Zahra Baker's Biological Mother

As a mother, I do ache for her. I have doubts that she searched for her for a long time, but I don't have doubts that she loved her daughter. There were several MSM links with Zahra's name in them (over the past 2-3 years) as well as her immediate relatives names. This tells me that she was not being hidden from anyone.

However, I believe this mother had a change of heart recently and decided she wanted to be part of Zahra's life. It was just too little too late. I can only imagine the guilt she must have. We all make decisions we regret. She should be very proud though, that she gave Zahra life..and in doing so she has touched so many people.

I am not bashing biomom at all. I just think there is some sensationalism there. Depression is an evil monster that can eat you from the inside out.

I very much appreciate her sharing her story and pictures and I very much thank her for giving the world Zahra..even if for a short time.

I was tracking down biomoms foot prints on the net and found myspace/facebook ect that she has recently closed down ( cashe still works) and i would also think is she was searching she would have had no problem finding them on those sites

Im very sorry for her having to go through this, this would be anyones worse nightmare to loose a child you havent seen in years only to locate them and ask to see her to only find out she is missing then possibly murdered.
All the news articles I have read interviewing Emily simply say "three days before". Does anyone know if biomum's posts on HM gave more info about how and when she tracked Zahra down? Had she simply found their address and not yet attempted contact? Or had she sent a message of some sort? Would such a message have been received on Wednesday or Thursday (or some other time)?


IIRC She said she found an article about Zahra getting hearing aids, by the same searches she had been using all along. Then found KB (and other family) through a mutual friend's FB - asking if she could have contact, KB responded NO! I believe it is thought KB or fam notified A and/or E (if he was notified at all).

The first time he disappeared with Zahra, she had arranged transportation to visit (1 or 2 hours away by car) and once there found AB had up and left the area.

Emily said that AB moved 7 hours away from her, the last time she found Zahra and even though she had a custody order - at that time he was too far away for her to enforce it and due to privacy laws no one in LE/Govt would reveal where he and Zahra were living - dropping off the face of the earth was how she worded it.

She had found Zahra once before, because Zahra was so sick, they didn't think she would make it and even though KB refused to notify Emily, a mutual friend let her know what was happening.

Emily said she had neither transportation, nor the means to conduct physical searches on her own. I personally hope she is found to be 100% truthful, she didn't have to come out to the press - she is not on trial or accused of any crimes, doubting her is pointless, in the mean time. (not aimed at Etilema or anyone in particular) We don't know what if any lies AB told his family about her.
Fact is whatever the background story the absolute anguish and devastation in those eyes is real. I can't look at that kind of raw pain, the desperate grief of a mother for her child and find it in myself to pick at her for any choices she may have made when younger, I don't know how anyone can.
I agree totally! I haven't stopped crying since I saw that interview this morning. My hear aches so bad for her and Zahra. :(

EB and AB had NO regard for that dear child whatsoever! They just kept Zahra for spite & revenge and then 'disposed' of her when they couldn't be bothered to care for her anymore, rather than give that sweet child to someone who'd love her and cherish her.

I hope LE is ready for arrests soon.

I have been crying too When I got my own daughter up, I cried again. I was thinking how unfair it all is the DP is even too good for them I go from bawling to being furious. I Hate Evil especially this kind of evil.:furious::furious::furious: My husband cried when I showed it to him too. we are thinking about volunteering to help abused children. This year we are going to donate some money to the local Domestic Violence Shelter in honor of Zahra. We have 4 kids and are going to find a way they can help this Holiday Season. We do some type of Community Service several times a year with other Homeschoolers, but this year it will be something special in honor of Zahra
I was tracking down biomoms foot prints on the net and found myspace/facebook ect that she has recently closed down ( cashe still works) and i would also think is she was searching she would have had no problem finding them on those sites

Im very sorry for her having to go through this, this would be anyones worse nightmare to loose a child you havent seen in years only to locate them and ask to see her to only find out she is missing then possibly murdered.

myzzy - is it possible she shut those sites down before she was ready to see (or be found by) MSM?

She originally didn't sound like she was ready to go to the press.
The 6th of Oct. was actually a Wednesday. Remember AB saying in that one interview that Tuesday was the last time he saw Zahra and then the reporter asked him him are you sure you mean Tuesday?? Whatever happened to Zahra didn't happen suddenly IMO!!:furious:

Because of the obvious cover up in play here, I am way more inclined to take Tuesday as the last time AB - 100%, for certain, saw Zahra. That slip of the tongue surprised him way more than reporting Zahra missing did.
Could be that that Tuesday is when it all came to a head.

I'm wondering if Zahra being a growing 10 year old - probably very frustrated about her too small leg and dad not really interested or wanting to do anything about it - got on a computer (when EB got up to go potty or whatever). EB coming back and finding Zahra on the computer went absolutely ballistic.

Could Zahra have found out biomom was getting closer? Could Zahra have found her voice and told EB off about her leg, school, whatever?

Can't wait to see the computer forensics.
IIRC She said she found an article about Zahra getting hearing aids, by the same searches she had been using all along. Then found KB (and other family) through a mutual friend's FB - asking if she could have contact, KB responded NO! I believe it is thought KB or fam notified A and/or E (if he was notified at all).

The first time he disappeared with Zahra, she had arranged transportation to visit (1 or 2 hours away by car) and once there found AB had up and left the area.

Emily said that AB moved 7 hours away from her, the last time she found Zahra and even though she had a custody order - at that time he was too far away for her to enforce it and due to privacy laws no one in LE/Govt would reveal where he and Zahra were living - dropping off the face of the earth was how she worded it.

She had found Zahra once before, because Zahra was so sick, they didn't think she would make it and even though KB refused to notify Emily, a mutual friend let her know what was happening.

Emily said she had neither transportation, nor the means to conduct physical searches on her own. I personally hope she is found to be 100% truthful, she didn't have to come out to the press - she is not on trial or accused of any crimes, doubting her is pointless, in the mean time. (not aimed at Etilema or anyone in particular) We don't know what if any lies AB told his family about her.

to be completely fair ... we also do not what if any lies she is telling, no ?

Note ....about her finding zahra when she was so sick. she claims that they had a court order for join custody but the hospital would only release her records to her and not tell her where zahra was. i'm not sure how things work in Oz, but here if you had a court order with joint custody they would certainly release all records to you AND let you see her in the hospital.

I sincerely believe that ED had likely had other options (aside from spending money) to explore had she been searching very hard.
myzzy - is it possible she shut those sites down before she was ready to see (or be found by) MSM?

She originally didn't sound like she was ready to go to the press.

anything is possible, but the wonderful thing about the interent is most things dont just vanish. From what i saw there was nothing major on any of those sites, normal everyday chit chat that you would find on anyone elses sites, only thing that was missing from what i saw was anything pertaining to Zahra, there was not a single photo, post, status ect of Zahra on them from what i saw.

Biomom is in my heart regardless and i can feel her pain and i hope that she is able to come to some kind of peace over Zahra but it will be a uphill battle for her i am sure.
Fact is whatever the background story the absolute anguish and devastation in those eyes is real. I can't look at that kind of raw pain, the desperate grief of a mother for her child and find it in myself to pick at her for any choices she may have made when younger, I don't know how anyone can.

i guess when you've been through a custody battle where one claims that someone is "keeping" them from their child you learn to look at things in a different light. I am not questioning if she is sincerely heartbroken that her little girl was probably abused and likely killed. She is and I feel for her on that regard.

On the same account .... I DO have a problem with insisting that she was kept from her and have little respect for it. There are simply too many options and holes in her story for it to add up to a mother that was desperately searching for her baby girl IMO.

I think it's important to speak for Zahra. ALL of the events and actions of the adults involved play heavily into what happened to that poor sweet girl and to NOT look at that ... does Zahra an injustice IMO.
I think Emily was openly discussed by AB & his mother throughout Zahra's life. How could they have hid their dislike & contemp for Emily from Zahra? Ya think AB is a mama's boy? Is she his guiding light - would he do anything to please mama? Including keeping Zahra from her mother?

I watched the video of BB being interviewed last night - she said AB just sat there and allowed EB to do and say whatever she liked to Zahra. Now doesn't that just fly in the face of a loving father trying to keep his daughter safe from the Emily?

There's something wrong with this picture.
to be completely fair ... we also do not what if any lies she is telling, no ?

Note ....about her finding zahra when she was so sick. she claims that they had a court order for join custody but the hospital would only release her records to her and not tell her where zahra was. i'm not sure how things work in Oz, but here if you had a court order with joint custody they would certainly release all records to you AND let you see her in the hospital.

I sincerely believe that ED had likely had other options (aside from spending money) to explore had she been searching very hard.

Like you say we don't know how things work in Oz, but I suspect it's very like the UK where I come from. There a court order regarding joint custody means zip if one parent is determined to keep a child away from the other, unless you have a lot of money to keep going back again and again to court - which clearly this woman doesn't - I know parents who've given up all hope of seeing their kids until they turn 18. It would also mean zip to the hospital which would be subject to the terms of the Data Protection Act ie Zahra's mother would be legally entitled in their eyes to what she got - access to Zahra's medical records - NOT her address.
Well, I can't forget the letter from the little friend of Zahra's from Camp Quality. They tried to find Zahra and KB said she hadn't had contact with them either, iirc. Who is lying?
attention casey anthony, terri horman, adam & elisa baker et al:

this is what you really act like when you're not responsible for the loss of a child and you actually care

Amen!! I was thinking the same thing
to be completely fair ... we also do not what if any lies she is telling, no ?

Note ....about her finding zahra when she was so sick. she claims that they had a court order for join custody but the hospital would only release her records to her and not tell her where zahra was. i'm not sure how things work in Oz, but here if you had a court order with joint custody they would certainly release all records to you AND let you see her in the hospital.

I sincerely believe that ED had likely had other options (aside from spending money) to explore had she been searching very hard.


I posted links pre-forum. In Oz, with joint custody, ED would have been entitled to Zahra's medical records in regards to diagnosis, prognosis and courses of treatment. She would not have been made privy to physical location via those records (which I think is a good idea) due to privacy laws. Even that 'watered-down' version would only be available to her at a general practitioner's discretion. They do have the right to refuse those records if they deem it appropriate.

Also, just an fyi: AFP are powerless to enforce a family court order much unlike the workings of the States. Her only course would have been to seek modification of her current court order.

As a mother, I do ache for her. I have doubts that she searched for her for a long time, but I don't have doubts that she loved her daughter. There were several MSM links with Zahra's name in them (over the past 2-3 years) as well as her immediate relatives names. This tells me that she was not being hidden from anyone.

However, I believe this mother had a change of heart recently and decided she wanted to be part of Zahra's life. It was just too little too late. I can only imagine the guilt she must have. We all make decisions we regret. She should be very proud though, that she gave Zahra life..and in doing so she has touched so many people.

I am not bashing biomom at all. I just think there is some sensationalism there. Depression is an evil monster that can eat you from the inside out.

I very much appreciate her sharing her story and pictures and I very much thank her for giving the world Zahra..even if for a short time.
Thank you for saying what ( I ) and others are thinking. There is no way mum didn't know where daughter was all these years. I am SURE she loves her daughter and is heart broken and for that i send my prayers to her.
All the news articles I have read interviewing Emily simply say "three days before". Does anyone know if biomum's posts on HM gave more info about how and when she tracked Zahra down? Had she simply found their address and not yet attempted contact? Or had she sent a message of some sort? Would such a message have been received on Wednesday or Thursday (or some other time)?


If Bio-Mom did locate Zahra when she says she did and she sent a message via email or called Zahra's home...there will be a trail for sure.
Here's a good copy of the interview with Zahra's bio mom.

Can anyone make out the last words Emily says in regards to EB? She kind of grits her teeth and the newscaster was talking over it (oy, either that or I have just too much traffic outside my window). I thought I heard her say "evil" in there but couldn't make out the rest.

I'll bet she'd tear EB from limb to limb if she could get her hands on the one who tortured her baby. Most mothers would, I think.
Really? Emily and if she's truthful or REALLY searched hard enough for Zahra and what if and why not....REALLY? I KNEW she should have stayed silent. Her grief is questioned....her motives questioned....her honesty questioned....her love of Zahra questioned....God Bless her.
Firstly, I am so sorry for this bio mom.
I work with many 'birth parents' who may not be able to raise a child for many reasons-or at least at the time their children wind up 'in care' (foster). This doesn't mean the mom doesn't love the child. Very often it takes a great deal of courage and personal sacrifice to admit you aren't in a position to be a full time parent to a child. Those that do their best to make sure their child is with a responsible party-my hat is off to them.

I beleive that Zahra's mom did her best. PPD is overwhelming, and painful. I'm sure she felt that Zahra was in responsible good hands with family. AB's mom and AB...they were Family.
That AB summarily discounted this woman is so painful, but not unexpected. Very often when relationships end badly, the with-holding of children is a part of the war game they play. It's not fair, and in this case, is cruel and tragic.

I want Emily to know that I, for one, believe she did her very best, and think she's a good person. May the Powers that be comfort and protect you, Emily. You didn't deserve this, and neither did your daughter. And she was your daughter.


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