POI - Dale Golder - #1

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Good point Jules!!! We had thought the fourth person living in the home was hubby.

One thing I thought of though. In the business filing we saw today, that same addy was the address of record. So is there a possibility he does live in the home and the other was listed for business purposes? Remember he did use his personal name as the business name. :waitasec:

Hi Knox! When doing a search for BB, I get an address of **** State Route 8
He lives in a home with his wife and young daughter. No matter how I search, he keeps coming up at that address. Maybe he recently divorced or separated - or maybe he works at the address TG owns. Just wondering. All these names are so confusing!
What is this on the right side of the property at 173 Sand Creek Rd - a water tower?

It looks like a well house and a water tower.
I just deleted a gazillion posts that contain information of people, some very personal, that may not even be related to this case. I have warned on more than one occasion...here is my lastest post re:

Check it out peeps....u need to think thru before u post. The POI is Dale...not his mom, not others he knows...please refrain from naming them, it's not fair. Do not post their personal info, names, mie (again, for the hundreth time, me kee is broke, the one before z) no mie spaces. People can sleuth it and see for themselves.

What if ure cousin did something like this...next thing u know u're life is upside down cause u happen to be his friend on facebook.

We need to be fair.

If someone isn't mentioned in MAINSTREAM media..do not post their info
U will get timed out for this after this warning.

You are all smart enough to sleuth w/o posting their full names, addy's ect. Sometimes you have to work behind the scenes when needed.

If you see some of your posters w/a TIME OUT under their name. You know why.

If I missed any info that should not be posted, please alert to posts.



WE GET THE CODE WORDS ABOUT MONKEYS AND BANANAS..DUH. I HATE SNEAKINESS. You can post links to other forums, if it is a restricted site that we don't allow the URL will not show properly.


Christine, i feel that the immediate family (those living on the same road) should be names in here. they are obviously close. the moms name is important as anything that happens at that residense is her concern as its legally her property. the husband should be named as he does reside at teh residence and also has a history of a molestation conviction. Just as we have posted that DG has a history of forceable sex with a minor. Legally he to was a minor . so i am asking how far do we go to protect the poi and their immediate family.

If you search the parcels, there is more than one or two residence on the same road that are blood related (first and second generation) that also should be noted that if one were to commit a crime and the guilt was so overwhelming, out of the whole world, who are we groomed to tell? family. What if DG did abduct her, got scared and asked for help from mom/dad ? see where im going! its hard to keep such a seceret when you live in a home with 4 adults. someone knows something! if nothing else, how do you make soiled clothes disappear and no one be able to find them? washing? i know i still do the 23 yr old kids laundry! just my 2 cents...
1st...if you have a problem w/what a mod posts, never discuss on the board. Take up w/mods and/or admin via PM. Violation of TOS.

2nd, I disagree and my post/rule stands. My step father is in prison for molesting my sisters, you can sleuth it and read all about it here. I lived in the house, as did my older brothers, it would have been unfair for them to be sleuthed by amateurs on the net and everything 'put out there'. You can discuss all of them by using initials and if needed, go behind the scenes and sleuth working on PM's.


Christine, i feel that the immediate family (those living on the same road) should be names in here. they are obviously close. the moms name is important as anything that happens at that residense is her concern as its legally her property. the husband should be named as he does reside at teh residence and also has a history of a molestation conviction. Just as we have posted that DG has a history of forceable sex with a minor. Legally he to was a minor . so i am asking how far do we go to protect the poi and their immediate family.

If you search the parcels, there is more than one or two residence on the same road that are blood related (first and second generation) that also should be noted that if one were to commit a crime and the guilt was so overwhelming, out of the whole world, who are we groomed to tell? family. What if DG did abduct her, got scared and asked for help from mom/dad ? see where im going! its hard to keep such a seceret when you live in a home with 4 adults. someone knows something! if nothing else, how do you make soiled clothes disappear and no one be able to find them? washing? i know i still do the 23 yr old kids laundry! just my 2 cents...

You had no problem doing it in the sentence I bolded......my point.
Ok so just to be clear (since I am new), it is ok to use initials for the folks we are talking about and partial addys, correct? We cannot link to their ms page, but we can copy & paste text from it if we feel it is relevent as long as we protect the names, right?
Hey peeps...let's open a new thread for new topics. We come here looking for new leads on DG and there's all this other stuff going on. There's also the general discussion thread. :blowkiss: Thanks!
Ok so just to be clear (since I am new), it is ok to use initials for the folks we are talking about and partial addys, correct? We cannot link to their ms page, but we can copy & paste text from it if we feel it is relevent as long as we protect the names, right?

It would also help if everyone would read the rules!

We also have to deal w/things as they come up, it is impossible to cover everything. It is up to mods running forum on how to handle things.
Christine, can you put this posting info on a sticky for future reference? It's handy to use when there is someone new and you want to help them with the rules to be able to find it and show it to them easily. TIA!
Considering the complexity of this case, the sideline suspicious crimes, the amount of RSO's and the weak LE agency couldn't a federal agency such as the FBI or Federal Marshalls be called in to "clean house"?

Novice Seeker
Considering the complexity of this case, the sideline suspicious crimes, the amount of RSO's and the weak LE agency couldn't a federal agency such as the FBI or Federal Marshalls be called in to "clean house"?

Novice Seeker

I was under the impression that the FBI is involved?
I was under the impression that the FBI is involved?

Correct. They are.
Not sure where people are getting the idea that they aren't involved.
Ok so just to be clear (since I am new), it is ok to use initials for the folks we are talking about and partial addys, correct? We cannot link to their ms page, but we can copy & paste text from it if we feel it is relevent as long as we protect the names, right?

Just to be clear no you cannot copy and paste anything from a myspace page. If someone is discussing the case on a blog you can link to the blog(unless it is a banned one) but you cannot copy and paste their entries here either. You can link to a ms account of a NAMED in mainstream media person unless they are a minor.
Some where asking where Daddy G works. I found a phone # for TG, and it also matches a business called Wil1iams/NW Pipe1ine. The addy tho for the phone # brings up a person JG and I am not sure I have seen that name referenced yet. I will look some more.

Is anyone looking into a BB, MH, and Daddy G connection?
Just to be clear no you cannot copy and paste anything from a myspace page. If someone is discussing the case on a blog you can link to the blog(unless it is a banned one) but you cannot copy and paste their entries here either. You can link to a ms account of a NAMED in mainstream media person unless they are a minor.

I would like to add that if you aren't sure about whether or not to post something, ask a longtime poster or a mod if it would be ok. I know it's exciting to find information you want to share, but try to temper that with the rules of the forum. WS runs a great forum here by keeping us all in check. It would be awful to get a thread shut down because someone rushed into putting information out there that violated the TOS. So let's error on the side of caution everyone.
Correct. They are.
Not sure where people are getting the idea that they aren't involved.

Maybe it would help if I explained my thoughts better. The FBI can only participate in an investigation at the request of the local LE, right? IIRC there was only one FBI agent assigned to this case but more in the role of a suggestion,reference position but never allowed to lead any of the involved investigations. Right? From the information listed in the warrant, LE has had this information for sometime. So, why are they just now obtaining those SW's? Recently, I ran across an article, don't at the moment have the link but will go search out, that involved a lawsuit judgement against the police force and IIRC the mayor. Just off the top of my little brain but isn't that community interconnected to everybody? If so, how does the line get separated when there is a crime to be investigated. How is such a small police force managing the many RSO's around their community? What degree of confidence does the community have in their LE?

That's sorta where my thinking is coming from. It seems that Lindsey's abduction has resulted in other issues that perhaps need a closer look into.
That's all.

Novice Seeker, & No, I'm new to all of you so HELLO, forgive my manners
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