POI in Lindsey's Case

The fact that he went to the home and took the mother around for the 'search' creeps me out. Shades of the tragic Jorelys case, imo.

And the fire captain said he has no memory of asking Tim to go and search that night. SoI think he might have just wanted to see upfront and personal the agony he caused. :furious:

correction.. it was the chief of Police.. Officer Crumb not the fire captain that TH says asked him to search.
I've heard it from a very good authority that perps have been known to show up at searches. So, if this is the perp and he knew where Lindsey was, he was concerned they might find her or he wouldn't have done that. IMO
I do believe that TH was married and divorced years ago.. so some of those cases in the courts might be divorce.
I don't know about Washington, but in Oregon you pretty much have to go to the county courthouse to get copies of the documents and see what the court cases were about.
Mom, I removed the genealogy. The owners are reviewing whether we should do genealogy in cases and we haven't gotten an answer to that yet. I'll let you guys know when the mods find out. :tyou:
I do believe that TH was married and divorced years ago.. so some of those cases in the courts might be divorce.

Yes,some of them probably are from a divorce. But there are 14 of them, and from a few different counties. So they cannot ALL be divorce proceedings, imo.

I wonder if he was sued over his jewelry business. Lots of legal battles ensue over diamonds and gold etc.
He says he showed investigators a "certificate" showing that he had been in a class in Belfair until 9 p.m. on June 26 and couldn't have made it to McCleary by 9:15 p.m. But he says FBI investigators then determined that the class actually had ended at 8:15 p.m.

I'm not buying this. Whenever I've had to attend a class, I darn well remember getting out early. Comments are always made by the instructors and fellow classmates, etc.

Why is he lying? I want to know!
He says he showed investigators a "certificate" showing that he had been in a class in Belfair until 9 p.m. on June 26 and couldn't have made it to McCleary by 9:15 p.m. But he says FBI investigators then determined that the class actually had ended at 8:15 p.m.

I'm not buying this. Whenever I've had to attend a class, I darn well remember getting out early. Comments are always made by the instructors and fellow classmates, etc.

Why is he lying? I want to know!

It sounds like it was traffic school. How many classes give certificates that have the time on them?

I know traffic school does because legally you have to attend for a certain number of hours to get the necessary credits. But both times I went to a traffic school class we ended up getting out early too. They said we could skip the breaks and get out early instead.

He lied about the time he left the class and he lied about being in the convenience store, just minutes after she was last seen. Maybe he nabbed her in the parking lot,threw her in his van, tied her up, and then went into the store to make it look normal.
I have to wonder if she wasn't in his vehicle or store during the searching. Oh my heart aches. :tears:
I'm not buying the ambulance run...just not buying it. :no: If I had a subscription on the scanner I would put the time in myself to go back and listen to see if there was an ambulance call that night. When I first read that part of the article I just felt like Lindsey was in the back of that ambulance...if she was already dead, what better place to have a body than in the back of an ambulance where decomp could most easily be explained away.
"The video shows Hartman making a purchase in the store at about the same time Lindsey vanished, around 9:15 p.m. on June 26, 2009. Hartman had previously told investigators he wasn't in McCleary at that time. "

So 9:15 is the same time that the neighbor said she saw Lindsey walking down the street. That is the last time she was reportedly seen.

The neighbor was estimating the time because she was on her way to work.So it could have been 5 or 10 minutes off, either direction. How far is this convenience store from the jewelry store which was on her route. ?
I'm not buying the ambulance run...just not buying it. :no: If I had a subscription on the scanner I would put the time in myself to go back and listen to see if there was an ambulance call that night. When I first read that part of the article I just felt like Lindsey was in the back of that ambulance...if she was already dead, what better place to have a body than in the back of an ambulance where decomp could most easily be explained away.

I thought of going back too, Momtective, but you can't rewind that far back. I would have asked the team in the Scanner forum if it could be done.
I thought of going back too, Momtective, but you can't rewind that far back. I would have asked the team in the Scanner forum if it could be done.

There has to be some kind of records kept by the ambulance squad. My son is a trained EMT and he says they have to write down everything in triplicate. They never know when their records are going to be requested by insurance companies or lawyers.
There has to be some kind of records kept by the ambulance squad. My son is a trained EMT and he says they have to write down everything in triplicate. They never know when their records are going to be requested by insurance companies or lawyers.

Yes, EMS must keep trip logs with mileage, time dispatched, time of arrival OTS, location of emergency and location individual is transported to if there was a transport. I believe LE already knows there wasn't a run that night.
133 So 4th street is the jewelry store address.

anyone know where the convenience store is?
Mikes Market is on the corner of Simpson and 4th. Jewelry store is on the corner of 4th and Maple.
Simpson and Maple are one block apart.
If you were heading south on 4th ...you have Mikes Market on the corner, the Post office, the library, a house and then the jewelry store on the next corner. All on the right side of the road.

Mikes Market is on the corner of Simpson and 4th. Jewelry store is on the corner of 4th and Maple.
Simpson and Maple are one block apart.
If you were heading south on 4th ...you have Mikes Market on the corner, the Post office, the library, a house and then the jewelry store on the next corner. All on the right side of the road.

And IIRC, the last reported sighting was on Maple,between 5th and 6th street. So she was just a block away from the jewelry store when she was seen by the neighbor. Hmmmmmmm......
Mikes Market is on the corner of Simpson and 4th. Jewelry store is on the corner of 4th and Maple.
Simpson and Maple are one block apart.
If you were heading south on 4th ...you have Mikes Market on the corner, the Post office, the library, a house and then the jewelry store on the next corner. All on the right side of the road.

Hi JennO, Then where is the video store from the jewelry store. where she had been that afternoon with her friends?

He probably saw her often, knew her well enough to make a negative comment about her, right? Could have had his beady eyes on her waiting for his chance, to build up his courage.

My heart did a flip flop when I saw there were new posts here. We have all carried her in prayers. Let us hope something happens quickly now.

They have probably already done a study on him IMO, his family, where his haunts are, other properties or friends who deep sea fish, etc - all that stuff. Something will raise the eyebrow of an investigator. I just know that is how it will happen. That is unless they got these two gals in the box to get every detail about what they saw. There was that house south of downtown McCleary where Lindsay's DNA was found. I wonder if he took her there first and then up those backroads where they searched?

Sorry, can't remember the names of the roads right now but will promise to bone up. xox

I can'r believe it's come back around to that guy we had suspicions about in the beginning who said Lindsey was up to no good. There is no way someone who was just down the street from where Lindsey disappeared around the same time she disappeared didn't remember that fact. Any innocent person would say, "OMG, I was right there!" and try to describe every car and person he saw.

Maybe he stopped in the store to get something to feed her (if he did have her). Maybe he's still got her someplace (unless he's completely innocent).

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