Other People Possibly Involved / Clark may have had HELP???

I can see both sides here regarding who may have provided help (if any).

My first thoughts also go to the GF.

Something about the tone of her Myspace posts gives me the feeling that she may have worn the pants in the relationship, or at least thought she did. How she mentions RC is naive and trusting...almost like she has to lead him by the hand through this world to make sure he gets by unscathed. I think being in the relationship and making sure the rest of the world thought it was intact and fully functioning was of high priority to her.

But, on the other hand, if it was her who reported him to the police about coming home w/ scratches and in different clothes, then my theory doesn't make sense. In that case, then the next logical person to me would be the BIL.
My first thought was that this was just media misreporting.

But then I remembered that LE said that they believed RC acted alone in the murder. So as far as hiding the body, yes, he could have had help.

My first thought was his fiancee after believing some garbage he spewed and being a little off her rocker herself. (And maybe she is a control freak, taking care of the naive and trusting RC?)

Then I thought his sister since maybe off your rocker runs in his family.

Then I read the comment from Seriously Searching and his lack of respect for women and instead turning to a man. Maybe the BIL falls into the same "lack of respect for women" category and RC spewed some garbage story to him too.

But whoever helped him has to be a bit "off" themselves to have done so, no matter what story RC told them.
...Something about the tone of her Myspace posts gives me the feeling that she may have worn the pants in the relationship, or at least thought she did. How she mentions RC is naive and trusting...almost like she has to lead him by the hand through this world to make sure he gets by unscathed. I think being in the relationship and making sure the rest of the world thought it was intact and fully functioning was of high priority to her.

But, on the other hand, if it was her who reported him to the police about coming home w/ scratches and in different clothes, then my theory doesn't make sense. In that case, then the next logical person to me would be the BIL.

The theory of her "wearing the pants" doesn't fit with the neighbors' accounts of him shouting at her either. Unless they were both controlling types which wouldn't augur well for their relationship.
Was LE quoted as saying the GF passed the polygraph? If it was just the media I'll take a heaping of sea salt with that.:dance:
The examiner or LE normally does not tell anyone who passed or failed a LDT unless it is during the statement clearing them to the public as a possible suspect. ;)
I can see both sides here regarding who may have provided help (if any).

My first thoughts also go to the GF.

Something about the tone of her Myspace posts gives me the feeling that she may have worn the pants in the relationship, or at least thought she did. How she mentions RC is naive and trusting...almost like she has to lead him by the hand through this world to make sure he gets by unscathed. I think being in the relationship and making sure the rest of the world thought it was intact and fully functioning was of high priority to her.

But, on the other hand, if it was her who reported him to the police about coming home w/ scratches and in different clothes, then my theory doesn't make sense. In that case, then the next logical person to me would be the BIL.

I know on myspace pages people put stuff on there that is not true. There was just something about her myspace that was strange... I do think she was the brians of that relationship. MOO is that he had the hots for Le, and the GF was jealous. I think she wanted him to do away with Le. I think she helped him clean up.

OT: Clark and whom ever helped were not very (common sense)smart. I do think there will be a lot of evidence against him/them. The fact that he used his own keycard instead of Le's tells me he didn't cover his tracks very well.
if JH passed her lie detector test, then i likely wasn't her who assisted. I betting on the bro-in-law.
I'm betting on the sister. It's possible she'd do anything to protect her baby brother. We know she already stuck her neck out to help him get the job at Yale where she worked, and it sounds like they had a close relationship. If RC trusted her, he may have asked her to help hide Annie's body so his fiance wouldn't find out. From her point of view she may have wanted to protect him from the police and also from a failed relationship...saving face for little bro and making Annie's death a family secret.

ETA: It's possible she also knew the building quite well. She has been at Yale longer than RC...so probably 5+ years. She might hold a lab tech position that's higher up on the ladder, giving her routine access to more of the basement rooms. It's likely she knows the nooks and cranies of the basement quite well.
I have no idea how many lab techs worked with RC but considering his gf, sister and BIL did....certainly seems like odds are it's one of them.
The examiner or LE normally does not tell anyone who passed or failed a LDT unless it is during the statement clearing them to the public as a possible suspect. ;)

Yes SS just a "source" saying this as far as I can tell. I will take this with a pinch of salt.

Federal authorities also issued polygraph tests to anyone who had access to the laboratories, including Clark's girlfriend, Jennifer Hromadka, who is also a animal lab technician. She passed her polygraph test, the source said.
if JH passed her lie detector test, then i likely wasn't her who assisted. I betting on the bro-in-law.

I'm trying to find the article where it was reported that JH passed a LDT.

I do remember reading it but I failed to make note of who reportedly said it, IMHO that is very important in determining if we can trust that she did.

Thanks in advance for anyone that can toss me a link so I can see :)

ETA: Also, it hasn't been reported if anyone else at the lab took a LDT. So we don't know for sure who might have passed/failed one.
I'm trying to find the article where it was reported that JH passed a LDT.

I do remember reading it but I failed to make note of who reportedly said it, IMHO that is very important in determining if we can trust that she did.

Thanks in advance for anyone that can toss me a link so I can see :)

ETA: Also, it hasn't been reported if anyone else at the lab took a LDT. So we don't know for sure who might have passed/failed one.

Raymond Clark has several relatives who also work in the same building where Annie Le was murdered. His fiancée, Jennifer Hromadka, also works in the 10 Amistad building. She passed a polygraph test when investigators talked to her about the crime.


Federal authorities also issued polygraph tests to anyone who had access to the laboratories, including Clark's girlfriend, Jennifer Hromadka, who is also a animal lab technician. She passed her polygraph test, the source said.


ETA: I'm trying to find a LE-type saying on video that she passed the polygraph.
Okay, then, I stand corrected. Unless her polygraph was given early on, before he went back to the scene of the crime to clean up, it has to be BIL or sister.
Okay, then, I stand corrected. Unless her polygraph was given early on, before he went back to the scene of the crime to clean up, it has to be BIL or sister.

or both
I'm wondering what my first words would be if one of my brothers said, "I need you to help me hide a body."

(This is NOT to imply that his sister helped - just speculating here about the situation and what *may* have happened.)
^^My first words would be "Very funny." Then it would take him about an hour to convince me he wasn't joking(we tend to joke a lot in my family). Then it would be, "Dude, you have to turn yourself in. Nobody ever really gets by with that crap, and they'll go easier on you. Don't you watch CSI?"

Wouldn't that be most of us?
Okay, then, I stand corrected. Unless her polygraph was given early on, before he went back to the scene of the crime to clean up, it has to be BIL or sister.

Guilty people can pass polys. And we don't know what the questions were. Personally, I'm not ruling anyone out. Yet.
Blood is thicker than water. I would bet on the sister before anyone else.

However, the New York Post and Fox "News" are both quazi-tabloids. I would wait for a more reputable source before jumping to any conclusions.
I read earlier that the lie detector tests were given fairly early in the investigation. Perhaps the GF helped him AFTER she took her polygraph test and she didn't know about the murder when she was tested.

I've been thinking about it and wouldn't you be frightened if someone asked you to help hide a body, fearful that they might kill you if you didn't go along with them or appear to be on their side? That's about the only reason I can come up with for why someone would help with such a horrific request.

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