TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #52

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You know what one of the beauties of life is?
That we all can see and hear the same things and come away from it with very different views of it…

So true, so true. It would be a boring life and dull conversation if we all thought the same way.:D
She has no direct knowledge of him calling her at work and being told she had left because Hailey was missing. But he could have done just that. His next call would probably be to her cell. Even if DD had been the one who answered it, SA could have gotten more information from him than the coworker who'd answered at the hospital.
while this is true it is still odd timing to just wanna chat with your girlfriend during both of your work hours.... not to mention if they just casually called work to chat with eachother why is SA not the FIRST nor EVER person that billie calls to verify Haileys and SAs exchange of where she was really going to have a sleepover if billie was in such a panic?
There are a few things that stood out to me from the BD timeline verson:

Stuff that is new to me that BD has never mentioned before:
--Today was the first mention of the TV being on at 6:20 a.m. (Did BD turn it off?)
--First time I have heard it mentioned that DD arrived home on the 27th with a friend.

Questions left unanswered just from today's statement:
Keep in mind these are just in response to BD's new statement. I am not saying what BD said is true, I am just responding to the ideas she put out there today.

--Since SA supposedly handed in his coveralls at work, where are they?
--How long of a drive is it from G-MAs house in Dunn to Ma Adkins house in Big Spring?
--SA went to G-Ma's house but she wasn't home. So where was she at that time of morning?
--BD says that her and SA had been talking about him quitting his job. Why? And why is this just mentioned now? Why would he quit his job when they were broke?
--On Monday the 27th SA leaves for work at 5:30 a.m. but on the Tuesday the 28th he leaves with Billie at 6:30 a.m. What is his normal start time? Why the hour difference? On Monday BD is still unaware that SA has quit his job so why is he leaving an hour later? Why is he driving her when she normally gets a ride with a coworker?
--On Tuesday the 28th where does SA go after dropping BD off at work since he doesn't have a job to go to?

My biggest question that I can't figure out:
WHY is BD providing an alibi for SA? Why? I can't wrap my head around why she would do this. When I think about it I don't like what I come up with.

She answered this during her statement. He normally took her to work and had to be at his job at 7, but was sometimes asked to come in early. He always knew the night before so she could arrange other transportation, which she had done for 12-27. At 6:20, when her ride had not showed up, she called to make sure they were on the way. The following day (IMO) she just thought he was back on his regular schedule.
Okay - now I get it. Thanks for explaining it and it does make sense. It was not up to Hailey to check on one adult giving another adult the message. I do think what she is saying is not so much that Hailey didn't check to see if Shawn passed the message along but that Hailey didn't communicate directly with her about it (almost like "I'm the mom - she should have told ME"). In that case, as a parent, it's the parent's responsibility then to make that known to the child that leaving messages with third parties is not acceptable - and also calling and checking on Hailey herself, especially if Hailey had never stayed at that home before and especially if the parents had never met. I think we've hashed that part to death in the past, though.

I do think it's very telling - that Hailey usually communicated directly with/to her mom when spending the night elsewhere (a note as Billie said Hailey often left for her, or maybe phone call) rather than passing a message through a third person (like SA).

That's another reason for the hinky meter to go up.

BBM- That is exactly what I gleaned from that.
My transcription (bbm):

Nicki's transcription (Nicki, it too me forever as well...:()(bbm):

I was wondering if the placement of the comma in the transcription had anything to do with interpreting what Billie was saying, so I listened again just now. There is no 'and'. It's like I transcribed it above:

I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend.

To me, I think it all means the same thing, with/without the comma, with/without the 'and'. Billie is saying she was upset that Hailey didn't call to confirm that Shawn had passed along the message.

So to those of you who are seeing something different in this statement, can you explain what it is? I'm confused by the implications of what else the statement could mean. Thanks.

I'm working on transcribing it myself. When I listen to the FB, and the two Youtube versions, I can pick up words that aren't clear - or even heard - usually on the Facebook version.

I have a long history here on WS of doing these.

I'm very careful - many say obsessive - with all my transcriptions.

I'm careful to type what I hear, and not lend interpretation. I *never* deliberately skew my transcriptions.

I am human, and certainly do make my share of mistakes.

Here is my transcription, not yet complete:

Here are the videos I am working from:

[ame="http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150154635091393&oid=141796342544494"]Incompatible Browser | Facebook[/ame]

I'm working on transcribing it myself. When I listen to the FB, and the two Youtube versions, I can pick up words that aren't clear - or even heard - usually on the Facebook version.

I have a long history here on WS of doing these.

I'm very careful - many say obsessive - with all my transcriptions.

I'm careful to type what I hear, and not lend interpretation. I *never* deliberately skew my transcriptions.

I am human, and certainly do make my share of mistakes.

Here is my transcription, not yet complete:

Here are the videos I am working from:

Incompatible Browser | Facebook



Um, wow. I don't know how to respond to that. I carefully transcribed what I heard. If you want to check, it's at 5:51 of the video posted here:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6082136&postcount=63"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #52[/ame]

ETA: BeanE, I agree -- You have done wonders with transcriptions and timelines. When I posted the clarification a few posts above, I did not mean a personal attack against you or Nicki077. I personally don't understand the importance of the 'and' myself but just wanted to check and see if I had gotten it correct since it seemed to be some conflicting opinion on that. If you thought it was a personal attack, I apologize. I know that it took me time and time again to get all the 'ands' and stuff like that correct - and I'm sure I still missed some of it. I respect you as a wonderful WSer and do not want to get into a battle here over these transcriptions. I'm backing out of this argument now... And apologize for offending you if I did so.

In this NG transcript BD says she left work and went to the CCPD to report HD missing. In her own timeline she states she went home first and then went to several of HD's friends homes to look for her. Why did she never mention this on NG, or did she and I missed that part? That is a huge inconsistency...I went straight to the PD then it changed to I went home then went looking for her then went to the PD. So I am assuming if she went looking for her she probably stopped at those homes and asked around therefore that can be verified..correct? Do I have this right? I'm not accusing her of anything but this is the reason a solid timeline cannot be given. This hurts HD's case so much IMO. That in my opinion is a big inconsistency. I realize it has been said she was under duress and maybe had things wrong but I would hope she would sit down and write down everything she can remember and add notes as things come to her so a solid timeline can be made. MOO

As a mom of 4....I find it very odd that her children tell her (in a round about way) what they are doing and who with....what happend to ASKING can they go spend the night with a friend???? This blows my mind....maybe it's just me...but my children would never tell me that they are doing this and that....they get permission first....
I keep going back to the begining.....
SA says HD left at 3:15 to her Dad's house and MB's to spend the night....
LE waffled back and forth between runaway.....
No evidence to suggest foul play.......
Here we are a month later and no closer IMO to the truth or closer to Hailey....
JMO but with LE making a statement until a body/person is found an arrest will not be made only tells me that LE doesn't really have any evidence right now to conclusivly say "who done it", which also leads me to believe we are going to have to go back to the begining and start over.......JMO
She answered this during her statement. He normally took her to work and had to be at his job at 7, but was sometimes asked to come in early. He always knew the night before so she could arrange other transportation, which she had done for 12-27. At 6:20, when her ride had not showed up, she called to make sure they were on the way. The following day (IMO) she just thought he was back on his regular schedule.

So why would he need to go in early that day, if all he planned to do was clean out his locker?
In this NG transcript BD says she left work and went to the CCPD to report HD missing. In her own timeline she states she went home first and then went to several of HD's friends homes to look for her. Why did she never mention this on NG, or did she and I missed that part? That is a huge inconsistency...I went straight to the PD then it changed to I went home then went looking for her then went to the PD. So I am assuming if she went looking for her she probably stopped at those homes and asked around therefore that can be verified..correct? Do I have this right? I'm not accusing her of anything but this is the reason a solid timeline cannot be given. This hurts HD's case so much IMO. That in my opinion is a big inconsistency. I realize it has been said she was under duress and maybe had things wrong but I would hope she would sit down and write down everything she can remember and add notes as things come to her so a solid timeline can be made. MOO


Time constraints on NG, editing on news media and I just don't think BD ever imagined the public dissecting every single syallable coming out of her mouth.
I think BD was saying that she wished Hailey had called her from MB's to confirm her plans on spending the night with MB hence, confirming what Shawn had told BD that HD was going to her Dad's and then to MB's to spend the night.

I think you are correct.
I honestly don't see how anyone else could get something different from that quote.
How come billie always says MY house THIs house.. what about the use of the word OUR ya know to imply that the home/house was hailey's and DD's too...

It's a phrase parents often use with teens... "This is MY HOUSE and you will do as I say" or "I don't CARE what Suzie's mom lets her do, as long as you live in MY HOUSE, you will not get a tattoo on your face" or even "My HOUSE, MY RULES."

Well, geez, in her press conference yesterday she was all about how she pays for everything and in her 911 calls re SA she talks about him possibly stealing her tv or the xbox, etc....are you surprised she called it "my living room?"
So why would he need to go in early that day, if all he planned to do was clean out his locker?

Exactly....if all he planned to do was to quit....there was no reason at all to hold to any kind of time schedule.

It's a phrase parents often use with teens... "This is MY HOUSE and you will do as I say" or "I don't CARE what Suzie's mom lets her do, as long as you live in MY HOUSE, you will not get a tattoo on your face" or even "My HOUSE, MY RULES."

I guess it would be nice to hear the word "home" more often...but that's just a wishful opinion...
As the mother of a racially mixed child, it doesn't offend me at all. There is nothing wrong with having dark skin, so why would I be offended?

I do think BD was using the hairdressers words/description at this point, and I didn't find it offensive either.
It's a phrase parents often use with teens... "This is MY HOUSE and you will do as I say" or "I don't CARE what Suzie's mom lets her do, as long as you live in MY HOUSE, you will not get a tattoo on your face" or even "My HOUSE, MY RULES."

I agree, eventhough, I call my home, my home, I have noticed with my daughters who married men with a child that they all refer to their homes as "My house", your "Mom's House". I think it may have to do with separated/divorced folks distinguishing which house. Mom's or Dad's. IDK, JMO.
There is another thing I'm wondering about Billie's timeline. It says from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. a neighbor sees Hailey walking away from the house and then back towards her house. If this is the hairdresser, why can't the time be narrowed a bit more? If she were working on someone's hair, I would think they would have had an appointment and the time could be pinpointed a little tighter. Surely it didn't take 2.5 hours to style one person's hair. I'm just trying to think of a reason why LE would discount this siting.
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