IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #20

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Yah, a poster suggested ketamine & I just jumped in b/c it's a drug that I've used a lot at work and have read up a lot about (the pharmacology of it and the dis/advantages of use for various procedures).

I will start another non-rumor. If I was a betting person I would go with oxy over ketamine as a possible other drug involved here. But really the only ones rumored so far are xanax, alcohol and cocaine.
Yah, a poster suggested ketamine & I just jumped in b/c it's a drug that I've used a lot at work and have read up a lot about (the pharmacology of it and the dis/advantages of use for various procedures).

I appreciated the discussion. It may not be what we're hearing about most in this case, but who's to say she wasn't slipped something else? Or tried something else for the first and last time (horrible thought)? Plus, for me as a mom of teens, it's good to know what might be out there (scary as that is at times). From what I've read, this drug's on the rise in the UK, at the very least.
I haven't seen the lawyer argument lately. I totally agree with you. If I knew that I was a POI in a missing persons case, I would get the best lawyer I could afford, regardless of my involvement.

Also, get an attorney who is discrete. The world doesn't need to know that you talked to some lawyer.

What does pique my curiosity and apparently no one else's, because I've mentioned this several times on prior threads; are the statements that JW made to Mr. Spierer when he called to alert the Spierers of LS's disappearance and what his initial remarks to roommates and to LE. To me those conversations might be telling.

It would appear that JW did not endear himself to the Spierers in the process. This statement is not meant to infer nor imply any guilt but rather stand on its own.

Can someone remind me of JW's initial remarks? TY.
Can someone remind me of JW's initial remarks? TY.

I don't think we know. Blythe is right, it would be very helpful to know. We do know, judging by the timing of their arrival, they took whatever he said very seriously.
Also, get an attorney who is discrete. The world doesn't need to know that you talked to some lawyer.

I probably would, but that is my personal style. But I don't think a more "flamboyant" attorney means anything than a discreet one does as to innocence/guilt.
While we're on the subject of JW, I was just re-reading some PM's from much earlier in this case and I have a question to pose. I think it's an interesting one and an angle we haven't discussed before, especially since we've not been able to discern with any confidence how well JW and JR knew each other.

So here is the question: If these two possibly worked together, say protecting each other in some way, what would that look like? What might have happened that evening?
... The whole suspecting X and Y simply because they retained a lawyer is getting old. Time and time again it has been said that innocent people need representation too. You can not convict a person because they wanted protection. Yet people insist on finding a person suspect because they hired a lawyer. I find it derailing. JMO - I am not telling people not to speculate about it, I am just letting them know my feelings about this type of speculation. :)

If my son were in JW's shoes (thank god he's not), I'd retain a lawyer for him as well. As horrible as it sounds, things one says can get twisted and misinterpreted in high-stress situations. We really don't know what state his relationship with LS was in. While he may be acting erratically on FB, with reporters, etc., this may be the first time he's had to grieve ... and whether a body has been found or not, LS' family and friends are grieving. That could mean feeling guilty, feeling angry, second guessing what you could have done differently, maybe not sleeping well or barely sleeping at all.

That doesn't mean I've crossed JW off the POI list, even, just that I see why he (and the others) should have a attorney.
FWIW, yesterday I asked WS about their knowledge of cases with delayed confessions. Meanwhile, I googled the same using several different terms and phrases. Most of the search return results involved false confessions, mainly due to coercion and extreme interrogative techniques. Huge amount of material available about this topic; huge problem too.
While we're on the subject of JW, I was just re-reading some PM's from much earlier in this case and I have a question to pose. I think it's an interesting one and an angle we haven't discussed before, especially since we've not been able to discern with any confidence how well JW and JR knew each other.

So here is the question: If these two possibly worked together, say protecting each other in some way, what would that look like? What might have happened that evening?

That's an interesting question. Totally speculative, but all I can think is that perhaps JW sent LS to obtain something vs. going himself ... from JR or a DD JR knew, and then things went south (she OD'd, had heart problems, etc.). Perhaps they're bound together by something someone holds over them. IDK. I do think that CR having "amnesia," whether drug/alcohol- or attack-induced, may be a blessing for him. That's all I've got.
I will start another non-rumor. If I was a betting person I would go with oxy over ketamine as a possible other drug involved here. But really the only ones rumored so far are xanax, alcohol and cocaine.

Ooooh, interesting thought! :waitasec: I have to admit that I was sticking with those 3 drugs that have been specifically rumored. Your question the other day (something like "What would you think if you heard they had done 'all kinds of drugs'?" IIRC) grabbed my attention though.
While we're on the subject of JW, I was just re-reading some PM's from much earlier in this case and I have a question to pose. I think it's an interesting one and an angle we haven't discussed before, especially since we've not been able to discern with any confidence how well JW and JR knew each other.

So here is the question: If these two possibly worked together, say protecting each other in some way, what would that look like? What might have happened that evening?

Ok, what if we flipped things around? Hypothetically, w/o even naming names, what if the boyfriend was the supplier, the girlfriend was the delivery person, and the friend was the buyer. The girlfriend then parties with the friend, and later ODs. The friend freaks ... and either acts rashly or calls for help. The boyfriend learns why she hasn't returned. And they're both between a rock and a hard place. Totally fictional scenario ...
I will start another non-rumor. If I was a betting person I would go with oxy over ketamine as a possible other drug involved here. But really the only ones rumored so far are xanax, alcohol and cocaine.

And the original rumor involving the xanax bars was that she had like 2 and a half-thats a crazy amount especially for some1 so small!! I wonder if she took em all at once or staggered thru out the nite
That's an interesting question. Totally speculative, but all I can think is that perhaps JW sent LS to obtain something vs. going himself ... from JR or a DD JR knew, and then things went south (she OD'd, had heart problems, etc.). Perhaps they're bound together by something someone holds over them. IDK. I do think that CR having "amnesia," whether drug/alcohol- or attack-induced, may be a blessing for him. That's all I've got.

Agree about CR. He was so open on camera that first week--almost giddy when he said I was not the last to see her. What I have in mind generally for a JW/JR scenario centers around JW going to JR's looking for LS. Maybe he is po'ed and inadvertently causes her to fall or yanks her arm and she hits her head again. Death not directly attributable to an OD.
I had to take a break for a couple day--clear my head a lil-where is all the talk from ketamine coming from?

This is a good thing. So it wasn't you who posted the other day about going on vacation and not wanting to leave WS? :) I did notice your absence btw.
And the original rumor involving the xanax bars was that she had like 2 and a half-thats a crazy amount especially for some1 so small!! I wonder if she took em all at once or staggered thru out the nite

She may have built up a tolerance too but still..!
Agree about CR. He was so open on camera that first week--almost giddy when he said I was not the last to see her. What I have in mind generally for a JW/JR scenario centers around JW going to JR's looking for LS. Maybe he is po'ed and inadvertently causes her to fall or yanks her arm and she hits her head again. Death not directly attributable to an OD.

That could work if JW snuck out, etc. Maybe she had a heart-related issue? I believe I've read that long QT syndrome can be triggered by the unexpected, i.e., being frightened, etc. I guess there's no way of knowing whether she was taking her medicine for that or not? The only question I'd have about a head injury is how often it causes immediate death (i.e., Natasha Richardson). But I suspect in some cases it does.
That's an interesting question. Totally speculative, but all I can think is that perhaps JW sent LS to obtain something vs. going himself ... from JR or a DD JR knew, and then things went south (she OD'd, had heart problems, etc.). Perhaps they're bound together by something someone holds over them. IDK. I do think that CR having "amnesia," whether drug/alcohol- or attack-induced, may be a blessing for him. That's all I've got.

This is plausible given that she was supposed to meet up with JW later.
That could work if JW snuck out, etc. Maybe she had a heart-related issue? I believe I've read that long QT syndrome can be triggered by the unexpected, i.e., being frightened, etc. I guess there's no way of knowing whether she was taking her medicine for that or not? The only question I'd have about a head injury is how often it causes immediate death (i.e., Natasha Richardson). But I suspect in some cases it does.

Interesting thing is he probably wouldn't have to sneak out at that point because he doesn't know the peril. But yeah right about NR RIP. Her injury took a few days.
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