005.
But in superior court documents filed April 20 in Orange County — where the girl is living with her grandmother — Johnny Huckaby sought, and was granted, sole custody of the girl.
He wrote he tried to contact Melissa Huckaby at the San Joaquin County Jail but was denied because she was on suicide watch after swallowing three razor blades, according to court documents.

More at link. other sources available via search.
you know, i'm not quite sure how i feel about the custody battle. my instinct is to just assume she would go with her dad, but if it's true that she hasn't had contact with him in four years, whether he had tried to or not, i can see why CL would want to make it slow. the other part of me sees how he would want his daughter out of that environment asap. that poor little girl...i just feel so bad for her. yet another life ruined by MH!! :furious:
Someone will have to add a link for me. (computer problems- long story) Just saw this posted elsewhere, but apparently the minor child is in Oregon in the midst of a bitter custody battle between her bio dad and maternal grandmother, suspects mom.

I found that May 20 here in Tracy Press: Here is a link I hope it works don't think the child is still in Grants Pass

</br> - Judy Lawless brought kid back to Cypress Hills, so they're moving around. Why is the kid so sickly? What's making her sickly? Her family? Would make me sick too. Shouldn't she be under stable MD care instead of being dragged everywhere? How about CPS stepping in for once and all?
</br> THat Judy Lawless IMO is begining to sound exactly like Melissa, makes a perfect stranger (me) wonder what Judy's skills are with a screwdriver. Just my opinion. I'm beginning to wonder if the mother didn't tie the daughter down in the back of a car and do what MH accused that cop of doing. I can wonder.</br>
From the article posted above: "The allegations came up during an April 20 hearing over whether Johnny Huckaby or his former mother-in-law Judy Lawless should get custody of Melissa&#8217;s 5-year-old daughter, MTH."

I changed the daughter's name to initials. It ticks me off that they don't acknowledge that JH is the dad. MTH is NOT just Melissa's daughter - she is also JH's daughter.

I understand the position the grandmother is in, but I think she is wrong. The child should be sent to live with her dad, if a background check shows there is NO domestic violence or other criminal activity associated with his current household.

you know, i'm not quite sure how i feel about the custody battle. my instinct is to just assume she would go with her dad, but if it's true that she hasn't had contact with him in four years, whether he had tried to or not, i can see why CL would want to make it slow. the other part of me sees how he would want his daughter out of that environment asap. that poor little girl...i just feel so bad for her. yet another life ruined by MH!! :furious:

A responsible grandparent would fly the little girl to Arkansas, stay in a hotel/motel for a couple of weeks. Take the child to see her father everyday. After 4-5 days when the child is comfortable, let her spend the night. Go see the child the next day early, spend a couple hours with her and explain what is going on. Let the child spend another night, go see her not so early and not stay with her so long. Let the child transition into dad's household. After a couple of days, don't go visit. All along the way, the grandparent should tell the child - I'll be here in the morning - I'll be here in the afternoon. I won't come tomorrow, but I will see you the next day, etc. etc.

In this way, the child can become accustomed to dad's house and the grandparent can see what the living arrangements are, how the child will fit in and if she is going to be safe and loved there. If the grandparent doesn't think the child will be loved, THEN she can stage a custody battle.

My opinion only,

From the article posted above: "The allegations came up during an April 20 hearing over whether Johnny Huckaby or his former mother-in-law Judy Lawless should get custody of Melissa’s 5-year-old daughter, MTH."

I understand the position the grandmother is in, but I think she is wrong. The child should be sent to live with her dad, if a background check shows there is NO domestic violence or other criminal activity associated with his current household.


I think the Biological Dad has his "whitts about him". Sounds like he married ML because she was pregnant with his child. The right thing to do. They divorced a year later. It didn't take him too long to decide this group of nuts weren't good for him. Sometimes it is best to leave a child with one set of relatives rather then pull them back and forth.

Soounds like Grandma is a controll freak. Certainly not kind and doesn't put the needs of her Granddaughter first.
From the article posted above: "The allegations came up during an April 20 hearing over whether Johnny Huckaby or his former mother-in-law Judy Lawless should get custody of Melissa’s 5-year-old daughter, MTH."

I changed the daughter's name to initials. It ticks me off that they don't acknowledge that JH is the dad. MTH is NOT just Melissa's daughter - she is also JH's daughter.

I understand the position the grandmother is in, but I think she is wrong. The child should be sent to live with her dad, if a background check shows there is NO domestic violence or other criminal activity associated with his current household.

Absolutely, I agree 100% with your post, Salem.
With the new charges of poisoning, it makes me wonder about her daughter's sickliness...terrible thought...
Sorry if this was posted before:

Madison's father, Johnny Huckaby of Arkansas, last month filed paperwork to take back his daughter and got the judge to grant him temporary custody. Johnny Huckaby went to Oregon, where he was told Madison was staying, but he found that Lawless had already taken her back to Cypress. Lawless had taken Madison to Oregon to avoid the media, court records state.

Lawless, who was unaware that Johnny Huckaby had been awarded custody, fought back and submitted paperwork to keep her granddaughter. Court documents state that Madison has had little or no contact with her father for four years. Madison lived with Lawless in Cypress from fall 2004 to June 2008, when Huckaby moved to Tracy.

"It is a great injustice for our granddaughter to be placed with a father that she does not know and has had no contact with for the last four years," the court document states.

Johnny Huckaby states in court documents that he was denied contact with his daughter.

Also in court documents, Johnny Huckaby wrote that when he tried to call her in jail, his ex-wife was on suicide watch after trying to swallow three razor blades. He also stated that Huckaby had forged her mother's signature.

A custody hearing is set for July 6.

Kevin Qualls, Lawless' attorney, declined to comment through a receptionist, who hung up the phone on a reporter.

Johnny Huckaby's attorney, Ann Thompson, could not be reached for comment.

A responsible grandparent would fly the little girl to Arkansas, stay in a hotel/motel for a couple of weeks. Take the child to see her father everyday. After 4-5 days when the child is comfortable, let her spend the night. Go see the child the next day early, spend a couple hours with her and explain what is going on. Let the child spend another night, go see her not so early and not stay with her so long. Let the child transition into dad's household. After a couple of days, don't go visit. All along the way, the grandparent should tell the child - I'll be here in the morning - I'll be here in the afternoon. I won't come tomorrow, but I will see you the next day, etc. etc.

In this way, the child can become accustomed to dad's house and the grandparent can see what the living arrangements are, how the child will fit in and if she is going to be safe and loved there. If the grandparent doesn't think the child will be loved, THEN she can stage a custody battle.

My opinion only,


i agree with everything you said, that would be the best way to do it. i kind of feel like CL is just doing this because she's trying to hold onto the only thing that she's got left of her psycho daughter. and she may very well have believed MH's stories about her ex. she's probably so messed up right now, hopefully she will see that as long as she is safe and loved with her father, that's where she should be....IMO

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