FL - 17-yo Boy Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #2

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Per CNN this evening...I listened to the audio recording of the 911 call whereby CNN DID NOT edit it in order to give the listening audience the full content without beeps/bleeps. They played it over and over again TEN times. GZ can clearly be heard saying "F---in #oons" - GZ is clearly a racist and targeted this young man because of his skin color. Arrest him already! IMO

I agree. And you might want to self edit that word out of your post. Against TOS to use such a slur, even if just repeating it.
there's one thing i do want to say about the marches....i really wish some more white/hispanic/asian etc faces were seen marching as well. we ALL care and it seems like the majority of walkers are black (at least in photos)....come on "other" races, lets put our feet to pavement too !!!

I was watching a video earlier and there were many people that weren't African American.
At the point that I was watching tonight's march, most of the faces appeared white to me.

Guess we watched two different segments of the march because I see/saw many-many AA's in the crowd...
Per CNN this evening...I listened to the audio recording of the 911 call whereby CNN DID NOT edit it in order to give the listening audience the full content without beeps/bleeps. They played it over and over again TEN times. GZ can clearly be heard saying "F---in coons" - GZ is clearly a racist and targeted this young man because of his skin color. Arrest him already! IMO

ETA: By the way, CNN didn't even edit out the word F-CK. Wonder how that will go over with the FBC...

LOL they didn't edit it out when JOE BIDEN said it either so I don't think the censor folks can complain about others using it on air.....hopefully they warned listeners first of the nature of the recordings so those possibly offended could mute the sound if desired.....
They say in that interview he had his hand on his back then gets up and walking around touching his head and stuff.

Wonder if the bullet went clear through and he got blood on his hands and then got blood on his head from it.
LOL they didn't edit it out when JOE BIDEN said it either so I don't think the censor folks can complain about others using it on air.....hopefully they warned listeners first of the nature of the recordings so those possibly offended could mute the sound if desired.....

They did warn users and I'm glad they didn't edit it because I'm afraid that listeners may not have been able to discern what they were actually hearing - including myself.
They say in that interview he had his hand on his back then gets up and walking around touching his head and stuff.

Wonder if the bullet went clear through and he got blood on his hands and then got blood on his head from it.

Yep....way back some of us mentioned that he could have gotten TM's blood on his head...since the SPD took no photos and we have no medical reports, his injuries are not verified.

My question is, if TM was shot in the chest how did he end up on his stomach with both hands underneath? Something is not right...eh?
They say in that interview he had his hand on his back then gets up and walking around touching his head and stuff.

Wonder if the bullet went clear through and he got blood on his hands and then got blood on his head from it.

I wonder if police bothered to check to see if it was Trayvon's blood.
Per CNN this evening...I listened to the audio recording of the 911 call whereby CNN DID NOT edit it in order to give the listening audience the full content without beeps/bleeps. They played it over and over again TEN times. GZ can clearly be heard saying "F---in _oons" - GZ is clearly a racist and targeted this young man because of his skin color. Arrest him already! IMO

ETA: By the way, CNN didn't even edit out the word F-CK. Wonder how that will go over with the FBC...

I don't think the fact that he called him that proves that the reason he killed him was because he was black. It sounds like there was a confrontation, GZ was injured, and we don't know exactly what happened at the crucial moment(s).
Purely speculation, but MSNBC discussing whether or not GZ could have been an informant, due to the way this case was handled and the fact that his prior charges were dropped.

It's interesting, but wouldn't an informant have to be somewhat involved in some kind of illegal activities?
I don't think the fact that he called him that proves that the reason he killed him was because he was black. It sounds like there was a confrontation, GZ was injured, and we don't know exactly what happened at the crucial moment(s).

It was the reason he was following him, GZ made that very clear, and if he hadn't followed TM and STARTED the confrontation, there would have been no 'crucial moments'.
Purely speculation, but MSNBC discussing whether or not GZ could have been an informant, due to the way this case was handled and the fact that his prior charges were dropped.

It's interesting, but wouldn't an informant have to be somewhat involved in some kind of illegal activities?

That's the way I've understood it worked...they arrest somebody dealing drugs, for example and then get them to inform on his buddies in crime....maybe that's why GZ didn't want anybody invading his territory....my speculation....
I am sorry, I am going to have to step away from this thread for awhile.

I am absolutely shocked at the amount of posters here who appear to be all but blaming Trayvon, a 17 yr old, normal teenager, who has no past record, who was apparently well liked by his teachers, and was murdered in cold blood (IMO) on the way home from buying SKITTLES for his younger brother!

RIP Trayvon and if their is no justice for you on earth, I firmly believe that justice will be abundant in the afterlife.
I am sorry, I am going to have to step away from this thread for awhile.

I am absolutely shocked at the amount of posters here who appear to be all but blaming Trayvon, a 17 yr old, normal teenager, who has no past record, who was apparently well liked by his teachers, and was murdered in cold blood (IMO) on the way home from buying SKITTLES for his younger brother!

RIP Trayvon and if their is no justice for you on earth, I firmly believe that justice will be abundant in the afterlife.

Please be sure and come back, Angelonline! I believe the vast majority of us on here feel that Trayvon was doing nothing wrong and GZ was an over zealous wannabe cop who stalked and shot him. There will be justice for Trayvon. We have to stick together to see that it happens.
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