Dr. Phil w/George and Cindy Anthony Air Date 9/13 and 9/14 2011 Thead # 2

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I agree he comes across very strange sometimes, but I don't think it's anything sinister. The look on his face when he said I can't think about Caylee being tripled bagged and dumped in the woods. Not in those exact words. the look of anger on his face was unreal! I truly think he hates FCA for what she did to Caylee. I truly don't think he had anything to do with it. if anything it was CA who knew where Caylee was and had her PI'S go look for her. The fact the CA was trying to compare GA's gambling habit to FCA's murdering her Daughter drove me crazy! I wanted to jump through the tv and go what is wrong with you? There isn't any comparison gambling/murdering!! I'm sure the evil FCA watched. Her new mission now is to probably break up her parents move back in with Mommy and become her old lazy self. I had never heard that FCA didn't want GA to come back home after they had split. I thought that was interesting. Probably because GA called the felon out on what she did unlike Mommy who just enabled and enabled!! GA needs to get out of that house fast! JMO

I agree. We are all "strange" in our own rights. Could you imagine living in that house with the mental abuse and neglect from those women? What I see in George is a lot of guilt and regret. I think beyond feeling guilty about failing Caylee (and Casey as a child- if you remember the jail tape with just George and Casey), he feels guilt for not being able, or knowing how to help his wife years ago as I am sure she showed signs of the woman she is today long before their children were ever born. I think like many of us, he can see his wife in Casey. He has to feel guilty not being more assertive in his role as a father and telling Cindy to support and respect his role as father when she told him to back down so many times when as tried to discipline or confront Casey in a lie.

I have to disagree with Dr. Glass in her opinion that when George was looking down as Cindy speaks, it is not because he is a "lying" "guilty dog" it is because he is ashamed and saddened by what his wife is saying. It is clear they disagree and have for years about their problem child. He loves his wife and when you love someone and they have a tough time accepting a differing opinion or a way other than their own, it can be hard to speak up especially if you don't like confrontation and they are known to lash out but it looks like George finds his voice if there is a mediator present though I still see him holding back or mincing words when Cindy starts to get angry. She needs to accept that their family has been broken for some time and the only way to even have a hope one day down the road is to work from the inside out starting with she and George.

I hope George continues to search for answers, insight and improve on himself and if Cindy has no intention of supporting him or working on herself and her relationship with her husband since her children and grown and out of the house and it all started with she and George, I wish George the strength to one day open his eyes and stand on his own for his own mental health and what piece of mind he has left.
I got to agree with this. The interview doesn't prove anything to someone who went along with the verdict. Both parents are not even giving the same story as to what they believe really happened. In fact you can say it reinforces the argument that neither of them (CA more than GA) aren't credible with anything they testified too.

I think George is credible.

He can be of the opinion that so many others came to based on the evidence entered in the trial.

I fully believe Caylee was drugged with chloroform before she died and I also have believed the smell of death in the car belonged to Caylee.

Now Cindy's assertions are beyond all reasoning and are frankly downright bizarre as they can get.

George could not testify to what he "thought." The state produced the evidence of the chloroform.

While I do agree they are victims of their psychopath daughter because living with one can be sheer hell on earth by having to endure someone without a conscience.......I do not believe anything that Cindy puts out and imo deep down she doesn't believe it either.

Yes, she did all those things you have listed but her motivation may have not been for selfless reasons. This is a way she would be able to manipulate and control the situations that arose in her family. I do believe Casey has a lot of the same traits as her mother but more pronounced.

Wanting to believe something is one thing. Pretending you do is another matter altogether imo. I think Cindy's self image is as important to her as erroneously shaping Casey's faux image to make her into something she is not.

What Cindy does is hides the truth but not from herself, imo. If one listens to her very long she is inconsistent and all over the place in her quest hoping she can get others to believe the illusions she puts forth. She creates these illusions so that it puts not only Casey in a better light but also herself. That is why the numerous excuses are surreal and bizarre. Sort of like "well if you dont believe this excuse......let me throw another one out there.'

Now I fully understand no parent wants to admit they have endured the wrath and vengeance of a psychopath inside their home for years...espeically one who has murdered their own child, but to completely throw commonsense out the window like it never existed is done IMO, to protect one's own self image and serves no other purpose.


You may very well be right. I am looking at all of the early stuff, let's say 4-5 years ago and prior. I've seen or heard nothing that would lead me to believe Cindy or Casey appeared abnormal before Casey gave birth. Their lives seemed to be ordinary. George's money stealing is the only thing that stands out.
I don't think there was a thing in this interview that has anything to do with the case in a legal sense. Nothing was said that changes my mind about the prosecution not proving their case. I suspect the jurors would agree.

The interview does do a lot to strengthen the one thing (besides the lying to LE charge) that the prosecution did prove, and that's how messed up that whole family is.

You are probably right...they probably would agree with you.
When I say overdose I am talking about xanax that he now believes. According to the interview he doesn't really believe the chloroform much anymore.

But he also mentioned chloroform that was found. I did not hear him say he didn't believe the chloroform was in the car.

Yes, he may be wondering if Zanny actually meant Xanax but then how many of us have wondered the same thing?

I agree. We are all "strange" in our own rights. Could you imagine living in that house with the mental abuse and neglect from those women? What I see in George is a lot of guilt and regret. I think beyond feeling guilty about failing Caylee (and Casey as a child- if you remember the jail tape with just George and Casey), he feels guilt for not being able, or knowing how to help his wife years ago as I am sure she showed signs of the woman she is today long before their children were ever born. I think like many of us, he can see his wife in Casey. He has to feel guilty not being more assertive in his role as a father and telling Cindy to support and respect his role as father when she told him to back down so many times when as tried to discipline or confront Casey in a lie.

I have to disagree with Dr. Glass in her opinion that when George was looking down as Cindy speaks, it is not because he is a "lying" "guilty dog" it is because he is ashamed and saddened by what his wife is saying. It is clear they disagree and have for years about their problem child. He loves his wife and when you love someone and they have a tough time accepting a differing opinion or a way other than their own, it can be hard to speak up especially if you don't like confrontation and they are known to lash out but it looks like George finds his voice if there is a mediator present though I still see him holding back or mincing words when Cindy starts to get angry. She needs to accept that their family has been broken for some time and the only way to even have a hope one day down the road is to work from the inside out starting with she and George.

I hope George continues to search for answers, insight and improve on himself and if Cindy has no intention of supporting him or working on herself and her relationship with her husband since her children and grown and out of the house and it all started with she and George, I wish George the strength to one day open his eyes and stand on his own for his own mental health and what piece of mind he has left.

Well said!! I agree with you. I think when GA is looking down it's out of complete sadness for what he didn't do.
How the he!! Is she gonna pay for that?

***ring ring***

"Hello, Mr. Flynt?"

She could potentially get more than that for any interview/book/etc. What is the significance of the 9/28 date? Is that when they no longer consider Caylee a missing person?
I respect your posting, I really do. I wish my experiences in life would lead me to your thoughts on this subject. For the longest I was able to give benefit of the doubt to people. After many decades and witnessing so much of what humans are capable of, I finally cannot do it anymore. IMO, Cindy is most definitely narcissistic and with that personality type, EVERYTHING they feel, think or do is all about them. Even when it doesn't seem so, it is. If they do a good deed it is not so much because they want to help, but because they will receive recognition. Cindy's type of denial is not like what normal people experience.What normal people experience is not being able to wrap their minds around something because they just didn't think other people could act that way. Cindy's denial stems from not wanting others to believe that HER actions are in any way responsible for how messed up her family is. It is not the kind of denial that just happens. It is denial with a purpose. It is deliberate and meant to manipulate. IMO.
BBM. Thank you for this post. I agree that Cindy's denial is not the normal type. She knows what happened, but when questioned by others the story changes to protect her image. The only concern she has for Casey comes from the lack of boundaries in the relationship, to Cindy, Casey IS her. So, when someone questions Casey's actions, they are (to Cindy) questioning hers.

This interview has just cemented my belief about what a sick group of people the Anthony's are.
I respect your posting, I really do. I wish my experiences in life would lead me to your thoughts on this subject. For the longest I was able to give benefit of the doubt to people. After many decades and witnessing so much of what humans are capable of, I finally cannot do it anymore. IMO, Cindy is most definitely narcissistic and with that personality type, EVERYTHING they feel, think or do is all about them. Even when it doesn't seem so, it is. If they do a good deed it is not so much because they want to help, but because they will receive recognition. Cindy's type of denial is not like what normal people experience.What normal people experience is not being able to wrap their minds around something because they just didn't think other people could act that way. Cindy's denial stems from not wanting others to believe that HER actions are in any way responsible for how messed up her family is. It is not the kind of denial that just happens. It is denial with a purpose. It is deliberate and meant to manipulate. IMO.

Great Post and I agree..I think as humans our minds are equipped with safeguards to protect us from harm. It is a automatic response to shield us from experiences that might otherwise cripple a normal person.
What bothers me is CA smiling/smirking as she is being confronted with the truth.
When I say overdose I am talking about xanax that he now believes. According to the interview he doesn't really believe the chloroform much anymore.

He didn't say he didn't believe the chloroform, he said he didn't know. In addition, he said he will probably never know from Casey what really happened. He did say there was evidence Caylee was transported in the trunk and that the levels for chloroform in that trunk his murdered, decomposing granddaughter was in were high.

You may very well be right. I am looking at all of the early stuff, let's say 4-5 years ago and prior. I've seen or heard nothing that would lead me to believe Cindy or Casey appeared abnormal before Casey gave birth. Their lives seemed to be ordinary. George's money stealing is the only thing that stands out.

That is the glaring problem. Psychopaths can look and acting like normal people. That is why so many of them are highly successful in their career choices. They are even known to fool psychiatrists/psychologists. That is how good they are with their web of deceit of smoke and mirrors, imo.

They are able to morph when it behooves them. Appearance sake is vitally important to a psychopath.

IMO Cindy is like MOST people. She can't accept the fact that mothers can and do horrible things to their children. Time after time we see women get off or the crimes minimized because they're the mother. It had to be an accident. Then factor in it being her OWN daughter and the victim is her own grandchild.

Cindy seemed like a doting, loving parent, grandparent and hard worker. Typical of most. She trusted her daughter and thought she knew her. She wanted to be paid back, called Casey on the stuff she caught her doing, and thwarted Casey's attempts at using her credit cards and checks. She believed in Casey. That's her only crime. Casey knew very well what Cindy expected of her. Get a job and care for her child. She pretended to do just that.

Normal people have great difficulty understanding how psychopaths think. When it's your own child, I would think it's darn near impossible.

The reason I disagree is that Cindy has been quoted by others saying horrible things about Casey. Jesse Grund,Amy and TonE all gave descriptions of their encounters with Cindy . Amy had a long conversation in the car.
It wasn't until Casey was arrested that Cindy started back pedaling and describing the mother of the year. To me ,that's cover up mode. Suddenly Casey was the Saint and all the friends she was warning about Casey ,were now the possible murderers.
Only someone like CA would refer to GA as stealing money he also contributed to a bank account they jointly owned and yet describes KC as borrowing thousands and thousands of dollars by writing forged checks and maxing out a paid off credit card. lol jmo
Originally Posted by Wishbone
I just can’t believe for one minute that RC being involved with GA while her sister is locked up in jail with ICA and busy passing notes for the inmate is unrelated to the entire “affair”. Something really stinks with this whole scenario and I’m not falling for it. IMO there never was an affair; I would call it a plot that all the players benefited from. It appears to me it was just another planned distraction to make GA look bad, albeit with his blessing, possibly in hopes of saving his murdering daughter from the death penalty. And the sisters made a little money in the process by making GA out to be a liar and a cheat, which helped sway the jury against him instead of kc. I don’t believe a word RC or GA had to say. Their shabby plan worked and the princess is now free.

I could have written this myself. These are exactly my thoughts and have been from Day 1. IMO the Anthonys went along with EVERYTHING ordained by Baez in order to set their daughter free. I believe that GA agreed and acted according to script; CA did the same. I think they continue to lie because they are trying to do some damage-control and make a living. My theory has not changed one iota since this circus began.
She could potentially get more than that for any interview/book/etc. What is the significance of the 9/28 date? Is that when they no longer consider Caylee a missing person?

Now, this will be her excuse for writing a book... It wasn't to make millions of blood money, it was to pay back the state of FL :innocent:
Great Post and I agree..I think as humans our minds are equipped with safeguards to protect us from harm. It is a automatic response to shield us from experiences that might otherwise cripple a normal person.
What bothers me is CA smiling/smirking as she is being confronted with the truth.
Gave me a flashback to the M&M depos!
I would ask Cindy to consider: if God was sending her a sign when the jury aquitted Casey, then what sign was he sending her when her granddaughter was murdered?

The best question of the day. Thank you.
That is the glaring problem. Psychopaths can look and acting like normal people. That is why so many of them are highly successful in their career choices. They are even known to fool psychiatrists/psychologists. That is how good they are with their web of deceit of smoke and mirrors, imo.

They are able to morph when it behooves them. Appearance sake is vitally important to a psychopath.


Exactly, Casey was a very bright child with no responsibilities and probably learned how to manipulate her parents very early on. That was exactly the way she liked it so everything was good. When along came Caylee, Casey's world changed, she was no longer the center of her mothers universe, expected to care for her child, get a job, grow up and be a mom. That Casey refused to do. If Cindy simply kept enabling her, paying all of her bills and allowing her to come and go as she pleased, agreed to quit her job and babysit Caylee at Casey's whim...everything would still be humming along. That's when Casey's psychopathy started comming to light....But it took Cindy a looooong time to even BEGIN to see it. When Cindy did, IMO she tried.
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