What the School Staff and students say about the morning Kyron went missing

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That's correct. That's from Finster, who was allegedly told by Terri. It's like the knee bone connected to the thigh bone etc etc etc keeping track of who said what! lol.

Terri herself has never said anything, nor has the teacher. The school staff has never commented about the appointment.

It gets worse. The Today Show just ran a segment on Kyron. They had a retired Sheriff's Officer who stated June 4 was the last day of school, so of course the teacher thought it was for that day.

June 4 was not the last day of school. Good grief!
If this is true, and she was this smart and this cunning about her plan, could she have not come up with a better alibi than driving around baby K to soothe her earache?

If I hypothesize that Terri is responsible in full for Kyron's abduction, then it becomes clear to me that she went to the school to establish an alibi. Otherwise, she would've said he was playing in the yard, she went inside to tend to baby K, and when she came back, he was gone. That would've been easier and in a way less risky to carry out than snatching him from a school full of people. There is plenty of precedent for children being taken from their yards and even their homes, but much less precedent for a child being abducted from a school. So, in my mind, if she did this, she chose the school because she wanted an alibi, she wanted to put the attention somewhere else. The plan is risky. It's a busy day and so there will be a lot of people, that's true, but it's a busy day and there will be more people in more areas of the school, more cars in the parking lot, more chances to be seen. It's risky as hell, but if you hypothesize that she's guilty, she decides this is the only way she can pull it off and not look guilty. Why, then, would she draw attention to herself by creating confusion about the doctor's appointment? So the school wouldn't call? They didn't normally call if a child was absent. She could have just as easily banked on the no-call policy. Or she could have given LE the story about the earache or said she was running errands, and could've conveniently "missed" a call from the school about Kyron missing. As it stands, there's not that much time unaccounted for. If she's guilty, she did whatever she did rather quickly. Her intentionally creating confusion about the doctor's appointment puts attention directly on her, something I believe she was avoiding, if she's guilty, and she used taking him to school as her alibi.

It just doesn't make sense to me that she'd put an already risky plan into effect, a plan that hinges on no one seeing her leave with Kyron, and then directly implicate herself by being sloppy about the doctor's appointment.

In all honesty, it behooves the school, the administration, and the teachers to say Terri misled them. They certainly don't want to bear any responsibility for this mess.

If Terri gave the teacher paperwork related to the doctor's appointment, why didn't she pick it up? How can she be both so solid and sloppy in her planning? The two extremes are nearly unfathomable in this case. And what of Kyron's friend "T" who witnessed the exchange between the teacher and helper. If everyone knew Kyron was at his doctor's appointment, why wasn't that the teacher's initial response when asked where Kyron was that morning?

Honestly, it sounds to me like she overdid her planning. Sometimes people who are trying to get away with a crime do that. For instance, there was a man whose wife died in a hotel bathtub, and it was ruled that she drowned in the tub. He initially got away with it, but then because he kept pursuing a lawsuit against the hotel, it was found out that there was no way she fell and drowned, and that, in fact, he had held her under the water until she was dead. Had he not kept pursuing the lawsuit, he probably would have totally gotten away with it, scarily enough. His greed to make a profit and get away with a crime led him to make the mistake of suing the hotel, who then seriously investigated the situation and found out it was a crime and not an accident. Had he not focused so much on himself and what he thought he needed, he would have gotten away with this crime.

What I am saying is, I think she wanted to blame the school AND make sure Kyron wouldn't be found out to be missing that day. I think had she just concentrated on getting him out of school, then she might have gotten away with this. But no, she worried too much about the school finding out too fast that he was missing, and so she spread the confusion about the doctor's appointment to too many people (she seemingly didn't tell Kyron not to tell his classmates about it, and seemingly talked to one too many people about it). All she had to do was tell the teacher about that appointment, or not even bring up an appointment if she truly wanted people to believe he was abducted or wandered off. The doctor's appointment was an unnecessary piece of her plan that she carried out way too far.

Sometimes to try and get away with something, criminals overthink their plan and then overdo their plan, and that is what lands them in trouble. I think that is what happened here. She spent too much time thinking about what SHE needed, which was time to do what she did Kyron, and didn't think about the fact that the appointment would ultimately be part of her downfall. I bet she's wishing right now she had never ever brought up that appointment at all.
It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

I agree gliving...I find myself having to twist, turn, and stretch, the comments from the media in order to consider Terri as the perp. Whenever I have to work that hard, something is amiss. We need a couple facts from someone other than 'verified sources' and/or we need some theories involving sexual predators. moo

So far, the one piece of information (don't know if it's true) that makes me wonder about the perp beingTerri is the ear ache/rural road story. moo

Those who count on Terri to care for the little ones either completely ignore her and/or lack insight into behavior. I've yet to hear of any psychopathic character traits - except maybe Desiree saying she is a serial liar and we don't know if that's even true. moo

I find myself staying away from Kyron's thread because I'm either stretching information from un-named sources or wondering why a child predator isn't being considered. It's frustrating. moo
Aedrys, IMHO, you are right on track. If the child disappears from school she is the victim, her family is the victim, she receives sympathy and the pursuit of one heck of a lawsuit. Motive. Two birds with one stone. To write that made me choke up. My heart continues to ache. I'm a step mom, no easy task, but one heck of a reward to the heart.

Where are you precious Kyron...
Just wondering why, if the teacher thought he was leaving for an appointment, why did she tell the aide that he was probably getting a drink or in the bathroom? Why didn't she tell her Kyron left for an appointment?
Assuming that what TH did was planned and pre-meditated very carefully, there seems to be 2 main parts to the plan. 1, get rid of Kyron, 2 get rid of Kaine. The why we are not sure of yet, and the how we only have bits and pieces to figure out. Regarding Kyron, if you try to look at this from her perspective, she was quite familiar with the routines of the school, and how chaotic the science fair would be. She also knew they had a very lax/ nonexistent security policy in place with students. On this day, there was pretty much no accountability of the staff/teachers for individual students, until 10AM because of the Science Fair open house. She knew there would be a lot of people milling around, and the staff would not possibly be tracking anyone closely until it was time for class. She also knew they did not have a good absentee procedure in place (i.e. having a note or actual call from the parent for that day, nor did the school call the home if someone was not there) Many schools have these safeguards in place, where student safety is concerned. No video or security cameras in place either. She was home free. After looking at various angles of the school, the windows and the parking areas, one would actually have to be looking out a certain window to see activity of the cars. She probably already knew where to park without being seen, and she did get there early.

If she had gone so far as to plan all this out, then the other parts to her plan had to be how she was going to actually end Kyron’s life and then also what to do with the body. She had lots of time to plan this. She could load the baby into the car and drive around and look for spots, time herself and figure out which lies she would need to tell to which people.

What she did with the baby during all of this is not information we really know yet. What she said she did to her parents, friends, husband and teachers, and what she really did were pretty much all lies. When you can be so diabolic as to plan the murder of 2 family members, lies are just insignificant in the grand scheme of things. MOO
Okay, I have to say that I may have gotten this wrong because we can't go back and read the comment anymore. I can't guarantee my memory is serving me right. A comment was made, that much I remember. I'm not being a very good example to y'all tonight.

the comment was almost immediately removed, and a part of that comment has been talked about in MSM,; the part that Terri emailed the teacher about picking the project up around 1:00 PM.

Perhaps the source for that by media was that comment maker as media could research that person out.

But the rest of that comment has not been talked about by MSM.

We can assume that there was a gym part to this exhibit, however, as the one boy said that he saw Kyron in the gym .

I think that portion has been kept out of the media as it is critical to the investigation.
Just wondering why, if the teacher thought he was leaving for an appointment, why did she tell the aide that he was probably getting a drink or in the bathroom? Why didn't she tell her Kyron left for an appointment?

I think that part is further confused by TP because he stated that he went downstairs and never saw Kyron again.

I have put the reference in the time line thread and don't have time right now to reference it here.

Why would he go downstairs when his classroom is upstairs?
So when did this comment by the teacher actually occur?

Seriously, the child is 7 years old and had no idea that his recollection of Kyron would be critical.
I would grant a certain amount of credibility to K's story. And I would temper that amount of credibility with the fact that it was third degree hearsay.

I would also grant a certain amount of credibility to T's statement of seeing TH leave, and seeing Kyron without TH.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the unidentified witness ( be it child or adult ), who saw Kyron by his classroom door around 9 :00 a.m.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to Kyron's friend,who saw him in the gym without TH.

And lastly, I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the group of kids from Skyline who posted amongst themselves on FB, talking about a "creepy guy " who several of them saw around the school that a.m. Also, they discussed how "open " the school was that morning,how anyone could just walk in....

I'm wondering if the questionnaire LE had people fill out might have corroborated TH's story about the school that morning ? Because,IMO,that would explain why it has been quietly set aside, and why LE never refers to it anymore....

From the article:

“And the teacher said, ‘I thought he left with his mom,’ because they thought they had a doctor appointment,” Holm said."


It would be foolish of Ms. Holm to repeat what the teacher said if it were not true. It could so easily be debunked by the teacher. These new stories paint the picture, with direct words and also common sense, that the school has defended itself.

Yes, let's just put it that way - the teacher has never come forward and debunked this. While it's true that the school officials probably told her not to talk anymore, unnamed sources have also never debunked this - the police have never officially debunked it or said it wasn't true.

Therefore, I think we can believe that there was possibly a deliberate lie from Terri about the doctor's appointment.

This keeps coming back up and has always seemed so hinky to me. There's no explanation for the confusion. All roads seem to lead back to TH.

seeking truth said:
This article, along with the abc show interview on this subject with former Officer McCain, paints the picture of a woman who went to great lengths to create the illusion with Skyline school personnel and students that Kyron would not be there on June 4, due to a doctor's appointment. After, of course, she and Kyron made an appearance at the school for the fair.

It is all just so evil, in my OPINION.

I totally agree!
I would grant a certain amount of credibility to K's story. And I would temper that amount of credibility with the fact that it was third degree hearsay.

I would also grant a certain amount of credibility to T's statement of seeing TH leave, and seeing Kyron without TH.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the unidentified witness ( be it child or adult ), who saw Kyron by his classroom door around 9 :00 a.m.

I would grant a certain amount of credibility to Kyron's friend,who saw him in the gym without TH.

And lastly, I would grant a certain amount of credibility to the group of kids from Skyline who posted amongst themselves on FB, talking about a "creepy guy " who several of them saw around the school that a.m. Also, they discussed how "open " the school was that morning,how anyone could just walk in....

I'm wondering if the questionnaire LE had people fill out might have corroborated TH's story about the school that morning ? Because,IMO,that would explain why it has been quietly set aside, and why LE never refers to it anymore....


How do you explain TP's comment that he went DOWNSTAIRS after the comment about Kyron getting a drink of water?

The classroom is upstairs and the groups were over.

Why would he go DOWNSTAIRS to an UPSTAIRS classroom?
I agree gliving...I find myself having to twist, turn, and stretch, the comments from the media in order to consider Terri as the perp. Whenever I have to work that hard, something is amiss. We need a couple facts from someone other than 'verified sources' and/or we need some theories involving sexual predators. moo

So far, the one piece of information (don't know if it's true) that makes me wonder about the perp beingTerri is the ear ache/rural road story. moo

Those who count on Terri to care for the little ones either completely ignore her and/or lack insight into behavior. I've yet to hear of any psychopathic character traits - except maybe Desiree saying she is a serial liar and we don't know if that's even true. moo

I find myself staying away from Kyron's thread because I'm either stretching information from un-named sources or wondering why a child predator isn't being considered. It's frustrating. moo

Don't we just need the TRUTH?

I don't mean to sound disrespectful, and I may just not understand what you are saying, but when you state above:

"We need a couple facts from someone other than 'verified sources' and/or we need some theories involving sexual predators. moo" (eyes4crime)

I ask myself, why do we need theories involving sexual predators?

I also wonder what is so confusing about the fact that media is using "unnamed" sources. This is common practice. As time is moving forward, we are hearing from the actual people involved in Kyron's life, in Terri's life. The main witnesses (for example, Kyron's teacher) are still being asked to remain silent, I am guessing. I picture that this woman is going to be a very important witness.

As for us, the public, being told now about any "psychopathic character traits" in Terri I'd say we have been told plenty. Not that a psychiatrist has come forward; there is so much we have heard about Terri that a picture is being painted of a woman without remorse or empathy.

These are all my OPINIONS.

How do you explain TP's comment that he went DOWNSTAIRS after the comment about Kyron getting a drink of water?

The classroom is upstairs and the groups were over.

Why would he go DOWNSTAIRS to an UPSTAIRS classroom?

I think he transposed "upstairs" and "downstairs' in his seven year old mind .

Which is why I wrote that I would give his statement a certain amount of credibility.

I think with regard to the statements made about that morning, one has to look at the flow of statements. Where does it go ? As an example, no one has IIRC, ever come out and simply said : Yes, I saw TH leave that morning with Kyron.They got into the truck.She drove off. Or : Yes, I saw TH drag Kyron into a closet near the basement.

And,of course, no one has said : Yes, I saw this guy approach Kyron. They left together. But, IMO, the flow of statements does not go in the direction of TH leaving with Kyron that morning. Hence,IMO, the need for the questionnaire.

I think he transposed "upstairs" and "downstairs' in his seven year old mind .

Which is why I wrote that I would give his statement a certain amount of credibility.

I think with regard to the statements made about that morning, one has to look at the flow of statements. Where does it go ? As an example, no one has IIRC, ever come out and simply said : Yes, I saw TH leave that morning with Kyron.They got into the truck.She drove off. Or : Yes, I saw TH drag Kyron into a closet near the basement.

And,of course, no one has said : Yes, I saw this guy approach Kyron. They left together. But, IMO, the flow of statements does not go in the direction of TH leaving with Kyron that morning. Hence,IMO, the need for the questionnaire.


therein lies the problem. If he can confuse a simple concept of upstairs and downstairs, what else has he confused?

We know nothing of what anyone has said that is critical to the investigation.

Who are we? NOBODY. Nobody who has any right to any info. None.

Kyron's parents are given info. And yes, LE does give info to the parents of missing children. They did for my friend's child.

Don't we just need the TRUTH?

I don't mean to sound disrespectful, and I may just not understand what you are saying, but when you state above:

"We need a couple facts from someone other than 'verified sources' and/or we need some theories involving sexual predators. moo" (eyes4crime)

I ask myself, why do we need theories involving sexual predators?

I also wonder what is so confusing about the fact that media is using "unnamed" sources. This is common practice. As time is moving forward, we are hearing from the actual people involved in Kyron's life, in Terri's life. The main witnesses (for example, Kyron's teacher) are still being asked to remain silent, I am guessing. I picture that this woman is going to be a very important witness.

As for us, the public, being told now about any "psychopathic character traits" in Terri I'd say we have been told plenty. Not that a psychiatrist has come forward; there is so much we have heard about Terri that a picture is being painted of a woman without remorse or empathy.

These are all my OPINIONS.

Kyron is gone. The focus in this case has been 'unidirectional' and that direction is on Terri. Weeks have gone by and all we have are interesting perceptions and conflicting data from people who claim to have insights into Terry's behavior, motive, and persona. Pretty sure this will be a murder one charge and must be proven in court beyond 'all' reasonable doubt. That means FACTS will have to be presented from people who are named - not guesses from former LE, armchair detectives, family member perceptions, remote friends, media, and un-named sources. moo

LE are not perfect and often have been wrong in determining who the perp is in cases such as this. Look at 3yo Riley Fox who was raped, murdered, and thrown in a creek. LE told the community that the crime was a 'one time' crime, directed at little Riley, and that the community was not in danger - not to worry. Turns out the dad wasn't the perp - but a RSO who roamed freely about the community until he raped a family member and was finally thrown behind bars.

If people think Terri hustled Kyron out of the school unnoticed, certainly a child predator could - so why not speculate in that regard? Sorry, but I'm sick of insinuations about Terri's character from those who trusted her with their babies and only now are able to say things like she is a serial liar. If she has lied for 8 years and is such a despicable person, why was she allowed to volunteer in Kyron's school and why was she allowed to continue mothering Kyron and baby K.? moo

Maybe Terri murdered Kyron and maybe not? I have to really stretch what little we know so that scenario could be considered. As for Terri being a psychopath - it's real scary she went unnoticed by so many for so long. Think I'll wait until more info comes out before coming to any conclusions. mho and all that stuff.
Don't we just need the TRUTH?

Yes. I need the truth. My highest priority is finding out exactly what really happened to Kyron. Period.

I don't care what that truth is, in terms of not caring who it makes look bad. I don't care who did it, I don't know any of the people in these cases, I have no ties to them, no allegiances.

I want to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Because then I can be a voice for this little victim, by telling his whole, real, true, complete story. Sometimes that's all we can do for these children. Justice doesn't always come in a courtroom. But we can find and tell their stories. That we can do. Right here. On Websleuths. Where it's registered in the search engines and spread through the internet across the entire world.

That's, in a nutshell, what I'm all about, why I'm here. And I can't do that if I don't keep an open mind, and look carefully at all the information, and explore all the logical, reasonable, fact based probabilities.

If I had tunnel vision, I couldn't do what's so important to me. If I don't demand real information, credible information, reliable information, I can't do what's so important to me.

I consider all the information, I consider all the sources, and I weight them. This one is highly reliable, and therefore more likely to be true. That one is not very reliable, and less likely to be true. And there's a whole range there in which the info falls.

I do the best I can. It may be inadequate. It may be just plain ridiculous. But it's the best I can do, with my intellect, background, and disabilities, and it is directly from my heart. I wish I could do more. I wish I could do better. I live with the constant nagging pain and guilt that I am failing our children with my inadequacies to do more, and that I didn't do more when I was younger and healthier.

/end rambling.

Yes, we need the truth.
How do you explain TP's comment that he went DOWNSTAIRS after the comment about Kyron getting a drink of water?

The classroom is upstairs and the groups were over.

Why would he go DOWNSTAIRS to an UPSTAIRS classroom?

I think he went downstairs before the groups. I think that's what TP was saying.
Kyron is gone. The focus in this case has been 'unidirectional' and that direction is on Terri. Weeks have gone by and all we have are interesting perceptions and conflicting data from people who claim to have insights into Terry's behavior, motive, and persona. Pretty sure this will be a murder one charge and must be proven in court beyond 'all' reasonable doubt. That means FACTS will have to be presented from people who are named - not guesses from former LE, armchair detectives, family member perceptions, remote friends, media, and un-named sources. moo

LE are not perfect and often have been wrong in determining who the perp is in cases such as this. Look at 3yo Riley Fox who was raped, murdered, and thrown in a creek. LE told the community that the crime was a 'one time' crime, directed at little Riley, and that the community was not in danger - not to worry. Turns out the dad wasn't the perp - but a RSO who roamed freely about the community until he raped a family member and was finally thrown behind bars.

If people think Terri hustled Kyron out of the school unnoticed, certainly a child predator could - so why not speculate in that regard? Sorry, but I'm sick of insinuations about Terri's character from those who trusted her with their babies and only now are able to say things like she is a serial liar. If she has lied for 8 years and is such a despicable person, why was she allowed to volunteer in Kyron's school and why was she allowed to continue mothering Kyron and baby K.? moo

Maybe Terri murdered Kyron and maybe not? I have to really stretch what little we know so that scenario could be considered. As for Terri being a psychopath - it's real scary she went unnoticed by so many for so long. Think I'll wait until more info comes out before coming to any conclusions. mho and all that stuff.

Maybe she was noticed but nothing was ever done about it. Look at Casey Anthony. She was a problem for years, yet was never in trouble with the law and only dealt with by her own family who knew how bad she was. I think it's a case of people thinking she might be a liar, but wouldn't do anything worse than that. Or people not wanting to believe that this could have been prevented if she were called out on her lies and made to face repercussions for it. It sounds like for more than eight years she got away with being a liar, and that made her think she could get away with murder too.

I think most people we've heard from are just in shock that the person that they knew would go this far - it doesn't mean that the person they knew wasn't a liar or was as honest as Abe. It just means that all they thought is that she told harmless lies here and there, and that doesn't rise her to the level of a killer in their eyes. OR maybe she totally fooled them all of this time. Sociopaths do that kind of thing. They are able to fool a lot of people into thinking they are something they are not.

Unfortunately, I think she spent so much time fooling other people that she forgot to perfect that act for the people that really count in this situation - KH, DY, and TY. Would we, as a forum and as the public, even be where we are right now if they were protesting her innocence or saying that she couldn't have possibly done this? Think about that for a moment.

And that's different from where LE is. We are only public opinion. LE knows how to do an investigation. They're not perfect, but if this were really a child predator, they wouldn't be telling people to take regular precautions and that there's only low alarm for this. I highly doubt they just passed by alternative explanations just to focus on Terri. I'm sure they ruled everything out before concentrating solely on her.
eyes4crime said:
If people think Terri hustled Kyron out of the school unnoticed, certainly a child predator could - so why not speculate in that regard? Sorry, but I'm sick of insinuations about Terri's character from those who trusted her with their babies and only now are able to say things like she is a serial liar. If she has lied for 8 years and is such a despicable person, why was she allowed to volunteer in Kyron's school and why was she allowed to continue mothering Kyron and baby K.? moo
So where is this predator, and why should we believe in him? Who was acting suspiciously that day, and why didn't the teachers and parents all know that the alleged predator was an evil person lurking around? Why was he allowed on school grounds and where is he now?

If every criminal could be identified ahead of time there would be no crime. Hindsight is always 20-20.

People can learn to be deceitful, too, and put on a good front. Sociopaths can seem perfectly "normal" and even convince doctors, lawyers, and psychiatrists that they don't have problems. There are many well-documented cases of this right here on the forum, and throughout history. Otherwise evil dictators would never gain control because people would be aware of their tendencies, right?

No one is a criminal until they make a choice to do a crime. There's a first time for everything.

We would see every problem coming if we were psychic, too, and no child would ever disappear, be kidnapped, or die. But that's not realistic, in my opinion.

No parents are perfect, and everyone has bad days and makes mistakes in raising their children. I think TH had people around her willing to believe she was a good mother.

But it's her own actions and words that she has to be judged by. This came up in the Anthony case also - people wanted to blame Casey's parents for bad parenting or expecting her to grow up, blame her lack of education, blame the fact that she wasn't allowed an abortion, even blaming an people imaginary Nanny. But in the end, it's Casey who did the crime and Casey who was locked up because she did it.

Kyron's biological parents weren't perfect either, and maybe they expected too much out of TH. Maybe they expected her to love a child who was not her own, and they took her for granted up until the day of this Science Fair when she was the only parent who could take Kyron to school.

None of that is reason to blame them for Kyron's disappearance. They weren't there.
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