17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #7

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This is why I have no faith in the media, they have their reasons for this.

This is the picture of trayvon as it appeared naturally, so why are we seeing a picture of trayvon that is much lighter. This picture is from the link above.


I TOTALY AGREE...The picture that really offends me is that little sweet boy photo. It seems to have intentions to deceive. I just wonder why that one was put up at all? And I would also wonder if it can be requested that it not be misused, since that was an old picture.
This has been my number one problem with this case. Don't get me wrong, I think was happened is tragic, because in the end someone has lost their life. But anyone who doesn't think the media has sensationalized this case in a certain way doesn't know how the media works, especially when it comes to big stories like this. I'm sure there are many people outraged and rightfully so, but there are a bunch of others that are also 'following the leader' based on what everyone else is doing. The way the media has steered this story has to be a contributing factor to that.

it is very tragic
They are making it out to be Travon is this innocent kid and GZ is the big bad guy with a gun who shot and killed their son for no reason at all.

Minds have been made up since day 1 that GZ has to pay.

I'm sorry their son is dead but they are rushing to judgement because there son is dead.

If they are going to show some pictures they need to show all the pictures and not just the ones that paint Travon in a good way.

Martin was an unarmed person walking where he had every right to be walking. Zimmerman didn't witness Martin committing a crime, or even doing something that a rational person would consider suspicious. He saw a young black man that matched with his stereotype of a burglar and came to the conclusion that Martin was a criminal. Zimmerman then acted as if he was chasing down someone that he had witnessed committing a crime.

BTW: The photo of the scary black kid giving the finger with both hands that is circulating on the web isn't a photo of Martin. It's just a photo intended to pander to racists.
This is why I have no faith in the media, they have their reasons for this.

This is the picture of trayvon as it appeared naturally, so why are we seeing a picture of trayvon that is much lighter. This picture is from the link above.


What, because some of the pictures are darker that makes it more sinister?

so I guess that means that because someone tweeted TO him something about punching bus driver, that means that he MUST have punched a bus driver right

And because he had a grill and some tats he must have been a right.

And because the parents want to be able to control who and how someone displays images of their child and slogans about his life and death they must just be in it for the money

And because there was a baggie with marijuana residue he must have been a mad junkie, and maybe even a dealer, heck in fact he might not have been going for skittles and tea, maybe he was out looking for drugs right!

Because the family wants pictures of their child that are meaningful to them and ones that they feel shows the beauty of their child and his life even if some of them are of him as a younger child they MUST be trying to put something over on everyone

I have to say that as disappointed as I am with the media at times, because they really don't always get things right, in fact sometimes I wonder if they are actually paying attention with some of the drivel that we get as news, I am far more disappointed in just plain people, who Must realize that Trayvons family are probably at the very lowest point in their lives, they are grieving for a dead child, they are confused as to why he is dead, they are wanting answers as to how this happened and getting da*# little, and at this point, they are being attacked and raked over the coals, their childs every youthful discretion is being used to paint him as a thuggish teen came to the bad end that such thugs are supposed to come to.

I am repulsed and heartsick that people treat other people that way, that there is not more understanding and compassion for a Mother and a Father with a dead child who just want the world to see their beautiful child (who was not perfect) but who they loved in a positive light.

IMO JMHO and stuff
Why can't people get together like this for all the small children that are abused and murdered? Imagine what could be accomplished then.
Actually, we KNOW he was a vigilante and we KNOW he instigated the confrontation. Hell, he even defied police instructions in order to do so. He saw a black kid in a hoodie, and in his mind that was all the provacation he needed.

TM certainly did not misread GZ, he knew the guy was dangerous. He didn't know how dangerous, he didn't know his stalker had brought a gun.

Perhaps, but self defense is not something you can claim without proof -- and it is reasonable to say that someone who stalks, pursues, and confronts an innocent juvenile forfeits any right to such a claim. We teach kids to fight, to attack and kick and bite and scream, but apparently some would have us apply a different standard to teaching black kids.

These folks believe that black kids shouldn't do ANY of that stuff. Black kids should be taught that people are going to suspect them based on nothing more than the color of their skin. Black kids should be taught NOT to fight back, and if a stranger follows them they should stop immediately with their hands in plain sight, and answer any questions the stranger might demand. If they feel forced to fight, they need to be taught that they should never ever attempt to WIN.

Rights? Those are for non-black kids, and they need to know it. Black kids need to know that they don't have the right to not be followed, the right to privacy, the right to do whatever the hell they want up until the point that they break an actual law and are lawfully detained by legitimate law enforcement.

Other than reporting his racist suspicions, which everyone has the right to do, GZ never had the legal authority to do ANY of the things he did. He took that authority upon himself, and he needs to face the consequences.

In my opinion :)

I am not sure about this racist stuff at all.....I am sure that IMO the police needed to investigate that GZ’s account was as he told it.
Sadly based on reading one of the links about Trayvon and one of his dismissals from school ... he did have women’s jewelry and a screw driver in his locker. (oh sure his claim..it was not his) hhhmmm?

Maybe George did not size him up so bad at all. Maybe when he saw him looking at homes in the rain, he had no idea that the kid has some snacks, it just looked odd...
then I have to ask myself would I go out for a snack in the rain? I don’t think I would....
So maybe George was on to something. JUST MAYBE???

The police should have still investigated to be sure it was self defense.
Did you happen to look at the map I put up earlier? He was behind the townhouses.

Yes, but I was responding to this post:
Originally Posted by Yoda
I thought that too but in an original article it said looking for the number. I think that meant address.

Originally Posted by csziggy
But the address are clearly posted on the front of each townhouse next to a light:

GZ claimed he was looking for the number/address. So why was he BEHIND the houses?
I TOTALY AGREE...The picture that really offends me is that little sweet boy photo. It seems to have intentions to deceive. I just wonder why that one was put up at all? And I would also wonder if it can be requested that it not be misused, since that was an old picture.

I thought that Tm was a young looking 17 year old when I saw the photo of him in the red Hollister shirt and now it turns out that photo is a couple of years old.
I doubt GZ saw TM and said "This kid has to die'. I don't think for one minute he actively sought out TM just so he could kill him.

Nor do I.

What I do think is that GZ is an overzealous, bigoted, frustrated vigilante and wannabe cop that took matters into his own hands against the advice of authorities and the outcome speaks for itself.
Where was Mr Obama when Caylee was put in trash bags and thrown in the woods and her mommy walked? He should keep his mouth zipped!

GREAT POST :clap: :clap: :clap:
:waitasec: Vacation?
What, because some of the pictures are darker that makes it more sinister?

so I guess that means that because someone tweeted TO him something about punching bus driver, that means that he MUST have punched a bus driver right

And because he had a grill and some tats he must have been a right.

And because the parents want to be able to control who and how someone displays images of their child and slogans about his life and death they must just be in it for the money

And because there was a baggie with marijuana residue he must have been a mad junkie, and maybe even a dealer, heck in fact he might not have been going for skittles and tea, maybe he was out looking for drugs right!

Because the family wants pictures of their child that are meaningful to them and ones that they feel shows the beauty of their child and his life even if some of them are of him as a younger child they MUST be trying to put something over on everyone

I have to say that as disappointed as I am with the media at times, because they really don't always get things right, in fact sometimes I wonder if they are actually paying attention with some of the drivel that we get as news, I am far more disappointed in just plain people, who Must realize that Trayvons family are probably at the very lowest point in their lives, they are grieving for a dead child, they are confused as to why he is dead, they are wanting answers as to how this happened and getting da*# little, and at this point, they are being attacked and raked over the coals, their childs every youthful discretion is being used to paint him as a thuggish teen came to the bad end that such thugs are supposed to come to.

I am repulsed and heartsick that people treat other people that way, that there is not more understanding and compassion for a Mother and a Father with a dead child who just want the world to see their beautiful child (who was not perfect) but who they loved in a positive light.

IMO JMHO and stuff

THANK YOU! :goodpost: My thoughts exactly.
Where was Mr Obama when Caylee was put in trash bags and thrown in the woods and her mommy walked? He should keep his mouth zipped!

Really? Must we bring up Casey Anthony in every single case?
Where was Mr Obama when Caylee was put in trash bags and thrown in the woods and her mommy walked? He should keep his mouth zipped!

I agree he really shouldn't had made any comments, but to clarify, he wasn't even in office yet when the Caylee case happened.
Martin was an unarmed person walking where he had every right to be walking. Zimmerman didn't witness Martin committing a crime, or even doing something that a rational person would consider suspicious. He saw a young black man that matched with his stereotype of a burglar and came to the conclusion that Martin was a criminal. Zimmerman then acted as if he was chasing down someone that he had witnessed committing a crime.

BTW: The photo of the scary black kid giving the finger with both hands that is circulating on the web isn't a photo of Martin. It's just a photo intended to pander to racists.

And this is how this whole thing got started...... TM is the good kid and GZ is the bad guy who stalked and killed TM for no reason at all.

I'd call it manslaughter, but not murder.
People in this thread have theorized that Trayvon reached for GZs gun... No WAY. That is the first thing GZ would have said! He did not.
Now he's saying he walked back to his car and Trayvon came after him... okie.

Can you please link to his written or recorded video testimony? TIA
Nor do I.

What I do think is that GZ is an overzealous, bigoted, frustrated vigilante and wannabe cop that took matters into his own hands against the advice of authorities and the outcome speaks for itself.

GZ is imo
Overzelous, frusterated, cop wannabe YES. ITA
but, but, but, Bigoted Vigilante is a huge stretch,
and there is no evidence on that at all.
I thought that Tm was a young looking 17 year old when I saw the photo of him in the red Hollister shirt and now it turns out that photo is a couple of years old.

It's still the main photo. I was flipping channels last night and NG as well as my local news website put that photo front and center, right next to the mugshot photo of ZG. That is sensationalism, because the first thought anyone has when they know nothing of the case is 'here is a young sweet looking boy right next to this convict looking person'. I mean, it's a logical first impression.

We live in a country where a majority of people look and make decisions on first glance without reading any details. The media knows this.
This is why I have no faith in the media, they have their reasons for this.

This is the picture of trayvon as it appeared naturally, so why are we seeing a picture of trayvon that is much lighter. This picture is from the link above.


Do you believe the darkness of a person's skin says anything about the person inside?
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