Do you have a stun gun in your home as the Bakers did

Do you have a stun gun

  • I have a stun gun in my home

    Votes: 24 9.5%
  • I do not have a stun gun in my home

    Votes: 46 18.2%
  • I know someone personally who has a stun gun in their home

    Votes: 16 6.3%
  • I do not have one or know anyone who has one but im going to get one

    Votes: 8 3.2%
  • I do not have one and I do not know anyone who does

    Votes: 100 39.5%
  • I do not have one nor do I believe I know anyone who does.

    Votes: 59 23.3%

  • Total voters
I'm in Texas - Look up "Castle law"
I've got a hickory cane,a small baseball bat and a hatchet my son gave me for protection.
Oh,and the powerchair.. If I put it in "spin mode" I can break legs and smash feet..
seems pretty clear that its not the norm to have a stun gun in the home. I would also assume they arent cheap and from everything we have heard and seen money was always a struggle to keep. Stun gun would not be on the top og my list to purchase when struggling
seems pretty clear that its not the norm to have a stun gun in the home. I would also assume they arent cheap and from everything we have heard and seen money was always a struggle to keep. Stun gun would not be on the top og my list to purchase when struggling



Seems like the only one struggling in that "house of horrors" was Zahra :(

Everyone else there lied, cheated, stole, and sold drugs, to get what they wanted ... AB and EB sure looked well fed. Even doctor visits and medication for themselves! But not for Zahra :banghead:

I think it is a logical weapon for a household which would have had to do some kind of license check in order to legally own a gun. JMO.
I just checked Amazon -- Stun guns run from 20 to 60 $$.. Not near as expensive as I thought!
I wonder why they had it with them when they were running BB and her family off the road? Was this something that she carried around with her in her purse all the time or did she just take it out on special occasions like collecting on a drug debt? I also wonder if EB owned it prior to going to Australia or if it was something she got after her return and why? They are a prohibited weapon in Australia so I wonder if AB even knew she had it prior to the run in with BB back in May and how he felt about it.

It's one thing to have one in your home for protection but to carry it around with you, in the middle of the day, in the company of your rather burly husband? Wouldn't that be considered concealing it and would be illegal?
I'm in Texas - Look up "Castle law"
I've got a hickory cane,a small baseball bat and a hatchet my son gave me for protection.
Oh,and the powerchair.. If I put it in "spin mode" I can break legs and smash feet..

Gotta love the Castle Law.

I love your post, I laughed envisioning you spinning in your 'ride'.
I have pepper spray but no stun gun. I've heard they can be wrenched from your hand by an attacker and used against you. For AB and EB to have a stun gun makes my hair stand on end because (1) AB is a big guy -- so is EB ;); and (2) They had a dog. I fear the stun gun may have been used for 'weird' stuff and maybe on poor little Zahra. Curious -- when someone gets hit by a stun gun, is there some kind of bruising that takes place?

Depending on the individual's skin, a stun gun or taser may cause small marks that look something like cigarette burns. In some people, these marks fade within a couple weeks, in others they cause permanent scarring.
To give a bit of info on the taser and stun guns. I know some have answered this a little bit. Stun guns are only effective in hand to hand range. There used to be a variety of different "stun" products on the market. I remember seeing a baton like device that had something upwards of close to a million volts. The reason it doesn't kill is because it is putting out very little amperage. It's amps that kill not volts. To be effective the electrodes really need to make contact with the skin as heavy clothing can defeat the device. There is burning which as can be permanent. I have had one used on me (as a joke which wasn't funny) and it took over 6 months for the marks to leave my neck.

The taser is a device that shoots barbed probes from the device into an attacker. Once the probes are in the attacker the device works similar to a stun gun. The electricity will flow from one lead to the other using your body as a conductor. The pain is caused by the rapid contraction of your muscles. Picture the most intense muscle cramp of your life and times it by a million and your getting close to the pain. Also with the taser once the probes are in the attacker you pretty much own them as you can continue to "light them up" as needed.

The taser like the stun gun can be defeated by heavy clothing. That is why law enforcement has what they call "winter" cartridges. Basically the barbs are longer in order to penetrate deeper through the clothing. LE in order to be certified to use a taser must have one used on them. Normally they are not "shot" with the taser the leads are simply connected to them. Now I have heard some can opt for the full experience but I personally don't know anyone that has.

Also many tasers have a back up hand to hand feature that is just like a stun gun.

The taser is very effective but it's not 100% effective in bringing down an assailant. It's as close as your currently going to get though.
The Ramseys were found to have a stun gun in their home, with instructions (back in 1996), and guess what? Their six year old daughter JonBenet was found dead in their basement - and just like in Zahra's case, there was a ransom note 'so ridiculous it had to be phony' - 3 pages long, written on a Ramsey-owned notebook by a Ramsey-owned pen - left on the staircase to possibly try to explain why she was dead....and JonBenet's mother, Patsy Ramsey, was never ruled out as the author of that note, IIRC, not even by the experts the Ramseys themselves hired in attempt to clear her of suspicion. IMO. What a coincidence.
To give a bit of info on the taser and stun guns. I know some have answered this a little bit. Stun guns are only effective in hand to hand range. There used to be a variety of different "stun" products on the market. I remember seeing a baton like device that had something upwards of close to a million volts. The reason it doesn't kill is because it is putting out very little amperage. It's amps that kill not volts. To be effective the electrodes really need to make contact with the skin as heavy clothing can defeat the device. There is burning which as can be permanent. I have had one used on me (as a joke which wasn't funny) and it took over 6 months for the marks to leave my neck.

The taser is a device that shoots barbed probes from the device into an attacker. Once the probes are in the attacker the device works similar to a stun gun. The electricity will flow from one lead to the other using your body as a conductor. The pain is caused by the rapid contraction of your muscles. Picture the most intense muscle cramp of your life and times it by a million and your getting close to the pain. Also with the taser once the probes are in the attacker you pretty much own them as you can continue to "light them up" as needed.

The taser like the stun gun can be defeated by heavy clothing. That is why law enforcement has what they call "winter" cartridges. Basically the barbs are longer in order to penetrate deeper through the clothing. LE in order to be certified to use a taser must have one used on them. Normally they are not "shot" with the taser the leads are simply connected to them. Now I have heard some can opt for the full experience but I personally don't know anyone that has.

Also many tasers have a back up hand to hand feature that is just like a stun gun.

The taser is very effective but it's not 100% effective in bringing down an assailant. It's as close as your currently going to get though.

Okay then I have to change my post from a couple days ago. What we had was the type of thing you had to actually put against someone (close range, hand to hand). I though that was what a "taser" was. We have never owned the type of deally that shoots out prongs or barbs that are connnect by wires to the device.
The Ramseys were found to have a stun gun in their home, with instructions (back in 1996), and guess what? Their six year old daughter JonBenet was found dead in their basement - and just like in Zahra's case, there was a ransom note 'so ridiculous it had to be phony' - 3 pages long, written on a Ramsey-owned notebook by a Ramsey-owned pen - left on the staircase to possibly try to explain why she was dead....and JonBenet's mother, Patsy Ramsey, was never ruled out as the author of that note, IIRC, not even by the experts the Ramseys themselves hired in attempt to clear her of suspicion. IMO. What a coincidence.

You're absolutely correct and I constantly think of JonBenet when reading about this case.
I don't own one, but I know of at least two female acquaintances who carry them in the side pocket of their car. I don't know whether they're legal in the states they live in or not.
Okay then I have to change my post from a couple days ago. What we had was the type of thing you had to actually put against someone (close range, hand to hand). I though that was what a "taser" was. We have never owned the type of deally that shoots out prongs or barbs that are connnect by wires to the device.

I also believe that the word "taser" is trade marked. I could be wrong on that. The only devices that can be called a "taser" are the ones made by Taser International. I know all of our LE ones are made by them.
screwdrivers are legal everywhere and my 77 yr old neighbour has one in her car at all times
I don't have one. I figure if someone gets that close I'm a gonner anyhow. I have pepper spray and wasp spray. Anything in the house can be a weapon, so that close whatever is handy will do.

Newone, there are several really gory murders where a screwdriver was the only weapon. Brutal, but will work if wielded with enough force.
Every/anything can be a weapon,if you know how to use it- That #2 pencil by the phone.
What is that but a very short spear or an arrow without feathers? Your hand - aimed right,the human hand is deadly..
...i've taught my daughters that where to aim is important too, "right between the legs & as hard as you can" should buy you a few minutes.
I asked this question on another forum (horse and country people)
Big dogs,shotguns,pistols,rifles,attack horse/geese/guine hens,baseball bats,wildlife cameras..... No stunguns -- Oh,one cattle prod,sorta the same thing,in a way..

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