FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #18

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Watch this Video of her talking about people digging in the trash looking for somer and helping abused children.


I am trying to catch up on my reading here so sorry if this has been mentioned.
In this video DT says she has to be strong for her 3 other children. Again no mention of another child.
Maybe she doesn't say be strong for my 4 other children b/c she is not raising one???
It's just odd that the other child is never mentioned by DT.
The only reason I could think this would happen is if she gave up or lost her parental rights to that child. (not saying she did) Just cannot figure out any reason a mother would consistently fail to mention a child of hers when she is speaking of her children (plural)
Does anyone know if DT has ever said she has 5 kids?
I know on Dr. Phil he said something to her about her 2 other kids and she didn't correct him. (i could see how maybe she wouldn't want to on national TV or something, idk)
It is just one of those odd things that stick out and probably has nothing to do with Somer going missing, but those odd things are really starting to mount up.
That was the route she walked with her siblings but if she DID run off and do her own thing before 10/19, I don't know if that is the route she took.

I'm not sure the images are current. I don't have the link but I read on an informational page about Google street view, and they said their images can be anywhere from 6 months to 2 years old.

And for what it's worth, I think the image comes back before Horton.

I am just thinking that if she did make it to Debarry it wouldn't be very hard for someone to put her in a car or snatch her into the woods without being noticed.
Kmart, I agree. It was a bit gloomy in parts of my street view walk.

Does Google stop traffic on cross streets when they are doing street view? I see so little traffic ... I wondered how they do it.

Google info
I wondered that myself.

If PC is some kind of truck driver, then what time does he normally come home?

If he is some kind of truck driver, then they're driving around. Does he drive back to the work site or does he just abandon his truck when DT calls?

I understand that she might want to call PC as he is her BF, but I'm just trying to understand the mechanics of it all here.

IIRC PC drives a cement truck, if true...he is hauling wet cement that has to be delivered to whatever job site. He may have already made his last delivery at that time & just was releasing the load perhaps (which is not as easy as a dump truck & has to be cleaned out as well at the end of the day). Also IIRC he came home around 5:30 & picked up the twin to go out & search.

Honestly I don't see anything wrong with the time line with Mom or BF & I do fully realize the statistics with a missing child and everyone has to be looked at carefully especially family. There is a few things I find hinky but...I am want to squash my (those) thoughts for the time being.
I am trying to catch up on my reading here so sorry if this has been mentioned.
In this video DT says she has to be strong for her 3 other children. Again no mention of another child.
Maybe she doesn't say be strong for my 4 other children b/c she is not raising one???
It's just odd that the other child is never mentioned by DT.
The only reason I could think this would happen is if she gave up or lost her parental rights to that child. (not saying she did) Just cannot figure out any reason a mother would consistently fail to mention a child of hers when she is speaking of her children (plural)
Does anyone know if DT has ever said she has 5 kids?
I know on Dr. Phil he said something to her about her 2 other kids and she didn't correct him. (i could see how maybe she wouldn't want to on national TV or something, idk)
It is just one of those odd things that stick out and probably has nothing to do with Somer going missing, but those odd things are really starting to mount up.

I've never heard DT herself say Somer had 4 siblings but Somers father has said Somer had 4 siblings.

Mind you according the obit, DT would like us to believe Somer never had a daddy, nevermind a father that undoubtedly loved her.
I haven't followed this case as closely as some of you and would appreciate any help with my question. How much time elapsed before LE was involved? I know Somer was upset and ran ahead of her siblings. I understand they arrived home and were sent back out to search by *houseguest*. Then Diena was sent a text and she came to look, but I'm not clear on this part and how long all of this took. tia
That was the route she walked with her siblings but if she DID run off and do her own thing before 10/19, I don't know if that is the route she took.

I'm not sure the images are current. I don't have the link but I read on an informational page about Google street view, and they said their images can be anywhere from 6 months to 2 years old.

And for what it's worth, I think the image comes back before Horton. 1206 there, 1216 gone, 1226 there

You're right ! Now its only saying image not available if I try to get a closeup of the walking kids. It continues on past the woods. I could never imagine letting my child walk past those spooky woods.
Kmart, I agree. It was a bit gloomy in parts of my street view walk.

Does Google stop traffic on cross streets when they are doing street view? I see so little traffic ... I wondered how they do it.

Google info

I don't think they stop traffic. You actually see a few cars on Debarry a bit further down from the walking kids near the intersection of Gano. Also, when I look in my town on my street there is always lots of traffic in the photos.
I'm thinking that I am not being very clear about PC and his truck driving.

If he is driving in a truck, he is somewhere that is not at the work site. So, where is he? Does he normally get home at 5:00?

Does he get home later?

Does he take his truck, wherever that is, and drive it back to the work site before he is done with whatever he is doing?

I'm trying to formulate a thought here.

If he is somewhere far away from the place where he parks in the morning to start work, then DT would call him to come home earlier. But if he normally comes home at 5:00, then why would she call him to come home and help to look for Somer when the call was placed at the time he would be home anyway.

She could call him to tell him what has happened, but to call him specifically to come home and help to look for her doesn't make sense to me unless he comes home later.

If he comes home a lot later, then that means he is farther away somewhere and it would take awhile to get home.

Does this make any sense?
I think a car could stop there and there wouldn't be anyone to notice.

Those kids are the only ones in that shot for a period of time ... and I saw one car. I don't know what the traffic there from 2:30-4:30 is. Maybe a local can tell us.
I don't think they stop traffic. You actually see a few cars on Debarry a bit further down from the walking kids near the intersection of Gano. Also, when I look in my town on my street there is always lots of traffic in the photos.

I did the same thing and went into the city streets since my neighborhood did not qualify for street view.

There were a few cars although much fewer than a typical work day ...
Human, I understand your confusion about CPerry completely.

She called him at about 4:20 and he arrived there at about 5. The plant is between 23-38 minutes away (say 25-40 to be safe) and that would put him at the house 4:45-5 if he left right away (so I assumed he did leave within about 5 or 10 minutes).

Again, he could have been off work at that time and she was calling him to have him come home rather than run any errands or whatever. Now I have to see if he says he "left work" ...

ETA: Yes, he says "... he received a phone call from D. Thompson at around 1620 hours asking him to get off of work so he could come help find Somer Thompson. He said he then left work and drove to the residence. ...
Someone mentioned a few posts back that Diena was hanging onto and around rock stars. I must have missed that info. Was there a concert in Somer's name recently?

If there was, some of the media coverage really bothers me. The killer is still out there and LE is sure that he's watching closely. Parents being interviewed and criticizing each other, talk of all those kids walking up the street, Diena talking about all her kids, and not showing solidarity in the obituary could be amusing to the killer. It would scare me to death having all that info out there. I wouldn't be talking to anyone or drawing any attention to myself at all, much less all her threats made to the killer. Diena said that Somer is a fighter like her, but the habit of running off alone regularly and some of D.s actions seem to me like they are in the habit of acting impulsively. This is not survivor mentality or indication of being a fighter. Somer should have been supervised by an adult at all times.
But, why would he suddenly want the children, this Dad apparently hadn't seen Somer for two years? I couldn't see a change of custody, moving out of State, new schools, new friends, etc. being in the best interest of these children. I am not liking Dad too much right now. :snooty:

Maybe he thinks he can do a better job of keeping them SAFE.
tarabull-I can't reply to your quote. It doesn't work. So I wonder what he does as he could leave right away.
I wonder if they ever did make phone calls to somer's friend's houses that afternoon/evening?

I know I would have called every last one of my boy's friends - or at least I would have lit up a phone tree type thing - telling some of them to call others and let me know.

If this did not occur - I find it to be very telling.
I haven't followed this case as closely as some of you and would appreciate any help with my question. How much time elapsed before LE was involved? I know Somer was upset and ran ahead of her siblings. I understand they arrived home and were sent back out to search by *houseguest*. Then Diena was sent a text and she came to look, but I'm not clear on this part and how long all of this took. tia

The kids had arrived home without Somer at about 3:10; Sean (friend at house waiting for kids) sent the older child, age 10, to look for her. When she returned 15 minutes later, he asked her to look really hard before he called their mom.

The texts between Sean and Diena (mom) took place around 4.

We don't know what time the officer, A. Coan, was flagged down, but the missing person report has a date/time filed as October 19, 17:06 (which is 5:06 nonmilitary time).

Start to finish 3:10 to 5 ... almost 2 hours.
You're right ! Now its only saying image not available if I try to get a closeup of the walking kids. It continues on past the woods. I could never imagine letting my child walk past those spooky woods.

I haven't followed this case as closely as some of you and would appreciate any help with my question. How much time elapsed before LE was involved? I know Somer was upset and ran ahead of her siblings. I understand they arrived home and were sent back out to search by *houseguest*. Then Diena was sent a text and she came to look, but I'm not clear on this part and how long all of this took. tia

5:06 pm LE is at her house. DT flagged a Deputy dawn just before 5pm, I am assuming this last part.
I wonder if they ever did make phone calls to somer's friend's houses that afternoon/evening?

I know I would have called every last one of my boy's friends - or at least I would have lit up a phone tree type thing - telling some of them to call others and let me know.

If this did not occur - I find it to be very telling.

I wondered whether this is what Diena did between the time she texted with Sean P. and before calling her BF.

She may have also directed Sean to the list on the fridge (which I have read existed but do not have a link to at this moment) and asked him to call.

Okay, maybe not on the fridge, but list existed:
These trips usually took anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, and she said Diena Thompson had a list of phone numbers for the parents of Somer’s friends in case she was gone for too long.

“She’d be gone and then just show up when I’d be calling one of her friend’s parents,” R. said.
*BEGGING law enforcement to throw us a bone here*
To me Somer was a child at risk. She told sitter she was picked on. DT knew full well that she wondered off, trusted anyone etc. Jeez and yet there was no safety net in place. JMO
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