Cheryl Dunlap Murder-Evidence Connected To GHM

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GMH, lead LE to the site where he disposed Meredith Hope Emerson’s remains on 01/07/08. This was in the Dawson Forest WMA, Atlanta Tract. GMH, was interviewed enroute by GBI Special Agents. He made the statement;

”this is not the only body that’s been dumped here!”

MyFox Atlanta | Georgia’s Most Wanted: Levi Frady Anniversary
Oct 30, 2008 … Investigators with the GBI said Frady was driven almost 20 miles away to the woods of … This story content provided by FOX 5 Atlanta WAGA TV … – 46k – Cached – Similar pages

Patrice Endres: The abduction in April 2004 of Patrice Endres, 38, who had run Tamber’s Trim-N-Tan hair salon sparked a massive search in the area, but she has never been found.

On the Levi Frady site(GBI)10/22/1997(one day before hunting season), there is 2 POIs. The #2 is GMH, I am confident that I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting POI #1, outside a shed at the abandoned farmhouse where GMH, held Meredith Hope Emerson. He walked toward me with an iron bar held firmly in his hand, no expression in his eyes nor in his face, I reacted and he veered around me, placed the bar in the bed of his his truck, then became normal….

GMH, had sidekicks and Associates. ’The Circle will be Unbroken’

Alleged serial killer Jeremy Jones, who was found guilty of murder in connection with an Alabama killing, is believed to be the primary suspect in the slaying of Patrice Endres, IMO. He was one of GMH's sidekicks, IMO.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Patrice Endres Has Been Located 12-6-05

Patrice was found on a road that has yet another church on the same street called “Sweet Water Creek” church. The same “Sweet Water Creek” Jeremy Jones spoke of disposing of Patrice. I now wonder was his confession true but sketchy because of his drug abuse? Authorities in Forsyth County say that because Patrice was not found where Jones claims he put her, does not mean he is cleared. They still believe he is the one who took Patrice that fateful day.What makes this mystery so interesting is the fact that Patrice was found five days after an Alabama judge sentenced Jeremy Jones to die for murdering another woman. The day Patrice was found was also on her husband’s 60th birthday. My mother and I searched several church yards in the first months after Patrice’s disappearance because my mother had a dream that Patrice was in a field with tall trees and she heard church hymns playing. We did not go too far to the next county where Patrice was ultimately found because being in the South, there is a church on every block. I have to wonder if he had kept searching because of mom’s dream, would we have found Patrice? We dismissed it all as crazy dreams, because we all have them from time to time.
Scarrgot, for verification, is this you?

Leonard dino sclafani Says:
June 1st, 2009 at 4:25 pm

i was a friend of Gary Hilton 50 years ago in Hialeah Florida when we were in junior high school together, he said i was his only friend almost,and told me a few things that were sort of strange and i never forgot them or him 50 years later,till his defense attorney contacted me yesterday and asked if we could talk,what she said shocked me ,the way he changed and what he had done ,im sorry i couldn’t have changed his life somehow or other.he was a quiet guy,we would swim in the Miami river together ,from his back porch,it was a good time then.dino in sunny miami out.


I guess Dino, did say that he was almost GMH's only friend. As in my previous comment; everytime one question is answered(since I was 14 years old), a dozen more questions appear..

Scarrgot, sure wish you could elaborate on the crazy way GMH, was talking when he called you in 1982 as well as the approximate date of the call.

I too was contacted by GMH's defense team and informed that they had a file on me and that they monitored my blog. I don't feel that I will be called to testify in a virtual trial though...

The call from GMH was sometime in the fall of 1982. I just don't remember anything more time specific. He was speaking somewhat rapidly and was mimicking the people he misled to get my phone number. He told me he was divorced. I believe he said he sold hiking shoes or supplies or something like that. He talked about coming to see me but it made me feel very strange. So, I hung up.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a cannibal, and HE had a public profile. Here is my opinion ( and thanks, Yancey for the military info)

-GMH killed maybe 10 people, at most.

-He is not as smart as he thinks he is.

-He is crazier than he realizes.

-The reason why his ex-wives and gf's do not want to talk is shame. Shame for being mixed up with a crazy deadbeat who is reported to be very disgusting and unwashed in recent years. To smell really bad....who wants to admit to marrying or dating such a creep?

No mystery here, nothing occult, just a perp who perhaps at one time was just a little odd, and morphed into a disgusting and twisted killer. Mastermind......NOT.

I suspect you are correct. I am just having trouble getting my thoughts around someone I once knew becoming the things he is acused of.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a cannibal, and HE had a public profile. Here is my opinion ( and thanks, Yancey for the military info)

-GMH killed maybe 10 people, at most.

-He is not as smart as he thinks he is.

-He is crazier than he realizes.

-The reason why his ex-wives and gf's do not want to talk is shame. Shame for being mixed up with a crazy deadbeat who is reported to be very disgusting and unwashed in recent years. To smell really bad....who wants to admit to marrying or dating such a creep?

No mystery here, nothing occult, just a perp who perhaps at one time was just a little odd, and morphed into a disgusting and twisted killer. Mastermind......NOT.

I agree with your opinion of GMH, no mystery there. I also agree with Yanceyb's opinion on GMH's army training.

My opinion is that GMH probably had a genetic predisposition to a psychiatric disorder, and his use of drugs and alcohol lead to his psychotic behavior. Studies have shown that cannabis use seems to worsen the course of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Adolescents run a higher risk from using cannabis than older people.
I agree with your opinion of GMH, no mystery there. I also agree with Yanceyb's opinion on GMH's army training.

My opinion is that GMH probably had a genetic predisposition to a psychiatric disorder, and his use of drugs and alcohol lead to his psychotic behavior. Studies have shown that cannabis use seems to worsen the course of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Adolescents run a higher risk from using cannabis than older people.

Clarity Matters, welcome to Websleuths. I honor your opinion.

If you go to the (Jason Knapp)interview by the Pickens County, SC Sheriff at Jackson Prison, of GMH, he mentions his military training. It is very enlightening..

What is your thoughts of this info from the GBI investigation reports:

There were frantic calls repeatedly made on 9/7/07 by Gary Michael Hilton to Hilton’s doctor, an Endocrinologist, dealing with Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism, Internal Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia,(GA), who recently (May 2009) settled an issue by agreement with the Georgia Board of Medicine for Public Reprimand, and was fined $7,500. Hilton was prescribed Ritalin and Effexor without following proper procedures.,00.html,00.html

July 9, 2006: Group Criticizes Effexor Maker for Failure to Warn
The Medical Accountability Network, a private nonprofit organization dedicated to ethical issues in medicine, criticized Effexor maker Wyeth Pharmaceuticals for failing to adequately warn about the risk of;
‘homicidal ideation’

associated with Effexor use. ‘Homicidal ideation’ (homicidal thoughts) was added to the Effexor XR label in November 2005, as one of the drug’s rare adverse events. The Medical Accountability Network says that the warning was not well-publicized, and that Wyeth failed to send letters to doctors or issue warning labels announcing the change….
Interesting reading althougth dated:

I didn't recognize Hilton at 61, but the name sounded familiar. But Clairmont Road was too much of a coincidence to be believed, and there was the Cumming, Ga. connection. Still, 1985 was a long time ago.

And then I looked at his record, and it was him. The guy who tried to murder me with a hunting knife in a biker bar parking lot at Clairmont and Buford Highway one night at closing those many years ago, a guy I had to sit next to at a probable cause hearing as my testimony was the basis for charging him and a cohort for something from hit and run to aggravated assault, actually back over, take the truck out of reverse, and re-run over a guy we were drinking with.

Yeah, I was drinking with Gary Hilton before he tried to murder me. Sort of. They came over and sat down and tried to buy cocaine from us, then went out at closing and waited for us to come out to kill us. Thought we were undercover or something. The guy was crazy.

Bill, a guy that lived in the apartments on Clairmont where I did, we went from the dayroom to the bar down the road to talk about trying to make some money off of developing some software, some things never change, he went out first carrying a pitcher of beer, take home I guess you could call it. Not that we needed it. I testified at the grand jury that I estimated I drank two or three pitchers, but who's counting?

I have posted about that grand jury testimony several years ago in Chandra Levy discussions as we discussed grand jury testimony. I ended up writing a chapter in Murder on a Horse Trail, Grand Jury, to explain the grand jury aspect in Chandra's disappearance. But my posting on my testimony in Atlanta back in 1985 is lost in the internet cloud by now.

When I came out of that bar Hilton was kicking Bill in the head on the ground. I tried to calm him down and he pulled his hunting knife on me. As I testified at both the grand jury and hearing, he was lunging at me with that big knife and I was going backwards as fast as I could, trying to stay out of reach of that knife and not trip on anything, not daring to turn my back because he looked like he could throw it. He finally gave up and went back to his pickup. He backed up over Bill, put it into drive, and ran over him again. He seemed pretty determined to kill him.

I got the license plate number while he was trying to back up over me too. Hell, it was almost imprinted on me if I hadn't dived out of the way in time. I yelled the license plate to the bar manager at the door, who was calling police, and police brought them back a few minutes later. They nailed that pickup going up Buford Highway in no time.

Bill ended up living through that. He had a collapsed lung, cracked skull, and broken ribs, but he got well enough that I went to see him at the hospital one day, and he told me he was going to sue the SOB. He wanted that truck, the truck he survived.

I next saw him at the probable cause hearing where I testified, and he lived to see Hilton and his friend Rodney fingerpointing at each other claiming that the other one was the driver.

But it was Hilton. Hilton wanted to kill people, even back then.

One other note of interest. Hilton and his friend Rodney and the people they brought with them, family and Rodney's girlfriend who audibly gasped at my testimony, were living in Cumming at the time.

That's apparently why we keep seeing Hilton's name come up in Cumming in murders. It's not a coincidence.

Hilton should have been put away a long time ago and never let out. May Meredith Emerson and all of Hilton's other victims rest in peace.

This victim got lucky.


Snipet from a couple of Ralph Daughtery's comments:

He was nearly 40 years old at the time but was very into survivalist if you will. He talked about Nam a lot and when the guy he later ran over a couple of times with his pickup pointed a finger toward him to make some point (I'm not sure exactly, I wasn't paying that close attention),

Hilton said, "I'll eat that finger".

I had to intervene to sort of cool things off before he jumped across the table.


Note: Cumming, GA, is only a 10 minute drive from the Atlanta Tract of Dawson Forest WMA, where Levi Frady, Patrice Endres, and Meredith Hope Emerson's Remains were located. How many more were never located?
Tks for that RD story. Something stuck out like a flashing light as I read it, wow!

It was the part about the KNIFE. That slashing he was doing at RD:

"As I testified at both the grand jury and hearing, he was lunging at me with that big knife and I was going backwards as fast as I could, trying to stay out of reach of that knife and not trip on anything, not daring to turn my back because he looked like he could throw it. "

Ok, you know how I've been stumbling over HOW DID ALL THAT BLOOD GET IN THE VAN when they found Hilton right after he had killed Meredith.

And I wasn't buying his concocted story on how neat and tidy her death had been. I bet it was more like what rd describes in the bar story.

I bet Hilton SLASHES at his victims and they literally bleed to death. That's what I'm thinkin. I know that sounds grotesque...but right now we have the rd description and we have the factual evidence of a lot of blood in that van. I bet his victims fought for their lives in the confinement of that van - not out there in the woods anywhere.

p.s. I don't know how old you guys are, but I remember hearing my dad say when ever we would point at him or anything he'd say: "I'll eat that finger." That's an old timey saying from back in the 1950s and stuff. But in Hilton's case it could mean something else. Just mentioning it cuz I hadn't heard it in years and years.
I suspect you are correct. I am just having trouble getting my thoughts around someone I once knew becoming the things he is acused of.

Can you imagine what those women who slept and lived with him must be thinking - OMG there but by the grace of God is me.
Tks for that RD story. Something stuck out like a flashing light as I read it, wow!

It was the part about the KNIFE. That slashing he was doing at RD:

"As I testified at both the grand jury and hearing, he was lunging at me with that big knife and I was going backwards as fast as I could, trying to stay out of reach of that knife and not trip on anything, not daring to turn my back because he looked like he could throw it. "

Ok, you know how I've been stumbling over HOW DID ALL THAT BLOOD GET IN THE VAN when they found Hilton right after he had killed Meredith.

And I wasn't buying his concocted story on how neat and tidy her death had been. I bet it was more like what rd describes in the bar story.

I bet Hilton SLASHES at his victims and they literally bleed to death. That's what I'm thinkin. I know that sounds grotesque...but right now we have the rd description and we have the factual evidence of a lot of blood in that van. I bet his victims fought for their lives in the confinement of that van - not out there in the woods anywhere.

p.s. I don't know how old you guys are, but I remember hearing my dad say when ever we would point at him or anything he'd say: "I'll eat that finger." That's an old timey saying from back in the 1950s and stuff. But in Hilton's case it could mean something else. Just mentioning it cuz I hadn't heard it in years and years.

How about, 'it's not polite to point.' lol

Keep in mind that 3 years prior to the above incident, in 1982 is when he torched Ms Green's home with 3 occupants, Dekalb Co., GA.
Sorry I haven't been able to be on line to answer your questions.

To wolfscratch: No I am not Leonard. I don't know him but I suspect he did know GMH since he described where he lived in Hialeah by describing swimming in the river.

To YancyB: No, his stepfather was hispanic origin. I don't recall any German connection.

Really :waitasec: That's interesting. I had not run across an Hispanic name for his mom. The last name I saw for her was German tho. Thanks.

Say, what was his opinion of himself (Hilton)? What would be your idea of how his self confidence rated - did he feel inferior? superior? or anything along those lines?
How about, 'it's not polite to point.' lol

Keep in mind that 3 years prior to the above incident, in 1982 is when he torched Ms Green's home with 3 occupants, Dekalb Co., GA.

Do you remember it was all the rage back in the 1950s to pretend like they would take a finger "off" and then put it back "on"? I remember that - it was a trick that grownups did.

Wonder why they were so obsessed with missing digits back then, LOL. Maybe a lot got lost in saw mill accidents or something Lots of people worked in saw mills and did manual labor back then. Oh yeah, and remember they'd pretend they'd take off your nose and show it to you in their fingers, and then stick it back on your face. LOL or maybe my family was just weird - who knows.
I wonder how much of his activities were cocaine talking. Also there is a condition, wish I could remember it better, but it's where the perpetrator has abarrent sex thoughts. It's in conjunction I think with some sort of seizure without violence maybe brought on by some condition - I hope I can find it. They fixate on certain acts and it comes like in a cycle - sometimes I think by the level of a certain thing they have ingested. I'll see if I can find it. I read it in a medical book in a hospital one time - wish I had kept the book. I haven't read it since. There are some foods that actually put a person in a state of being drunk when they aren't drunk from alcohol but drunk from not being able to metabolize the thing they've ingested. I know, sounds crazy. HOpefully I can find it again.

(I've been looking for seizure without violence - and it may be connected to a type of epileptic seizure caused by ingestion of milk - still looking)

After the "seizure" which doesn't look like a seizure at all, in the postictal state, the patient doesn't appear to have the abarrent thoughts.

Also how much of his story should be believe if he truly has MS?
Do you remember it was all the rage back in the 1950s to pretend like they would take a finger "off" and then put it back "on"? I remember that - it was a trick that grownups did.

Wonder why they were so obsessed with missing digits back then, LOL. Maybe a lot got lost in saw mill accidents or something Lots of people worked in saw mills and did manual labor back then. Oh yeah, and remember they'd pretend they'd take off your nose and show it to you in their fingers, and then stick it back on your face. LOL or maybe my family was just weird - who knows.

lol, my family must be weird too then. We do the nose and finger thing and we're fairly young!!!

Question to people from the Tallahassee area. Is any body going to that hearing this morning?

(I was questionning all the blood in his van too.)
You called it-

No Trial Date Set In Hilton Murder Case

At a hearing Friday morning, a judge did not set a trial date in the Gary Michael Hilton murder case.
Email Address:

Story 0 Comments Font Size: At a hearing Friday morning, a judge did not set a trial date in the Gary Michael Hilton murder case.

Hilton is accused of killing Crawfordville Sunday school teacher Cheryl Dunlap.

Prosecutors and defense attorneys have very different opinions on when the trial should start.

Prosecutors want a trial date in the spring of 2010. Defense attorney Ines Suber says she cannot be ready because she is busy with the Hoffman murder case. Hilton's attorney says she wont be ready until 2011.

The judge scheduled another hearing for October 23rd to set a trial date.

The judge is giving both sides time to schedule depositions in the case.

They are postponing things because of every reason in the book until they all (and I won't name names) are retired (and they are all due to retire about the same time)...and Ines has been given the judgeship she applied for.

They will wash their hands of the whole thing and it will be slash and burn as they leave...that's my next call. What's your guess?
They set it up that way from the get go bec these 2 cases I believe are connected and they needed somebody on the "other" side to be there to take directions and make sure things happened as they needed them to happen. Nobody gets 3 death penalty cases on top of each other - but Suber did. Didn't you all see that writing on the wall when that happened? oh I bet I'm not supposed to say all this -- hope this is disappearing font ink. LOL Call it my crazy conspiracy theory that we will learn about in the year 2015 - if we aren't dragged into a dictatorship before then - and then all bets are off. ugh.

They are postponing things because of every reason in the book until they all (and I won't name names) are retired (and they are all due to retire about the same time)...and Ines has been given the judgeship she applied for.

They will wash their hands of the whole thing and it will slash and burn as they leave...that's my next call.
yancey b, guess you're not the only one that told us. GMH, told us too...
Note the date on this post: This is the 5th delay for a hearing to set a Death Penalty Trial Date ..

May 29th, 2009

Another hearing was set for today at 9AM, to set a trial date, the defense requested that it be posponed due to new evidence. The new hearing is set for August 2009.

When asked how the other prisoners & guards treated him, GMH said:

“No one messes with me here. They treat me real good.”

“I’ve got my own T.V. ‘I READ’. I’ve got my meals cooked, served…the dishes are washed. My laundry is done….Hey, I love it!”

“I’m gonna f—— raise hell, total hell.
I’m not gonna be happy unless it takes three to four years to go to trial. Unless we have a 1,000 person jury pool, and unless we have at least two changes of venue. And that’s just to begin with (laughs).”

Wolfscratch: The Truth is an Indictment of the Justice System, IMO.
GMH, is playing them like a fiddle...
It takes longer than one year to prepare for a murder trial? Take into consideration the accused was charged almost two years ago from my understanding? That's three years total. Whoa. If this crime happened in some other parts of the country the trial would be over and done with long by now!!! Slow going.
Rescheduling the hearing is going to achieve what? They prolly should have just set a date for late 2010. I think December 1 is appropriate. Wasn't Cheryl Dunlap killed before that Hoffman girl? Then why should that trial come first?
yancey b, guess you're not the only one that told us. GMH, told us too...
Note the date on this post: This is the 5th delay for a hearing to set a Death Penalty Trial Date ..

May 29th, 2009

Another hearing was set for today at 9AM, to set a trial date, the defense requested that it be posponed due to new evidence. The new hearing is set for August 2009.

When asked how the other prisoners & guards treated him, GMH said:

“No one messes with me here. They treat me real good.”

“I’ve got my own T.V. ‘I READ’. I’ve got my meals cooked, served…the dishes are washed. My laundry is done….Hey, I love it!”

“I’m gonna f—— raise hell, total hell.
I’m not gonna be happy unless it takes three to four years to go to trial. Unless we have a 1,000 person jury pool, and unless we have at least two changes of venue. And that’s just to begin with (laughs).”

Wolfscratch: The Truth is an Indictment of the Justice System, IMO.
GMH, is playing them like a fiddle...

If I were a writer, I would write it this way:

Hilton will be put off until most of the witnesses have been disposed of or dead - some of them are ill I understand. Then it is a weak case, under a different administration, which will not give him a death penalty. He will go back to GA, the Feds won't feel they have an air tight case and will not do the Bryant case, and Hilton will think he can escape from the prison in GA - and he may be successful.

The adjoining case (Bradshaw and Green) I think is a weak death penalty case. But of course they will waste time on that first - so long story short - nobody will get the death penalty. (why do you think they had the hearing for B&G before Hilton? yet Rachel died after Cheryl - perfect timing, huh?)
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