TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #25

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Well, I was over there this afternoon, it wasn't in the living room, so I assumed (yes, I know) that it was in his room. He has been at his uncle's house since yesterday, so I suppose it is possible that he took it with him. And it is also possible that since media has been there so much, in the living room, that he has it in his room just for now.

I don't know the games, or if SA played with him, or how long they played.

Sorry I put the info you asked the link for on the wrong quote,so here you go.It's at the very beginning saying yesterday that she's not staying at her house.That's why I asked if she went back to it.

Here's one of the many different pre paid cell phone's bullet points of whats available to pre paid cell phone holder:

  • Purchase airtime online, anytime.
  • Keep up to date with your available minutes, text messages, data, and access days.
  • Access call records for your account.
  • Add services such as 3G Web and Picture Messaging.
  • View history of your prepaid wireless account.
Call records/history as well as wireless history are available with a quick and free online registration with the pre paid service provider...
The Feb 2010 incident - geeze you people have such imaginations (no offense, promise)

SA took Billies debit card, and I guess made a withdrawal. She called LE, he gave her the money back. Now, this is what she told me, and I didn't press for any other details besides asking if she was sure he hadn't threatened her or Hailey then.

Imaginations??? No really we didnt make this up...
I read somewhere in a police report.. OK I go find it.....

Ok here it is.... Page 13 second paragraph

The Colorada Police Department responded to *advertiser censored* Chestnut st in February 2010 for a domestic depute.

Adkins was alledged to have threatened to kill Billie Dunn and Hailey Dunn during the dispute

Adkins first informed investigators that he never threatened Hailey Dunn

But later confirmed to investigators he did in fact threaten the lives of both Billie Jean Dunn and Hailey Dunn during the dispute...
Can you help me out here?...all I've heard is that Hailey was playing a game on the Xbox - not that she was chatting or playing w/ others (which would require an internet connection).

Also, is it standard for LE to copy data while in a potential crime scene w/ potential evidence & not take the data source?

I have no idea what the LE protocol for copying data is, my question is, if the xbox has never been hooked up to the internet, as we have heard, why would LE take it into evidence? (Unless, their protocol is to take any data source into custody that might have potential evidence on it.)

Nowadays, it takes like seconds to get info from data sources. Maybe minutes in the case of a computer with a lot of storage. Why would they sweetly bring him a new one to play with unless they were keeping the xbox as evidence? Haven't they already returned some of the items seized? I could be wrong about the returns, it is really early here!


She said yesterday at the beginning of this tape she's not been staying at the house.

No..... she doesn't say that.

They are talking about Shawn being named as a suspect.

She says "It's upsetting. I go back and forth on it. If investigators don't rule him out, I don't either...

That's why HE hasn't been staying here. It's a very bad thought."

If you listen to it, especially in the context of her statement I could easily hear it when I turned it up with my speakers.
I have no idea what the LE protocol for copying data is, my question is, if the xbox has never been hooked up to the internet, as we have heard, why would LE take it into evidence? (Unless, their protocol is to take any data source into custody that might have potential evidence on it.)

Nowadays, it takes like seconds to get info from data sources. Maybe minutes in the case of a computer with a lot of storage. Why would they sweetly bring him a new one to play with unless they were keeping the xbox as evidence? Haven't they already returned some of the items seized? I could be wrong about the returns, it is really early here!


I was referring to your question "So, what possible reason in the whole wide world would LE take a freaking XBox??????".

Correct me if I'm wrong, it depends on the model of the Xbox - games can be saved to the hard drive, so it wouldn't matter if it had been connected to the internet or not.

I didn't realize your point was "why are they keeping the xbox as evidence?" (instead of why did they take it)....it's the wee hours here for me, too. LOL
In front of her school, a sign reads "Have hope."


"Help me get my daughter back," he said. "It is all I worry about."

On Friday police offered to show Clint Dunn surveillance tapes taken around Western Suites near Interstate 20 in Colorado City. Bloodhounds reportedly hit on Hailey Dunn's scent early in the investigation near the lodging. He has asked for access to all information regarding his daughter but says he has not received much.

"It is hard being in the dark," Clint Dunn said.


Volunteers placed stuffed animals and signs on the bridge over Sulphur Creek on State Highway 208, just across the road in Dunn where Adkins is staying with his grandmother Renee Norwood.


Colorado City residents have volunteered to feed the 60 task force investigators lunch and dinner each day.

Hailey has a myspace and facebook.
DD has at least a myspace.
SA has multiple myspace profiles, several you tube channels, 700 posts on one forum, and who knows how many more.
BD has myspace and facebook.
Met SA on myspace.

That is the stuff we know about.

I find the idea that this family does not have internet in the house, and has never had it at this address to make no sense at all.
No..... she doesn't say that.

They are talking about Shawn being named as a suspect.

She says "It's upsetting. I go back and forth on it. If investigators don't rule him out, I don't either...

That's why HE hasn't been staying here. It's a very bad thought."

If you listen to it, especially in the context of her statement I could easily hear it when I turned it up with my speakers.

I just relistened to it,I misunderstood her and I have a southern accent also.LOL I thought when she said that,it was a good idea,because noone knows what happened,if it was in that neighborhood or in the house.For her and a child to be staying in the house,maybe wouldn't be safe.
The Feb 2010 incident - geeze you people have such imaginations (no offense, promise)

SA took Billies debit card, and I guess made a withdrawal. She called LE, he gave her the money back. Now, this is what she told me, and I didn't press for any other details besides asking if she was sure he hadn't threatened her or Hailey then.

Could the Debit card incident be another time and BD is confused about this one ....

The reports sounds like SA only remember saying he was going to kill BD and not HD... Like he is the one mad at Just Billie....

But during the investigation SA fesses up to saying he want to kill BOTH Billie and Hailey

The debit card sounds more like Billie should be mad at HIM and not him at her...

I bet Billie would remember this if she read it....cause it sounds more to it than him using her debit card and he paid her back...

I wouldn't push it but its important because its goes to SA state of mind at that time...

Anyone who has threatened to kill Hailey in the last year should be investigated with a miscroscope...

Im sure you agree...just strange Billie doesnt remember....:waitasec:
I guess after seeing those vids,I'd be freaked out that any of that bunch could get in the house.
Here's one of the many different pre paid cell phone's bullet points of whats available to pre paid cell phone holder:

  • Purchase airtime online, anytime.
  • Keep up to date with your available minutes, text messages, data, and access days.
  • Access call records for your account.
  • Add services such as 3G Web and Picture Messaging.
  • View history of your prepaid wireless account.
Call records/history as well as wireless history are available with a quick and free online registration with the pre paid service provider...

Maybe someone here could help billie get these records if she doesnt know how. I would be going crazy right now not knowing who my child had been talking to...

Billie might could see something that LE doesnt...
I was referring to your question "So, what possible reason in the whole wide world would LE take a freaking XBox??????".

Correct me if I'm wrong, it depends on the model of the Xbox - games can be saved to the hard drive, so it wouldn't matter if it had been connected to the internet or not.

I didn't realize your point was "why are they keeping the xbox as evidence?" (instead of why did they take it)....it's the wee hours here for me, too. LOL

My point is, what evidence could be obtained from an xbox that has never been hooked up to the internet. The only thing on it are profiles and saved games, which is obtainable via flash. So, unless that is the info they want (profiles and saved games, to back up DD's claim that Hailey was playing Sunday night), and it is standard procedure to enter all data sources as evidence (which I never thought of, but makes sense, no one can say LE hacked the info off the flash drive), I can't think of any reason other than physical evidence, and they have not declared that house a crime scene.

So all in all, I think I am more comfortable with the fact that they are keeping the xbox, thanks for hashing it out with me!
***red and snipped***

From someone who has taken many many many many polygraphs over the years. They DO NOY ask you what questions you're afraid of. They just don't That is the whole point of the polygraph - to watch your reactions to questions that are asked of you. If you're a perp I'm sure there are many questions that you be afraid of being asked while hooked up - but do you really think anyone is going to fess up to a polygrapher what they are? Why not just confess?

Respectfully, I've also taken a handful of polygraph's over the years (Illinois Dept. of Corrections required another one of me just last month for a change in my status, was so annoyed at first but hey, at least now I can throw in my two cents here):

I was asked something like 'Are there any questions right now you are afraid I'm going to ask you?' and 'Are you scared/afraid (can't remember what word he used) of any of the questions I"m about to ask?' - somethin along those lines. I do NOT recall that question the first time I took the test for the IDOC which was about ten years ago (hence my 'renewal and reclassification' test, luck me).

Not sure if the reason I was asked this question was because I had already had a poly on file, and they wanted to check my 'updates' or, conversely, if it's because I have been reclassified and my new position - although basically the same as prior - requires that question, whereas the first poly didn't? I don't think that this was because there was any deception indicated, because it was the second or third question I was asked after the base questions - also, two of my friend's have taken poly's there recently (one new hire and one transfer) and they both were asked this, or a variation thereof.

Maybe it's asked when you are looking hard at that person for deception, and want to see their reaction...I don't know. I do know that the questions immediately following the 'scared' question involved matters VERY serious and important (#1, I'd say) for someone in my place - whether I have/had any drug history, have brought in contraband, have seen someone bring it in, etc., et.al -- don't want to go into too much detail but basically the MOST important questions relative to me, were asked immediately following that question.

FWIW and all that.
Respectfully, I've also taken a handful of polygraph's over the years (Illinois Dept. of Corrections required another one of me just last month for a change in my status, was so annoyed at first but hey, at least now I can throw in my two cents here):

I was asked something like 'Are there any questions right now you are afraid I'm going to ask you?' and 'Are you scared/afraid (can't remember what word he used) of any of the questions I"m about to ask?' - somethin along those lines. I do NOT recall that question the first time I took the test for the IDOC which was about ten years ago (hence my 'renewal and reclassification' test, luck me).

Not sure if the reason I was asked this question was because I had already had a poly on file, and they wanted to check my 'updates' or, conversely, if it's because I have been reclassified and my new position - although basically the same as prior - requires that question, whereas the first poly didn't? I don't think that this was because there was any deception indicated, because it was the second or third question I was asked after the base questions - also, two of my friend's have taken poly's there recently (one new hire and one transfer) and they both were asked this, or a variation thereof.

Maybe it's asked when you are looking hard at that person for deception, and want to see their reaction...I don't know. I do know that the questions immediately following the 'scared' question involved matters VERY serious and important (#1, I'd say) for someone in my place - whether I have/had any drug history, have brought in contraband, have seen someone bring it in, etc., et.al -- don't want to go into too much detail but basically the MOST important questions relative to me, were asked immediately following that question.

FWIW and all that.

This is called a control question. Did it happen during the first part of the poly? They do this because they know most people will have a reaction, so they can get a baseline on you. It is not so much about your answers as it is your response to the questions they are asking.

Could the Debit card incident be another time and BD is confused about this one ....

The reports sounds like SA only remember saying he was going to kill BD and not HD... Like he is the one mad at Just Billie....

But during the investigation SA fesses up to saying he want to kill BOTH Billie and Hailey

The debit card sounds more like Billie should be mad at HIM and not him at her...

I bet Billie would remember this if she read it....cause it sounds more to it than him using her debit card and he paid her back...

I wouldn't push it but its important because its goes to SA state of mind at that time...

Anyone who has threatened to kill Hailey in the last year should be investigated with a miscroscope...

Im sure you agree...just strange Billie doesnt remember....:waitasec:

I'll bet that SA was really mad at Billie for calling LE about the debit card. Her calling the cops could easily make him threaten the lives of both her and her daughter.
Polygraphs are only as good as the professionals using them.
There are many examples of questions that are asked that probably shouldn't be if you really want to maximize the reliability of the exam.

Just like someone interviewing a child after a sexual assault, we all know leading questions should not be asked. Depending on the professional in question we all know they are asked. And even among highly qualified and proficient administrators it calls for interpretation on when something becomes leading.

There are good polygraph administrators.
There are really crappy ones.
And there are ones that are in the middle.
Sounds to me like Billie is just being very literal and downplaying the death threats. She says that the death threat is not even the reason that 911 was called. She probably is telling the truth, but other additional things may have been said to the officer who showed up. The whole incident shows a guy who thought he had control of it all, even the debit cards, and when caught started making wild threats. Adding the info about a stolen debit card makes it all sound even worse and dysfunctional.
I'll bet that SA was really mad at Billie for calling LE about the debit card. Her calling the cops could easily make him threaten the lives of both her and her daughter.

And as we can see he wasn't charged.
And she didn't dump him.
It was a pretty effective approach to handling the problem from his pov.
I was referring to your question "So, what possible reason in the whole wide world would LE take a freaking XBox??????".

Correct me if I'm wrong, it depends on the model of the Xbox - games can be saved to the hard drive, so it wouldn't matter if it had been connected to the internet or not.

I didn't realize your point was "why are they keeping the xbox as evidence?" (instead of why did they take it)....it's the wee hours here for me, too. LOL

Don't know if this has been answered already, BUT.....the XBox has the ability to go online. While I understand that it's been stated there's no internet connection in the home - my son's Wii (not precisely the same but FWIW) can pick up WiFi, so that they may have been able to use someone else's unsecured internet w/ it, and also, my son's unit saves his history/messages in there - such as, he could play Mario Kart against a 'friend' by going online w/ the Wii --or he could be on YouTube with the Wii. Both entirely possible and easy to find out w/ the unit.

So even though they don't have internet access, the past history could be important to review in case there was current/past internet interaction with someone germaine (sp?) to the case

(note: I am confident there's no random internet stalker perp in this case, and that the threat was much, much closer than that and more nefarious...SA...I also want to point out, what if Hailey had been messaging a friend of hers on the XBox, or what if SA had slipped up using the XBox himself and Googled something on it at a pivotal time....I think that the XBox could be very useful and I'd be livid had it NOT been taken by the police.)
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