FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #15

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I'm making myself sick to my stomach trying to look at bing maps on the street level view - motion sickness. Anyway, after you turn right on Debarry from Gano, there is a long white building on the right with an equally long white (looks like carport?) that is closer to the road. Anyone know what that is or am I just seeing stuff.

I went an looked on google and I am not sure what it is. Doesn't appear they have any front yard.

Maybe an old hold out from when the area was farmland before the houses were built?
Ok, finally caught up.
Everybody doing ok tonight?
I hope so.
Any new info? (I doubt it)
I agree with y'all who are begging for some new info. Was the last info we got ST talking about soot? That was last week right?
If I've missed something, please somebody let me know.
ITA Noway.

I think, IMO, that he had already spoke with LE before he talked with the reporter. I am curious as to how the reporter even found out about him to know to contact him in the first place.

oops.......quoting myself here.

Maybe "Kyle" was a faux name given to protect his identity given that he spoke with this reporter.
Why would anyone think LE would change their crime scene info for the victim or the family? Their only goal is to find who murdered little Somer. Le can give out the wrong info, alter it, or withhold info to the public to enhance their search. they can put out all kinds of conflicting statements so the perp is confused regarding what they know. Imo, it's not always a wise move to not give accurate info to the public, but that's their call. The family doesn't have to give out accurate info either, just to LE. with that in mind, I think that's why this case is driving me crazy. :banghead:

I know... I remember the dad's eye's moving to look at someone when he told all this info... made me go hmmmm.... then when he later said about dna he was like well from what the le has told public makes sense type thing.. I think if LE told anyone anything it would be DT first and if they wanted it released and not hush hush she would be First to bust it on media waves...

The dad just gives me bad vibes.. but don't hate me for that statement.. just something is there and I hope it comes out...
ITA Noway.

I think, IMO, that he had already spoke with LE before he talked with the reporter. I am curious as to how the reporter even found out about him to know to contact him in the first place.

I would guess as a reporter he can ask to see who LE has interviewed.
oops.......quoting myself here.

Maybe "Kyle" was a faux name given to protect his identity given that he spoke with this reporter.

I think the police leaked kyle and george to the reporter.
Also, IMO the decline of members posting here has a lot to do with the lack of info and other very strange cases going on right now.
I mean, we can only talk about the same things over and over for so long right?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the discussions in here are not productive but I can understand why some of our members are taking a break from it due to lack of new info.
I have no clue if they know each other... lol
I am trying to wrap my brain around the fact CG is on that report and recanted. If it was K who is in jail that happen to be in that neighborhood I am wondering if these perps have a quick ID they use to play switch a roo if needed in a hurry? I can't think like a perps so if it sounds twisted and out of the world crazy I throw it out to see if it sticks or could be possible.

I have read about mistakes and revisisons on reports but how do you put a RSO on a report, and then oopsy that was a mistake????

Was CG there or was it the perp that just finished killing Somer that happen to be right there? Crazy... so if it makes no sense who knows?

I'm totally mystified about that as well. I am sure that LE ask for a driver's license or some form of picture ID. So how did that happen?
OT - hopetohelp - here I thought I was the only one to get motion sickness...The zooming in of Google Earth and the slow panning from left to right put me in deep motion sickness nausea for 2 days. I appreciate all those who can tolerate the movement and give us important information. Hope you're feeling alright!

Yeah, I had to stop for tonight. I'm going to have to be careful with it in the future - to limit the time I do that, because I'm pretty nauseous. I've had this problem for quite a long time. Or... I can just renew my scrip for that patch you put behind your ear. Can't remember what it's called.

I'm interested in that white thing, and also any apartment buildings that connect to the road on her route home. If I'm not focusing on the burned out house, then it opens up some of the area close to that as she would have walked home, so I will have to check all of that out.

It does look like a big carport MommaD - I understand what you mean with it being something to shelter the storage buildings. I wonder if people are there working at 3pm and whether or not any of those little storage buildings are open where people could get into them.
Anything Kyle has to say should be said to the police and not to a reporter IMO. But he took a big risk ... someone will hunt him down and put his name out there. It's only a matter of time.

I am sure Le has talked to him .. they took a swab for dna remember???? And , you are probably right some LOW Life will put his name out there .. shame on them if they do... This is why most people won't get involved these days... something could be so innocent and get blown way out ... I for one will give him benefit of doubt till LE says different.. even if Le would lie about him if it is posted on media then go for it .. I will be right there too.. and this is about anyone.. anywhere...
you know about the squabble with the friend at school. I have thought since DT said somer felt bad that morning and didn't want to go to school.

That just maybe she had the squabble with friend before that day and didn't want to continue with it that day and claimed to be SICK..

This is something children do to not face life.. some adults also ..

I know no info out for us or the locals there.. scary .. I feel for those locals..

Back in the beginning it was a squabble earlier that day at school.
Then on the way home something happened between the kids and the older sister told her to stop, then Somer took off ahead.

I am still confused about the backpack bit... she hit someone with a backpack then someone hit her with a backpack, then she had a Hannah Montana backpack with hearts and skulls, then no she didn't she had a black book bag, then yea she had a backpack but can't name which one she had because she has so many. Sheesh... spin spin spin

Telephone... at it's best here-- and the story keeps spinning because we have nothing to read or facts to work with. Nuts.

I would be out of my mind if I was local knowing this killer is out running around and could get another child. Well.. there are so many -- but just knowing one has killed and capable of going into serial killer mode would have me afraid to let my kids go to school without me delivering them to the front door and picking them up.
In the video in which Ryan Hughes talks about Kyle, he says that Clay County deputies talked with him (Kyle) and they took swabs.

But there is something that witnesses in many of the cases I've followed seem to have never learned:

No comment.

Which works well for us, but I'd rather see these witnesses keeping quiet. (I think.)
I've always enjoyed your posts. If I'm skimming really fast thru a thread, I always slow down and read yours. I respect your opinion.
I'm not trying to be snarky, but what is it about Kyle that you are so passionate about protecting?
I mean, I think since he said he saw Somer, talked to Somer... I would think we would sleuth the heck out of him. I'm not saying throw him under a bus, but I feel we need to get to the bottom of why he commented, who he is, if he is a RSO...
you get what I mean?
Anyone know where that statement is about the police saying they can not rule out 2 people involved in it or something like that?
I think the police leaked kyle and george to the reporter.

The RSOs Kyle and [EDIT] are roommates.

EDIT: I was wrong, the RSO Kyle lives with a different RSO, initials RWM. We sleuthed him earlier, you can search my posts if anyone is interested. I don't have any information that they are connected in anyway to Somer, I just noted they both were required to submit DNA and fingerprints in their plea deals. And they have the same address.
Anyone know where that statement is about the police saying they can not rule out 2 people involved in it or something like that?

I can't. To be honest, I check the local news sites often and have not really seen anything new in days. Then I come on here and hear of new things and new video. Where do y'all get it??? LOL
Am I looking in the wrong places?
The only updates I've seen lately was that the reward was increased.
I mainly look on First Coast and News Jax 4.
I think I am going to approach this case from the things that we know for certain, which isn't much. I am going to discount anything that has had conflicting reports. This narrows down the information to almost nothing.

I'll compile a list and post tonight. I've got to go to work now. Be back later.
I was thinking the exact same thing the other day, and started my own list. However, as you point out and as I found out, there was precious little to make a list of.
I honestly don't know how LE expects the public to help if the public has no facts to go on/look back on/think about.
I compare it to a crime victim's love/hate relationship with the media. When the media can help, they're a vic's best friend. As soon as the case is resolved, they're dirt. LE pleads for the public's input, but sure don't seem to want to give anything in return.
It's not a 1-way street, baby.
In the video in which Ryan Hughes talks about Kyle, he says that Clay County deputies talked with him (Kyle) and they took swabs.

But there is something that witnesses in many of the cases I've followed seem to have never learned:

No comment.

Which works well for us, but I'd rather see these witnesses keeping quiet. (I think.)

BUT, on the other hand........he knows he is totally innocent of anything, and as such felt comfortable talking with the reporter because he doesn't have anything to hide?

It can be such a fine line between innocence and hink when it comes to cases on these forums........
Dr., I remember a post in which the Sheriff said that the only person he could rule out was himself ... or something along those lines.

MammaD ... I don't think it is going to take a lowlife to find out who the man is. Just a sleuth.

LOL and then I saw this.
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4384128&postcount=626"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park thread #15[/ame]
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