State v Bradley Cooper 04-19-2011

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The guy that applauded when BC was arrested, I can't think of his name. His last name started with a D. He had hit on NC and grossed her out.

Good for him.
If I was nearby when CPD charged him with murder, I would have applauded too.
You are making stuff up now because you think you have all the answers and refuse to consider any other scenarios. I told you what could have happened.

YOU told me what could have happened, so I am supposed to believe YOU.
Lots of pot calling the kettle black going on here today. Seems to me there are some people that refuse to see the logic(?) in this or even consider anything outside of what they have determined to be the truth.
I hope we're not in the realm of everyone connected with the case is corrupt. We have a gang of neighbors convinced that they solved the case before anyone knew there was a murder. Police admitted that they have no proof that a call was spoofed ... so that pretty much means it's non-evidence. The moon might fall from the sky tonight, but there's no proof ... equally irrelevant. We have to take the word of the FBI that the zip code image was zoomed. 41 seconds isn't long enough for someone to choose a place to put a body ... so where is the earlier search where he's picked the place?

He had a week to drive around and scope out a place while Nancy was gone. The search could have just been firming up in his mind the street names of the place he liked the best or just to sit and salivate for 41 seconds what he was going to do and it would all be over with soon.
Who knows, I know a Blackberry was erased after a message came up saying if you do this again the device will be erased and they continued to do it again. As we now know the whole device was erased.

Yes, but we know what actually happened with the Blackberry. It came out in testimony, initially on direct examination by the State. With regard to the computer, the FBI forensics experts have testified that they checked the files that did change up until the time the computer was powered down, that all of these changes were due to system or security updates, and that there was no evidence of tampering. I take them at their word.
Yes, but we know what actually happened with the Blackberry. It came out in testimony, initially on direct examination by the State. With regard to the computer, the FBI forensics experts have testified that they checked the files that did change up until the time the computer was powered down, that all of these changes were due to system or security updates, and that there was no evidence of tampering. I take them at their word.

Do you still believe that when the defense pointed out specific files on cross, and the FBI Agent couldn't answer why the SAM file was modified after it was out of the custody of the defendant, or internet history files?
He had a week to drive around and scope out a place while Nancy was gone. The search could have just been firming up in his mind the street names of the place he liked the best or just to sit and salivate for 41 seconds what he was going to do and it would all be over with soon.

I also think that the low bank balance, Nancy insisting on her "allowance," and the stress of the living arrangements may have finally been too much for BC. BC went into work late. We know he bought a "painting drop cloth." He didn't arrive at work for almost another 1-1.5 hours. You think he might have been driving around contemplating what to do? How he might do it? I think he had plenty of time to drive down Fielding before he went to work Friday morning.

Then, just a quick check on his computer before lunch while NC continued to call and ask for the money....I'm sure he was mentally killing her. It probably wasn't a big leap to the actual deed. And, he saw that good spot in the morning...maybe somewhere that NC could/would jog past... :twocents:
There was a CPD car obviously trailing his every move, but since they didn't tell hm, it was a secret.

Throughout this trial I have not alluded to which side I am on....but I would like to say I love your take on this and appreciate your insights...and I agree with 99.99999% of your posts...and to those that don't -- I appreciate your insights and respect your opinions.
Yes, but we know what actually happened with the Blackberry. It came out in testimony, initially on direct examination by the State. With regard to the computer, the FBI forensics experts have testified that they checked the files that did change up until the time the computer was powered down, that all of these changes were due to system or security updates, and that there was no evidence of tampering. I take them at their word.

Yes, we know the Blackberry issue, and that they hid it from Defense for 10 months. The FBI didn't know that the computer was left powered up for 27 hours until he was asked on the stand.
They had a secret "security detail" on him from the first day under the guise of protecting the family. They followed him everywhere, even told how many bags of groceries he carried into the house including a small melon and some flowers. Det. Young testified about it.

I don't think I heard the detective say it was "secret." I think Brad spoke with/saw the detectives.

In the Kyron Horman disappearance, LE also stayed with the family/followed them the first few days because LE didn't know what was going on...kidnapping, kidnapping for ransom, a larger plot endangering the rest of the family. IMO this is SOP.
The list is mostly speculation, inaccuracies and opinion with no facts whatsoever. Its neither convincing nor supported.

It requires you to have a preordained view of the case and a 'guilty' interpretation of all the CE.

My guess is that the jury already sees through the flimsiness of the pros case and is waiting for the defense to give them a small dose of reasonable doubt to seal the deal.

I'm going to say again, all the RTP techies have shown up for this case because the dude worked at Cisco and they lived in Cary... so therefore, their interested in the technical aspect. My guess is, the jury, um, not so much. My guess is the jury more than likely is a little more like me... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah blah when it comes to all this technical testimony. They're going to look at this first and foremost:

Brad's marriage was horrible. (due to the actions of both of them)

Brad had an affair with his wife's best friend, which in effect ended the marriage. (would have ended with or without this IMO)

Brad admitted this and was going to allow his wife to take his two children and go back to Canada UNTIL
Brad started snooping and being nosey in Nancy's email account and saw the separation agreement.(speculation)

Brad didn't like the $$$ cha-ching it was going to cost him to keep up his crummy wife and his two kids. (speculation)

Brad set out to make a plan - and changed Nancy's plans. (your opinion)

Brad decided it would be cheaper to keep his kids and do away with his wife. (your opinion)

Brad was an expert in some technological field that gave him just enough knowledge and ability to create himself an alibi. (anyone with a fax machine can program a call, would be easier to do it that way then complicate things)

Brad looked at and zoomed in on a map right over the spot his wife's dead body was found - and did it the day before his wife mysteriously went missing. (according to evidence which cannot be validated objectively or tested for authenticity)

Brad did not withdraw the allowance for Nancy that weekend. (means nothing, he could have been planning to do it Saturday)

Brad stated he was asleep and yet he was on the computer checking his wife's email (probably) lying in wait in the dark for her to arrive home from a cook-out (speculation).

Brad made a couple unusual trips to HT on the very morning his wife disappears and took two completely different routes. (has this ever happened before? you don't know)

Brad's wife went running in two shoes for the same foot. (no she didn't - one pair is missing, plus CPD says matching shoes for same foot 'not considered missing')

Brad's dead wife's running clothing was never found, except the sports bra that was rolled under as if it was being put on, not taken off. (too many ways to explain this)

Brad lost his shoes. (no, the CPD didn't remove them from the house when executing the SW- who said he lost them?)

Brad lost items from the foyer. (we have no idea why items may have been missing from the foyer, or what items were there)

Brad got down on his hands and knees and washed hardwood floors. (could be for any number of non-suspicious reasons)

Brad cleaned out part of a garage he hadn't cleaned in 8 years. (following exterminator visit, NC asked him to as one of her friends testified)

Brad cleaned his trunk to an immaculate state. (there was no forensic evidence found in the trunk, so he must have according to CPD)

Brad couldn't remember, couldn't find, finally found, and laundered the dress his dead wife had been wearing the night before that had what he and he only saw as a wine stain. (same dress the CPD walked right by several times after having it descibed to them)

Brad did not report his wife missing. (because he wasn't sure she was?)

Brad did not return a police officer's call even after he played the voicemail and knew it was a p.o. (so?)

Brad did not call his wife's family. (he asked someone to do it)

Brad showed no emotion other than being very tired. (so? maybe that's his personality)

Brad searched Air Canada and jobs in Canada while his wife was missing. (or BC pull up NC history out of curiousity)

Brad ended up with a diamond necklace in the drawer of his dresser that his dead wife never took off. (there was a concerted effort to promote the idea she never removed it - of course she did. Funny that if he's guilty he never took the time to get rid of it or hide it)

Brad is a confirmed liar. (as are quite a few witnesses in this case, its up to the jury to make their assessment of each)

Brad had the opportunity and motive for his wife to suddenly be dead. (that's speculation not fact)

Brad had a $75,000 life insurance policy on his wife. (they did these together, he never attempted to collect)

Brad Cooper was the only person to benefit from his wife's death (possibly, if he wanted her dead - but you don't know that),
the only person who did not care that his wife was suddenly missing and dead (and you know this how?),
the last person to see his wife (and you know this how?),
the ONLY person to say she called him that morning on his way to the store (and who else would say it?) ,
the person who never once inquired of the police how the investigation was going (why should he when he was a suspect from day 1?), what was going on, did you find the person yet.
And Brad Cooper was the one person who did not look the police in the eye and say, "I did not kill my wife," that they would have liked to have heard it from the most. (or he was rightly cautious with the police after being the only suspect from day 1)
How about the 32 sec 6:40AM 'call".
That seems way too long for a simple green juice order.
I don't find that realistic.

BTW, how would you know what is normal behavior for someone planning to kill their wife?

Common sense. If I was going to hide something, and premeditated this, I would look at a number of possibilities before making a decision. Brad strikes me as the sort of person that thinks things through, so I'm guessing that Brad - during his premeditated murder - took more than 41 seconds to pick the spot.
He had a week to drive around and scope out a place while Nancy was gone. The search could have just been firming up in his mind the street names of the place he liked the best or just to sit and salivate for 41 seconds what he was going to do and it would all be over with soon.

Quite true. So he first scouted the location by driving around, and then confirmed the route by checking the map on the 11th.
Do you still believe that when the defense pointed out specific files on cross, and the FBI Agent couldn't answer why the SAM file was modified after it was out of the custody of the defendant, or internet history files?

I haven't seen any testimony to that effect, nor any mention of that in this forum. (Possible I could have missed it, as I don't have time to read every single post to these threads.) Is there a news account of this, or can someone who was there that day shed more light?
But we don't know Brad's mind...what was going on in long he had this planned...the preparations he made or did not make before the alleged event..
I haven't seen any testimony to that effect, nor any mention of that in this forum. (Possible I could have missed it, as I don't have time to read every single post to these threads.) Is there a news account of this, or can someone who was there that day shed more light?

I was there, and I am telling you this verbatim. The defense pulled up the list of files, and went through line by line. They dismissed tons by automatic updates (which everyone agreed were not caused by CPD, or any method of tampering), but there were several the the FBI could not explain away.
I haven't seen any testimony to that effect, nor any mention of that in this forum. (Possible I could have missed it, as I don't have time to read every single post to these threads.) Is there a news account of this, or can someone who was there that day shed more light?

Yes 650+ files modified after CPD took possession, pros witness says they were all auto-updates, we ahve not heard from the defense about it yet.
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