MO - Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #3

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I have to say I am a little skeptical as well. They took a baby and the *cell phones*?

1. If I am going to kidnap a child, the LAST thing I want in my possession is a de facto tracking device. Cell phones, even if turned off, can give off pings and let LE know where they have been. Some even have gps.

2. If I have harmed my own child and had a cell phone with me when I was hiding the body, I would definitely want to be rid of the cell phone. I might even claim they were stolen by whoever took my child.

I really hope these parents are innocent and they get their precious little baby back. But this just looks hinky to me. Sorry.

Do the pay as you go phones have tracking devices? If that's what these were and I suspect they might be could that be the reason the phones haven't been tracked?
I have to say I am a little skeptical as well. They took a baby and the *cell phones*?

1. If I am going to kidnap a child, the LAST thing I want in my possession is a de facto tracking device. Cell phones, even if turned off, can give off pings and let LE know where they have been. Some even have gps.

2. If I have harmed my own child and had a cell phone with me when I was hiding the body, I would definitely want to be rid of the cell phone. I might even claim they were stolen by whoever took my child.

I really hope these parents are innocent and they get their precious little baby back. But this just looks hinky to me. Sorry.

So true, gewnabob, excellent points. My first thought when hearing that the baby had a cold and bad cough was perhaps an accident involving cold medicine or benadryl (especially when you factor in her larger than average size, and dosing babies at this age since most OTC meds are meant for older children, could mom have given her something to help her sleep through the night, possibly something meant for an older child but dosed by weight and it proved too much for the baby, etc. Those are the thoughts running through my head), and a cover up, but then again I tend to always look to the parents first. But I hope with every fiber of my being that they are not involved and that Lisa is found safe.
Later Thursday, the parents mistakenly thought police had a lead in the case when investigators began looking in another wooded area and they immediately rushed to the command post police set up about a mile from the home, police Capt. Steve Young said.

"They assumed we had a big break and they wanted to find out what it was," Young said. "If you're the mother of a missing child and you think there's a development, I would think you'd want to go to the command post and find out."
OK, where was 911 called from a neighbor? Did LE car just happen to drive by for mom to flag down?

In this article it states from grandparents that one of the boys is Jeremy's and the other is Debbie's

..also says the baby's room was "down the hall"...

A window without a screen has drawn scrutiny as a possible entry point, but investigators are puzzled about how someone could have entered through the window, walked all the way down the hall, snatched the baby and slipped out undetected.

Irwin and Bradley were questioned by police until nearly 11 p.m. on Tuesday about any possible role in their child’s disappearance. Neither of them has any type of serious criminal record.

TODAY's Peter Alexander asked Irwin’s parents, Rick and Melanie, whether their son or future daughter-in-law had anything to do with the baby’s abduction.

“Absolutely not,’’ Melanie told NBC News. “They are kind, loving, wonderful parents, and that baby is everything to them.’’
I wonder if the baby monitor was also disconnected. I'd bet some good money that it was unplugged or turned off knowing now that the cell phones were taken.

If you unplug or turn off the one in the baby's room then the one in the parents' room starts beeping. I doubt they did that.

Maybe they didn't use a monitor?
OK, where was 911 called from a neighbor? Did LE car just happen to drive by for mom to flag down?

My best guess is a neighbor because the dad said he went banging on doors.

But, I don't think it's been printed or said specifically anywhere.
For those of you with no landline in your you leave your cell in another room at night or do you take it into the bedroom with you?

I take mine to bed because I use the alarm on it and I have elderly parents who have had strokes, heart problems etc.

My husband never takes his, it is usually in the living room. He wouldn't hear it ring anyway as he sleeps very soundly. We don't have a landline.
Taking away the phones makes no sense if the parents were involved...what would it matter if their phones were there or not? I think it only makes sense if the abductor was trying to delay 911. But something still feels weird about this case. LE has to have a reason to be searching and researching so close to home, JMO.
That would be us... However, I often wish for a landline in case of emergencies, etc. There are times when our youngest hides our cell phones. But it just an expense we can live without and wonder if this family is the same?

LOL, yep, a landline comes in handy when you have to use it to call your cellphone so that you can find it!
There have been many speculations about weather or not LE has tracked the cell phones. Maybe they have and not told anyone and that is why they are returning to the wooded area?? Maybe they tracked it there and cannot find it?
Not that I expect the perp to be sane or anything but why would the exit be through a front door that appears to be fully viewable from the street? Why not exit out another door that you can be more "hidden?" - unless there are dogs in the back yard or something, of course.

According to the local poster who described the property.....the backyard is fenced and connects on all THREE sides to the neighbors yards. At least one or more of those is likely to have a dog even if this family did not. That would leave the only means of exit coming out a side gate and down through the front yard area anyway. Much easier and safer just to go out the front door and be gone rather than wander around looking for an unlocked gate in the dark back yard.

Do the pay as you go phones have tracking devices? If that's what these were and I suspect they might be could that be the reason the phones haven't been tracked?

We don't know that they haven't been tracking them. Only that LE hasn't reported finding them. If they haven't been found and LE is tracking them, they might not want to mention it because they may be monitoring them to see if they are in use or to keep tabs on someone they suspect having them.

A 'ping' doesn't identify a particular house or person. It only identifies a certain area. (And the more towers it is hitting the more they can define the area.) So even if they are monitoring the pings, the area they may be showing could be one to five square miles big. If that is a populated area they will never get a search warrant to cover all those houses.
I am sure LE has tried to track the phones, or they should go into another line of work, IMO...
There have been many speculations about weather or not LE has tracked the cell phones. Maybe they have and not told anyone and that is why they are returning to the wooded area?? Maybe they tracked it there and cannot find it?

And maybe that is why LE did not release the information about the cell phones being taken???
I still wonder if the pay as you go phones like one can buy at Wal-mart etc can be tracked?
I still wonder if the pay as you go phones like one can buy at Wal-mart etc can be tracked?
Oh sure they can. They still have to be activated and the service can track them. Replacing sim cards and removing batteries can foil, however.
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