Identified! The Girls in the Club

if only i had found that picture a few days ago!Ive been google searching this place. doesnt seem like the type of club to have this sort of event. But this proves it was the place (even seeing the Five Spot didnt convince me I speculated that the sign may have been from when five spot remodeled and ditched old stuff)
This site appears to be owned by the child of one of the owners/operators of the club.

I wonder if LE has contacted this person about identifying the people in the photos or to confirm it is the location of the photos. Even if they have no direct knowledge of that time period, they might know someone who does.
three notes about this picture. 1- Im rather sure now that black box is a "security" camera of sorts, 2- whats on the left of the photo? long, straight? black hair?and thirdly as for the lingerie show seeing the girl on the right of this photo really made me think maybe... it looks like she might have something on (or is it a photo smudge?)However I find it odd that these girls dont even have and straps on if it were lingerie.

this "club" is so confusing! sounds absurd, and sorry for the brashness. but with how their all just standing there it makes me think of a "sex slave auction":blushing: but more realistically - maybe its a kinky sort of 'escort' club

Maybe I'm crazy, but that appears to be a long haired young man to me on the right in this picture. Note the adams apple.

if only i had found that picture a few days ago!Ive been google searching this place. doesnt seem like the type of club to have this sort of event. But this proves it was the place (even seeing the Five Spot didnt convince me I speculated that the sign may have been from when five spot remodeled and ditched old stuff)

Thought I'd post this with your old picture:
I've been wondering if it could be that this club went downhill in the late sixties and tried a little nudity to stay open. That's happened to clubs in North Beach, San Francisco.
What does the poster say? Reuben something. Kadeem? Kadesh?

snipped from the article: I thought this was interesting:

Setting himself up in a small carriage house on East 9th Street, walking distance from Cooper, the new empire included a nasty basement where his etching press was set up. So Kadish, after a ten-year exile, returned to the then booming New York School scene that still championed Abstract Expressionist painting and largely ignored sculpture, except for the legendary likes of David Smith.

Apart from his teaching and art-making in the late 50s and 60s, Kadish also moonlighted as part-owner of the White Horse Tavern, the legendary Greenwich Village bar where the British poet Dylan Thomas died from alcohol poisoning in 1953.

Wonder what the poster is all about and why it's in a jazz club?

This is a website for the history of the club. It says the brothers allowed artists to trade their drawings, paintings for their bar tabs. Some fairly famous artists, sort of historical in itself. So at least some of the posters in the background are originals.
do we thing that http://cnnnancygrace.files.wordpress...0/03/01661.jpg is the same girl as the blonde with the choker? if so theres someone (seemingly) claiming to be her. She always interested me since she seemed to be focused on alot.
(this is just some recap from general discussion pgs 7&8)

and i do agree! i think the one with a shirt on is male!
I agree. That's quite the adam's apple she has! :angel:

ETA - I mean the one with the shirt on...
thinking more about this club, I really think this was some sort of a private party. Perhaps it was a bachelor party for someone, and I believe the girls are "working" for a living. I also do not think that the girl on the carpet with her hair fanned out is any of these girls. JMO, but the girl on the carpet looks waaaaay younger to me.
Thought I'd post this with your old picture:

This pic gave me nightmares. So creepy and telling IMO. I believe she is also the person that is labeled "The Blond girl laying on the brown carpet":(
This pic gave me nightmares. So creepy and telling IMO. I believe she is also the person that is labeled "The Blond girl laying on the brown carpet":(

You and someone else think she looks like the blond on the carpet.
There are only two problems with this however. Ms Cole that says she is alive most folks have narrowed down to being the blond on the carpet, the other problem is that the blond in the club and the blond on the carpet, have only blond hair in common imho.
You and someone else think she looks like the blond on the carpet.
There are only two problems with this however. Ms Cole that says she is alive most folks have narrowed down to being the blond on the carpet, the other problem is that the blond in the club and the blond on the carpet, have only blond hair in common imho.

I just don't believe Ms. Cole is the photo they linked to her! The pic she supplied the media with from back in that time period looks nothing like the blond on the carpet. Cole has very distinctive eyelids and eyes. She does look like a woman that's in one photo with the green background, it's a side view of her face kind of. It's one photo that isn't the other woman that came forward that was in yellow and the green background. I think the media that linked that pic to Cole messed up. JMHO.

It may not even be the girl from the club in the pic. I can say, regardless, I don't have a good feeling about the girl in the clubs fate. :(

The way these photos were released and all that surrounds them is a big mess! It makes me so angry for anyone who is looking for answers.
This pic gave me nightmares. So creepy and telling IMO. I believe she is also the person that is labeled "The Blond girl laying on the brown carpet":(


What, what, what, what is up with that photograph?

Aside from the poor chick having to stand up there naked like that weather she needed the money or whatever (I'm broke but I would have given her money not to step foot in there). Aside from it now THAT guy something is terribly wrong.

Please don't anyone laugh at me, but I've noticed in some of these photographs some evil prescence. Hey, it may be shadows, BUT in alot of them the shadows fall in ways like somebody is covering someone's mouth. Thisone I mean come on. Does he have lipstick on? Licking his chops? And since I'm on an eye kick don't it look as if his eye socket is a black hole?

LE best find out who these missing persons are. That or give up more information and more photographs.
I don't believe Alcala had anything to do with the girls in the club except to take pictures of them. They must have been some kind of topless dancers (topless folk dancers, is there such a thing?). I doubt that they would have been naive enough to become his victim. To a lot of people he was and is really creepy looking.

What, what, what, what is up with that photograph?

Aside from the poor chick having to stand up there naked like that weather she needed the money or whatever (I'm broke but I would have given her money not to step foot in there). Aside from it now THAT guy something is terribly wrong.

Please don't anyone laugh at me, but I've noticed in some of these photographs some evil prescence. Hey, it may be shadows, BUT in alot of them the shadows fall in ways like somebody is covering someone's mouth. Thisone I mean come on. Does he have lipstick on? Licking his chops? And since I'm on an eye kick don't it look as if his eye socket is a black hole?

LE best find out who these missing persons are. That or give up more information and more photographs.

I get the exact same feeling when I see pics with the &*&(*^& in them. Such evil. So many missed opportunities to put this psycho away:banghead:

He is a black hole IMHO! I feel just like you Filly! Give it up LE or get it done!:furious:
I get the exact same feeling when I see pics with the &*&(*^& in them. Such evil. So many missed opportunities to put this psycho away:banghead:

He is a black hole IMHO! I feel just like you Filly! Give it up LE or get it done!:furious:

Well, thanks socalgal. Now I don't feel so all alone.

Meantime what is up? Will they EVER inform the general public of whome they've asked to help out?

BTW, don't the guy in this picture look like Doctor Franfurter in "Rocky Horror Picture Show?" I am meaning no disrespect, but he does. Is that Alcala?
Well, thanks socalgal. Now I don't feel so all alone.

Meantime what is up? Will they EVER inform the general public of whome they've asked to help out?

BTW, don't the guy in this picture look like Doctor Franfurter in "Rocky Horror Picture Show?" I am meaning no disrespect, but he does. Is that Alcala?

Doctor Franfurter lol. It sure looks like Alcala and personally I always thought it was him ,in that photo and another one where he is creeping around in the background.:sick:

There are some other disturbing pics of the longer, dark wavy haired girl as well as one with the short haired curly hair girl. I'll link them tomorrow. Just like this creepy pic those other pics I'm refering to I think were posted on wpix. It's late and I have to get up and go to Mother's Day Brunch!
I found a picture of the club, The Five Spot and while looking at the posters on the wall of this picture

As you look at the posters on the wall it is much the same of the Alcala photo's of the girls. Pay close attention to the Monk poster and the picture next to it. It is the same in both pictures.
If that's Alcala in the Dr. Frankfurter shots...(and I'm inclined to think it's him, the rat ba**ard)

WHO TOOK THE PHOTOS? And has LE interviewed him/her/them?

And add my name to the ones who think this is the same lady who's on the brown carpet...and who is not Ms. Cole. Ms. Cole had incredible cheekbones, and this lady does not have the same facial structure whatsoever. They've linked her with the wrong photo, if she's in one at all...

Of course, just my 2 cents/moo

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