Theories we have regarding Kyron's disappearance

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I believe this was done by one person alone!

I think so too. It may or may not have been TH, but I'm really doubtful of plots involving multiple people, trafficking rings, etc. It just doesn't seem plausible, to me.
I think so too. It may or may not have been TH, but I'm really doubtful of plots involving multiple people, trafficking rings, etc. It just doesn't seem plausible, to me.

Im not sure it was her either.
I do think the school left it wide open for anyone to walk in and take a child
but Terri ran the risk of being me she wuld not pick that time to get rid of her step son. Too many ppl know her and them.. But thats just my opinion

Sure she seems suspicious but the woman has some problems and I think would have spilled the beans.
I agree with the posters who have pointed out that TH appeared to try helping to find Kyron initially, I am just not sure of her sincereity in the matter.

Have there been any active searches for Kyron recently? Are there any clues that searchers could re-evaluate?

It occurs to me that we might benefit from concentrated effort for everyone to examine their property (and public areas) on a monthly basis. I live on 1.5 + acres and I don't frequently check out all of my property. (I am not near the Portland area, but it couldn't hurt). I once found a purse tossed on my property (stolen from the neighbor's car down the road), and a knife and backpack on another occassion.

I am just trying to brainstorm ways to help find all of the missing.
There is not one shred of evidence that Kyron is dead. Nothing. The truck she drove that day was towed away and it was examined for evidence and as far as we know they didn't get anything that indicated he died in the truck. If she drove around with him that day deceased going to the FM and the gym, the dogs would have picked up the scent of a deceased person and I believe she would be in jail. They have done lots of searches and they haven't found anything, no shoes, or glasses, blood, clumps of hair, anything. Nothing on her computer that indicated she was searching ways to kill a kid. All we have are the reports of a false Dr appt, or her drinking to acess from Kaine that indicate a change in her personality and the MFH, the sexting, and her failed polys. Just things that say she has something to hid or is guilty of something. That is why I think people should be looking for a live Kyron.
There is not one shred of evidence that Kyron is dead. Nothing. The truck she drove that day was towed away and it was examined for evidence and as far as we know they didn't get anything that indicated he died in the truck. If she drove around with him that day deceased going to the FM and the gym, the dogs would have picked up the scent of a deceased person and I believe she would be in jail. They have done lots of searches and they haven't found anything, no shoes, or glasses, blood, clumps of hair, anything. Nothing on her computer that indicated she was searching ways to kill a kid. All we have are the reports of a false Dr appt, or her drinking to acess from Kaine that indicate a change in her personality and the MFH, the sexting, and her failed polys. Just things that say she has something to hid or is guilty of something. That is why I think people should be looking for a live Kyron.

Me too :fence: still on the fence about TH... I haven't been here to Kyron's forum in such long time either... :innocent: but have checked in for any 'new' news - unfortunately there never is!

Where are you Kyron!?!
Me too :fence: still on the fence about TH... I haven't been here to Kyron's forum in such long time either... :innocent: but have checked in for any 'new' news - unfortunately there never is!

Where are you Kyron!?!

Oh I still think TH did something to make Kyron go missing, just not sure what she did or how she pulled it off. Don't forget there were emails that we didn't get to read but Desire and Kaine got to read and they stated that TH hated Kyron. But do you kill a kid you hate? Can you do it? I know step mothers have a hard job, you are not the mother who gave them life but you are the person who lives with them and does most of what they need done if you have them full=time. You are the person who has to discipline them even though Dr. Phil says the bio parent should do it, but that is not always the case. I was a full-time step mom and it was hard. Terri had to compete with Desire and I can see where that would cause problems. But how much hate can you have against a 7 yr old little boy? I am sure she got mad, but to hate a kid? So what does that say about TH? Did she hate him enough to get him out of her life? What was the problems? We never heard them.
Oh I still think TH did something to make Kyron go missing, just not sure what she did or how she pulled it off. Don't forget there were emails that we didn't get to read but Desire and Kaine got to read and they stated that TH hated Kyron. But do you kill a kid you hate? Can you do it? I know step mothers have a hard job, you are not the mother who gave them life but you are the person who lives with them and does most of what they need done if you have them full=time. You are the person who has to discipline them even though Dr. Phil says the bio parent should do it, but that is not always the case. I was a full-time step mom and it was hard. Terri had to compete with Desire and I can see where that would cause problems. But how much hate can you have against a 7 yr old little boy? I am sure she got mad, but to hate a kid? So what does that say about TH? Did she hate him enough to get him out of her life? What was the problems? We never heard them.

Good question Bern - I have no answer to that one! :waitasec: Some women are just not cut out to be mothers - and I can only guess - she didn't really want to take care of a child that was not her own. I realize she had an older boy - but look - he doesn't live with her either!! Had little Kaira stayed longer - don't know what might have happened to her also! Just guessing! :seeya:
There is not one shred of evidence that Kyron is dead. Nothing. The truck she drove that day was towed away and it was examined for evidence and as far as we know they didn't get anything that indicated he died in the truck. If she drove around with him that day deceased going to the FM and the gym, the dogs would have picked up the scent of a deceased person and I believe she would be in jail. They have done lots of searches and they haven't found anything, no shoes, or glasses, blood, clumps of hair, anything. Nothing on her computer that indicated she was searching ways to kill a kid. All we have are the reports of a false Dr appt, or her drinking to acess from Kaine that indicate a change in her personality and the MFH, the sexting, and her failed polys. Just things that say she has something to hid or is guilty of something. That is why I think people should be looking for a live Kyron.

I don't necessarily think she killed him in the truck. As a CSI fan, she would probably know better.
I think she possibly drugged him, and then dumped him somewhere to die, as awful as that sounds. Or maybe she did have help from someone else with the disposal of his body. But I do not believe Kyron is alive, as sad as that makes me. If he was alive for a period of time after he went missing because TH gave him to someone else, he is probably dead now due to all the publicity.
Kyron was certainly old enough to talk, and remember details.

I know that Tony was convinced of Terri's guilt early on, and I trust his opinion. He is in that unique position of having all the benefits of his training and experience as a law enforcement officer, and the knowledge of events he witnessed as a family member of a missing child. I think his gut instincts kicked in, and he just knew Terri was involved in Kyron's disappearance as events unfolded.
I don't necessarily think she killed him in the truck. As a CSI fan, she would probably know better.
I think she possibly drugged him, and then dumped him somewhere to die, as awful as that sounds. Or maybe she did have help from someone else with the disposal of his body. But I do not believe Kyron is alive, as sad as that makes me. If he was alive for a period of time after he went missing because TH gave him to someone else, he is probably dead now due to all the publicity.
Kyron was certainly old enough to talk, and remember details.

I know that Tony was convinced of Terri's guilt early on, and I trust his opinion. He is in that unique position of having all the benefits of his training and experience as a law enforcement officer, and the knowledge of events he witnessed as a family member of a missing child. I think his gut instincts kicked in, and he just knew Terri was involved in Kyron's disappearance as events unfolded.

I have tried to re enact what she would have had to do in order to leave the school, with the baby, and Kyron, and not be seen with him. Then with the time frame given, be at FM stores, two of them, talk to someone outside, go in look around for medication for the baby, get that coffee she had the reciept for and go off to the gym, unload the baby and all her stuff; all the while her phone pinged at SI not where she told LE she was that day, and in the mist of all of this, she had to kill Kyron and get rid of the body. So ya, she said she drove around with the baby for some 1 and a half, but where, when, and how did she kill Kryon? The most logical thing she did was tell Kyron, "when you are finished with looking at the project, meet me at the side door of the school and I will pick you up for your Dr. apt." Then she leaves, puts the baby in the car seat, drives off. When Kyron goes down to the side exit, he is met by DeDe and she tell him, TH left to get the baby ear medication and I am driving you to the Dr's; she will meet us there, and he gets in and is never seen again. I think LE needs to investatage DeDe and her circle. I don't think DeDe hurt Kyron, but she may have passed him off. Where in that part of the country can you place a child that age and never see him again? I think LDS compounds. There is one being built as I type.
I have tried to re enact what she would have had to do in order to leave the school, with the baby, and Kyron, and not be seen with him. Then with the time frame given, be at FM stores, two of them, talk to someone outside, go in look around for medication for the baby, get that coffee she had the reciept for and go off to the gym, unload the baby and all her stuff; all the while her phone pinged at SI not where she told LE she was that day, and in the mist of all of this, she had to kill Kyron and get rid of the body. So ya, she said she drove around with the baby for some 1 and a half, but where, when, and how did she kill Kryon? The most logical thing she did was tell Kyron, "when you are finished with looking at the project, meet me at the side door of the school and I will pick you up for your Dr. apt." Then she leaves, puts the baby in the car seat, drives off. When Kyron goes down to the side exit, he is met by DeDe and she tell him, TH left to get the baby ear medication and I am driving you to the Dr's; she will meet us there, and he gets in and is never seen again. I think LE needs to investatage DeDe and her circle. I don't think DeDe hurt Kyron, but she may have passed him off. Where in that part of the country can you place a child that age and never see him again? I think LDS compounds. There is one being built as I type.

Maybe you should send your idea to MCSO; I think they probably think of things like compounds, but you never know. Personally I doubt that TH or her friends would have any access to such a place, but you never know. And I would think most of the compounds would not want to attract police attention in any way, for reasons of their own, by accepting an obviously well-cared for child who had to belong to someone.

I wish I could see things your way, but I really believe that if TH had made arrangements, or one of her friends had done so, LE would probably have come across texts, emails, phone calls, even internet history, by now. While they have never said they believe Kyron to be dead, their searching tells a different kind of story, as I don't believe they would do so much dangerous searching as they have done if they were only looking for possible bits of clothing, etc. JMO
Maybe you should send your idea to MCSO; I think they probably think of things like compounds, but you never know. Personally I doubt that TH or her friends would have any access to such a place, but you never know. And I would think most of the compounds would not want to attract police attention in any way, for reasons of their own, by accepting an obviously well-cared for child who had to belong to someone.

I wish I could see things your way, but I really believe that if TH had made arrangements, or one of her friends had done so, LE would probably have come across texts, emails, phone calls, even Internet history, by now. While they have never said they believe Kyron to be dead, their searching tells a different kind of story, as I don't believe they would do so much dangerous searching as they have done if they were only looking for possible bits of clothing, etc. JMO

I know it is hard to grab onto an idea as mine, but I keep looking at that day, what surrounded it and this is the only thing I can come up with. Regarding compounds, they wouldn't know Kyron from any other kid. They don't have TV, the Internet, nothing linked to the outside world. They could have been told that the child's mother wanted him there because he was abused by the father. In TX they had kids there that they kicked out the parents and the kids stayed behind. It was an ugly place as we all know, but what if he is in a place much like a religious compound? I don't think they would look into it, and if they did, where would they start as most people are not allowed in the compounds.
I've never been 100% convinced that Kyron was actually at the school that morning or that people weren't just assuming that because they saw Terri or Kyron's backpack that he was there too. Whether he was or not, my theory is that he said or did something off the chalk line he was forced to walk and ended up severely punished. Everything said in statements shows that he was miserable, over disciplined, mentally abused, and living in a bad situation for quite awhile.
I see Terri as a person who will not take care of things herself. She couldn't divorce Kain or kill him or leave him. She had to get someone other than herself to fix the problem. <respectfully snipped>

I think that this is an interesting point ~ the idea that Terri doesn't like to get her hands dirty doing things herself; except I'm not drawing the same conclusions from it that you are. I think it is possible that Terri or even Terri and DeeDee together handed Kyron off to someone, but not some benign religious nuts with a compound that forbids television ~ more like someone who is a person with inappropriate interest in children.
I think that this is an interesting point ~ the idea that Terri doesn't like to get her hands dirty doing things herself; except I'm not drawing the same conclusions from it that you are. I think it is possible that Terri or even Terri and DeeDee together handed Kyron off to someone, but not some benign religious nuts with a compound that forbids television ~ more like someone who is a person with inappropriate interest in children.

My hope for Kyron is that they did not give him to a pedophile looking for a child. I don't think DeDe would do that to Kyron, really I don't. I think she may have thought Kyron was abused and did this to help and she found a home for him. Now she knows the truth and she can't come forward because she is in up to her eyeballs. But she could cut a deal if she came forward and I bet they would drop all charges if she would give up Terri and tell where Kyron is.
I've never been 100% convinced that Kyron was actually at the school that morning or that people weren't just assuming that because they saw Terri or Kyron's backpack that he was there too. Whether he was or not, my theory is that he said or did something off the chalk line he was forced to walk and ended up severely punished. Everything said in statements shows that he was miserable, over disciplined, mentally abused, and living in a bad situation for quite awhile.

There are eyewittness that saw Kyron at school that day, and one child had his picture taken with Kyron by Terri that morning, so we know he was there.
There are eyewittness that saw Kyron at school that day, and one child had his picture taken with Kyron by Terri that morning, so we know he was there.

Not doubting you, but I have not heard about a child having his photo taken with Kyron on that morning, just that Kyron had his photo taken. Do you have any more info on that? Thanks.
Not doubting you, but I have not heard about a child having his photo taken with Kyron on that morning, just that Kyron had his photo taken. Do you have any more info on that? Thanks.


This was way in the beginning, it was one of his friends, I think the same kid who gave a short interview. I know we had photos of his display and it was also in the Red Eye Tree Frog. I saw his picture on one of the links, but like I said, it was like the first few days into this. I think at some point his face was blurred out, but in the first days, it was not.
Not doubting you, but I have not heard about a child having his photo taken with Kyron on that morning, just that Kyron had his photo taken. Do you have any more info on that? Thanks.

There are at least three threads just about that.

[ame=""]2010.07.03 Sheriff confirms Kyron last seen *inside* school - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Could the photo of Kyron be photo shopped? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Were TH and/or Kyron really at Skyline on Friday, June 4? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Vid from 6/9/10 with the friend speaking about what that last morning was like.

[ame=""]Kyron Horman -OR- :: 6/9/10 No good leads, search continues. Kyron&#039;s friend Tanner describes the last time he spoke to Kyron. video by crankycrankerson - Photobucket@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

This one is from 6/9/10 also:
My hope for Kyron is that they did not give him to a pedophile looking for a child. I don't think DeDe would do that to Kyron, really I don't. I think she may have thought Kyron was abused and did this to help and she found a home for him. Now she knows the truth and she can't come forward because she is in up to her eyeballs. But she could cut a deal if she came forward and I bet they would drop all charges if she would give up Terri and tell where Kyron is.

WOW Bern, Knock my socks off as I don't think I have read a more possible and hopeful theory about what happened to Kyron. Thanks for that as it makes a lot of sense to me. I also agree about Dede.

I drive the freeway out to Forest Grove lately as my G Daughter goes to college there. As I pass by the rolling hills to the North where Kyron disappeared, I always say to myself, 'Where could you be Kyron'?

I catch myself every time, almost saying 'little' { endearment} Kyron, as he is from all I have learned about him a very BIG boy. Maybe small in stature but BIG in creativity, fired up to learn all he could about everything. And always with a smile on his face. We would all be so proud to have such a child as our own. Yea Yea

God Bless him wherever he is this afternoon. xox
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