WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 9

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Vickie, any updates on how the "sluething" went that your brothers did today? Anything learned?
can you answer if Lena left her home because of her own choosing or were they asked to leave?
Juvenile cases are closed to the public. Unless you are named in the petition you can not go into the courtroom. Obviously, Lena and /or Ralph are the only ones who know the truth about why the children were taken.

As I stated before, parents can - at any time - sign their children into temporary custody of DHHR for 90 days. At anytime during that 90 days a parent can call and get their children back the next day. Could that have happen here?

Part 1. and they will not tell

Part 2. I dont know the law, but I dont believe that is the case here.
the children were removed, not signed over
can you answer if Lena left her home because of her own choosing or were they asked to leave?

It is my understanding they were asked to move, but I dont think it was by legal eviction notice.
Juvenile cases are closed to the public. Unless you are named in the petition you can not go into the courtroom. Obviously, Lena and /or Ralph are the only ones who know the truth about why the children were taken.

As I stated before, parents can - at any time - sign their children into temporary custody of DHHR for 90 days. At anytime during that 90 days a parent can call and get their children back the next day. Could that have happen here?

Can someone from the family go to CPS now and try and make arrangements for the twins to go with a family member when they're born instead of foster care?
It is my understanding they were asked to move, but I dont think it was by legal eviction notice.

You may not have the answer to this, but is it possible she sold her EBT card to get money for rent?
Vickie, given that Jo Ann is probably intimidated by Lena, I was thinking that it may be wise for Lena to seperated from Jo Ann. Especially after the twins are born and Lena gets back to her physical self.

It may help Lena to start talking if she feels she is isolated without someone to dominate over. LE may have already thought of this. Extended family may be helpful in making this happen.

Don't know where Lena is staying right now but most of the time a bully type personality can only show strength when there is someone to bully. Take that away and their weaknesses begin to show. JMOO
It's tomorrow already, think I will go to bed, I would like to leave with a prayer , hope it's ok to do that.
Heavenly Father, I come to you tonight with a heavy heart. Lord , I really want Aliayah home safe and sound. Please watch over and comfort her in your loving arms. I pray that you will soften the heart of who ever has her so that they will see the wrong in this and return her safely to us. And Lord if there is someone out there , and there has to be, that has any information about her, to please come forward. She is loved and missed by so many. Please Lord give comfort and peace to Aliayah's brother and sisters and let them know they are loved as well. Please protect their twin sisters that are soon to be born. Lord I ask that you bless all the law enforcemrnt officers that are trying to find her. Keep them safe and give them the guidance and wisdom they need to find this loved one. In Jesus Holy name I pray, AMEN
Can someone from the family go to CPS now and try and make arrangements for the twins to go with a family member when they're born instead of foster care?

That is already being looked into
good night , and god Bless you all.

Good night Aliayah, we will find you, I love you
It's tomorrow already, think I will go to bed, I would like to leave with a prayer , hope it's ok to do that.
Heavenly Father, I come to you tonight with a heavy heart. Lord , I really want Aliayah home safe and sound. Please watch over and comfort her in your loving arms. I pray that you will soften the heart of who ever has her so that they will see the wrong in this and return her safely to us. And Lord if there is someone out there , and there has to be, that has any information about her, to please come forward. She is loved and missed by so many. Please Lord give comfort and peace to Aliayah's brother and sisters and let them know they are loved as well. Please protect their twin sisters that are soon to be born. Lord I ask that you bless all the law enforcemrnt officers that are trying to find her. Keep them safe and give them the guidance and wisdom they need to find this loved one. In Jesus Holy name I pray, AMEN

Agreeing with you in prayer. Lord let it be so. Amen.
try and get some rest....you must be exhausted.
I must say after weeks of frustration over the disappearance of Aliayah and Baby Lisa-today I feel the tide has turned. At least for Aliayah! I hope the same holds true for Lisa very soon as well!!
This thread has kept me in chills today hearing from Vickie and now Tina and the support from the rest of the extended family!
I agree in prayer with Vickie and the rest of the posters here and pray that tomorrow may be the day-if not tomorrow then very soon!!
Ya'll ROCK!!!:great:
Fabulous... Vickie, I was hoping you would find your way here... now, other family members, wonderful! Websleuths ROCKS!

You speaking up for Aliayah is bringing the media attention needed, keep it up. You have done a magnificent job.

Bless you and your family.
Praying Aliayah finds her way home soon.
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