Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #21

Thanks much, Nikki 2. How can a small community not notice anything? Well, I think several of them probably have. But Oklahoma's a strange place. Lots of great people, yes, but....well, to quote myself from another OK case thread, "It is a state in which favors and past agreements govern an abundance of situations, no matter the seriousness of the activity involved." And that type of secrecy can cross the line between civilians and LE, and some cases never get solved because of it.
Wfgodot - You are right and your quote sums that up perfectly, but I still wish to believe, I have to believe that somewhere, someone will shine and come out of their conformed narrowminded ways and speak out.
Wfgodot - You are right and your quote sums that up perfectly, but I still wish to believe, I have to believe that somewhere, someone will shine and come out of their conformed narrowminded ways and speak out.

Me too. I was living down in San Antonio when I first heard about the case, right after it happened. I'd lived in OK for ten years (and now I'm back), and the horrid thought dawned on me that this would never be solved, just like the Locust Grove murders in 1977---they tried a Native American for that one and he was found not guilty; in the case of the Weleetka girls, LE released the drawing of the Native man who evidently had been near the scene, a person of interest. It was deja vu. I really lost hope then, but hope is all we have, and I hope this case is resolved, and soon. It makes me very, very angry. It can be solved, but will it?
Bumpity Bump Bump

Hope I am allowed to post this here. Thought you might find it interesting. According to the charts, 3 people were involved and they were looking for a "thrill kill". Sounds sick, I know. Maybe it will help move the investigation in the right direction.

I posted this before and I am posting it again.

With the motive in the recent Elizabeth Olten case being released as a "thrill kill", maybe, just maybe, the astros are pointing in the right direction here. Like everyone else here, I just want this cased solved.
Ok.... I want to relate some things that I have read, I'm sure some of you have come across this so if I read all over the place someone jump in and help me out.

If you look at the Weleetka Forum, ( which has 1000's of posts in re: to the two girls) there was one person in particular ( probably family member ) who wrote that she received a link from someone who did not wish to be identified, ( - (sorry I am not a genius with pc's to highlight direct links) the link contained a mugshot of a Rickey Luellen, arrested 22.09.2009 - Who is this person and does anyone know why he was a suspect in this case? Anyway this person then goes to write that she knew this person for certain had nothing to do with the children etc...

I just thought that this forum was interesting, ( if you can wade through the nasty and timewasting posts, there are things that could be seen as useful, or just my wishful thinking)

There is a person that goes by the username of NurseJ, her posts seem to give the impression that she knows more than she lets on, ( she is also the one that put that mugshot in) her posts were pretty angry, and I guess I did the emotional thing by telling her ( that was & is my only post on that site ), well she really let me have it ( I am down on their site as from Sydney Austr) As much as I am passionate in my feelings and thoughts in regards to crime , my aim is not to offend, argue or belittle anyone on any site in regards to their opinion.

Too much personal bickering going on on that site, but there are things that are there and someone who knows that area would probably be able to clue in on all of this.

I got a personal message from 'J' which only said to go to the Weeletka Forum in re to 'Jimpsy" that I should read the posts there as there is some 'love triange' - I don't know how much any of those posts there had to do with this case, but one thing that caught my eye was someone who was looking for someone with a ' white truck' ( she mentioned his name too)
Was not a truck somehow involved?

I apologise to everyone here, I know this post seems a mess, if someone has read these WF posts and seen those links you will have a better understanding of what I am actually 'trying' to say here. Would appreciate any feedback, especially in re" to the photo of Ricky Luellen and the 'white truck'.

If someone has the time and patience to go through the mounds of posts there, and if you are near that area, you would be able to make so much better sense of it all.

Thanks everyone
Ok.... I want to relate some things that I have read, I'm sure some of you have come across this so if I read all over the place someone jump in and help me out.

If you look at the Weleetka Forum, ( which has 1000's of posts in re: to the two girls) there was one person in particular ( probably family member ) who wrote that she received a link from someone who did not wish to be identified, ( - (sorry I am not a genius with pc's to highlight direct links) the link contained a mugshot of a Rickey Luellen, arrested 22.09.2009 - Who is this person and does anyone know why he was a suspect in this case? Anyway this person then goes to write that she knew this person for certain had nothing to do with the children etc...

I just thought that this forum was interesting, ( if you can wade through the nasty and timewasting posts, there are things that could be seen as useful, or just my wishful thinking)

There is a person that goes by the username of NurseJ, her posts seem to give the impression that she knows more than she lets on, ( she is also the one that put that mugshot in) her posts were pretty angry, and I guess I did the emotional thing by telling her ( that was & is my only post on that site ), well she really let me have it ( I am down on their site as from Sydney Austr) As much as I am passionate in my feelings and thoughts in regards to crime , my aim is not to offend, argue or belittle anyone on any site in regards to their opinion.

Too much personal bickering going on on that site, but there are things that are there and someone who knows that area would probably be able to clue in on all of this.

I got a personal message from 'J' which only said to go to the Weeletka Forum in re to 'Jimpsy" that I should read the posts there as there is some 'love triange' - I don't know how much any of those posts there had to do with this case, but one thing that caught my eye was someone who was looking for someone with a ' white truck' ( she mentioned his name too)
Was not a truck somehow involved?

I apologise to everyone here, I know this post seems a mess, if someone has read these WF posts and seen those links you will have a better understanding of what I am actually 'trying' to say here. Would appreciate any feedback, especially in re" to the photo of Ricky Luellen and the 'white truck'.

If someone has the time and patience to go through the mounds of posts there, and if you are near that area, you would be able to make so much better sense of it all.

Thanks everyone
Ok.... I want to relate some things that I have read, I'm sure some of you have come across this so if I read all over the place someone jump in and help me out.

If you look at the Weleetka Forum
I personally take what is posted at TOPIX with a grain of salt, they form their own dramas over there because you don't have to register to post.
Ok.... I want to relate some things that I have read, I'm sure some of you have come across this so if I read all over the place someone jump in and help me out.

I apologise to everyone here, I know this post seems a mess, if someone has read these WF posts and seen those links you will have a better understanding of what I am actually 'trying' to say here. Would appreciate any feedback, especially in re" to the photo of Ricky Luellen and the 'white truck'.

If someone has the time and patience to go through the mounds of posts there, and if you are near that area, you would be able to make so much better sense of it all.

Thanks everyone

I am assuming you are talking about the Topix forum on the Weleetka case.
If you could post the dates where R. Luellen was discussed, I would be happy to look at the site for you. I use to read / post there on a regular basis, however there was so much hatred on that site (some of it directed towards me) that I quit reading. BTW ~ no need to apologize for anything you have written. It is nice to have some fresh eyes / thoughts about this terrible crime and the injustice that surrounds it.

Locust Grove was the first case that sprang to my mind, as there should have been a huge amount of physical evidence collected at the camp. I wonder if it's been saved, though. LE was so sure Gene Leroy Hart did it that they may have just tossed it all after the trial.* (For those unfamiliar with the case, here's a good short account: [ame][/ame])

*"Thirty years later authorities conducted new DNA testing, but the results of these proved inconclusive, as the samples were too old."

Do you know if there is a WS thread on the Girl Scout murders?
I do not want to derail this thread / topic and talk about GS murders but, I am curious to know your thoughts? At the time of the murders, I was a Girl Scout. (living in OKlahoma) I was not old enough to go to the 'over night camps' but, could not wait to do so. I remember this crime so vividly. As an adult, with the help of the interenet, I have read things that I never knew. It is a frightening, explosively, violent case.
Awesome. Thanks for looking that up.
I have to log off now, but when time permits, I am going to check it out.
Maybe I will see you there?


You can bet on it! I just posted the OSBI update on the main Locust Grove thread.

I personally take what is posted at TOPIX with a grain of salt, they form their own dramas over there because you don't have to register to post.

I agree, there is alot of hatred, gossip,etc but these are local people that live in the area, they know each other and they know what goes on.

Although they all have 'usernames' they seem to know exactly who is who, in some parts it is as if they are totally oblivious to the world around them and get so involved into their 'conversations' as if noone else on the planet can see.

I think it is important that no stone is left unturned, we all see things from a different perspective, which makes this site so special and unique, I am positive that if only 10 of us read the posts on that forum that we would all have different opinions, in discussing them, you never know someone might just be able to piece something together, or see something so trivial that could mean a giant leap forward.

I just hope that it is not dismissed or at least looked at simply for the fact that it is a forum that has a bunch of angry locals lashing out, remember sometimes in anger alot of truths a said...
I am assuming you are talking about the Topix forum on the Weleetka case.
If you could post the dates where R. Luellen was discussed, I would be happy to look at the site for you. I use to read / post there on a regular basis, however there was so much hatred on that site (some of it directed towards me) that I quit reading. BTW ~ no need to apologize for anything you have written. It is nice to have some fresh eyes / thoughts about this terrible crime and the injustice that surrounds it.


Thankyou. In the Weleetka News - Topix - 'Topic discussions' - Hunt for a killer - Sept/30/09 - NurseJ her comments in regards to RL?

If you could read a few posts by this NurseJ before this date and after and some of the comments, she seems to be someone who is not only angry but I feel that she knows alot more.

I appreciate very much that you are willing to have a look, and if you can go back a few pages, especially where the locals discuss the time line in re to the girls movements.

August/07/08 - Mom56 - gives a new addr link, could you have a look, and see what you think?

Much appreciate your time and reply
The old P house burned to the ground last week. A photo was on the front page of the Weleetkan on friday. I would post a link but it's not online, that I can find.

Incidentally someone was seen leaving as the fire was discovered by a passerby so possibly arson. I say possibly arson because this Summer someone was camping out inside of the house complete with sleeping bag and portable stove but the caretaker ran them off and secured the house so not sure if homeless broke back in and accidentally set the fire or if it was intentional.
Having not visited the Topix/Weleetka forum in many a moon, I took a gander at it---good grief, it now has more entries than the Domesday Book (17,190 to 13,148). 860 pages-worth on the main thread.

But the "take it with a grain of salt" ratio really isn't bad---yes, long stretches go by with troll playing leap-frog with troll, but the interest in the case is obvious, and the determination to solve the murders of Taylor and Skyla is beyond sincere. This translates into the occasional very interesting post.

As Nikki 2 says above, bitter indeed is NurseJ (see 858-59, # 22527-8, 22536): "Maybe the locals think murder is right," she writes, going on to call certain posters "lowlife drama hogs." She may know something, but she seems more eager to take it out on locals, who "know who killed these girls but are afraid to talk...(the girls) are in a better place now, away from people who say they loved them."

That's bitter.

But I think her main thrust, in the admittedly few posts I've read, seems to be to alibi for possible person of interest RL (see above, #45): she posts that she knows where he was "during that time frame." Her anger seems to be directed more toward RL's not being cleared than it does toward the murders of Taylor and Skyla not being solved.

A couple I found interesting: WhySunday (854, #22439), who lists a series of questions, including "Why would the killer just happen to have 2 loaded guns with him or her at the exact time they see the girls at the tree?" Also, Bonehead's timeline (855, #22463) is well-worth reading.

Back to reading.
Hello everyone, hope you all don't mind if I peek my head around the door for a moment. I haven't read all 20 threads on this tragedy, but I've read enough to have gotten all of the important, confirmed details, and I am aghast that someone or somebodys are not yet in jail for this. I am not from the area, and have never been to Oklahoma, but what is wrong with OSBI and OK LE? I honestly believe that if you all had been privy to all of the evidence and had been able to conduct the initial investigation of the murder scene, this would have been solved by now. I have no doubt. And at least the majority of you are not professional detectives/LE! I get the feeling that OSBI is supposed to be the brightest of the brightest of investigators, and still they have got nothing. And I honestly believe they've got nothing.

I also truly believe this was committed by locals, two of them. Under 25, maybe even under 20. They no doubt live in Weleetka or a bordering town. And they definitely knew Taylor, if not both of the girls. Weleetka is a town of under 1500 people. So why haven't these boys been found? There are also no doubt mothers or grandmothers who know or have a strong suspicion that their son/grandson was involved, but they either don't want to turn in their son because they love him, they are afraid of their son, or they have the attitude "the girls are already dead; what's done cannot be undone" and are not intelligent enough to realize the necessity of justice. These poor, beautiful girls, shot in a frenzy of young male testosterone and utter indifference to human life. I also think boys rather than men committed this crime as I truly believe there are VERY few adults at all who could shoot a child, and if for some reason they had to (to quiet them, etc) they would do so quickly - one shot to the head. But boys wouldn't see Taylor and Skyla as "children", because they are children too. To them, the girls were just their peers, not "children". The tall Native American with the black ponytail looks onimous and scary at first glance - right out of a Coen brothers movie - the only problem is that I don't think he really exists. What is everyone else's opinion on him?

Ok, back to lurking on this one. But I am just so blown away from the variety of intelligent and analytical and truly caring minds working in harmony on this thread.
Hello everyone, hope you all don't mind if I peek my head around the door for a moment. I haven't read all 20 threads on this tragedy, but I've read enough to have gotten all of the important, confirmed details, and I am aghast that someone or somebodys are not yet in jail for this. I am not from the area, and have never been to Oklahoma, but what is wrong with OSBI and OK LE? I honestly believe that if you all had been privy to all of the evidence and had been able to conduct the initial investigation of the murder scene, this would have been solved by now. I have no doubt. And at least the majority of you are not professional detectives/LE! I get the feeling that OSBI is supposed to be the brightest of the brightest of investigators, and still they have got nothing. And I honestly believe they've got nothing.

I also truly believe this was committed by locals, two of them. Under 25, maybe even under 20. They no doubt live in Weleetka or a bordering town. And they definitely knew Taylor, if not both of the girls. Weleetka is a town of under 1500 people. So why haven't these boys been found? There are also no doubt mothers or grandmothers who know or have a strong suspicion that their son/grandson was involved, but they either don't want to turn in their son because they love him, they are afraid of their son, or they have the attitude "the girls are already dead; what's done cannot be undone" and are not intelligent enough to realize the necessity of justice. These poor, beautiful girls, shot in a frenzy of young male testosterone and utter indifference to human life. I also think boys rather than men committed this crime as I truly believe there are VERY few adults at all who could shoot a child, and if for some reason they had to (to quiet them, etc) they would do so quickly - one shot to the head. But boys wouldn't see Taylor and Skyla as "children", because they are children too. To them, the girls were just their peers, not "children". The tall Native American with the black ponytail looks onimous and scary at first glance - right out of a Coen brothers movie - the only problem is that I don't think he really exists. What is everyone else's opinion on him?

Ok, back to lurking on this one. But I am just so blown away from the variety of intelligent and analytical and truly caring minds working in harmony on this thread.

Hi Mia ~
You made some great points. The ones that I particularly agree w/ I highlighted and bolded.

As for the Native American w/ the black ponytail, I personally believe he does exist. However, that is jmo. Frequently, I travel to Oklahoma. The last time I was there, I stopped to get gasoline. In the space of 10 minutes, I saw 3 different individuals that all fit the description of the Native American, that was shown on the poster. My point is, the description of the Native American, would fit, a number of different individuals. I believe the Native American may have been wearing some sort of disguise etc....

Thanks for posting your thoughts.
Originally Posted by Mia [ame=""]
Hello everyone, hope you all don't mind if I peek my head around the door for a moment. I haven't read all 20 threads on this tragedy, but I've read enough to have gotten all of the important, confirmed details, and I am aghast that someone or somebodys are not yet in jail for this. I am not from the area, and have never been to Oklahoma, but what is wrong with OSBI and OK LE?

Welcome MIA ...heck don't just peek around the door ..come on in a stay awhile. You have made some great points and I agree with them like flossie..
I would just like to add......In this area of OK... to be at that spot where the girls were murdered HAVE to be a local. There is no oops off the road for a sight seeing tour. JMO

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