WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #3

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Mistivon, this fits with my understanding of the events, also. To be even clearer, we could explain that "once was on LINDSEY's way to KKs, once on LINDSEY's way back."

PLUS . . . there was another sighting by a second person on her way back. ;}
I decided to bring over the map with Sand Creek running thru Mccleary. If Jim lives in the 800 block of S 6th I think the creek might go thru that area"


I'd have to pull up the plat map on that property but bet 'cha it is down at the end of 6th which is close to Hwy 8. There is a big bank of trees between the Hwy and the end of 6th, so it fits perfectly.

Thanks Mistivon for that. xox


I know with some map features one can get a ground view that one can move around to see the whole area as you have a video camera in your hand. We have had a lot of map photos like that in Nevaeh's case on the forum. Ta It would be kind of interesting to pan around on his property, see where the creek is {I think NW of his house with his house the last one down on that road.}
As awful as this sounds, I would get some volunteer searchers and start searching the state parks. I know there is 2 or 3 in the area that are under an hours drive. Many times victims are dumped in state parks.

Slightly graphic warning:

For the last three days I have been sitting on my fingers so as not to type what follows. I can no longer sit on my fingers (it is getting uncomfortable).

As much as I truly want this little girl to be alive, as the days pass and time stretches on, the chances of a happy ending become smaller and smaller. It is necessary to look at all possibilities, and that includes the possibility that this saga is going to have a tragic ending.

While driving around the local areas, be sure to keep your eyes open to the skies as well, and especially make note of any circling birds of prey (and their location) that you might see. If you do see birds of prey circling above an area, please report it immediately to law enforcement.

My thoughts and prayers are with Lindsey and her family. I so hope that Lindsey will be found and brought home safely.
Ok, I'm back. Meatloaf night and I learned after Caylee's case, that frozen dinners make men cranky, so we had to do dinner right tonight.

Does anyone happen to know where i can find the interview where KK says that Lindsey was at the house 10-15 minutes before she was sent home? I know it was one of the early interviews, but I can't find it anywhere. I just want to have the link so I don't sound like I'm blowing smoke out my patoot.
Excellent work, CajunGirl! Very interesting! Do you happen to have the court records site handy? I wouldn't mind looking those up for myself.

Landlords have access to utility records, too. I am not sure about internet servers etc., but possible. We also are aware that some unsavory landlords have other ways of finding out about what goes on in the homes.

Hey SS! Sorry I had to leave for a minute... my belly got hungry LOL

go here & under Name Search, put in the first and last name... a whole list will pull up!

I saw all that, that is why I have asked if anyone has sleuthed out any info on EJ.
Interesting that the same name drunk mentioned owns the house L lives in

That creeps me out!
I spoke with Scott too. I'm glad they were willing to chat. Pretty good 15/20min convo. I think they were comfortable speaking w/me vs media. Neither come off as 'suspect' to me. Both friendly & very willing to chat.
WOW~ What a shot!!! No. You sure won't find that on NG!! (Unless someone steals or buys it from you. ;)) Hey...maybe you should watermark your photos before you post them if they are like this one.
I spoke with Scott too. I'm glad they were willing to chat. Pretty good 15/20min convo. I think they were comfortable speaking w/me vs media. Neither come off as 'suspect' to me. Both friendly & very willing to chat.

Thanks for being so proactive jvk. Did you get any kind of a feeling from him as to desperation, being a bit hopeful, etc?
Don't worry a lawsuit doesn't require a watermark.

I asked Scott & Kara more Q's then i remember. They seem genuinely concerned. While they might be guilty of letting Lindsey walk home i wouldn't say much beyond that. They seem to be a normal couple.

Scott looked pretty tired/worn. Neither really had any more answers then any of us do. While both were split they seem to side w/a local likely being involved.

They say Lindsey is more of a kicker/screamer & often talks loud.

Just doesn't seem likely to be a full-on (stranger) abduction right off Maple.
Good to know, JVK. How is K holding up? I do worry about that poor girl. I can see the darkness under her eyes like she is not sleeping (not that I would expect her to be). Bless her heart. :(

Did you happen to ask KK that all important question of why not take a LDT?! LOL
WOW~ What a shot!!! No. You sure won't find that on NG!! (Unless someone steals or buys it from you. ;)) Hey...maybe you should watermark your photos before you post them if they are like this one.

. . . yea, as they will probably end up some where else too :eek:
I spoke with Scott too. I'm glad they were willing to chat. Pretty good 15/20min convo. I think they were comfortable speaking w/me vs media. Neither come off as 'suspect' to me. Both friendly & very willing to chat.

Approaching people with human kindness, warmth, and genuine caring the way you do lends so much more to the message and can provide tons more information. thanks!
jvk... thanks for everything you are doing :) any good stories from drunk guys this time? :D boyyyy how I love when alcohol talks...cept when it's my mouth it would come from hehe
jvk... thanks for everything you are doing :) any good stories from drunk guys this time? :D boyyyy how I love when alcohol talks...cept when it's my mouth it would come from hehe

No drunks but on that note i attempted to speak with a guy that came walking out of the Jewelry store (w/a Jewelry store t-shirt on) & he didn't want ANYTHING to do with me. *at all*. I greeted, told him my name, asked of his & he pretty much just kept walkin. Said he 'didn't have time'
No drunks but on that note i attempted to speak with a guy that came walking out of the Jewelry store (w/a Jewelry store t-shirt on) & he didn't want ANYTHING to do with me. *at all*. I greeted, told him my name, asked of his & he pretty much just kept walkin. Said he 'didn't have time'
Guess he didn't realize how much you wanted a new diamond necklace or something, eh? LOL
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